Every Bitch Has A Secret
Page 8
“You okay?”
“Naw the nigga just flipped out on me and broke it off.”
“Damn girl. I’m sorry.”
“He got the nerve to be at some other bitch house right now.” She spat.
“You followed him?!”
“Hell yeah I did. I know where this bitch lives and what kind of car she drives. I seen her before at the funeral.”
“What she look like?”
“Black hair...funny lookin eyes…I didn’t get a real close look from the car. Shapely and she looked mixed with something like Dominican or Puerto Rican. You know how they be lookin.’” She described.
“Only person that kinda comes close to that was that bitch’s friend. I forget her name starts with a T.”
“Oh so that’s Tammy. Yeah that bitch was next to the mom at the funeral and kept giving me side eyes with the sister, Carmelle. What kind of name is Carmelle?” Sam sat down and tickled Michelle’s neck causing her to squeal.
“No class havin’ people.”
Josefina stared out the windows of her store, unaware of the customers. Several of her workers picked up on her mood and kept people away from her. Losing Madison, put her in a small stage of depression.
“Senora Gonzalez where do you want the blue silk? It just came in.”
“On the shelf behind the counter. Thank you Melody.” The store clerk nodded and went to place the pallet. Tammy walked in, making the door ding.
“Hi sweetie. How are you?”
“I’m fine. My job forced me to take days, so I’m doing it. Need some clothes. I’m goin’ to go to San Diego to visit Esperanza and Miguel.”
“Family time. Cherish it honey.”
“Yes. Need help?”
“Of course not. Quit tryna keep yourself busy and relax as your job told you.” Josefina laughed. Tammy rolled her eyes and came behind counter.
“You killin’ me Josefina.” Josefina folded the shirts in front of her.
“Have you heard from Ty lately? I want to make sure the boy is okay. He doesn’t look too good these days.” The door dinged again.
“He came by my place last week after gettin’ into with the new girlfriend. He found out something he wasn’t too happy about so I don’t know where his head at these days.” Tammy said.
“Inside of you.” Tammy turned around.
“Excuse me?!”
“Yeah. You heard me.” Sam didn’t stand down.
“Are you followin’ me now?”
“Samantha is a regular Tammy.” Josefina informed.
“There and don’t try to deny you’re not sleeping with Ty. I saw you two.” How the fuck she know?!, Tammy thought.
“You didn’t see shit. He needed someone to talk to so I gave an ear. He’s my friend and been my friend before you came around. So don’t be goin’ around accusin’ me of shit when you mad that he found out about you and Sutton sick little plan and what y’all did to Mattie.”
“What plan?”
“Josefina. Ty found out that Sam here is Sutton’s cousin. You know the one Mattie was seein’. They set up Mattie and Ty, so Mattie would find Ty with Sam and hurt Mattie. You know the rest.” Josefina gasped, covering her mouth.
“Get out.” She told Sam.
“Oh. You wanna go there Tammy. I got you.” She left the store in a hurry. Her threat didn’t sit well with Tammy.
“She’s fuckin’ nuts.”
“Tammy calm down. She’s gone and won’t be allowed back.”
“I think I’m going to head out today to San Diego.” She rushed out the store.
“Tammy! Tammy wait!” Tammy was walking to her car. Reaching into her pocket to grab her keys, she stopped and looked down. The green accord came hurdling at her. She looked up a second too late.
Josefina was placing money in the register when she heard the screeching tires and the sound of a crash. Someone had screamed. She rushed outside to find Tammy, laying face down in the parking lot in a pool of her blood. Josefina fell to her knees and let out a scream.
Chapter 12
Ty sat on the hood of his limo while Gary was under the hood of his, changing the oil.
“So you gon tell me?”
“Tell what? What’s to tell?”
“Nigga you been duckin’ me since I dropped you off at ol’ girl crib. So what’s up nigga? You hit or what?” Ty started laughing.
“There you go. Why I always gotta do something if I go over a female’s house.”
“Cause you do. Now what up.” Ty looked around and scooted forward, lowering his voice.
“I think she was a virgin.” Gary stood straight up.
“You a fuckin’ lie!” He shook his head.
“Naw bruh.”
“Untapped resources...damn I should I made you gimme that number. Rare to come across one in LA.” Ty’s phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Josefina.
“Hi. How are you?”
“Ty. There’s been an accident. It’s Tamela. She was hit by a hit and run driver. There was blood everywhere. She’s on her way to the hospital. You should stop by there something you need to know.”
“She’s okay?”
“I don’t know. Stella you’re in charge. I have to go.” The line went dead.
