Not All Who Wander are Lost
Page 15
Crimson gave the signal, and the aerial attack began. Using their bows, they blanketed the Dark Hunters with arrows. There were screams of pain and the group erupted in chaos. Just as Crimson suspected, there was no gun fire. Instead, the Dark Hunters dropped their guns and reached for silver swords, taking cover from the arrow storm. With exacting precision, Crimson and the Guardians came down from the trees and descended on the confused and wounded Dark Hunters. They were able to subdue them and herd them towards the main gate. A waiting Guardian opened the gates and the Dark hunters were pushed inside and the gates closed securely. A runner had already gone to get Tabor.
Word was sent to send Guardians to capture the groups at the other three gates. The prisoners were taken to the brig and locked up securely to await interrogation. They were soon joined by the rest of their company. Tabor arrived soon after.
“Congratulations, Guardian Thorn. Well done. It seems all of the Dark Hunters have been captured. Would you like to stay for the interrogation?”
“No, sir, I’m not really feeling well,” Crimson said, as all of a sudden, this was true. She did not feel well at all. “Do I have your leave?”
“By all means, go and rest. You have had a very long day.”
Chapter 31
Crimson left the brig feeling dizzy and tired. She stopped a passing High Council member and asked after Finn. Finn had stayed with the High Council until the barracks fire was out and then had been shown to a guestroom in the palace. She headed there to find him, feeling more and more tired as she walked.
By the time she reached Finn’s room, she was ready to drop. She knocked, to make sure she had the right room, and when he opened the door, she collapsed in his arms. “Crimson, what’s wrong, love?” he said with fear. He picked her up and took her to the bed.
“I’m fine,” she said weakly, “I’m just so tired. And hungry.” Suddenly, she was ravenous. It felt as if she hadn’t eaten in days. “If you ring that bell over there,” she said pointing to a large bell in the corner with a gold colored pull that Finn had not noticed before, “a maid will come and she will get us some food. Are you hungry too? What?”
Finn was looking at her strangely. It was really starting to unnerve her. “Um, babe, do you feel any different?”
“What do you mean? I’m tired and hungry, but other than that, no, why?”
Finn took her by the shoulders and turned her towards a large full length mirror on the wall. Crimson stood there staring, dumbfounded. A bump had appeared out of nowhere. She had only been pregnant for a short time. This was impossible. She looked several months pregnant. Fascinated, she put her hand on her belly. It was hard and round. Another wave of dizziness passed over her and she almost lost her balance. Finn helped her to the bed.
“That’s it! We need a doctor.” Finn pulled the bell pull and then went to Crimson. He held her hand and felt her forehead. She was very warm. Her eyes were starting to look a little glazed, but she had an odd grin on her face, and out of nowhere, she burst into hysterical giggles. Finn was at a loss for words. The maid entered, looked around, and stood n the doorway timidly.
“You rang, sir?”She said, nervously.
“Yes, I did. Can you get a doctor? Guardian Thorn isn’t feeling well at all.”
“Yes, sir, right away. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Fried chicken,” Crimson said in a slurred voice, she sounded almost drunk. “And soup, yes, soup. Do you want soup, baby?” she asked Finn, who just looked confused. “Oh, and pie, and…” The maid looked on, baffled. She looked at Finn questioningly.
“Some food would be good. Whatever you can find, and that doctor? Right away, please.”
“Yes, sir,” the maid said, glad to be dismissed. She hurried out the door and down the hall.
“All right, love, what’s so funny?”
“Touch my belly, I think it’s moving, it’s the strangest thing I’ve ever felt. It’s like real butterflies are in there, like they are flying around and tickling me from the inside. It’s amazing!” Finn touched her belly and he could feel it. The baby was moving. It felt like what she said, butterfly wings just under her skin.
“Wow!” Finn said, his eyes full of wonder. “Is that our baby?”
“I think so,” Crimson answered, over come with giggles, again.
“How is this possible?”
“Don’t you know any Dragon lore, boy?” came a voice from the doorway. They both looked to see who it was. In the doorway, stood an elderly woman who looked so much like Crimson that Finn was speechless. Except for the addition of gray streaks, she had the same black hair with red streaks. Her skin was pale, weathered, but healthy looking. Her eyes were the same odd burgundy color. She was taller, probably about five feet 5 in flat shoes, but otherwise, the resemblance was overwhelming.
“I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Celeste, and you my dear, are my granddaughter. High Guardian Thorn sent for me as soon as he heard about your condition. I’ve only just arrived and the maid came to get me when you asked for a doctor. I’m a midwife, actually, but as you might expect, I specialize in Draakki births. I’m so terribly sorry that I missed yours, but you mother, the ungrateful little trollop, wanted nothing to do with her family, and well, we wanted nothing to do with her, so I never even suspected that she had another child. But listen to me, I do go on.” Celeste pushed her hair back behind her ears almost self consciously, and moved to the bedside.
“You mentioned Dragon lore?” Finn said. “Can you explain this? It’s only been a few days, how is this happening?”
