Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance

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Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance Page 3

by Kerry Leigh

  I chuckled, gulped some of the crisp wine and dropped my bag on the table.

  “This taste lovely,” I complimented. “Where did you get it?”

  She gave a half shrug and opened the fridge door. “Hm, this is the 2016 Isla Negra red wine,” she read out the label lazily.

  I leaned forward and sniffed the wine’s rich, sweet scent in my cup. “Hmm, I can taste the tartness in the red grapes. How long have we kept it in the fridge, Kait?”

  Kaitlin shut the door and swirled her glass. “I’ve always told you the best wines are kept in plastic boxes. How else are we supposed to preserve the acerbic, possibly moldy taste?” She said with a hint of sarcasm.

  When I took a slow sip, my eyes shot up. “Ah, you’re right. What a great flavor.”

  After that we ended up roaring in laughter.

  “So, spill!” Kaitlin started once she settled down.

  I looked down at my wine cup and eventually took my second sip of the languid drink this evening. “The interview went… well. At least it was different than I expected. So, I got there late. from what we talked about, they expect a lot from me and I may have panicked and gone off script. You ever feel instant regret after saying something?”

  “Nope. I say what I mean and mean what I say.” She took a gulp of wine and settled her cup on the table.

  “That doesn’t matter. I know you’re exactly what they’re looking for, so a little lateness is nothing.” She put her wine down and looked at me with sincerity. “And then you aced the interview of course?”

  “We started friendly enough.” I let my eyes drift around the room.

  Kaitlin blinked her eyes slow and melodramatically as if she couldn’t believe what I said, then folded her arms around her chest.

  “When she brought up things about myself, I got sassy with her, I mean she thought Jake Gyllenhaal was an asshole.”

  Kaitlin gave a humph. “You’re goddamn right.” She said, almost too seriously. “Talk about Jake and see what happens.”

  “I’m sure you’ll love it when I’m still in Sharon's, working there for months without moving into the kitchen. All because I couldn't tell her what she wanted to hear.”

  “Shit. Don’t think about it that much babe,” Kaitlin sighed. “It's not like she gave you a categorical no.”

  “A little column A, A little column B. She asked me if I was really prepared for the course. But she also had many other applicants and they’d call me once they made their decision."

  “Hmm, then we wait!” She exclaimed. “So, let’s just wait for the great news.”

  Ever the optimist. Never change.

  I took one last gulp of wine and reached out for a cracker.

  When I was about to bite into the crunchy goodness, my ring tone shout out into the apartment. In my seat I looked at the phone flashing on the table and froze stiffly.

  “C’mon, Jess,” Kaitlin said. “You’re going to lead me to an early grave. Just, calm down.”

  I nodded, listened to her, and reached out for my phone to read the caller ID. Ah. It was private. I rocked in my chair and pulled a strand of hair behind my ear. The number - it was my interviewer, Amara.

  So, it could be anything. Hell, it could even be Katie asking me to take on one of her shifts.

  “…Hello? Jess Anders speaking.”

  “Ms Anders, I hope it’s not too late. It’s Amara Cline.”

  My face blanched. Kaitlin coughed on her wine, and I knew she definitely noticed my stunned face.

  “Yes… Hi Mrs Cline.”

  I said. “I just returned home - I didn’t expect a call so soon.”

  Her cheery giggle resonated through the line. “Well, you left quite the impression and I had to make a decision swiftly.”

  My chest seized, my mind and body were working at different speeds.

  “Ms Anders the bakery institute is delighted to offer you a space on the course. Your interview was… inspired and so I decided to put you ahead, there are a lot of other spaces but I can tell you that you’re on the course.” She said warmly. “Really, that adjustment to the recipe was really amazing, I could feel your passion through the effort you put in. So, I can’t wait to see what you can do with tutelage and resources."

  “Oh my god, thank you! Thank you so much! You’ll never regret this I swear” I stuttered nonsensically. “I just so pumped up to get started!”

  “I’ll send the details to your email, and the course starts in a month.”

  “Does that sound good?”


  “It was good seeing you.”

  “By-” I said.

  But the phone cut off, apparently the charge had run out. I hung my head in dejection. I didn’t have her number … and the next time she rings me…

  “So, you got on the course,” She said, satisfied.

  I shrugged as if it had all come easy to me. “I got the place.”

  She got off her chair and gave me a long hug. And then I remembered all the memories of us spending nights cooking, her testing my concoctions and being there during my worst days. The warmth spread and everything felt all right.

  “It’s Friday night.”

  “… so it is.”

  “And you’re not working tomorrow.”

  “Right,” gritted my lips, and tapped my fingers as I worked out where she was getting at.

  She smirked, cheeks filling red with naughtiness or because the wine got to her.

  “Ah we should celebrate.” Then she pointed her finger at me and shouted. “We’re going to the club!”



