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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  By the time they arrived, Cathy had taxied up to the hanger and shut off the motors. Dan rolled a stairs up and both girls climbed out. Cathy had removed the storage disk for images and stuck it in her flight pocket. James saw the anxious looks of both Cathy and Dana wondering what had cropped up to frightened them both.

  Cathy said, holding her helmet under her arm, “Someone or something took some shots at us while we cruised the beach area around Malibu. I’ve got the disk for images from the plane. Let’s go take a look at them. That laptop should be charged by now. I left it near the small generator.”

  They all hurried to the generator and Cathy started the computer. In no time it booted up and she inserted the disk. James said, “Why would anyone take a shot at a clearly marked USA plane?”

  “Yes, it makes no sense to me either.” Cathy ran the attached mouse and quickly moved forward to the beach area. The best pictured showed four men with three holding rifles pointed at the camera. Cathy zoomed in and they gasped at the creatures staring back at them. Their heads were humanoid, but severally deformed.

  Cathy had her hand to her throat and said, “Good God, what happened to those guys?

  “I’m not sure but it would seem they’re the after effects of the biological plague. God, I wonder how many of them are out there like those creatures. This is really not good news. Now we must consider security.”

  Dan said, “We could always pack up and leave.”

  “And go where brother,” asked Dana.

  “Well, there are four of us and we need to look at all sides of this situation and make a decision that is agreeable to all of us,” said James.

  “Let’s see what advice we can get from NORAD,” said Cathy.

  “Before we do that,” said James, “let’s look more closely at the pictures to see what we can learn about these creatures. I’m sure they have a lab here where we can view images under high magnification.”


  At the lab, under a higher magnification, James said, “It looks like a skin infection. However, why would they shoot at you? It must have given them a high fever and cooked the brain somewhat. We need an expert and I’m a long ways away from being an expert. Lord knows how many more of them are lurking out there. I suggest we fly up to San Francisco and see what happens up there.”

  Dana said, hugging Cathy, “I’m scared to death. I can’t imagine what they might do if they got a hold of us. What if they ate humans?”

  “Now, don’t overact Dana,” said Cathy. “We don’t know yet what they are.”

  “I don’t want to play God here, but should we destroy what we’ve seen here? It would appear that they are no longer rational human beings. If so, then we need to wipe them out,” said James.

  “Lord, what have we come back to,” said Cathy. She walked around the lab as if stalking or looking for an answer to their dilemma. James noticed Dana following her and Dan was looking out the window, as if expecting to see one of the monsters looking back at him.

  “Let’s stop and think about this for a minute or two. First of all, if we attack, we’ll piss them off and can expect a counter attack. Sure we can fly out of here, but what about a year from now or ten years from now. I say we fly up and check out the Bay Area and see what life is out and about there,” said James.

  “Okay I’m for that and you take Dan with you on this trip. Dana and I are going to set up a more comfortable place to stay. Let me say one more thing and that is, we need to have a long term idea where we should set up house. That would include, by the way, security from predators.”


  After a fuel up and a double check for no water in the fuel tanks, James and Dan were set and ready to go north to San Francisco. It was the next day as they had run out of daylight making preparations for flight last night. Now at around ten am they were ready to go with Cathy hooking up the huffer.

  Cathy gave James thumbs up and soon the jet was started. Next thing Dan knew he was thrust again the back of the seat and staring at the thin layer of cirrus above him. Five minutes later Dan remembered to breathe. James asked, “Hey back there Dan--- you doing okay?”

  “I’m not sure at this time sir, but give me a few minutes to see if my stomach will come back down to where it’s supposed to be, then, I hope, I don’t throw up.”

  James laughed. “I’ll level out in a minute or two and we’ll fly smoothly so you can look around. We are about an hour’s flight time to the Bay Area. I’ll touch down at the main airport for a quick look around and then we’ll see if anything moves down there.”

  Dan marveled at the scenery down below as from the far right the Sierra Mountains loomed dark and foreboding and then signs of civilization dotted the landscape. Dan could only sense that back when everyone was still living, cars and trucks would be moving down below. Now, even though it was hard to see when flying level, things directly below.

  As if an answer to his thoughts, the sound James voice said, “Hey Dan, I know it’s a little hard to see down so I’ll bank left and then bank right so you can get a bird’s eye view of what we ware flying over. We’re flying at five thousand feet or about a mile high. When we get closer to the City I’ll drop down to around five hundred feet for better visibility.

  Dan was starting to feel more comfortable as each turn of the airplane seemed safe to him. He tried to focus more on any signs of life down there, but it was difficult at this height. It wasn’t long before he felt the nose tip down and the view became much clearer.

  James said, “We are going to fly over the airport and then do a landing to see what is what at the Cities major airport. Dan could see, as they got closer to the ground, the airport with planes sitting around as if waiting for boarding passengers or unloading passengers. Not a sign of life anywhere as they skimmed the top of the runway. Tall weeds leaned away from the wind as evidence that no one had done any maintenance for a long time. To both Dan and James, the sight was depressing as James throttled forward and they rose above the airport heading northwesterly.

