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Aint too proud to beg sfdg-1

Page 11

by Susan Donovan

  Josie leaned down and kissed Ricks tousled hair. Of course, she said, trying not to laugh. Well discuss this further when were out shopping.

  Rick raised his head, frowning. Were going shopping?

  Josie leaned her head in Genghiss direction. Seventh floor, mens undergarments, she said cheerfully.

  Youre going to have to put her in the car if she cant stop growling, Bea said, thoroughly annoyed with Liliths antics. Were trying to remain incognito, remember?

  If I put her in the car, then shell be whining and barking in addition to growling, Roxie said.

  Doesnt somebody manufacture a soundproof muzzle? Ginger asked. I mean, for Gods sake, theyve invented everything else. I was surfing the Web the other day and found this new poop scoop that scrapes it up, bags it, and ties it closed without you ever having to bend over or touch anything.

  Bea squinted at Ginger in the shadows. Your dogs doo-doo is the size of a Lincoln Log. You could pick it up with a pair of eyebrow tweezers.

  What do you need a contraption like that for?

  Shhh! Here comes somebody! Roxie waved her hand in the darkness under the huge old elm tree. Its a guy! Its a guy!

  Oh, my God, Ginger whispered. She had a man up there. You were right, Bea!

  But wait, Roxie said. How do we know he came from Josies apartment? He could have come from anywhere. He might even live there.

  Bea nodded. Youre right, Roxie. Excellent point.

  A door opened on the second floor of the white stucco building. A curly-haired woman came to the railing of her balcony with a big scruffy dog at her side. Though they didnt need it, the porch light provided some beyond-a-reasonable-doubt illumination.

  The three women under the tree turned to each other and nodded in silent agreement.

  Good night, Rick, Josie whispered in a voice loud enough for anyone to hear.

  The man turned around on the sidewalk and blew Josie a kiss, saying, Till the morrow, sweet Juliet. Then he headed back up the street, hands in his pockets, a swagger in his stride.

  I do not freakin believe he just called her?Juliet, Ginger whispered.

  No ones ever called me?Juliet!

  My God. Did you get a good look at that man? Roxie craned her neck around one of the lower tree branches. Hes absolutely gorgeous. Hottie McHottness.

  Bea glowered at her.

  I meant that in an objective-reporter kind of way, Roxie added.

  And he just called her?Juliet! Ginger repeated. I think Im going to cry!

  For Gods sake, Bea said.

  They watched the man stroll up half the block before a shiny black Lexus pulled to the curb.

  Thats the same car! Ginger said, her voice getting squeaky.

  Then the man Josie had called Rick walked around the front of the Lexus and got in the passenger side.

  The women watched in silence as the shiny black luxury car drove past them quite slowly, the driver acknowledging their hiding place under the elm with a barely discernible nod of his head. The car came to a stop at the intersection before it turned north. Liliths growling escalated.

  I got the plate, Roxie said, already whipping out her cell phone to jot down the numbers. I have a buddy in major crimes who can run it for me tomorrow.

  Good work, Bea said.

  What is going on here? Ginger said, shaking her head in disbelief. Were being followed! That guy in the Lexus is following us! He followed us from the bistro to Josies!

  Or he thinks we followed him, Bea said.

  Ginger took a step back from the tree, pulling her jacket tighter around HeatherLynn. Im scared. I think we should tell Josie shes in some kind of danger, that her so-called Romeo is some kind of criminal or something. We should call the police. This isnt something we should be involved in.

  Bea sighed, straightening from her crouch under the tree. Ginger, we dont know what or who that Rick guy is. He could be on the board of supervisors or a congressman, for all we know. He could be a professional athlete or a friend of her brothers, for crying out loud.

  But were going to find out.

  Roxie clicked her cell phone shut and took a step toward the sidewalk, pulling Lilith along with her. Ive had enough for one night. Ill see you all at the park in the morning, she said.

  Do you think Josie will show? Ginger asked.

  Bea looked up toward the now empty balcony and nodded emphatically. Oh, yeah. Shell show. Shell want us to think everything is status quo, which ought to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.