  I steeled my body, expecting the music and lights to overload my senses, but I was wrong. The club felt relaxed. Warm. Passing through a small corridor, we took our first look at the club. There was a tidy bar, which stood on the left, and behind it was twenty tables with beautiful, upholstered booths. I couldn’t say the club was packed, but each table had at least couple of people having a good time. The club had been adorned in navy blue colors and the lighting was poor due to the black bulbs. Against the back wall was a lit-up stage. And a second floor hovered over our heads, and I could see the vague outline of table and a couple faceless shadows moving around the ledge.

  Kaitlin took my hand and gave me a bright smile. Something about Heat, had left a charming, seductive impression on me and I had only taken a couple steps inside.

  I took Kaitlin’s hand and we walked down the steps and across the floor until we reached the bar.

  “What would you ladies like to drink?” The bartender asked.

  After ordering two cocktails and two shots of Jägermeister, Kaitlin and I sat on two stools.

  Whenever we went clubbing, we had to rub against a dozen people and shout into the bartender’s ear so he could, maybe, hear our order. But everything about this place was different. Here, I felt like all the stress began to lift off my shoulders.

  “I’ve got to admit this is actually nice. Where are we anyway?” I asked.

  Kaitlin snorted. “See, if you open yourself up to new things you’re bound to run into a surprise. Or a cute boy. We’re in Heat. It’s a new club I got an invite from a friend. But this night is for you. Cheers, Jess.” Kaitlin held her martini up to mine and we clinked glasses.

  Alcohol fuelling me, I turned my shoulder and peeked around the bar.

  “See?” Kaitlin said bashfully. “Told you this night would be awesome.”

  “Alright. This place is great.” I gushed.

  And that was when I noticed the stage was getting prepped. Lights shot up and smooth music rang out. My gaze shifted to the corner of the stage, where I spotted a piano and a pianist, whose hands fluttered other the keys striking a soft chord.

  A beautiful woman clad in a tight, fire engine red dress sauntered onto the stage. She moved an exotic fan and started her dance, which looked intense and pleasurable, as if her muscles were full to the brim with vitality and she had to share it with the crowd. Smiling, m
y eyes were wide and curious. I couldn’t tell what it was. Maybe something a little closer to burlesque than high art. but not quite. She moved with a passion and verve as if she belonged to the stage, owned and wanted to make passionate love to it. Each step looked as if she took great effort - but also like the most pleasurable thing in the world.

  I placed my drink on the bar, and, while I did, I felt an uncanny feeling as if someone had their eyes locked on me. Whether I was deranged, or there was some force of nature compelling me, I turned my head up and to the right and there was a man. Staring at me. He was on the second level and his hands clutched the railing. Face covered by shadow. But I felt his stare through the darkness, boring into my body and inspecting my soul.

  The pianist continued started to play the first notes, with the music channelling through the club. I gave a second glance at my stranger’s shadowed face, thinking if he could see me, why wouldn’t he talk to me. Come talk to me, it feels better than having someone stare lasers into my back. My head felt spaced out, but I felt a tinge of excitement.

  The song finished and I leaned my head toward my drink. I could feel a thin sheen of sweat on my hands, and my heart pounded against my chest. This was not a good turn of the events. As if linked in a strange dance, I stared back at the man.

  Nope. The club, the ambiance felt right at home with how I was feeling tonight. The moment I walked in with Kaitlin, I was struck by the atmosphere. A club like this in New York was a welcome surprise. Although it was the opening night, and I guess a lot of magic can happen.

  The room erupted in claps for the sensuous performance. All the while, I harmlessly turned my head toward the second floor, yet my stranger had disappeared. I gulped and rapped my fingers against the counter top. I know it sounds crazy but in the space of a couple moments I made a space in my heart for the man up ahead of me.

  I moved closer to Kaitlin and brought my lips to her ear. “I need to use the bathroom.”

  In a daze, she had been staring at the stage, but then she shook her head and looked back at me. “Want company?”

  “I’ll be alright thanks. Be back in a minute.”

  Getting up, I took my red clutch and glanced around, walked into a short hallway and followed the lights. I turned the handle on the Ladies’ room door and stopped at the powder station. I took notice of my reflection as I stopped in front of the beau?

  My face had dots of sweat, my cheeks had a red flush but my mouth had curved into a slight smile. I couldn’t tell whether my face told a story of panic or desire.

  After a couple moments, I took papers from the side container, and slowly brushed the sweat at the small layer of sweat. I looked decent once more, after I applied makeup.

  But something just wasn’t there. My stomach felt like I had a stone in it, and I felt dizzy imperceptibly dizzy.

