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A Mate for Lazarus

Page 8

by Charlene Hartnady

  Alexandra’s mouth fell open in what looked like a good dose of shock with a side portion of horror. Air returned to Lazarus’ lungs but his hands clasped to fists at his sides. Lance didn’t notice or he just chose to ignore her reaction. From the predatory look in the fuck’s eyes, he took her silence as a yes.

  Lazarus turned to Jenna and tried to smile. “Please excuse me for a second.”

  “Sure.” She smiled back. The waiters filed in with plates and began to serve dinner. A welcome distraction.

  Lance moved in a bit closer. Too fucking close. “If you are, then you’ve come to exactly the right place. If you are…”

  Lazarus moved quickly towards them. He watched as Alexandra visibly jumped, she made a gasping noise which Lance clearly mistook as a sigh of pleasure. Although Lazarus could not see under the table, he knew that the fucker was touching her. He just fucking knew it. The knowledge burned him deep inside his gut.

  “Don’t.” Her blue eyes were stormy. “Let go of me right now.” Her voice was a low growl. Confirmation that Lance had his hands on her. Lazarus bit back a snarl.

  “Apologies.” Lance looked out of sorts. Good! Something eased just a smidgen inside Lazarus. He would allow Lance to live…for now. The fucker moved his hand just as Lazarus arrived behind their chairs. Lance shook his head. “I thought that you…”

  Lazarus moved to his haunches behind them and directed his attention on Lance. “I told you to stay the fuck away from her.” He ignored whatever Lance was about to say and turned to face Alexandra, who noticed him for the first time. Her eyes widened. “I need to speak to you, Alexandra. Now.”

  She shook her head. “Don’t you need to be somewhere?” She glanced towards Jenna.

  Lazarus had to suppress a smile. The female was jealous. She was fucking jealous. That’s what this whole thing was about. It had to be.

  “Don’t,” the little female growled. Growled. He fucking loved it. She was such a little vixen.

  “Don’t what?” He couldn’t help the small grin that formed. Lance had his arms around another female. Already on to the next one.

  “Don’t smirk at me. I don’t like it.” Her cheeks were red. She knew, that he knew, that she was jealous. He all out grinned.

  “Go away, Lazarus.” Her stunning eyes blazed. “Dinner has just been served and I’m hungry.”

  “We need to talk right fucking now. Either we slip out while the waiters are swarming or I will throw you over my shoulder. Which would you prefer?”

  He swore that her eyes flared with interest as he spoke about throwing her over his shoulder. Fuck if it didn’t make his dick rock fucking hard. Thank fuck for his jacket. Lazarus raised his brows when she didn’t answer. There was a part of him that hoped she would refuse. Having her squirming body over his shoulder, would work for him.

  Alexandra nodded her head and made to stand. She grabbed her clutch.

  “Wait.” He paused. “I’ll go first, you follow in a minute or two.”

  Her eyes narrowed and the storm clouds returned to her eyes. “You don’t want your girlfriend to know that we’re leaving together. Look, forget the whole thing. You don’t owe me anything. I get it.” Alexandra tried to sit but Lazarus grabbed her arm, holding her in place. He pulled her towards him and whispered in her ear. “If we leave together, everyone in this room will think that we are going for a fuck. If you’re okay with that then by all means…let’s go. I don’t mind in the least…I assure you.” He pulled back, releasing her arm.

  Her eyes still blazed but her cheeks had flushed red. Hot as fuck. “We have nothing to talk about. Let’s just have dinner and forget about it.”

  Lazarus had to smile. “Two minutes or you will go over this shoulder.” He patted himself there and her gaze followed the movement, heating. Interesting, he would definitely be saving that bit of information for another time. He kept his gaze locked with hers for a few beats to show her that he meant business and then he turned and left.

  Lazarus moved a little ways down the hall and leaned his back against the wall. It was cool there, but it did nothing to douse the raging inferno inside of him. With barely seconds to spare, the door opened and Alexandra emerged, clutch in hand. She looked up and down the hall. Her eyes overly large. He moved out from the shadows and gestured for her.

