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Vision of Light [The Renegades 1]

Page 24

by Amanda Hilton

  Someone reached out from the light at the same time the witch's cold fingers tightened and pulled.

  Aislan woke, sitting up, gasping and panting.

  "Lucien!” she cried, looking around, but he was not with her. When they returned to Calvan, he had stoked the fire in the hearth to keep the room warm, and then he had left her alone again. Scrambling off the bed, Aislan ran to the door and opened it, staring at the pitch darkness of the tunnel ahead.

  "Lucien.” Aislan wept. Narisse, who had waited for her all these years, had finally come for her.

  Chapter 22

  The Discovery

  After training her until late into the night, Aislan had been completely drained as she should be after the success that she could not have achieved without the aid of water. When Lucien took her back to Calvan, she fell immediately into a fitful sleep. He stayed with her to monitor her. The experience had stirred her sorcery energy positively, but he had not dared to push her too hard because he did not know the limitations. Before dawn, he left to see Traver.

  He walked into the laboratory to find Traver lounging back against one of the plush seats while studying a vial of blood-like solution he held in his hand. Traver did not even shift position upon seeing Lucien. The quizzical expression on Traver's face gave Lucien some concern, and he settled on the chair across from his cousin. On the table was a vial of light green solution.

  "That is your potion.” Traver nodded at the green vial.

  Traver had also made a potion for him once Lucien was firm about going to Templeton Castle. Lucien did not want to be tracked, so alchemy had to intervene.

  "'Tis Lady Aislan's.” Traver placed the red vial on the table. “She will not metamorphose."

  Lucien was not even surprised. “Do you know why not?” he asked in his calmest tone.

  "One reason is the potion will not transform a Stealth sorcerer. However, you mentioned you have tracked Lady Aislan twice, and that the wolves found her."

  Lucien nodded.

  "Hmm.” Traver looked thoughtful. “When I added Lady Aislan's blood sample to the solution, the mixture incubated accordingly until early this morn. I watched it turn red. I have compared this substance to Lady Aislan's own sample under a scope. They are the same. There is no trace left of the metamorphic elements."

  "She overpowered all the elements.” Lucien did not know what to think now that he saw the proof of what he had already suspected.

  Traver nodded. “Not at first, but in the end, yes.” He and Lucien stared at each other for a moment, and then both of them studied the full vial holding Aislan's blood where Traver had extracted only a few drops.

  "I would not rush to a conclusion,” Traver said, to Lucien's greatest relief. Lucien would not have given up, but he could not request Traver to pursue the matter because Aislan was not Traver's responsibility.

  Up until several years ago, Traver had served the Sorcery Circle. He had led a huge team of scholarly sorsvasus to classify and formalize a catalogue of most sorcery skills, which gained Traver's great fame and prestige. From a mere blood sample, Traver could mix it with various elements. Once he applied his own sorcery to the mixture, Traver could identify any type of sorcery skill, no matter how esoteric. He had cut down a process that took years of discovery to a few days. Sorcerers who directly served under the Sorcery Circle had been classified, but to protect the sorcerers, each subject had been labeled and the skills categorized anonymously.

  The Circle had passed a mandate only a few years ago that all sorcerers had to be classified, a painstaking process still being implemented. The Circle's Superintendent team had the daunting task of going through South Sharland ensuring all sorcery clans cooperate, especially with new recruits. Like anything else of such magnitude, the entire process was chaotic and frustrating, especially because most clans evaded the attempts, loudly protesting the invasion.

  The Circle, known for its harshness, no doubt had worked Traver nearly to death during his sorsvasus years. Although Traver had more freedom now, Lucien knew his cousin still had to serve the Circle several months out of each year.

  "I'll need your permission to analyze Lady Aislan's blood sample further. I'll also need to assess her power personally. Mayhap we can determine what else we can do to protect her."

  Lucien nodded. “Thank you, Traver. You are a great friend."

  They stared at each other for a moment.

