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Green Mountain Collection 2

Page 29

by Marie Force


  “Then allow me.” He held out his hand.

  With trembling fingers Megan freed the ring from the velvet and handed it to him.

  He slid it onto her ring finger and then brought her hand to his lips to kiss the back. “Perfect. I knew it would be.” He looked up at her. “You’re really going to marry me?”

  “You really want me to?”

  “So bad. So, so bad.”

  “Then how could I say no?”

  Smiling, he kissed her like a man who was perfectly healthy rather than recovering from serious injuries. He kissed her until she pulled back from him, reluctantly, and only because she was concerned about him overexerting himself.

  “The minute I feel better, we’re celebrating. You got me?”

  “I got you. We’ll definitely celebrate.”

  “Every day for the rest of our lives.”

  Megan had taken the leap and landed exactly where she was always meant to be.

  The following Saturday, Hunter and Megan made their first appearance as an engaged couple at the grand opening of Guthrie House. His arm was still in a sling, but he was feeling better every day, and he had Megan to thank for his speedy recovery. They’d spent just about every minute of the last week together, holed up in his house, watching movies, eating the staggering amount of food his family had brought over and playing board games. Citing his unfair advantage, she absolutely refused to ever play Monopoly with him again after he thoroughly kicked her ass.

  They laughed, they talked, they whispered deep into the night about their plans for the future. They celebrated her twenty-eighth birthday with a cake they made themselves and fought endlessly about the newly renamed Green Mountain Diner, which was closed for two weeks while his cousin Noah completed the renovations. Hunter let her win every argument because, for the first time in his life, he didn’t care if the business was ever profitable. All he cared about was her happiness.

  And she fairly glowed from happiness. In the time they’d spent together, just the two of them, he’d watched her let go of the worries that had dogged her for so long. The ring he’d given her and the promises he’d made seemed to have freed her from the past.

  One afternoon, while he took care of paperwork Will had brought him from the office, she had done some writing, and he’d found himself staring at her as she lost herself in one of her stories. Watching her was far more interesting than concentrating on work.

  Now, surrounded by his family and Caleb’s as they celebrated the opening of Guthrie House, Hunter felt like things were getting back to a new version of normal that included Megan, which was the best kind of normal.

  Hannah came in from the backyard where Caleb’s Sultans had gathered around the fire pit. “I haven’t even gotten to talk to my own family today.”

  “Everything’s been great, Han,” Will said. “You and Cameron throw one hell of a party.”

  “Yes, we do,” Hannah said.

  “Couldn’t agree more,” Hunter said.

  His sister came over to kiss his cheek, and then she did the same to Megan. “How’s our patient today?”

  “Much better,” Megan said. “Full of piss and vinegar.”

  “Just the way you like me,” Hunter said.

  “Yeah, he’s fine,” Hannah replied. “Good job, Nurse Megan.”

  She smiled at Hannah. “Thank you.”

  Molly came into the kitchen. “Anyone still need a tour of what Hannah has done with the rooms upstairs?”

  “I’d love to see it,” Megan said. To him, she said, “Can you live without me for a couple of minutes?”

  “Only a couple.”

  Megan kissed him and patted his chest. “Be right back.”

  His mother watched them, her expression unreadable. Hunter wondered what that was about.

  Megan followed Molly upstairs where the doors to the bedrooms were open for visitors to tour. She ducked her head into the first room, which had been decorated in shades of dark green and burgundy with an antique four-poster bed and matching vanity. “This is lovely.”

  “Hannah decorated that room herself from items she kept from when Caleb’s grandmother owned the house,” Molly said.

  “It’s beautiful. This is a wonderful thing she’s doing here.”

  “We’re very proud of her, but then we’re proud of all our children.” Her tone was polite, as always, but Megan noted a hint of frost and couldn’t blame Hunter’s mother for being annoyed with her. She’d be annoyed with her, too.

  “Mrs. Abbott—”


  “Molly … I want to apologize for what happened that day in the diner.” Megan clasped her hands together and forced herself to look her future mother-in-law in the eye. “Hunter’s accident … It was … I was …”

  Molly put Megan out of her misery by squeezing her arm. “I know. It was for me, too. For all of us.”

  “I behaved badly and gave you the impression that I didn’t care enough about him to go to him when the opposite is true.”

  “I know that now. I can see how happy he is with you. We’ve all seen that.”

  “I’ve been hoping for a chance to tell you how sorry I am for the way I reacted.”

  “Thank you for that, and you were forgiven the moment you came to the hospital. You should know that when we told him you weren’t coming, he immediately understood.”

  Megan smiled. Of course he did. “He gets me. He might be the only person who does.”

  “I’ve never seen him so happy. Thank you for that, too.”

  “It’s always going to be important to me that he’s happy. And safe. No more rock climbing.” Megan shuddered at the memory of that awful day.

  “Good luck with that one, honey,” Molly said with a laugh. “I’ve been trying to get them all to stay off the rocks for as long as they’ve been old enough to climb them. Abbott men need to climb things. And ski down things. And rappel from things.”