  Her scent hit him first. Rich, dark chocolate with a hint of chili. Enough to burn but not so much that it overpowered the silky decadence of the chocolate. “What’s so important? Surely it could have waited?” She folded her arms.

  “Not here.” He growled, his gaze moving to further down the hall. They were far enough away for human hearing but not so much where vampires were concerned. The guards didn’t need to know his business and this female sure as fuck was his business. He put his hand to the small of her back and ushered her down the hall.

  They reached the first door, which he opened. It was dark inside which didn’t mean that it wasn’t occupied, it just meant that it wasn’t occupied by humans. Vampires could see perfectly in the dark. The complete silence and a quick scan of the room told him that the area was in fact vacant. Lazarus flipped the switch and gestured for Alexandra to go in. He closed the door and locked it, the hard click reverberated around the room.

  “Is that really necessary?” She looked a little pale and her heart rate picked up.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “Speak to me. You’re confusing the hell out of me. What is it that you want?”

  She frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean. Why are we locked in here?”

  “Relax. I won’t hurt you. I won’t fucking lay a finger on you. I want a few minutes of privacy. I want to understand what the fuck that was all about.” He pointed a finger in the general direction of the dining hall.

  Alexandra huffed out a breath. “I know you won’t hurt me.” She looked at him like he was nuts. “You’re a great big teddy bear. I feel perfectly safe with you. I don’t think this is necessary.”

  He wasn’t sure whether to be seriously pissed or happy that she didn’t see him as a threat. It was refreshing so he decided he would take it. “What happened in that dining hall?”

  She frowned. “What are you talking about? I introduced myself and sat down to dinner…end of story.”

  “No.” He growled, impressed when she didn’t flinch. “I saved you a seat. We agreed that we would get to know each other…” Fuck! He was turning into a pussy. What. The. Hell? “You ignored me and sat next to that fucker instead.”

  “We said we would get to know each other. Yet, you’re acting like you’re my boyfriend or something. Like you have a say in my life. Newsflash…you don’t.” She threw her clutch on a nearby sofa, running a hand through her hair. “There is nothing between us…this isn’t exclusive.”

  “Like fuck it isn’t.” His voice was deep and gravelly. He was so fucking pissed. “You can decide right now, Alexandra. You can go back in there and take your chances on one of the other nine or you can take your chances with me. I don’t share well…not a fuck.” He growled the last.

  “You don’t share well?” She snarled. Her eyes narrowed to tiny slits. “You…” She poked him in the chest. “Don’t share…” Another hard poke. “Well…?” A final poke that would have left a mark if he was human. Her spectacular chest heaved, her dress barely holding her breasts in place. “Eyes up here asshole! You get to fuck around but I need to be at your beck and call…ready to jump when you click your fingers? Is that it?”

  She didn’t give him a chance to say anything. “You listen to me. It’s not going to happen. I say no way…I would rather take my chances out there. So…” A poke in the chest. “You can take your conditions and ultimatums and shove them up your ass and then you can go back to your fuck buddy in there and leave me alone. I don’t share well either, so there. Nuff fucking said.”

  His dick throbbed behind his zipper. It fucking all out throbbed. She was beautiful and sexy when she was happy. She was all out fuck-me-now hot when she was angr
y. Her skin was flushed. Her nostrils flared. Her eyes a dark, stormy blue.

  “I told you that she isn’t my girlfriend.” Lazarus took a step towards her and she took a step back.

  Alexandra rolled her eyes and sighed heavily. “Girlfriend, fuck buddy, whatever. I refuse to be the next notch on your belt. It isn’t going to happen.”

  “Stop saying those things about Jenna. She is my friend. Full fucking stop.”

  “Oh…she’s Jenna.” Her brows went up. “Sarah may have mentioned something about the two of you being friends.”

