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Black Butterfly

Page 7

by Michelle, Nika

  I looked toward the entrance and it was Renell looking fierce as hell with a fine piece of chocolate eye candy on her arm. Sister girl was trying to make a point and I got it. Their entrance was better than the celebrated couple on the stage. Everybody wanted to know when Renell had started dating the fine, young sports agent. I nodded my head in approval. He was no stranger to the spotlight. Ricky Cory had been a Ralph Lauren model when he was in college. After the crowd became rowdy with questions the couple on stage was suddenly old news. The reporters made their way to the mystery sister and her new beau. Renell didn’t like the spotlight, but seemed to be enjoying it all of a sudden.

  I couldn’t help but go over to her and give her a gracious hug. Seandra followed me and Maurice lingered behind. Renell was hesitant to hug Seandra, but she did because it was proper. The Beauvois reputation was important to our mother and we didn’t want to put it on the line. It could never be shown that there was bad blood between the beautiful Beauvois sisters. We’d all been photographed all our lives, but I’d never known for Renell to pose before.

  “We’re about to make an announcement, so everyone should grab a glass of champagne,” Seandra said desperately trying to get the focus back on the occasion at hand. Besides, this was her engagement party. Seandra absolutely bathed in the spotlight. She was a famous actress and was damn good at it. Her show was in its third season and had been number one since the fourth episode. However, Renell was the star of the show tonight. Everyone wanted to know about her. I had to admit that she looked hot as hell in a sharp, short red Dolce and Gabbana dress. It was tight and showed off her long, Tina Turner legs. Her usually innocent looking gray eyes were smoky and sexy. What was up with her? Was she trying to show Seandra up? Whatever her motivation was, I was damn proud of her.

  Seandra kept cutting her eyes at Renell in envy. I felt sorry for her. I stopped everybody’s fuss over Nell and Ricky. “Okay. C’mon everyone. Seandra and Maurice have something to say,” I said.

  Seandra looped her arm through Maurice’s muscular one and tugged him toward the stage. The huge diamond encrusted platinum choker she wore glimmered and glistened as she scanned the room. She was waving like she’d been crowned Miss America once she was back on the stage and the center of attention again.

  Maurice grabbed the mic and cleared his throat. Cameras started flashing capturing the moment as it happened. “Ladies and gentlemen we would like to thank all of you for sharing this very special night with us. I would like for you all to be the first to know that I asked the beautiful Seandra Beauvois to join me in holy matrimony and she accepted.” He beamed at his wife to be and the room erupted into thunderous applause. Seandra held up her hand and blinded everybody with her bling. There were gasps around the room. I just shook my head because everyone was oblivious to who Maurice really was.

  Of course the cameras kept right on flashing and the reporters circled the room asking everyone for their reaction to the news.

  “Seandra and Maurice are in love and I wish them all of the luck in the world.” I smiled sexily at the camera. “I only hope to be as lucky as she is one day.”

  The photographer was a cute white boy. He winked at me. “You sure do look lucky to me,” he flirted.

  I smiled and walked away. I couldn’t take the stuffy atmosphere anymore, so I walked toward the rear exit of the hotel. I walked into the crisp night air and lit a joint. I’d had it tucked away in my little clutch bag.

  After about fifteen minutes of puffing the joint was gone. I rushed back inside and made sure the door was closed. I pulled a small bottle of Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue from my purse and sprayed it on my neck and wrists. I made my way back to the ballroom and bumped into Maurice. He grabbed my shoulders to steady me.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. I could see the white residue on his nose.

  He wiped his nose as if he’d known I’d seen it. “I had to use the restroom. Is that okay with you?”

  “Fine with me.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess we both had an itch that needed to be scratched.” I let his mind wander. He practically had his lips one inch from mine. I put my hand up. “Back up please.”

  “How about we go into that little room right there? Let’s see if the baby of the Beauvois clan is the real freak. Look at you looking all sexy. You were only sixteen when I met your sister. Now you’re all woman. Yeah, you’re ready.” His eyes traveled all over my body. I could smell the alcohol and the cigarette he’d just smoked on his breaeth. It was a lethal combination. All of the mints and money in the world couldn’t conceal that.