“According to the old stories, Dragons are born in their own time, when they feel they are needed. There are stories of pregnancies lasting years, or only minutes. Once a Dragon has been conceived, its consciousness is fully formed and mature. It thinks like an adult. Did you see it, when it happened?”
Crimson nodded. “We both did. It was so beautiful. I can’t even begin to describe it.”
“That’s what all the stories say as well,” Celeste said. “It’s been a millennium since a Dragon has been born. All we have are stories. I have studied all of the lore I could find ever since High Guardian Thorn contacted me, but I can only hope it will be enough. There is so much we won’t know.”
The maid appeared at the door, even more nervous than before, but pushing a foot cart. “I’m sorry, miss, I couldn’t find any pie, but I do have chicken and some other things.”
“Thank you, dear,” Celeste said. This will be fine. Please let High Guardian Thorn know that I am here and that all is well.” The maid nodded and curtsied and then hurried away. “Poor dear, a little high strung, that one. I bet you are starving, Crimson. Eat, please, don’t be shy, you need to keep your strength up.”
“Thanks,” Crimson said, cramming a chicken leg in her mouth and reaching for a forkful of potatoes. “Sorry,” she said after she swallowed, “That wasn’t very ladylike at all. I’m just so famished.”
“Nonsense, child, don’t worry about it.”
“You are my Grandma?” Celeste nodded. “I’ve never had a grandma. This is all so strange. I mean, just a short time ago, I thought the Thorns were my parents, and then Amiee shows up and goes all psycho on me, it’s just a lot to take in you know?”
“I do know. Your mother was always, what do they call it? A drama queen? When she ran off to marry a Human, we hoped for the best. The boy was smitten with her and she needed a change, but she never understood how fickle Humans are and how badly they react to things they don’t understand. I wish I could have spared her the heartbreak. Maybe things would have been better for her if we had forced her to stay with the family, but of course, hindsight is always 20/20 and all that.”
“Have you always lived in the Human world?” Crimson asked.
“Yes, most Draakki are at least part Human. We keep to ourselves these days, living in isolated communities, mostly in the mountains. Our home is in northern Washington State, but our original home wa
s in what is now the French alps. There are many colonies of Draakki all over the world and we tend to wander in order to avoid raising questions about our strange ways and the fact that we age so very slowly.”
“I can see how that could be a problem,” Finn interjected. “I grew up in the Human world and it was so hard, having to maintain my glamour all the time. At least you look mostly Human. My sister had the hardest time with her wings.”
“I can imagine!” Celeste agreed. “Yes, we do look mostly Human. Most Draakkis alive today have so few powers left. Until she met that Witch in Scotland, Amiee herself had very few Draakki traits. That meddling woman sold her that talisman and unleashed a world of trouble. But, as you may have already guessed, you carry the answer to that little problem within you. Your baby is slowly draining her of her powers, but I’m guessing she has plans to do something about that, and soon, if your pregnancy has advanced this fast.”
Chapter 32
Kate shivered. The cell was dank and cold. Dim light filtered down from the small barred window near the ceiling. Her joints were sore and she was hungry, but she was surviving. She felt lucky that Amiee’s thugs hadn’t bothered with chains. At least she could move around freely. The cell was small, only about six feet square, but she paced back and forth in an attempt to keep warm.
“They’re not coming for you, you know,” Amiee taunted from outside the bars. “You are going to rot here. And honestly, after all the trouble you’ve caused me, you deserve it.”
“Speaking of rotting, you aren’t looking so good yourself.” Kate said sardonically.
“Don’t waste your time feeling sorry for me, old one. Once I get rid of my daughter’s spawn and take her powers, I’ll be just fine.”
“That’s never going to happen, and you know it, or at least you should. You have the prophecy. You know this was foretold. What I don’t get is why you insist on deluding yourself. If you were smart, you would let me go and beg for mercy. Maybe Crimson will take pity on her poor psychotic mother and let you live.”
Amiee’s eyes glowed red for a moment, and then she stopped herself. “Well, it’s been lovely catching up, but I have things to do. I’ll be sure and bring you back a souvenir. Maybe something droll like a T-shirt that says, “Amiee took over the other realms and all she got me was this lousy T-shirt.”
Kate didn’t dignify her with a response, other than a well placed middle finger. She resumed her pacing, as Amiee left.
As Amiee emerged from the dungeon, she was out of breath. Her powers were nearly gone and she felt physically weak now. Her once lustrous black hair was dull and lifeless and falling out in clumps. Her skin felt itchy and dry, and her gums had started to bleed. She knew she looked like hell, but she was beyond caring. Kate was right, she admitted to herself reluctantly, she was rotting from the inside out.
While she referred to Kate as old, in reality, Amiee had at least a century on her. The spell had prevented her from aging all these long centuries, but now, with the spell’s power nearly spent, she was aging rapidly. She had been 17 when the spell was cast, and over the centuries, she had only aged to look like she was in her mid twenties in Human years. In the last few days, she had appeared to enter middle age. If it kept up at the same rate, she would be an old woman in mere days. She had to move now, before it was too late.