  Lazarus had to suppress a grin, Alexandra had been asking around about him. She may not want to admit it but she cared. He nodded his head. “Look…it’s complicated. I took Jenna home with me last night but I didn’t touch her. Everyone thinks that we rutted but we didn’t. I haven’t been with any of the humans.”

  She choked out a laugh. “Yeah, right. Next you’ll tell me that Santa Claus is a vampire and that the reindeers are shifters. I know you slept with…at least one of them.”

  Lazarus shook his head…again. This female was infuriating. He took another step forward and she took another step away. A small one, her back hit the wall. He took another step, putting her a breath away from him. “The other human females are afraid of me and Jenna is my friend. I like that you are jealous though.”

  Her mouth tightened and she shook her head so hard that her curls bounced. “No, I’m not. It’s just that you’re wasting my time.”

  “You are jealous and I’m not wasting your time.”

  She narrowed her eyes. He could see that she was still not buying it.

  “I want to get to know you better, Alexandra.” He brushed a wayward strand of hair off of her face and placed his hands on the wall on either side of her head. Her heart rate picked up. “There is something about you that I really like.” He let his eyes move across the delicate features on her face before moving back to her eyes. They reminded him of the ocean. Stunningly beautiful but unpredictable as fuck.

  She made a snorting noise. “Yeah”—she rolled her eyes—“my boobs. You have a thing for them.”

  “Let’s get something straight, I don’t like your breasts, Alexandra. I fucking love them.” Every muscle inside of him clenched. “There is more to this though. Much more. I’m not a part of The Program for a quick fuck. I can get that anywhere…easily. I’m here for more. The question is…are you here for more too?”

  Her eyes flashed with something that looked like panic. Then they locked with his once more. Calm and collected.

  “For the last time, do you want to do this, Alexandra? Before you answer, know that it will be exclusive—”

  She sucked in a breath, wanting to say something.

  “—exclusive for the both of us. I’m glad that you don’t like sharing.” He pushed himself against her, loving how her eyes widened and her pupils dilated. His cock was hard and throbbing and pressed tightly against her stomach. This wasn’t a game. This was the real fucking deal. “I’m glad you were jealous. I was too. The next time any of the others so much as think about touching you, I will break every bone in their fucking hand.”

  The scent of her arousal caught him deep in the nose.

  He had to smile. “The thought of me breaking another male’s hand turns you on?”

  She chewed on her lip.

  “It does, doesn’t it?”

  A small nod.

  Lazarus leaned in so that his mouth was almost touching her ear. “I think we’re going to get along just fine. Now, kiss me.” He leaned back so that he could look into her eyes.

  “No.” She shook her head. “We need to get to know one another. No kissing.”

  “We had an argument. We need to make up. Kiss me.”

  She shook her head. “You argued with me so it stands to reason that you should kiss me.”

  “I can’t believe that we are having the same argument twice in one day.” He raised his brow. “You sure you want me to kiss you?”

  Alexandra swallowed thickly. “What difference does it make? It’s just a kiss.”

  “You asked for it.”

  “Well, technically you asked—”

  He planted his lips onto hers and then sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. The little human groaned. She slid her hands around his waist and pulled him closer.

  Her soft mounds crushed against him. Her little tongue flicked against his lips. Fuck! He nipped at her top lip and deepened the kiss. Alexandra whimpered, rocking her hips. His cock lurched. It wanted at her. In a big, bad way. Her little hands moved up and down his back, closing on his ass. She ground herself against him. Fucking hell! Why couldn’t she behave?

  Lazarus had planned to kiss the fuck out of her but he had also planned to keep his hands on the wall and not to take it any further. Not today at least. Tomorrow was a whole different ball game.

  Plans changed.

  Little Alexandra was wound up so damned tight that she was liable to snap at any second. Then again, so was he. Not much he could do about himself but the tiny human was a total different story. She nipped at his bottom lip, made a growling noise and gripped his ass tighter.

  To fucking hell with it!