  “Yeah, I am a freak. Probably freakier than Seandra and Renell combined, but you’ll never find out. Besides, if I did go in that room with you, which I wouldn’t, you’d be very embarrassed.”

  “What?” He asked as I pushed him away.

  “You probably can’t even get hard because coke makes your dick limp. Can’t fuck a freak like that.” I laughed and proceeded to the ballroom.

  My father was on the stage holding my mother’s hand. The crowd was quiet again anticipating what the powerful Sean Beauvois had to say. The cameras were still flashing.

  “I would like to propose a toast. Seandra and Maurice?” He searched the crowd for them. “Will you two join Tameah and I?”

  Maurice walked past me and took Seandra’s hand. He led her to the stage as the crowd clapped again for the newly engaged couple. I looked around and spotted Renell and Ricky. There was something up with Renell. Suddenly she didn’t look as confident as she did before. She wasn’t holding Ricky’s hand anymore and she looked nervous. My eyes focused back on the stage. What the hell was going on?

  Daddy continued with his toast. “Seandra you look beautiful tonight. I’ve watched you grow into a very talented, charismatic young woman. You are a good judge of character and your mother and I trust your choices.”

  ‘Yeah right,’ I thought with a smirk on my face. I downed my champagne and made eye contact with Renell. She shook her head with a disgusted look on her face.

  “We welcome you into our family Maurice. I expect that you will make our daughter very happy. If not you will have hell to pay.”

  Laughter filled the room. Father chuckled, patted Maurice on the back and gave mother the microphone.

  “Raise your glasses,” she said with a huge smile on her face. She looked at Seandra with more love in her eyes than I’d ever seen. “I’m so proud of you Seandra. And Maurice you will have hell to pay if you don’t make my little girl happy. There are three versions of me in this room and the Beauvois women do not play.” She laughed as she worked the crowd. Everyone loved her. “Let’s drink to many many happy years to come. I wish you two all of the blessings and children you can stand. Yes, I would love to have some grandkids. Congratulations to you two.”

  Everyone clicked their glasses together. I looked back again and Renell and Ricky were gone.

  * * *


  I couldn’t take it anymore. I’d gone in with confidence and walked out feeling sorry for my sister. She just didn’t seem to know what she getting herself into. Ricky and I had gone to the party together. I finally relaxed once we were seated in his silver Range Rover. Ricky finally said something.

  “Are you okay?” He asked.

  “Yes. I just don’t like these social events. I’m the private one. My sisters both live for the cameras and the spotlight. Not me.”

  “Well, I couldn’t tell. You look really sexy tonight and you seemed to enjoy the cameras. What was that all about then?”

  “It was nothing really. I tried to act like I was into it for my mother. I wouldn’t even have gone if my mother didn’t insist that all three of us be in attendance. Why should I hide myself away though? I’m just as beautiful as my sisters.”

  “Yes, you are. You sound like you have to convince yourself. You know that you’re beautiful Renell,” he said looking into my eyes.

  “Just drive Ricky,” I said realizing that we were
still in the parking lot.

  He started the ignition and drove off. “Are you that upset that your sister is marrying that guy? Why are you letting it get to you like that? I know that’s your sister, but you are not the one who has to put up with him. If he’s that bad it’s her problem, so let her deal with that.”

  “You don’t even know the half of it. I don’t want to talk about Seandra and Maurice anymore. You’re absolutely right. He’s her problem. If she wants to be a fool who am I to try and stop her?”

  “Maybe she will wake up. People have to make their own mistakes.”

  “That is true. I am starving. I didn’t want any of that mess at the party. I grew up eating that stuff. I want something that’s going to stick to my ribs.”

  Ricky smiled at me. “I know the perfect place.” He watched as I kicked my shoes off and stretched my shapely legs. His eyes lingered on them and I pointed to the road.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You have the most beautiful legs I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t help it.”