  “Ugh, stop. You don’t want me to change my mind about him, do you?”

  “No, I certainly do not.” Molly hooked her arm through Megan’s. “Come on, let me show you the rest.”

  Walking home from Hannah’s party, his arm around Megan, Hunter was as happy as he’d ever been, despite the emotional event they’d just attended.

  “What an incredible thing Hannah is doing there,” Megan said. “It’s hard to believe everything she’s been through when she seems so happy and at peace now with Nolan.”

  “It’s been a very long journey to get there. You can relate in many ways.”

  “Yes, I guess I can. I give her tons of credit for channeling her grief into something so productive.”

  “I do, too. And Caleb’s parents as well. I think it’s amazing that they’ve stepped up to run the inn for Hannah. I haven’t seen them so excited about anything since we lost Caleb. It’s good to see everyone moving on.” During the last week, while he recovered from his injuries, the rest of the family had helped Hannah move out of the home she’d shared with Caleb and into her new home with Nolan.

  “Your family was really nice to me today,” Megan said.

  “Why wouldn’t they be? You’re going to be an Abbott before too much longer.”

  “I wasn’t sure if they’d be happy for us or worried for you.”

  “They’re happy, sweetheart. They’re happy because I’m happy.”

  “Are you?”

  “How can you even ask me that after the best week of my life?”

  “Only you would say that after suffering a concussion and a fractured elbow, not to mention stitches.”

  He pulled her in tighter against him, kissing her temple. “My fiancée made me all better with her company, her excellent nursing skills and her sponge baths.”

  “Ha ha, very funny. What sponge baths?”

  “Maybe I just dreamed that. My dreams have been pretty vivid since my fiancée has denied me access to her delectable body this week.”

  She giggle
d from the kisses he rained down on her neck without missing a step on their walk. “Only because you were recovering.”

  “I’m all recovered now, but I’m about to have new injuries if I can’t make love to my fiancée. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

  “Definitely not. I like you healthy and available to me on a moment’s notice.”

  His low growl set her on fire. “Walk faster.”

  They arrived at his house a short time later, and Hunter directed her straight up the stairs to the room that had become theirs, rather than his, over the last week. “Get naked,” he said without preamble.

  “Tell me what you really want.”

  “I want to be inside you. Right now.”

  Her face flushed with the color he’d come to expect when he spoke bluntly to her about what he wanted from her in bed. “Well, then …” She drew her dress up and over her head, leaving her only in the matching silk bra and panties he’d bought for her. “You were right about the silk, by the way.”

  “Told ya.”

  “You didn’t have to buy out the store to prove your point.”

  “It was an excellent investment, and as beautiful as you are in red silk, that’s not naked.”

  “I don’t see you getting naked.”

  “I’d rather watch you, and besides, I need help.” He gestured to his arm in the sling.

  “You’re milking this injury.”

  “For all it’s worth.”

  Still in her bra and panties, she approached him with a playful glint in her eyes and began to unbutton his shirt. Her nearness was making him crazy, as it had earlier in the day when she’d helped him shave off a week’s worth of whiskers. He hadn’t had time then to fully indulge in his desire for her. Now nothing would keep him from finally holding her and making love to her after a week of wishing he could. His head still protested when he moved too fast, but he was willing to risk it to be able to touch her.

  She pulled his shirttails from his pants and helped him take it off around the cast that held his left arm immobile. Next came the T-shirt he’d worn under it. Then she was tugging at his belt and unzipping his black dress pants, which fell into a pile at his feet.

  Hunter kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the pants before hooking his arm around her waist and drawing her in close to him. “Hey.”

  “What’s up?”

  “I am.”

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her entire body into tight contact with his.

  He wanted to beg for mercy. “Megan …”

  “Yes, Hunter?” she asked, her voice breathy and sultry.

  “Don’t play with me. Not now.”

  “I thought you wanted to play.”

  “That’s not what I want and you know it. Get a condom.”

  “No.” She backed him up until his legs connected with the edge of the bed, forcing him to sit or fall over.

  The damned cast on his arm made him feel off balance all the time, but Megan decked out in red silk made him positively dizzy. Then her one-word answer penetrated his lust-addled brain. “No?”

  “We don’t need a condom.”

  “We most definitely do need one.”

  “No, we don’t,” she said with a smug smile.

  “Explain. Immediately.”

  “The other day when I went to the store?”


  “I also went to a doctor’s appointment where I received a three-month birth-control injection that’s effective immediately.”

  “And you were going to tell me this when?”

  “As soon as you were well enough to take full advantage of this development.”

  “I’ve never had sex without a condom.”


  “Not once. Ever.”

  “Oh boy. This is going to be fun.”

  “It’s probably going to be fast,” he said with a chuckle. Wrapping his arm around her, he nuzzled her belly. “I’ve never made love to my fiancée before either.”

  “Mmm,” she said, her fingers sifting through his hair, “you do like saying that word.”