  Lazarus gripped her thigh and pulled it up. So fucking lush. Her heel snaked around his leg, opening herself up to him. He made a growling noise low in his throat. His balls tightened up as the scent of her warm, wet flesh grew stronger. He ground himself up against her core and she moaned so loud that it broke their kiss. “Oh…oh…oh…” She cried in time to his movements.

  It had been a long fucking time since he had dry humped a female. No way. It wasn’t going down like this. “I’m going to touch you.” He growled against her lips as he slid his hand up her thigh, his intentions clear.

  “Yeah…mmmhmmm…” She made a garbled noise of approval. Her eyes were glassy, her pupils so dilated that her irises looked more black than blue.

  Her grip on him tightened as he shoved her panties to the side. Alexandra made a gasping noise as his finger breached her pussy.

  Tight as fuck.

  Her walls clamped down around his finger. One fucking finger. The only god send was that she was wet as fuck. He moved in and out of her a couple of times loving the wet, sucking sound it made. Lazarus ground his teeth. Shit but she felt good.

  Her back bowed from the wall and she groaned, her head rolled back. “Oh god…oh my holy fuck…” She gripped him by the wrist. “Jesus…more…more…don’t you dare stop.” She groaned.

  He inserted a second finger. “Fuck,” Lazarus growled. He knew she was small. The tiniest female he had ever seen. He knew she would be tight but this was fucking ridiculous.

  “Oh my fucking lord.” Her eyes were wide. Her breath came in sharp pants. One hand clawed at his back while the other tried to drag his hand closer. Her hips rocked. The little female was riding his hand. Her black dress was up around her hips. Her panties were pink…hot fucking pink.

  Lazarus groaned. His cock wept from sheer delight and sheer frustration. He pushed a little deeper and moved faster at her urging for both.

  “I need to come…make me come…oh god yes…just like that…oh fuck…” She was vocal. He knew she would be. He fucking loved it. “…that’s the spot…that’s the spot…Jesus…”

  If Lazarus wasn’t so fucking turned on, about to come himself and just from watching her, he would’ve smiled. He fucking loved it. Un-fucking-fortunately, all good things had to come to an end. Sweet little Alexandra was begging for release. She needed it so badly that she was shaking. Unable to breathe fast enough or to move fast enough, she couldn’t get enough.

  “You want to come?” He growled, slowing a little.

  Her breathing picked up and her eyes widened as she went into panic mode. She mistakenly believed that he was going to stop. Not a chance. “Yes, damn you. Make me come or so fucking help me…ohhhhh.”

  He slid his thumb over her swollen clit while finger fucking her hard and deep. Her puss
y went from tight to impossible to maneuver inside of.

  Her mouth fell open as she sucked in a ragged breath, then her eyes widened up a whole lot before she all out growled. The growl slowly turned into a high pitched groan. He kept working her, slowly easing off the pressure as she came down. Alexandra slumped against his chest, burying her face against him. He anchored an arm around her to hold her up. She was breathing hard.

  So was he, dammit. Like he’d climbed a mountain or something. If he ever managed to actually get inside her, he would probably come instantly from having his dick squeezed so intensely. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Oh shit.” She pulled away from him, forcing him to release her sweet release her. She leaned against the wall for support. “Dammit.” Alexandra finally looked him in the eye. “That should so not have happened.” She licked her lips as she fixed her panties, wobbling precariously on her heels.

  “Yes it should have.” His voice was deep and gravelly because he was still as hard as fuck. “You really needed that. You’ll be more relaxed now.”

  “We’re supposed to be getting to know one another. That was…sheesh…that was…”

  “Really good…mind blowing…hot…you want to do it again.” He was just playing with her. Seeing her so flustered was a turn on. Everything about this female was a turn on.

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “Yes…I mean no. It was hot but no we can’t do it again. We just can’t.”

  “Why the hell not? It’s like two steps forward and ten steps back with you. No progress is ever fucking made. It pisses me the hell off. You agreed that we’re getting to know each other and that we’re exclusive and that’s fucking final.”

  “That…just now…was not getting to know one another. That was…that was…I don’t know what that was, but—”


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