  The compliment made me blush. I smiled instead of being defensive. Maybe Ricky would bring me out of my shell. He was really sweet and seemed to be really into me. I just hoped he was patient.

  “Thank you. Did I tell you how handsome you look tonight?” He had on a sharp, black Armani suit.

  “Thanks sexy. Just because we’re going to grab a bite now does not mean we won’t be going on a date tomorrow. I hope that’s not what you were thinking.” He looked over at me and winked.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Why would I not want to go out with you tomorrow? I genuinely like you Ricky. I apologize for all of the times I was rude and anti-social. I’ve been through some things and…”

  He cut me off. “Don’t apologize to me.”

  “Okay. That will be the last time I apologize.” I laughed.

  Ricky just stared at me. “You have the most beautiful eyes. You’re beautiful, strong, and intelligent. I like that combination. You’re not over exposed and that’s why all eyes were on you tonight. The first time I saw you, I knew I wanted you Renell. I must confess. I couldn’t stop looking at your legs. All I could see were those beautiful legs wrapped around my…”

  “Your neck,” I interrupted him.

  “I can see that too,” he said licking his lips.

  When he saw how I was looking at him he laughed. “Just being honest beautiful. Don’t be offended. You have a nice ass too.”

  I laughed enjoying how sexy he made me feel. I hadn’t felt like that in a long time.

  “I just want you to see what I see when I look at you.”

  “I know that I have a lot to offer and I am a lot more confident than I may seem at times.”

  “Well, I will never stop complimenting you.”

  I blushed again. I seemed to be doing that a lot tonight. I was glad that his eyes were on the road. “You’re too much Ricky.”

  “Hopefully that’s just enough for you.”

  He was pouring it on thick and I was enjoying the sweet, syrupy feeling called affection. I hadn’t had any in a while. I leaned over and kissed Ricky on the cheek. He quickly turned and brushed my lips lightly with his. I thought time had stopped. Just as quickly as he’d kissed me his eyes were back on the road. He was grinning from ear to ear and I couldn’t stifle my smile any longer.

  “You’re very sneaky, but you have nice, soft lips,” I said.

  “Mmm, so do you,” he said leaning over to kiss me longer this time. When he pulled away I leaned back against the headrest.

  “Damn,” I whispered. My head was spinning and I hadn’t felt so out of control in a long time. I had to admit that I kind of liked it.

  * * *


  Mother walked over to me. “Where’s Renell?” She asked.

  “I don’t know. She left I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders. “She didn’t say anything to me.” Why was everybody fawning over Renell? It was supposed to be about Maurice and I tonight.

  Mother sighed. “She didn’t say anything to Seantay either.”

  “Maybe she wanted some alone time with her new man. Who knows and who cares. This is my engagement party,” I said with annoyance dripping from each word.

  “Well, if she thinks that’s more important than your engagement,” mother spat sarcastically.

  “Thank you for the party mommy. Everything is so beautiful.”

  She beamed with pride and kissed my cheek. “You’re welcome sweetheart, and thank you for being such a wonderful daughter.” “Oh, there’s Janette Jamieson. She’s a wonderful designer. Seantay should talk to her about possibly getting into her fashion school.”

  Dismissing me, she sashayed over to her elite associates. There were over one hundred twenty guests there. It was a small guest list according to mother.

  Maurice walked over to me and kissed my hand. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” He asked. The flashing of the cameras had finally died down.

  “Uh huh and you’re high,” I whispered.

  He was about to say something, but I cut him off.

  “Don’t lie. You’re high as hell Maurice. You act as if I can’t tell. I can bet you I am not the only one who can tell. Damnit. You couldn’t wait until the party was over?” I had tears in my eyes, but I refused to allow them to fall. I was just glad that his drug problem hadn’t gone public.

  “I am not high,” he whispered back. Despite what he said he looked guilty.

  I shook my head and just walked away to join a few people from the cast of my show. It was about two best friends who owned a popular bar in Miami Beach called Cinnamon Star.

