The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads)

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The Keepsake (Love at the Crossroads) Page 9

by Simmons, Pat

  Too soon, her case was called and Desi stood next to her attorney and Michael did the same with his. “Your Honor, my client feels there is reasonable possibility that her marriage cannot be preserved and it is irretrievably broken. Therefore, we are requesting dissolution of marriage.”

  Desi’s palms were sweaty. She exhaled, not realizing she had been holding her breath. Her legs felt weak.

  “It’s nice for you two to join us at this time,” Judge Mims said, looking from her to Michael and back to her. “I understand you both attended marriage counseling.”

  “Yes, Your Honor.” Desi bowed her head. Why did she feel ashamed?

  “Attorney Fillmore, I understand the defendant was contesting the divorce. Is that still the case?”

  “No, Your Honor. He is in agreement with the plaintiff.”

  The judge twisted her mouth. “You two approach the bench.”

  Desi couldn’t get her legs to move. She was so nervous. Her attorney nudged her forward. When Michael reached out his hand, she latched on to it and stepped forward. All of a sudden she burst in tears and sobbed uncontrollably. As Michael wrapped his arms around her, Desi leaned into him.

  “Baby, it’s okay,” Michael whispered in her ear.

  “Order!” The judge slammed the gavel on the mammoth desk. “Is there a problem, Mrs. Bishop?”

  “I don’t want…hiccup…” She shook her head. “I don’t want a divorce.”

  Michael tightened his arms around her. “Me either.”

  “After two continuances, I am not surprised. I’ll take that under advisement. I recommend more counseling to be sure. Do not come into my courtroom again unless you intend to follow through with the petition.”

  As Michael steered Desi around, both their attorneys wore amused expressions. Desi was stunned by a couple of applauses they received until the judge slammed the gavel. Michael led her to an unoccupied bench outside the courtroom.

  Desi patted her face. Her emotions were conflicted. “You know I still should divorce you.” She was mad at herself that she didn’t.

  “I know, but I’m thankful you didn’t. I know you feel you don’t know me anymore, so let me court you for as long as it takes for us to get back together. I’m willing to give you as much time as you need, baby.”

  She missed his endearment as she snuggled closer to him. He linked his fingers through hers.

  “So you actually pawned your wedding ring?”

  “Yep.” Desi felt no shame in telling him that. “I put the money in my savings account.”

  He nodded. “It was for the best. It wasn’t worth keeping after what I put you through. I can’t wait to take you ring shopping again.”

  She elbowed him and he yelled. “You’re pushing it.”

  They glanced up as both their attorneys walked toward them. Desi tried to put some distance between her and Michael, but his hold was too strong, so she relaxed.

  “The time apart was probably good for you two,” Attorney Rush said in earnest. “Despite my profession, I’ve always believed that marriage is a keepsake.

  “Mr. Bishop,” Michael’s attorney addressed him. “I’m pleased that you put up a fight. Although you’ll receive a bill for my and Attorney Rush’s services, I sincerely hope that neither of you will need our services in the future.”

  “Whew. There is no price tag on this keepsake.” After shaking their hands, the two lawyers said their good-byes. Michael faced Desi again. “Now, about our living arrangement…”

  Desi shook her head. “I’m not moving back in yet.”

  “But I don’t like where you’re living. I’ll move out and bunk with Zachary while you stay at the house.”

  CHAPTER ~16~

  The New Year’s Eve Watch Night service at Rapture Ready Church was packed. The weeks following their court appearance, Michael had kept his word and moved out of their home and brought Desi back.

  Although her home was familiar surroundings with the luxuries she had grown accustomed to, it had a different feel without Michael there. They agreed to sell the house and find something new to help the start-over process.

  Michael hadn’t gone overboard with his wooing. His one line texts every morning made her smile. And he was at her beck and call. He removed the snow from her car without calling and seemed to anticipate her every need.