  It had been too long since I felt my nerves flutter. I missed having a man in my life. Though didn’t chose it, I embraced the path ahead. It was so obvious. How couldn’t I have seen it? There was no time for me. My entire being was wrapped up in my relationship with Tucker. By the time he broke up with me I was barely managed to pay rent with two jobs. Not to mention taking on extra shifts to impress my fuck up manager, Erik. And then there was Tucker. Tucker hadn’t been in contact for over fourteen months. That break up from nowhere left me reeling, and my desire to take any date offers were lacking.

  I don’t want to feel torn up inside. I wanted to laugh and smile and be with a man that was proud of me. But that was a thought I usually pushed to the back of my mind.

  Overcoming my momentary hopelessness, I took my lipstick, mascara and a couple papers and neatly pocketed them into my bag. I wanted to celebrate tonight, for the future. But I had ended up drudging up the past.

  I exited the bathroom and took a couple steps before I stopped as someone looked like they were walking toward me. A tall man stopped in front of me.

  His aura was familiar, yet attractive like a force of nature drawing me in. Inescapable. His eyes raked over my body like I was naked. And everything stopped. The air. The world. But my lips curved into a smile.



  She had full lips and bright auburn hair. She looked she looked radiant. Yes, that was the right word, radiant. Her eyes gleamed of playfulness, and she looked beautiful. So desirable, that maybe I could forget myself for one night. No. To begin with, letting go of the tension had landed me in this situation. After a couple moments her face signaled something resembling curiosity. Then her head rose almost unconsciously. But with so much grace it seemed like she knew my presence before I even arrived. Her green eyes were so bright and almost defiant, I just had to talk to her. I’m going to make the initiative.

  It just so happened being ballsy and dangerous was a habit I had worked on. Quite nicely.

  “The show was something huh?” I said, slightly leaning on the balls of my feet.

  She took a deep breath. “Oh, it was lovely.” Her tone was melodic but I tell there was a sharpness underneath.

  “Yeah, they have a performance every week.” “Logan Clayton. I come here a lot, and I take notice of new faces. Especially cute ones.”

  “Ah.” In that mono-syllable I found doubt, doubt I hoped to conquer and replace with lust.

  “And I have to say, my head turned the moment you walked through the door.”

  Her arms fell to her waist, and she broke contact with our gaze.

  I liked women who went after their desires, usually me, but she was refreshing, whoever she was. I got unusually pure vibes from her.

  Then taking a look at her killer body, and I knew my search tonight was over. This girl, this gorgeous girl was heading home with me. And I knew we would have sweaty, aching fun,

  I gave out my hand, and for a moment she looked at it, then bit her lip in indecision.

  Ever since that debacle with my father things hadn’t been easy at all. And this encounter looked like it was heading in that direction as well.

  “Relax,” I said jokingly, “I don’t bite. Besides, you look like you’re here with all your friends."

  Her lips folded into one line for a moment, as if she was going to laugh. Then her eyelashes rose brightly. “My best friend. I’m here with my best friend.”

  He nodded and his eyes shone with a brilliant idea. “I’ll get you a table upstairs.”

  Her cheeks grew the slightest shade of pink then for a moment, her breathing chest pulsing, as I moved closer.

  “You don't need to do that.”

  “I want to.”

  She hadn’t moved a muscle, and I knew she was reacting to my presence. It could be good or she could be getting ready to attack and flee. But that second option had never happened to me. She licked her lips and looked at me more strongly, hell, it wouldn’t surprise me if her blood was rushing right between her legs. And yet, for some cantankerous reason, she wouldn't’ move one step.

  I settled my gaze into her green eyes, seeing if she would turn down my little favor once more.

  With a single step, h she instantly lightened up and placed her hand on my forearm.

  “My name is Jess.”

  Jess. I let her name rest in my mind for a second.

  “We’ll find your best friend and get this night started.”

  Jess led me to the bar, as her roommate sat, entranced by the music and gave introductions. A nod and turn of my head up north let the bouncer know I wanted a table free.

  He unleashed the red rope barrier and I led the way for Jess and Kaitlin.

  The best friend was just as sexy as Jess, but she seemed put together in a way that was intolerable to me. She didn’t have a sense of wildness, or danger like Jess. I didn’t know whether she was totally innocent or just whether today was a once bad day and she was on guard for whatever reason. She was a challenge, something I needed to take my mind of my impending doom.

  Lounging into soft couches, the dance music overtook the piano and bass shook the floo
rs and reverberated into my skin. I decided to come to this opening night, apparently it was a classier establishment, something graceful where I could take my mind of things.

  A waitress came out of the shadows and impressed a bucket upon us with some vodka and mixed a couple drinks for us. She left the alcohol, soda water and a couple mixers in a bucket of ice. So at least that was nice. With a bright smile on my face I made myself comfortable and took a look at the young women sitting opposite me.

  Kaitlin took a rather large gulp of her drink and placed her forearm on the edge of the couch. Jess, God bless her heart, took a light sip, needing the liquid courage. Best friends as they were, they were antsy and likely wondering why they decided to party with me tonight.


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