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Hunted: A Jason King Thriller (Jason King Series Book 6)

Page 26

by Matt Rogers

  Like a chapter of his life was closing.

  And a new, carefree one had begun.

  He pushed further into the mountains, feeling the burning in his quadriceps as he tackled the steep climb. The jungles on either side grew denser, less populated, quieter.

  It took him two more minutes to reach the bungalow.

  It was a small building, its roof thatched and its walls rustic. Despite that, it had everything he needed. He’d purchased it without hesitation, and together he and Klara had converted it piece-by-piece into a true home. She had installed hanging red lanterns inside, positioned around a broad four-poster bed and a handful of high-powered fans to combat the heat. It faced the trees on all sides, airy and spacious but at the same time cordoned off from the rest of the world.

  It was their own private paradise.

  No-one would find them here.

  He strode down the driveway, feeling the loose dirt compressing under his feet. He passed the decade-old pick-up truck that he’d paid cash for a week ago and checked that the vehicle hadn’t been broken into.

  He needn’t have feared.

  There was no trouble out here. His mind — used to the momentum of years past — conjured up all kinds of imaginings. Truth was, no-one was looking for them. Even if they were, King would never be found.

  The world moves on.

  And he would move on with it.

  Klara was in the same place she’d been when he left for the bar an hour ago — wrapped in a loose floral dress, stretched out across the hammock they’d installed on the small tiled deck out the front of the bungalow. She was reading a novel, her brow furrowed in concentration and her lip twitching softly as she turned each page.

  He made his way onto the deck and bent over the hammock, kissing her for a long half-minute. She returned the gesture, touching a hand to the side of his now-bearded face.

  ‘Hey, you,’ she whispered.


  She peeled herself delicately out of the hammock and they made their way inside. The interior was shaded from the sun, pleasantly cool in comparison to the outside heat. The fans had powered up hours ago, circulating the air.

  King scooped Klara off her feet and kissed her voraciously. He couldn’t get enough of her — she had chosen to spend the rest of her life with him, and it had created a contentment he didn’t know was possible.

  They dropped onto the bed and let their natural instincts take over.

  Hours later, the sun reached an apex in the sky and the thatched roof blocked its glare, casting a dim shadow across the contents of the bungalow.

  King stirred as the light shifted. He glanced at Klara’s naked body dozing softly beside him. One of her hands was draped across his bare chest. She woke up as he adjusted his position, rolling over to look at her.

  ‘Where do you think Slater is?’ she said, filling the prolonged period of quiet.

  King shrugged. ‘He could be anywhere. I don’t think he’s quite done with that life.’

  ‘I don’t think so either.’

  ‘He’ll find trouble,’ King said. ‘It doesn’t take much effort, trust me.’

  ‘You think you’ll find trouble here?’

  He shook his head, resolute. ‘Can you tell I’m different now?’

  She nodded. ‘It’s like your entire personality shifted.’

  ‘That’s what I wanted.’

  ‘You’re really done?’

  ‘It happened when I saw her die,’ King said, blinking back a tight knot of emotion. ‘It made me realise just how brutal my life was. Everything hit me at once. Death had become so normal. That’s not the way to live.’

  ‘You don’t feel guilty?’

  ‘I’ve done enough. I’ve fought my whole life.’

  ‘Leaving it to others now?’


  Klara pecked him on the cheek. ‘You’ve done a thousand lifetimes worth of good.’

  ‘And some bad.’

  ‘Don’t let that destroy you.’

  ‘It won’t.’

  ‘You’re a good man.’

  King cocked his head. ‘Don’t say that. No-one can feasibly call me that and mean it. I mean, I did a whole lot of good, but I inadvertently caused a truckload of consequences. I have to live with that, and I was willing to when I signed up for the job. But I tried my best. That’s all I can say, and I’m happy with it.’

  ‘How does it feel?’ she said. ‘To put it all in the past.’

  He let the stillness of the surrounding jungle wash over him, finally letting go of the death and destruction that had been linked to his soul for as long as he could remember. There would be demons that remained — that was inevitable — but he would deal with them as they came.

  ‘It’s about goddamn time,’ he said.

  In a small, homely bungalow on the island of Koh Tao, black-ops warrior Jason King let his career fade into the stuff of legend — the kind of thing that would be discussed in low voices throughout the secret world for decades to come.

  He couldn’t be happier to exchange it for a normal existence.

  He was thirty-three years old — with hopefully another fifty years ahead.

  For the first time, he was steadfastly certain of one thing alone.

  His old life had met its permanent demise.

  The King is dead, he thought. Long live the King.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading the Jason King Series.

  I’ve had a blast writing these novels and I’m thrilled with how the series came to a conclusion. King was finally able to find his peace. He’s dealt with more carnage than anyone should have to bear, and I thought it was the ending he deserved.

  Meanwhile, Slater has embraced the role of a nomadic wanderer. He’s not done with the warrior’s life — it’s in his blood to chase thrills and never settle.

  So, don’t worry — there’s plenty more action-packed novels coming shortly.

  I’m more determined than ever to bring you the most intense action-thrillers I can craft. I will now be diving into two separate series’ to continue the adventure.


  Ten years ago. Raw, action-packed, visceral operations from the early days of Black Force…


  Present day. Slater hits the road, searching for trouble where he can find it. It doesn’t take long for all hell to break loose…

  Both new series’ coming soon.

  I hope you enjoyed the ride. Be sure to leave an honest review — they mean the world to me.

  - Matt



  Isolated (Book 1)

  Imprisoned (Book 2)

  Reloaded (Book 3)

  Betrayed (Book 4)

  Corrupted (Book 5)

  Hunted (Book 6)

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  About the Author

  Matt Rogers grew up in Melbourne, Australia as a voracious reader, relentlessly devouring thrillers and mysteries in his spare time. Now, he writes full-time. His novels are action-packed and fast-paced. Dive into the Jason King Series to get started with his collection.

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