  “It beats lover, right?”

  She gave his hair a playful tug that drew a snort of laughter from him.

  “Put me out of my misery, baby.”

  “Let’s get you comfortable first.”

  “There’s only one way that’s going to happen.”

  She sat him up against a stack of pillows, placing one under his injured arm. “Good?”

  “Getting there. Get these boxers off me.”

  “Gladly.” She helped him out of his underwear, removed her thong and then climbed on top of him, straddling his lap, still wearing the bra. “Is this what you wanted?”

  “You know it is. I feel like it’s been forever since I was able to hold you this way.” He ran his hand up her back, tangling it into her hair and bringing her down for a deep, passionate kiss. “I want you right now.”

  She reached between them and guided him into her, sinking down on him slowly, going for maximum effect.

  His head fell back on the pillow and his body arched into hers. “God, Megan … So hot.”

  She moved slowly, trying to draw out the pleasure for both of them.

  With his one free hand he released the front clasp of her bra, pushed it aside and cupped her left breast, running his thumb back and forth over her nipple. “Love you so much.”

  Megan leaned forward to kiss him. “Love you, too.”

  “I can’t get enough of those words from you. Say it again.” His hand moved from her breast to her ass, pulling her tightly against him as he surged into her.

  “I love you, Hunter,” she said, her voice breaking on his name as his deep strokes triggered her orgasm. “I love you.”

  He was right behind her, lifting his hips as he pushed down hard on her. He got a lot done with that one working arm.

  She collapsed on top of his heaving chest and closed her eyes as his arm came around her, holding her close to him. “What do you think of sex without a condom?” she asked after a long period of quiet.

  He immediately came back to life, hardening inside her. “Any questions?”

  “None,” she said laughing. “All my questions have been answered to my extreme satisfaction.”

  Hunter looked up at her, his gaze full of love. “Mine, too, sweetheart. Mine, too.”


  Lincoln Abbott found an unopened bottle of champagne in Hannah’s kitchen and took it and two glasses with him onto the back porch, where family and friends had gathered after the grand-opening celebration for Guthrie House. It had been a wonderful day of friends and family and reminiscing about the incredible young man they’d loved and lost in Iraq.

  He’d never been prouder of Hannah, who continued to honor her late husband’s memory even as she moved forward into a new life with Nolan. Lincoln found his father-in-law sitting by himself at the far end of the screened-in porch and took a seat next to him.

  “What’s the good word, my friend?” Elmer asked.

  Lincoln popped the cork on the bottle and caught the bubbly in one of the glasses, which he handed to Elmer before filling another for himself. “The good word is another engagement to our credit that needs to be celebrated.”

  “Another one in my column.” Elmer touched his glass to Lincoln’s. “And I’ve got to say, our boy Hunter has never seemed happier in his life than he was today with Megan by his side. They make a beautiful couple.”

  “Indeed they do. As would they.” Lincoln gestured to the yard, where Ella was sitting with her sisters, trying not to stare at Gavin Guthrie and failing miserably, as she had all day.

  “Two of them have been circling the wagons for a while now,” Elmer said. “That boy worries me though. Getting into fights and getting arrested … Ella doesn’t need those headaches.”

  “The guy he fought with said we wasted our time in Iraq,” Lincoln said quietly so no one would overhear him.
br />   “Is that so? Well, then good for Gavin for beating the crap out of him.”

  “Thought you’d agree.”

  “He’s wounded, Linc. All you gotta do is look at him to see that.”

  “If anyone is strong enough to help heal those wounds, it’s our Ella.”

  “This is true.” Elmer eyed him suspiciously. “What’ve you got up your sleeve?”

  “I’ve been thinking about clearing out some of the back acreage behind the barn.” Lincoln kept his gaze fixed on his gorgeous daughter. “I bet Gavin would be the perfect man for that job.”

  “You’ll keep a close eye on her, won’t you?”

  “Don’t I always?”

  “That you do.” Elmer held up his glass. “In that case, let’s go for number five.”

  Lincoln touched his glass to Elmer’s. “To number five.”


  Thank you for reading And I Love You. I hope you enjoyed Hunter and Megan’s story as well as a visit with the Abbott family! Up next from the Green Mountain series is You’ll Be Mine, Will and Cameron’s wedding novella, part of the Ask Me Why anthology that’s out in July 2015.

  A very special thank-you to “Jack’s” Team: Julie Cupp, Lisa Cafferty, Holly Sullivan, Isabel Sullivan, Nikki Colquhoun and Cheryl Serra for all your help and encouragement, and to my family, Dan, Emily and Jake for their support.

  Thanks to my agent, Kevan Lyon; my editor, Kate Seaver, and the entire Berkley team for all their hard work on the Green Mountain series.

  If you enjoyed And I Love You, consider leaving a review at Goodreads and/or the retailer of your choice. Your reviews help other readers to discover the Green Mountain series, and I appreciate them so much.

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  Thanks so much for reading!




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