“Shit! Fuck!”
“What? What?” Gary asked, concern.
“Tammy was stuck by a hit and run driver. I gotta go.”
“I’ll come with you.” They got into Gary’s truck and head towards the hospital. Tammy didn’t really have any enemies. Who would hurt her? They sprinted to the front desk when they got inside.
“Ty.” Josefina waved him over to the coffee machine she was standing by. She was clearly shaken up. “I don’t want to go through this again. It’s too soon.”
“I know.” He gave her a hug. “What happen?”
“You know your girlfriend. She came in today. She got into a fight with Tammy. Words were thrown. Who is this girl, huh? I find out she cause my Mattie heartache. Now Tamela being struck by a car.” Ty’s gut suspicion was confirmed. They waited for the next two hours until a doctor approached the waiting area, calling out for the Morrison family. They stood quickly.
“How is she?”
“Ms. Morrison sustained a broken leg. She doing well. No crack ribs. A serious gash on her forehead where most of the blood came from. We are watching for internal bleeding but as of right now she shows no signs.”
“Where is she?”
“Recovery Room 3. She still hasn’t woke up yet, but you’re welcome to go in and see her.”
“I’ll wait here.” Gary said. Josefina and Ty walked down the hall to Tammy’s room. A nurse was inside checking her vitals. Tammy was in the bed. Her leg hoisted in the air in a stiff cast.
“Are you her mother?” the nurse asked.
“I called and her mother is on her way. I’m her surrogate mother for all other purposes.” Josefina replied, going to the bed.
“She’s going to need a lot of support and her love from family.” Ty stood in the back of the room, chest heaving up and down heavy. Something had to be done and he would do it. Quietly, he slipped out the room.
Sam pulled into his driveway, smiling to herself. Her green accord was shining again thanks to a quick wash. She hope she killed the bitch, getting loud and bold cause she fucked Ty. Well now bitch I just fucked you, she said in her mind. She opened the door to her house and went inside. After closing the door, she turned to see Ty sitting on her couch. Her heart almost jumped out her chest.
“Ty! You scared me. What are you doing here?” Does he know? “I just came back from the doctor with the flu unless you want to catch it and miss work you should go.” He stood and approached her.
“I know what you did. Every. Single. Fuckin’. Thing.”
“What’s the
re to know Ty? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now you need to leave my house, showing up like this. Didn’t you break up with me last week?”
“Don’t stand there and lie to my face. Thanks to you, Tammy is fighting for her life and has a broken leg.”
“Ty, I don’t know what you are talking about?” She lied. He slammed her against the door. Sam stood, there shaken. “T-Ty what are you doing?
“You almost kill Tammy.” He stated coldly. She could tell by looking at his face that she pushed too far. She realized she should have known better with him not being completely here the last few months after Madison died. The man had a nervous breakdown and hasn’t been the same since.
“Ty I didn’t. Please listen to me.” He released her.
“Explain why yo ass was at Josefina store. You had a fight with her there before she got hit.”
“So doesn’t mean I did it. I left right afterwards to make it to my appointment.”
“Quit lyin’. Do you know how dumb yo ass look right now? You’ve been caught and there is nothing you can do or say to fix this.”
“Why you so strung out on this bitch, huh?! I thought she was a friend. Why she matters so much? You’ve been fuckin’ her haven’t you?”
“It doesn’t matter what she is to me. You lied to me pretend to me my friend then destroyed my relationship with Madison. Then turn around and try to kill someone I care about. I know about you and your cousin shit. You think you can do this shit to me and get away with it!” he screamed at her with wild eyes.
“Okay you need to leave now.”
“I’m not goin’ nowhere. First you take Mattie and now Tammy.”
“You destroyed ‘Mattie’ yourself. No one told you to jump in the bed with me. You did that shit on your own cause you was feeling a bitch and you had your own goddamn doubts about that hoe. So don’t stand there and blame me for that shit.” She said with a quickness but regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. His face was twisted with so much hate and anger that he lunged forward wrapping his hands around her neck. “Let go of me!”
“Fuckin’ bitch!” He squeezed harder, slamming her head against the door. She cried out and kneed him. He fell back and she ran towards her room, locking herself inside. Shit. He’s tryna kill me. He was slamming his body against her door now. She looked around her room and saw her window smashed in. So that’s how he got in. She went for the window when the door split into twos. Stopping, she screamed in terror as Ty pushed through the broken mess. She held up her hands in defense.