  "You are family.” Traver shrugged, and a small smile flitted across his lips. “Now, we need to administer your potion. You, cousin, can transform."

  * * * *

  Lucien returned to Calvan a few hours later with Traver. Aislan sat staring at the wall while a book lay open on her lap. She looked deep in thought, and when she saw him, she placed the book aside. Standing up, she visibly gathered her composure. When he gave her a small smile, her indigo eyes lit up with warmth, her gaze lingering on his face. Lucien wished she had better control of her feelings. She should not show her love so openly, especially when they had company.

  After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Lucien went to Aislan's side. She hugged his arm to her and looked at him as if she had decided he was to become her mate for life. What had gotten into her? Lucien did not know how he should react. However, first things first.

  "Traver needs to assess your power.” He did not trifle with her about their immediate concern. “This morn, he discovered you will not metamorphose, so he needs to see what else we can do."

  Aislan's mouth dropped open in her surprise.

  "Please, sit down.” Lucien gently directed her back to her seat. She did not protest, for which he was thankful because she always questioned everything and must know all the details. He did not mind her inquisitiveness, but he did not want her to be critical of anything right now where Traver was concerned.

  Weaving their fingers together, Aislan continued to look at him tenderly. Rather than being elated that she had reciprocated his love, Lucien only felt his heart sinking. He dreaded having her examine his feelings and analyze him from every angle. He was not ready to deal with her love. What had happened to make her decide that she now loved him and was not simply infatuated?

  Lucien pushed her long braid over her shoulder to drape down her breast before he unlaced the back of her tunic. Aislan gave him a startled look.

  "'Tis all right.” He smoothed a curl of her hair from her cheek, hoping she would not fuss too much. Immediately, she nodded her acquiescence, so he pulled the lace out of the eye loops, and then did the same with her shift. Aislan pressed her arm across her breasts to keep the front of her tunic in place. Feeling no possessiveness about Traver seeing Aislan's naked back because that would simply be ludicrous, Lucien turned her around.

  Traver sat on a stool behind her. “I beg your pardon, milady,” he said politely before he pressed his palms below her shoulder blades. Aislan jumped as soon as he touched her and turned her head to look at Traver in shock.

  Traver met her startled gaze with no more than a faintly raised brow. “Did I hurt you, milady?"

  "No.” Aislan shook her head immediately. “Your power—'tis powerful."

  Traver pulled away immediately and looked at Lucien with a startled expression. No doubt Traver had felt Aislan's predatory power also. Lucien had been astounded by her powerful sorcery energy. Her most impressive ability that he knew about turned out to be a most coveted one. When a force threatened her, she grasped it, injuring herself to a certain extent, but eventually possessing the force used against her. It would take many years of training for her to learn how to counter harmful forces and acquire them while deflecting the initial, harmful invasion.

  This could be the reason why the Sorcery Circle wanted her dead, but how would they know what she could become? Furthermore, it was forbidden for anyone in the Sorcery Circle to kill an untrained sorcerer. They established this primordial rule to protect future generations from being killed off by ambitious or rogue sorcerers. However, rules were made to be br
oken, and Lucien could not dismiss this possibility.

  "May I continue?” Traver asked, and Aislan nodded.

  Lucien could not read his cousin's expression. Aislan wore a slight frown as she focused on the procedure against her back. Lucien felt a premonition gnawing. Aislan appeared greatly disturbed about something, and Traver showed no reaction. Finally, he released her. When Traver did not say anything, Aislan turned around, still holding her tunic in place in front. Apparently, unable to read Traver's expression, either, she turned to Lucien pleadingly.

  "I am hopeless.” Her lovely face was crestfallen.

  "No, milady,” Traver said quickly, “I am stymied. Apparently, you can feel my power, and that implies you have sorcery skills. On the other hand, I can detect no sorcery power in you."

  "What?” Both Lucien and Aislan gasped at the same time.