  Flying low James scouted the downtown area of San Francisco. He made a slow circle to see if anyone came out and waved at them. After the second time around James said, “I don’t see anyone down there. How about you Dan?”

  “I see nothing moving down there sir. I can’t believe that a city of this size has nobody alive.”

  “We’ll fly over to the coast and see if anyone is there like down in LA.” James did a big slow turn so both could see out the window if any life was evident. After two circles and seeing no one, James said, “Well Dan, It looks like we are alone here in the big city. Let’s head back and see what the girls have been doing.”

  Dan remained silent thinking about what they might do or where they might go. He wished now he had spent more time with a map of the USA so he could at least talk about the geography intelligently. Both Dan and Dana had talked about the two astronauts and both agreed that they trusted them with their lives.

  James told Dan that he would climb to five thousand and speed on home. Dan felt the plane accelerate as it pushed him back against the seat and he enjoyed the thrill of zipping through the air.

  Chapter V

  The plane parked in the hanger, four humans wondered what lay in store for them in both the near future and beyond. James adjusted his backside in a plastic chair and said, “Well, family of four, what do we do now?”

  A shuffling of feet and as Cathy looked around; all eyes were downcast looking at the concrete floor for answers. Cathy said, “I know this sounds simplistic but we need to grow some fresh food. It would appear we need to go back in time and do some serious farming.” She let that hang out there waiting for a response.

  James said, “We need both farm land and security. If I remember my geography correctly, the Willamette Valley in Oregon rings a bell. There was a time we flew into McCord Air Base in Washington. I met a guy from Salem, the capital of Oregon and he told me the valley was very fertile and rain was common from the nearne
ss of the Pacific Ocean.”

  “He also told me a state prison was there. Maybe that location is worth considering. We need water and if I also remember correctly, the Cascade Mountains run up and down the west coast.”

  “Let’s find out what NORAD is doing and if they would be interested in teaming up with us. Damn, reminds me of the old hippie days of my father back in the sixties with the idea of communes and free love,” joked Cathy.

  After talking to NORAD and finding out that they were happy for the time being, an in house meeting was called to discuss the future. The twins were eagerly wondering what the future held for all of them. Dan wanted to learn to fly and was dreaming of swooping down over the bad guys firing his guns pretending he was a hero. Dana saw him day dreaming and poked him in the ribs.

  James said, “Let’s think about this for a few minutes. A trip to Oregon would take only a few hours. A trip to the Midwest would take much longer. I’m suggesting we take a short hop first, see what we need and then afterwards we do a long range plan of sorts. We can prepare a cargo plane and stock it with whatever we need. What do you guys think of that plan?”

  Cathy said, “Sounds good to me. I like the idea of getting away from those freaks at Malibu. I wonder what is alive in the Portland area?”

  Dana said, “We follow you guys. Just tell us what to do and we’ll do it. I think if we need security, then we need to learn how to shoot a weapon and learn some self defense.”

  Dan said, “We need to get a forklift running to load up the generator and compressor. I remember as a kid watching through the fence guys driving small machines with metal arms sticking out the front carrying stuff onto or off a plane.”

  “Yes, good idea,” James said. “Let’s take care of that soonest we can Dan. Maybe while we do that Cathy and Dana you two make a list of what we should take with us.”

  “I think, rather sooner than later, we find some weapons to carry with us. I’ve a bad feeling about those monsters not so far away from us.”

  “Ok, Cathy, that’s a good idea. Let’s go find the armory and do some practice shooting,” said James. “Hey, I just thought of something Cathy. Did you head east to Edwards after you left Malibu? Do you think those guys can put two and two together and reason that the jet originated from Edwards?”

  “Lord have mercy on us,” Cathy said. “I never gave it a second thought. We’d best arm ourselves soonest. The kids will need a crash course.”

  “If memory serves me correctly,” said James. “The armory is on the other side of the base. I think we need a service truck to have the necessary tools to enter the armory. I think we can use a can of starting ether and jump start a service truck with our generator. But first let’s pedal over to the armory and see what we are up against.”

  Cathy reflected on what they might be facing. Monsters of a kind unexplainable came to her mind. She’d never shot a person before or an animal for that matter. Feeling the dry desert air on her face, she looked over at James who was rubber necking all around him. He saw her and he winked bring a slight blush to her cheeks. She grinned back at him and soon they were in front of the armory.

  Cathy’s legs were tired and she needed a rest. The twins were not even breathing hard. James appeared a little out of shape too. That cryonics sucked in her mind. Being in suspended animation for years was not healthy.

  The armory was surrounded by chain link fence with razor wire on top. Weeds grew everywhere and tumble weeds and desert sand lay against the building wall. However, the door was opposite the prevailing wind so it was relatively free of sand. The steel door was locked up tight. James said to no one in particular, “I think there must be a cabinet in the command center office that would have the key to this door. Before we use a cutting torch, let’s ride back and see if we can find a key.” He looked around as he got on his bike. “I’ll ride back and see if I can find a key. You guys stay here.”