  Now, as she sat beside him, the contentment of being a couple was slowly returning. When the minister leading the Watch Night service announced that testimony service was open to all who wanted to speak of God’s goodness, many throughout the sanctuary got on their feet, including her husband, to Desi’s surprise.

  Scanning the auditorium, Desi estimated there had to be more than fifty folks standing. Desi should have gotten to her feet, too, considering it was the last testimony of the year, but she sat and was encouraged by others.

  “I praise God today that Jesus is a Healer. The doctors said my cancer was stage four and I would be dead in weeks. Ah,” the sister shouted and danced in her pew. “The diagnosis came at the beginning of the year. Tonight, I am cancer free! No drugs, chemo or radiation. My doctor was baffled, but I had to tell him that Jesus was waiting to perform a miracle….”

  The church rejoiced with the sister from the musicians to those raising their hands, shouting hallelujah.

  More testimonies followed. An older gentleman told how he had been out of work for most of the year. “But God has provided for me like He does for the sparrows in the air. I never went hungry nor had no utilities shut off.” He rocked himself back and forth, shouting praises to the Lord.

  Soon, it was Michael’s turn. “Praise the Lord, saints. I stand here today a man unworthy of all God’s blessings. I say that because I let Him down this year.” He turned and gave her a loving gaze. “As well as my wife. I learned so much about God’s grace and forgiveness. But most importantly, I fully understand the responsibility of making a vow to God and to my beautiful bride. I’ve put her through so much and I thank God we are healing. Please pray for us.”

  Desi fought back the tears as Michael took his seat and swallowed up her hand with his. She scooted closer to him and he disengaged his hand and put it around her shoulder. There was no doubt in her mind that despite what her husband had done, she felt loved by him.

  Michael’s revealing testimony sparked a high praise, prompting Pastor Reed to the podium. “Let’s praise God.” He clapped wildly and others followed. Some danced and others shouted as if they were praising Jesus for what He had done for them personally.

  “God can restore anybody and in any situation. What I want at this point is for every married couple to come to the altar.”

  Standing, Michael pulled her to her feet. He tickled Desi’s ear with a kiss as he ushered her out of the pew and trailed others, crowding in front.

  Pastor Reed nodded. “Now, I want every single person who desires a mate to stand where you are.” He glanced at the clock. “We have exactly fifteen minutes until the new year. I want us to fervently pray and plead the Blood of Jesus against Satan and his assistants that he will not destroy relationships that God has ordained…and those of you who are still waiting for your special someone, as you petition God, trust Him to finish the work He started in your life, according to Philippians 1:5 that Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”

  CHAPTER ~17~

  Less than a week later, Michael stared at his brother as if Zachary were crazy.

  “Clean up behind yourself, buy your share of the groceries, and if you cook, make enough for me….” Zachary actually had the nerve to read from a list of house rules with a serious expression.

  “Bro, I don’t plan to be here that long, so you won’t have to worry about me being in your way.”

  It hadn’t been a full day since Michael invaded his brother’s bachelor pad after packing up his wife and moving her from the extended stay hotel back to their home where he felt better
about her safety. But now it was his sanity at stake living with Zachary, even on a temporary basis.

  There was a reason why Michael never returned after college to his childhood home that their parents left them. His older brother was too bossy.

  “Good.” Zachary nodded and clasped his hands. “I’m glad we’ve reached an understanding. For the record, I’m happy Desi is willing to give you another chance. Don’t blow it.” He paused. “Oh, some evenings I’ll be missing in action after work, spending time over at Mom’s house with Halcyon.”

  Lifting a brow, Michael smirked. “Really? Are you babysitting or something?”

  “Something.” Zachary stared him down, then grunted. “I’m there for Halcyon, all right?” he said with an annoying edge. “She’s going through some emotional changes after the fallout with Ashanti’s father—the jerk. That’s why I agreed to be her Lamaze partner.”

  “I see.”

  “Maybe you do, maybe you don’t.” Zachary snatched up his car keys off the counter and swaggered away from Michael, whistling.