  "Even though I could not detect your sorcery power, there is a vague sense ‘tis there. If I applied too much force, I felt you trying to drain my energy, absorbing it. Yet, even if you acquired the tendrils, I could not feel where you stored the newly acquired power. ‘Tis like a void, but not quite. I suspect this has to do with your being a Predator and possibly a Stealth. ‘Tis a very powerful combination."

  Aislan looked confounded.

  Lucien thought about how he had been able to detect Aislan's sorcery power even from the first moment he saw her. The first time when Aislan got away by swimming, Archangel's Fire had led him to her. However, the second time he found her after she ran away, he had to track her. Traver could not be right. Yet, how could he doubt Traver's word? If anyone could identify Aislan's abilities, Traver was the one most likely to do so with accuracy.

  Traver addressed Aislan, “Earlier this morn, I tested several elements, and any that I mixed with your blood, you assimilated. Now, I cannot feel any sorcery power in you. Mayhap you could be immune to Trackers.” There was no doubt in Traver's tone though. “However, I'll have to perform several tests before I can give you a more definitive answer."

  "I no longer have to transform?” Despite the monumental discovery Traver had made, Aislan seemed more relief about her not having to go through a metamorphosis.

  "No, milady, the potion will not have an effect on you.” Traver looked at Lucien.

  "This makes no sense to me,” Lucien said.

  "I understand.” Traver nodded. “You can track Lady Aislan."

  "I can also detect her sorcery power."

  Traver nodded again. “Before I give you an answer, let me analyze the blood sample."

  Lucien felt again his imposition of Traver's generosity. He would have liked to help Traver the next few days in his laboratory, but they could not risk discovery at Calvacade now. He and Aislan were supposed to have left and had to remain hidden until all of this was resolved.

  "I'll return in a few days,” Traver said, then took his leave.

  * * * *

  Lucien sat on the spare stool and laced up her clothes in an almost absent-minded manner. Looking over her shoulder, Aislan noted the frown between his dark brows as he looped the lace. She wanted to reach over and press a kiss against his slightly pinched mouth to make him relax, maybe smile a little. He was one imposing bundle of stress, all because of her.

  "Tell me what is wrong,” she said softly.

  "I am not certain anymore."

  She hesitated. However, Lucien had turned taciturn, so she had to ask, “Lord Traver is a powerful sorcerer. How could he not be able to detect what I have?"

  "He did.” Lucien sounded somewhat defensive. “He indicated you may be a Stealth.” He sounded as if he had doubted it but now believed it.

  "This means I cannot be detected, and nobody knows I have sorcery power?"


  "But you can detect me."

  Lucien finished lacing up her clothes. “I know. ‘Tis quite confounding for me."

  "Mayhap Lord Traver is mistaken,” she suggested tentatively, being careful not to offend his kinsman who had been hospitable to them.

  "No, Traver is highly distinguished for his ability to identify sorcery skills."

  "Then something is wrong with me.” Aislan despaired of anything being right with her.

  "Nothing is wrong with you,” Lucien assured her quickly, making her heart dance in happiness. She stood up and hugged him, his sitting down enabling her to press his face against her breasts.

  "No, Aislan. We cannot do this.” He pushed her away, although gently.

  She complied immediately by sitting back down on the stool. “I am sorry,” she acquiesced.

  A day ago, Aislan would not have cared about what society accepted, but she had touched the subjects of knowledge and the meaning of life, logic, ethics, and politics. She understood the seriousness of what Lucien had been fighting hard with himself all this time. Transgressions came with a high price. Aislan knew she had barely scratched the surface with the briefly summarized passages she had read. However, the Circle clearly defined the nature of the relationship between a sorcery master and the apprentice or sorsvasus. Because of the intensity of the training, as well as the bond and obligations that lasted a lifetime, there was no tolerance for anything sexual regardless of circumstances. The Circle's stance was firm and the Church's as unforgiving as ever about morality issues.