  Cathy and the twins sat on the ground in a circle. Dana asked Cathy, “I’m sorry to ask, but as you’re black and James is white, it would seem that you two like each other a lot. Do you find your color to be a problem when you were growing up?”

  “Yes, Dana. Most of us of color have a difficult time with racial things. However, one nice thing about this current situation is that we probably won’t have a color problem. I hope that the future will show that color doesn’t matter.

  “I remember my dad saying that black folks have a hard time of it. He taught us to not let color get in our way of life. He told us that the more you think about it the more you drag yourself down into the dregs of society.”

  Cathy didn’t miss the vocabulary, ‘dregs’ and wondered where Dana had read the use of the word: dreg?

  “My family is from Florida. Both my parents made sure us three kids were educated. I’m the youngest of the three siblings. When I became an astronaut my parents were so excited.”

  “What did your parents do,” asked Cathy.

  “My mother was a librarian and my father was an electrical engineer for the power company. He worked many a long hour of overtime to put us kids through college. He and my mom both were on site when we lifted off for space. We talked a few time while in space, but then I slept for a long time coming back.”

  Dana and Dan both noted sadness and a slight leakage of tears down her light brown cheeks. Both twins thought Cathy was beautiful and Dana envied her light brown skin.

  James came riding back panting for air. He laid his bike down and collapsed on the ground with the other three. He held up a handful of keys and laughed. “I must be getting old,” he said. “We walked by the cabinet more than once and I never thought about it holding the keys to whatever we needed.”

  Cathy said, “Here, I’ll look around while you take a rest. It’s a lovely day and the sun feels good on me. Relax James and I’ll be back shortly.”

  Dana went with her and Dan stayed with James. James rose up on one arm and said, “Dan, you’ll have to grow up much faster than normal. You’re learning curve will be a seventy five degree line. It’s entirely possible you will point a rifle at a living thing and shoot to kill to protect yourself and friends. What do you think Dan; can you do it?”

  Dan lowered his eyes and thought about protecting both his sister and himself. And of course James and Cathy. He said, “I’m not sure until the time comes sir, but I’m not a chicken that is for sure.”

  “When and if the time comes Dan, I’ll be right beside you. Just follow my orders and follow what I do.”

  Cathy and Dana came out exclaiming, “Hey guys look what we found!” Both girls laid out four M-16 rifles and four hand guns on the ground beside James. “It is sand free inside and it’s a treasure house of armor.”

  James inspected a rifle and said, “Wow! It’s even oiled and ready to go. Where is the clip?”

  “Whoops, we forgot the ammo Dana. Hey Dan gives me a hand will you? It’s kind of heavy,” said Cathy.

  Dan jumped up and followed Cathy into a very dark room. She turned on a flashlight and shown it on an ammo box of M-4clips and another box of bullets. Two trips later they had the boxes outside and James was loading a few clips with Dana watching closely.

  James with Dan and Dana watching explained the workings of the M-4. He showed them you could use three shot burst or full automatic. A telescopic stock and a thirty round clip would satisfy all comers. He inserted the clip and had both kids repeat until they could do it automatically.

  “Well, we need to go find the shooting range,” said James.

  “It’s not far from here. I saw it from when we were riding our bikes,” said Dana.


  Back at the PX having dinner they sat discussing the afternoon events. The shooting practice worked well and both the kids preformed above expectations.

  Dana said, “I hear something like a motor. Can you hear it Dan?”

  “Now I can hear it.”

  James grabbed his rifle and told everyone to get out of sight. He cr
ouched down by the door and peeked out the window. A motorcycle slowly came into view with a man riding it without a helmet. His face was deformed on one side, but he appeared to be alert looking around very carefully. James saw their bikes sitting out front and that was a dead give away. The motorcycle stopped in front of the market.

  The man just sat there. Then he said rather loudly, “I come in peace and am not armed. Let’s talk as I bring not so good news.” He dismounted and raised his arms above his head turning around so all could see he was not armed.

  James nodded to Cathy and he stood up. His rife at the ready, he slowly walked out the door. Cathy and the kids stayed inside. James stopped just outside the door about thirty feet in front of the deformed man.

  They starred at each other and then the man said, “My name is Dr. Edwin Moffitt. I’m a marine biologist. Yes, I was affected by the plague as you can see, but I’ve only a slight case of it. I came to warn you that a gang of really bad guys are coming here to see what or who was flying the jet the other day over Malibu.”

  “I’m Captain James Atwater and my first question is why would you warn us? You appear somewhat deformed from the plague, but having not seen another like you, I can’t compare.”

  “I’m not like those others. I pretended just to keep peace in the gang, but after I saw the jet fly over, I saw an opportunity to escape. I truly hope I wasn’t mistaken about that.”

  “Time will be the answer to that Dr. Moffitt. Perhaps you would like to discuss this further inside where we have some chairs. However, I’ll keep the weapon at the ready just in case.”

  “As you shall see, I’m a scientist and not a man of violence, but having survived the plague, don’t get trigger happy,” and he gave off a pleasant smile even though the left side of is face was nothing but red scar tissue. He was also hiding his left hand behind his leg and James saw that the hand was badly deformed also.


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