She entered Kieran’s study without knocking. “Tell me you have some good news for me.” She demanded.
“I have word from Fergus Black. The diversion was a success. They captured all of the Dark Hunters just as we planned. The talismans they carry should be enough to weaken the wards and allow you to portal inside the gates,” he answered confidently.
“Excellent. Are your men armed and ready?”
“They are. I am sending you with twenty of my finest soldiers. With their help, you should be able to break into the palace and take the girl. Fergus has supplied me with the exact location of her room. He tells me she is not under guard. Your best bet is to use the cover of darkness. We can be ready in an hour.”
Meanwhile, Kate had ceased her pacing and was huddled in the corner of her cell when she heard someone coming down the stairs. “Kate?” came a quiet, but familiar voice.
“Ian? What are you doing here?” she said, surprised.
“I was visiting friends and I heard a rumor that you had been brought here. I have friends on the castle staff and they were able to smuggle me in to see you.”
“I have to get out of here and warn Crimson! Amiee is going to kill her baby and drain her life force.”
“Baby? It appears I’ve missed quite a lot. Guess it’s a good thing that I brought keys, then.”
“I could kiss you! Hurry up then get me out!”
“Don’t make promises you won’t keep, old girl,” Ian said with a twinkle in his eyes. He was actually quite handsome for an old coot. Kate wondered why she’d never noticed before. Ian sorted through the keys on the enormous ring he held until he found the key to the cell. As he unlocked the door, Kate rushed him and threw her arms around him and gave him the promised kiss, right on the mouth.
“Oh my!” he said. “I could get used to that.”
“Get me out of here, and we’ll discuss it,” she said smiling.
“The castle is warded, but if we can get outside, I can open a portal for us.” Ian said, leading her up the stairs.
“Are you coming?” Kate asked curiously.
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Crimson has always been one of my favorite people, you know, and I’m dying to hear more about this baby!”
“Let’s go.” Kate said. “Lead the way.” Once up the stairs, Ian led her down a dark corridor that had multiple twists and turns and seemed to be leading downhill. At last, they came to a heavy wooden door. Producing the keys yet again, he opened the door and led Kate out into a small overgrown garden. Walking to the center of the garden, Ian began to chant and the portal opened. As they stepped through, Kate took his hand. “Thank you, old friend, I won’t forget this,” she murmured.
“Don’t thank me now, I have a feeling things are going to get hairy!” he answered.
Chapter 33
Crimson had finally drifted off to sleep after what seemed like hours of talking to Celeste about the baby and her mother and so many things. Tabor had checked in at one point, just to be sure Crimson was feeling better and had thanked Celeste for coming.
Celeste sat in an armchair in the corner of the room. Finn was restless and too keyed up to sleep. “Why don’t you go for a walk or something?” Celeste suggested as he paced back and forth. “As much as you’ve taken in today, I am amazed at how calm you are, but you seem like you could use some alone time.”
“I suppose you are right. But I don’t want to leave her alone.”
“Go ahead, I’ll stay with her. Don’t worry. I can keep her safe. I may be a grandmother, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. I hear the rose garden is nice this time of year.”
“Thank you. I won’t be gone long.” Finn put on his jacket and left, being careful not to wake Crimson a he pulled the door closed behind him. He followed the thickly carpeted hallway for awhile, walking slowly, admiring the paintings on the warmly paneled walls. The palace seemed so vast to him, he didn’t know how anyone could find their way around. After awhile, he met the same young maid who had been to the room earlier and asked directions to the rose garden. She meekly pointed the way and then hurried off to finish her chores.
Following her directions, he soon found a large set of glass paned doors that opened out onto the rose garden. It was beautiful, full of large, exotic looking roses in full bloom. There were cobblestone walkways and wooden benches. In the center of the garden, stood a large marble fountain with a statue of a Guardian riding a Unicorn, but unlike the Unicorns in human stories, it looked fierce and goat like, with piercingly intelligent eyes. Ugly, and yet strangely beautiful. He took a seat on one of the benches and bent over, his head in his hands.
His thoughts were troubled. Not so long ago, his life had been so simple. His days consisted of boring, yet satisfying work. He hadn’t any ambitions other than breaking even in his shop and having a quiet beer on a Friday night. Then Crimson came along, and it was unbelievable how such a tiny, beautiful girl, no woman, had turned his life upside down. He had found someone to spend his life with. He was going to b a father. And with that, came some unbelievable complications.
He had always known he was the rightful king of the Finn Folk, but he had never really thought about it. He never intended to do anything about it. He would have been content to hide himself away in the Human world forever, but it didn’t look like that was going to be possible now. Something had to be done about Kieran’s treachery. He needed to pay for murdering Finn and Mariah’s parents. And Amiee had to be stopped from hurting Crimson and the baby. His head was pounding with uncertainties and worries.