  Incest sounded ludicrous applied to Lucien and her, but the self-righteous, hypocritical society thrived on scandalous behavior. Especially, they had no tolerance for the Circle in which they feared and despised. If anyone ever discovered that Lucien trained her in sorcery, and not just any sorcery but one she had acquired from a renegade, they both would become exiled and ridiculed. Life would be difficult when society spat on one's face at every turn.

  "What could you be thinking now?” Lucien asked thoughtfully.

  No one had ever understood her like Lucien could. Aislan had so much to tell him, but she hesitated now, uncertain how to proceed. “What shall we do now?” she asked.

  "Traver will analyze your blood sample. We can do nothing but wait."

  Even though that was not what Aislan meant, she wanted to explore his answer further. “If you think nothing is wrong with me, then why am I so difficult to train?"

  "Because you are different."

  "Why does everything have to be such trials and tribulations for me?” She sighed in despondency. “'Tis fitting, I imagine. I have to be a Stealth, where no one could figure out how to train me—” she paused, “—except you."

  "'Tis not true. You are not the only Stealth, Aislan. I know a few, and they have been trained properly.” Lucien hesitated, and then shrugged. “Jaden is one."

  Aislan gave a start. “Because he metamorphosed?"

  "No, he is born as one."

  "And Lord Traver used him as inspiration for this potion."

  "Jaden placed too much importance on himself."

  Aislan thought about Jaden's self-deprecation, but it was probably his way of endearing himself to women, to pretend to be less when he knew he was more. Then something occurred to Aislan.

  "If Lord Jaden is a Stealth, it means I should not be able to detect him, either, but I did! The first time I met him, he touched my hand, and I felt his sorcery power. ‘Twas not strong, just slightly there. However, I always felt something simmer in him, something deceptive, but not evil."

  "You felt Jaden's power the first time you met him?” Lucien came to attention. “Anything I found out about Jaden's power, ‘twas through watching him in action."

  Aislan could see the wheels turning in his head as Lucien thought through it the same way she was processing the information, and they apparently came to the same solution.

  "Mayhap there are exceptions.” She took the initiative to explain. “If Lord Jaden is a Stealth, and another could detect him, mayhap that applies to you also. As an exception, you could detect me."

  Lucien smiled at her. “Ah, Aislan, you can now debate with the best of them."

  "I do not sound so naïv
e anymore?” Aislan could not help but feel a little proud of herself. She resolved to read every book she could get her hands on to make up for the years of ignorance. “I finished reading all the books,” she said to let him know that she had not wasted his time.

  "No doubt, if I specify a page from any book, you would be able to recite off the top of your head the entire page."

  Aislan looked away modestly. The actual reading and comprehension had taken longer for the books on politics, sorcery dissent, and philosophy. Aislan had gone through the books on ailments and remedies, chemistry, and the rest of Jaden's novels, but had not read those yet.

  Lucien groaned, and she looked at him in concern.

  "Whatever you have not read, you no doubt have glanced through and stored the images of those pages in your head to be recalled later!” He shook his head. “Aislan, I am not certain if ‘tis good or bad to give you one more reason to live inside your head."

  "That does not sound too good."

  He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “It could be good, my dear. Give you a little more time, and we may make a politician out of you yet."

  "You jest with me."

  "No, not at all.” Lucien studied her and seemed deep in thought. “I was thinking about the reconnaissance who did not discover your presence."


  Lucien shook his head, looking troubled. “Never mind."

  "Lucien, I think you are scaring me a little."

  "I am sorry. About the wolves. One of the shape-shifted wolves was a Tracker. All this time, I thought he was tracking you."

  "Mayhap he was the exception also."

  Lucien shook his head. “'Twould be too coincidental to have too many exceptions."

  It took Aislan only one moment to deduce. “'Twas you those wolves tracked."

  "Ah, Aislan.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes in a weary gesture. “If you are safe from most Trackers, I should not be with you. I am wanted. If they find me, they will find you."

  Standing up, Lucien went and pushed aside some of her books on the table. Aislan watched in puzzlement when he picked up the blank book at the bottom of the stack.


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