  Michael kept his thoughts to himself, but he knew all too well that there was something about those Holland sisters that was irresistible and his brother was patiently standing on the sidelines. Now, alone in Zachary’s man cave, Michael couldn’t think of anybody else but his wife. Although he promised to give her space, it didn’t mean he couldn’t check up on her.

  He grinned and sent her a text:Are you hungry? Do you need anything? ANYTHING?

  Desi’s reply didn’t come for almost half an hour.Nope. I ate. I made spaghetti. Now, I’m watching a movie.

  Shaking his head, Michael took a guess. His wife enjoyed watching certain movies over and over as if it was her first time seeing them.Coming to America, The Vow or While You Were Sleeping I.He hit Send.

  All of the above. I’ve already watched While You Were Sleeping and Coming to America.

  Okay, I’ll let you get back to your movie. I love you and I miss you.

  Michael didn’t tap Send right away. They both agreed they had moved past his constant ‘sorry’ but that didn’t stop Michael from wanting to say it a million times.Good night. Kisses.

  Kisses to you, too. Maybe we can do lunch this week. Bye.

  As he prepared for bed in Zachary’s spare bedroom/home office/home gym/storage room, Michael prayed, “Lord, I thank You for the progress between Desi and me. Jesus, thank You for forgiveness, especially from Desi. Thank You for loving us....”

  He didn’t get off his knees without petitioning the Lord for the health of Halcyon’s baby and to restore happiness in the lives of all of Desi’s family. “In Jesus’ name. Amen.”


  Desi missed her husband like crazy, but that didn’t mean she wanted to rush their reconciliation period. Actually, one thing she liked about Michael when they met was the courtship. She softly giggled, so as not to draw attention from her coworkers.

  The texts Michael had sent last night let her know he was thinking about her, and whether he knew it or not, it was important for her to know that she was on his mind. Enough daydreaming. She refocused on the project at hand only to be pleasantly disturbed less than five minutes later with a bouquet of flowers delivered to her desk.

  She heard the soft oohs and ahhs among her coworkers, but ignored them. When the rumors began to circulate around the office about her marital status, Desi put up a wall around her that dared anyone to ask her a question. She had used quite a few vacation days in the beginning in order get a handle on her emotions. Once she told her family, they had been there for her, especially Granny.

  Desi remember how she had stood Michael up went he showed up at her job and sent the flowers she never accepted. That was months ago. Now, the flowers represented their healing. She beamed at the receptionist who happened to dropped them off at her desk en route to the break room.

  Tearing open the wrapping, she sniffed as the fragrance tickled her nose. She slipped out the card. You’re Simply Beautiful. Love you, Mickey.

  Closing her eyes, Desi imagined Michael whispering those very words into her ear. She pulled out her smartphone and called him. “Hey, is this a bad time?” she hushed for privacy.

  “No, babe. You forgot I own this franchise, so I can make time to talk to my wife anytime.”

  Desi blushed. “Well, thank you for the roses. They’re beautiful.”

  “I was thinking about you this morning. I’m still holding out for my lunch date,” his baritone voice was intoxicating.

  “I can’t today because of this project. Hopefully, tomorrow.” Honestly, she looked forward to the lunch and dinner dates. It was exciting getting to know each other all over, post the affair.

  “I’m at your beck and call, Desi. I mean that….” He paused. “Okay, well, this boss better get back on the floor. Love you. Bye, babe.”

  Sweet. Desi didn’t doubt that Michael would drop whatever he was doing when she needed him, which made Desi question whether she was doing the right thing about denying her husband their bed, but God knew she had to go step by step because once they reached that intimacy threshold, there would be no turning back.

  CHAPTER ~18~

  Michael didn’t trust Byron around his wife and now his store. For the last week, he had been keeping an eye on his assistant manager. The man didn’t hide his mischief whether he was practically giving away merchandise with unauthorized discounts or coming in late.