  The gardener looked shocked to see his employer standing in the doorway, which was understandable. If Bennetts memory served him correctly, and it usually did, the last time he had spoken to Esteban Jaramillo in person was in 1998, when the Newport Garden Club wanted to include the Cummings estate on the annual garden tour. The topic at that meeting had been pruning and mulching, as Bennett recalled. Thats not what he was here for today, however.

  Estebans dark eyes went huge. He removed his baseball cap and wiped his forehead. Good morning, Mr. Cummings, he said, moving away from a workbench and taking a few tentative steps toward the doorway.

  Bennett extended his hand to his employee and tried to smile casually.

  Is there something wrong with the grounds, Mr. Cummings? Esteban swiped his palm on his dirty jeans before he accepted his bosss outstretched hand.

  Bennett sensed how nervous hed made the man and felt guilty. No, no.

  Nothings wrong, Esteban. Everythings wonderful. He glanced around the meticulously organized building euphemistically called the potting shed.

  In reality, the two-story structure was twice the size of a typical family home and featured a green house, two studio apartments, and a six-bay garage that held everything from backhoes and dump trucks to riding mowers, tillers, and stump grinders.

  I… Esteban swallowed hard. We… Carmelita and me… we were so sorry to hear about Miss Margot.

  Bennett straightened and nodded. He rarely pondered what his house staff thought of him and his family, but hed always assumed they observed them with disdain and fear in equal measure. The rich were always a puzzle to those who worked for them.

  Thank you. Bennett cleared his throat. The truth was, he felt as awkward as Esteban. And your family? How is your family?

  Oh! Estebans eyes lit up. Excellent, Mr. Cummings. Thank you. Rodrigo, our oldest, is in his second year at the Rhode Island School of Design.

  Hes getting straight As.

  How fabulous, Bennett said, not knowing who the hell Rodrigo was but feeling vaguely proud that his gardeners son had made it into the one of the countrys premier art schools. And his field of study?

  Estebans eyes went wider. The man was obviously growing suspicious of the conversation, since Bennett had never given a rats ass about him, his wife, or his kids during the more than two decades hed been under his employ.

  Computer animation, Esteban said, shifting his weight awkwardly, then shrugging. You knowcartoons.

  Of course. Wonderful. Bennett cleared his throat again. Well, Esteban, do you have a moment? I have a proposition for you. It may sound rather strange, but I was hoping we could come to an agreement.

  Estebans eyes narrowed. He shoved his ball cap into the front pocket of his jeans and motioned for Bennett to have a seat at the long wooden table in the main room of the shed. Bennett imagined this was where the crew ate their tortillas and whatnot for lunch.

  His head groundskeeper took a seat across from him, and Bennett noticed that the change of venue had created a sense of equanimity between the two men, which amused him.

  Esteban, I appreciate all your years of service.

  The gardener fell back against the chair. Youre firing me.

  No! No! Bennett laughed awkwardly. Of course not.

  Esteban put his palms flat on the surface of the table, his face losing much of its earlier friendliness. What, then, can I do for you, Mr.


  Bennett took a deep b
reath. In all his years of business he had never underestimated an adversary, and that approach had served him well. He had a feeling that this little arrangement with Esteban Jaramillo the gardener would require nothing less.

  I want your car, Esteban.

  For a second, the mans face was blank. Then it lit up with amusement and he laughed. The /Buick/?


  But He stopped laughing. I hadnt really thought about selling the Buick, Mr. Cummings. Me and Carmelita are still using it because we gave our Jeep to Rodrigo, you know, to take to school.

  Bennett waved the details away. You wont be without transportation. He reached into the inner pocket of his sports jacket and pulled out the folded papers. This is the title to my 2009 Escalade. Its already in your name.

  Estebans mouth turned to stone. He blinked. His shoulders went rigid. Why?

  Bennett pushed the title toward his gardener. Im giving you the Escalade in appreciation of your fine work over the years.

  Twenty-six years, Mr. Cummings, Esteban said.