“Okay. I get it now. Just go please. I’m sorry ok?” He smacked her onto the bed and stood over her brutally punching her over and over. She tried to protect her face the best she could. “Stop!” He straddled her, continuing his assault. “Rape!” She screamed.
“Bitch, I wouldn’t touch you if my life depended on it.” The quick blow to her temple made her blackout for several moments. When she came back to, Ty wasn’t in the room, but she could hear water running somewhere. Her whole body hurt and she could feel the blood flowing. She went to sit up but didn’t have enough strength. Footsteps came closer to her and she thought she was saved.
“Help me.”
“Oh so you’re still alive.” Ty stood in the doorway.
“Please Ty...don’t. I need a doctor.” He walked over to the bed and snatched her off it by the hair. “No please.” He dragged her into the bathroom to the tub full of water. It became clear to her what he had planned for her. She tried to fight him off the best she could. “Noo! NOOOO!” She screamed, wiggling. Holding her by the shirt, he pushed her in the cold water. She splashed around, trying to breathe. The iciness of the water knocking her breath short. “Ple-No-” She sputtered. She twisted under him and he was able to pin her by her shoulders. Her arms flailing desperately to get him off her. He stared down at her face. Under the water, she still pretty but terrified. The air bubbles escaping her mouth as she screamed. Slowly her movements decreased. The legs stopped kicking. More passing moments, her arms dropped into the water. Only her head continued to shake. Ty slightly lifted her then slammed her against the bottom. Her mouth flew open, losing the last of her precious air. On instinct, she inhaled and started spazzing. She looked him in the eyes as life slipped away from her. Something that would haunt him for the remainder of his life.
Tammy finally woke up. She couldn’t move and it startled her. “Why can’t I move?”
“Calm down Tammy.” Her mom stood at her side. “Your leg is out, Mira!” Tammy looked at herself clearly. Her leg was in a cast and her body completely bruised. “Honey you were hit by a hit and run driver outside out Jo’s shop.”
“Oh.” Yeah now she remember. The green accord flying at her. Sam laughing as she hit her. “Where is Josefina?”
“I’m right here.” She stood at the other side. “Ty was here earlier, but he left. He didn’t look to good after seeing you like this. How are you feeling?”
“The policia wishes to speak to you when you woke up.” Esperanza told her.
“I’ll go get him.” Her mother touched her arm and left the room.
“Did Ty say where he was going?”
“No. He snuck out when we wasn’t looking.” Esperanza came back with young male.
“Este es detective Thompson.” She introduced.
“Thank you ma’am. Tamela how are you doing?”
“I’m okay.”
“That’s great. I’m glad you’re okay. You had a bad accident.”
“I’ve had worse.” She smiled then stopped when she saw Josefina and Esperanza staring at her, knowing. Am I seriously flirting? Cut it out!
“Could you tell me what happened?” He asked.
“Um…I was leaving Josefina’s shop. I stopped to grab the keys out my pocket when I looked up and saw the green accord coming at me.”
“Ok. Can I ask do you know who hit you?”
“Yes her name is Samantha. Her last name might be Jackson, but I’m not sure.” She said.
“Are you and Samantha not on best terms?”
“No. She was in the store earlier accusing me of sleeping with her boyfriend. Josefina was there.”
“Ok good. Did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Sleep with him.”
“Excuse me Detective?!”
“No disrespect, but if this goes to trial this will be ask.”
“No I didn’t.”
“How long have known this Ty?”
“Almost a year. He used to date my best friend until she passed.” She answered.
“My condolences”
“Thank you.” Josefina smiled.
“So what happens now?”
“I’ll send a car to pick this Sam up for questioning and let forensics do the rest. From there if we make the case, the DA will take it to the courts.” He explained. “In the meantime, Mrs. Morrison if you still wanted to take Tammy to San Diego, I recommend you should to keep her safe during all of this.”
“I will thank you.” He smiled and gave a nod, leaving the room.
“I already stopped by your place and started packing some things. When you are release, we are leaving right away.”
“Yes momma.” She was very willing to go. She had enough of LA. The sooner she left the better.
Chapter 13
Tammy was getting restless in her hospital bed. She was beyond ready to go home. Two days ago she was free and now she was confined to this room as a prisoner. As much as she did love her mother, having her constant watching over her was becoming tiresome too. It was Friday afternoon when she got some bad news that rocked her to her core. Esperanza was brushing her hair when Detective Thompson walked in.
“Detective. Any news? You find girl that did this to my daughter?”
“Yes we did.”
“Good. Now she will p
ay for her crimes.” The look on his face told Tammy there was more to the story.
“She already has.”