  Thanks to Byron’s questionable behavior, Michael had to spend longer hours at the store to monitor things, but it looked like termination would definitely be in his assistant manager’s future.

  It was late. Michael craved a home cooked meal—no. What would be better was a long hot bath and snuggling up with his wife. Without the possibility of either, he would settle for a drive-in burger and a shower.

  Stifling a yawn, Michael surveyed Byron’s worksheets for errors before calling it quits. He had let his last employee go home an hour ago, so Michael locked up and strolled across the parking lot to his car. Whenever he saw a car parked nearby on the near deserted lot, he thought about his downfall. Michael would never have to worry about being caught off guard by a woman again, especially Brenda. Desi’s attorney had a large law suit pending, which included restraining orders for him and Desi. Michael didn’t intercept. As far as he was concerned, they both got what they deserved. He banished the memories to the past.

  Michael got behind the wheel and called Desi. “Hey, babe.”

  “Are you okay?” She didn’t mask the alarm in her voice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, babe. Just tired. I’m just now leaving the store. Do you need me to do anything, stop somewhere?” The yawn came unexpectedly as he latched on his seatbelt and started the engine.

  “Michael Hunter Bishop, you sound exhausted. You go to Zachary’s right now,” she fussed. “And get some rest.”

  Her concern gave him a boost of energy. Two more days and he would have some time off and he planned to spend it with Desi. Activating his Bluetooth, they chatted until he pulled into his brother’s driveway, then realized he hadn’t stopped for a sandwich. Hopefully, Zachary had cooked. “Okay, I’m here.”

  “Get some rest!”

  Michael chuckled. “Yes, dear.”


  Desi knew the forecast called for light snow overnight, not the three to four inches that the meteorologist broadcasted on the radio as she brushed her teeth the next morning. Walking to the bedroom window to verify, she peeped out and blinked.

  It indeed had snowed and Michael was almost finished shoveling a path for her from the driveway to the front door. Her heart warmed with excitement. Yes, she had made the right decision not to divorce him and forgive him. Michael was a good man and she was so glad the Lord allowed her to see that.

  Racing into her closet, Desi slipped on some clothes. As she zipped up one boot, she hopped to the window, trying to slide her foot into the other. Desi exhaled and pouted. Michael was nowhere in sight. He had
performed his deed and left.

  Her heart ached to see him, share a hug or steal a sweet short kiss. Desi didn’t care what her husband said about not returning to his store because of Byron’s bold flirtation. She could handle herself against that creature. In record time, Desi applied her makeup and carefully selected something that was not only warm but fashionable.

  In the kitchen, she retrieved the plastic container of leftover chili from the refrigerator. It was one of Michael’s favorite foods and she was going to drop it off before going to work. Since her company gave employees a few hours leeway whenever it snowed, Desi took advantage of the grace period when she backed her car out the garage with a detour in mind.

  It took Desi longer than she expected to get to Baer Electronics because of the slippery side streets in her subdivision before she got on the well-plowed main streets. But once she arrived at the strip mall, the parking lot was in the beginning stages of being cleared. She parked farther than she wanted and was careful on a clear thin path that widened at the store’s door.

  Once she was inside, two people greeted her. “I’m looking for my husband, Michael.”

  One young girl smiled and guided her through the neatly stocked aisles before stopping at an office with see through glass walls. Michael had his back to her and was in a conversation with Byron and another woman.

  Desi rolled her eyes when Byron noticed her first and displayed a cocky smile.

  Submit yourself to Me. Resist the devil and he will flee, God whispered James 4:7.

  Giving Jesus a silent nod, Desi ignored him. Briefly, she wished her husband had paid attention to God, too. She shook her head. They had resolved that. Just then, Michael glanced over his shoulder. It was his smile that made her warm and fuzzy.

  “Hey, baby.” He walked to her. “What are you doing here?” His tone was tender as his eyes sparkled.

  She stepped closer and whispered, “I know you told me not to come, but…” Desi brought her arms from behind her back and presented him with the container. “My chili.”


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