  And then what?

  You put your Buick in Bay Number 6 and forget about it. You never even notice if its no longer there.

  Esteban said nothing. He made no move toward the title. His eyes stayed focused on his employers face. The Escalade plus ten thousand dollars in cash, his groundskeeper said, his voice as flat as the tabletop. Trini, our daughter, is going to college next year. She got accepted to Prince ton. The money would come in handy.

  Bennett had to laughit seemed everybody was a hustler at one level or another, even out here in his own potting shed. Ill have the cash to you in three hours. Now, Id like the keys to the Buick, if you please.

  Esteban got up from the straight-backed chair and walked to the pegboard near the door. He snagged a key ring dangling from the top left hook, then came back and tossed it onto the table. You have to jiggle the shift when you put it in reverse, he said.

  Bennett nodded.

  AndIm not going to lie to you, Mr. Cummingsit needs a new alternator.

  Doesnt matter.

  Esteban looked down on his boss, smirking. The gardener picked up the paperwork, scanned it, then held out his palm. Bennett dug into his pants pocket for the Escalade keys. He handed over the gaudy platinum key fob, enjoying the huge smile that spread across Estebans face at the sight of it.

  Two hours for the cash, right? Esteban asked.

  Actually, I said three hours.

  Make it two.

  Bennett chuckled. A man named Milton will be here in two hours. Hes my attorney.

  Will you already be gone?

  Bennett stood, meeting his gardeners steady gaze. I am not feeling well, Esteban. The flu, I believe. Ill be recuperating for a couple of weeks and wont be seeing anyone. He turned and headed out the door.

  Get well soon, then, Mr. Cummings. Esteban waited till he got a few yards away and added, And have a safe trip.

  Oh, I guess I just fell asleep reading, Josie said aloud, pulling into the first parking spot she found near Dolores Park. No. She didnt like the way that excuse soundedtoo flippant.

  Drinks were /last/ night? Oh, my God! I thought it was /next/ week we were getting together! No, she hated how snooty that one sounded, like she had so many obligations that she couldnt keep track. Besides, no one with an iPhone could get away with that, not when alarms were going off every fifteen minutes to remind you to call your mother, or stop off at the grocery after work, or to start your period every fourth Sunday.

  Josie cleared her throat and gave this one a try: I am so sorry. I should have called you guys. I think I got food poisoning from a bad batch of eggplant.

  Yuck. Besides, her recipe had a bad enough rep as it was.

  With a sigh, Josie got out of her Honda CR-V and fetched Genghis from the back, hoping a perfect excuse would come to her spontaneously. She spied Bea and Ginger waiting at the top of the hill, and prayed her spontaneity would be the instant kind.

  This is ridiculous, she mumbled to herself, gathering up the leash. Shed just tell them the truth. Sure, theyd be hurt and angry, but theyd get over it. Eventually her friends would have to be happy for her.

  Suddenly, Roxie was at her side, joining her for the walk up the hill.

  Genghis tried to give Lilith a friendly sniff but the muzzled she-devil growled.

  Morning, Rox. How are you?

  There was no response. Josie peered closer into her friends face, her chances of getting any information severely reduced by the oversized dark sunglasses.

  Rox? You okay?

  By that time, Ginger and Bea had reached them at the hills halfway point. With a shaky hand, Roxie ripped off her sunglasses to show them that, no, everything was not okay.

  The papers going to fire me, she said, her lips trembling.

  What? Ginger put a hand on Roxies arm. Why? Thats ridiculous! Youre one of the best reporters we have! Are we into another round of newsroom layoffs?

  Roxie shook her head. Kenny called me last night at home. Its just me, no one else. She sniffed. It seems the board complained about my Web site again.

  Just ignore the little weenie, Bea advised.

  Roxie shook her head and choked back tears. Kenny is the city editor, Beamy boss. And hes dead serious. He already warned me once and I blew him off.

  Josies eyes went wide. Really? When did that happen?

  Roxie shrugged. Last month. Kenny told me the board decided my Web site /?jeopardizes the integrity of the newspaper/ or some shit like that and, more importantly, they think it violates my contract.