  “Girl, you’re so lucky,” My costar Jamica said smiling at me. She played my best friend and business partner Star. My character’s name was Cinnamon.

  I managed to smile back. “Thank you Jamica.” A few other cast members crowded around me and started asking me a bunch of questions about the wedding plans.

  Maurice walked over. He didn’t want it to look as if we were arguing. He embraced me lovingly and planted a kiss on my forehead. “I love you,” he whispered in my ear. I knew it was all just a show for the guests. He’d probably spotted my ex boyfriend Damion talking to my parents. He’d come from a long line of investment bankers. His father and my father were very close friends. That was probably the reason for his public display of affection. Suddenly I was ready for my precious party to come to an end.

  Chapter 9


  I ducked out of the party, jumped in my car and checked my voice messages.

  “Yo’ Tay. It’s Reco. What’s going on with you? Why haven’t you hit a nigga up?”

  I hated that word.

  “Hit me back,” he said forcefully and hung up.

  I sucked my teeth. I was not going to call him back.

  The next one was from Reba. “Hey girl. I’m on a date with one of the sexiest men in the world.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her exaggeration. She was always dating somebody.

  “How’s the party? I can imagine,” she laughed. “Look, I snuck away to call you. I have to get back to my fine ass date. Call me later on girl, unless you’re going to get up with Raheem. In that case I know I won’t hear from your ass tonight. Anyway, I will talk to you later. Au Revoir.”

  The last message was from Raheem. “Hey baby. It’s still early, so what’s up for the night? I want to see you pretty lady. Call me back.”

  The sound of his sexy voice made my heart pound so hard I could hear it. My reaction surprised me. I dialed his number and drove off. He didn’t answer, so I left him a message.

  “Hi Raheem. The party was the same old boring social scene that I can’t stand. I’m still ready to party and that’s exactly what we should do tonight. I’m going home to take a shower and change. It’s a little after ten now, so call me back. I want to see you too baby. Later.”

  * * *

  I was dripping wet from my shower when my cell phone rang. I took my time answer
ing it because I knew it was Raheem. I’d programmed a special ring tone for his number. It just so happened to be Usher’s “You Got It Bad.” Yeah, it was quite fitting for how I was feeling about him lately. I was going to make him wait for not answering my call though.

  After six rings I finally picked up. “Hello,” I said sweetly.

  “Hey baby. What took you so long to answer?”

  “I was in the shower.” I could hear Jay Z’s Black Album pumping in the background. “Where’re the hotspots tonight?”

  “The Heat is going to be packed tonight. You know it’s some concert going on tonight and the after party’s going to be there.”

  I didn’t want to run into Reco’s ass. “I want to go somewhere else. Why don’t we go to South Beach? I heard there’s going to be a party on the beach tonight. Just imagine arriving with my fine ass on your arm in an itty bitty bikini.”

  That image had convinced him quickly. An hour later I took the highway straight to his place. I felt those old feelings I’d developed in high school coming back, but I was in denial. I ignored what I felt and brushed it off. It was the good sex taking over my mind. I got to Raheem’s in record time and rushed up to the door. He answered the door looking good in a white Polo collar shirt, dark blue True Religion jeans, high top white Air Force Ones, and a white A fitted. The ice dripping from his neck, wrist and ears glistened even in the dark. He looked at me and grinned showing a platinum grill. It was just four of his top teeth though. I thought that shit was sexy as hell.

  “Damn, you’re looking good mami. Mmm, I’m tempted to take you in the crib and do all types of shit to your sexy ass.” He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a passionate kiss.

  I was blushing when he pulled away and brushed my hair out of my face. I knew I’d made the right choice when I decided to wear an extra short pair of black BeBe shorts, rust orange BeBe tank with black lace, and sexy black strappy Manolos. He couldn’t keep his eyes off my sexy ass.

  “Change of plans baby. C’mon,” he said leading me to his black ’74 Cadillac Eldorado that he’d had restored and detailed. It was hot as hell and had chrome twenty fours with white wall tries.


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