  How? Ginger asked.

  You knoweveryone on staff agrees not to work for a competing media outlet, and thats what they think Im doing.

  Bea laughed. The last time I looked, [] wasnt a general-circulation daily newspaper.

  Ginger agreed. All you do is provide irrefutable evidence that men are pigs, not just in America, but all over the world. Youre providing a vital public service.

  Roxie sniffed. Yeah, well, thanks. Unfortunately, the board doesnt see it that way. They told me last month to shut it down and I said I would, but, obviously, I didnt. So I have a meeting with them next Wednesday at ten.

  Thats just like them to make you sweat bullets for a week, Bea said, shaking her head. Ill sniff around and see what I can find outthey might just be blowing smoke up your ass.

  Thanks, I guess, Roxanne said, looking into the faces of her friends.

  When she reached Josie, she tilted her head slightly and gave her a quizzical frown.

  Josie knew this was her opening. Listen, guys, theres something I need to But Roxie chose that moment to burst into tears. First Raymond and now this! she cried. In a few days Ill be unattached /and/ unemployed! What have I ever done to deserve such a craptastic life? Somebody tell me!

  Josie followed her friends lead and plopped down to the grass. Bea and Ginger followed, and the women gathered close as Roxie cried. They sat like that for about five minutes, watching as the sun cleared the rooftops, spilling light onto the brand-new day.

  Bea was the first to speak. She put her hand on Roxies shoulder and said, Were right here, Rox. whatever you need, you let us know.

  Thats right, Ginger said, patting Roxies back. Were all going to get canned eventually, with the way the newspaper business is floundering.

  So well be strong together. Well get through this together.

  Do you want us to go in there with you next week? Josie asked.

  Roxie shook her head and laughed. I dont think having my girl-power posse along would improve the situation.

  Just then, Lilith let loose with a snarling growl, low and intimidating despite the muzzle. A dog park regular had just arrived with his male husky.

  Shhh, girl. Quiet. Roxie stroked Liliths short wiry hair. Give it a break, why dontcha?

  Lilith began frothing.

  Ive got an idea, Ginger said, sounding cheerful. Take little ole Lil
ith here into the board meeting with youbut forgo the muzzle. Let her release all her pent-up aggression once and for all!

  Their laughter rose and fell, then faded into a round of sighs, Roxies the loudest. After a few moments, they rose from the grass and continued their walk. With every step, Josie saw how Roxie teetered on hysteria even as she talked on and on, preparing for the battle that lay ahead.

  Josie figured her confession could wait a few days, at least until Roxies crisis had blown over. The last thing her friend needed to hear right now were the details of Josies miraculous discovery of her soul mate, the millionaire tattooed love god whod introduced her to true passion and mind-blowing sex. Josie figured a girl needed to be in a stable frame of mind to hear that kind of news from her best friendespecially when that friend had taken a vow of solidarity to be done with men forever.

  Ready for a refill?

  Rick dragged his gaze from his laptop screen to find Teeny hovering over his desk, yet again. This time hed brought in the coffeepot. Ten minutes ago the interruption had been about a problem with the security cameras at the ranch. Ten minutes before that, Teeny had come in to inform him that theyd set a date for the corporate backpacking retreat.

  Rick sighed deeply. All right. I surrender. Shut the door, man. I cant stand this another second.

  Teeny ran a flawless pattern to the door and back, then slid into a chair by the window, where he crossed his legs casually and asked, So, is there something in particular you wanted to talk about? His eyes twinkled as much as his diamond stud earring.

  You should have been in a sorority, Rick said, shaking his head and laughing.

  Tell me about it.

  Rick closed his laptop and laced his fingers behind his head, still chuckling. It must have been torture for poor Teen last night, because the instant Rick got in the car, he told his friend he wasnt going to talk about his evening with Josie, that he needed some time to think things over first.

  Teeny had shrugged like the topic was the furthest thing from his mind, and hed driven Rick to Pacific Heights in silence.


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