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HARD Series Box Set: Bad boys with powers

Page 38

by Chloe Fischer

  “Who is this?” Aiden asked, his tone half-puzzled, half-suspicious. But he couldn’t deny that he was checking out her stunningly perfect frame simultaneously. He had never seen a woman who was so beautiful in his life.

  “No idea,” Audrey announced candidly, like a typical eight-year-old. “She was just pulling in when we got here.”

  Aiden’s back tensed.

  “And you just let her to walk into the house?” he asked his daughter from behind a phony smile.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Van Hoyt,” the curvy beauty said quickly, extending her hand as she walked forward to introduce herself. “I am Dr. Sage Pierce.”

  Aiden’s heart leapt into his throat and he glanced at his daughter.

  “Are you here about Aunt Sarah?” Audrey asked as if echoing Aiden’s thoughts. The smile seemed to freeze on the doctor’s face and she shook her head quickly.

  “Ah, no,” she replied hesitatingly. “I am actually here to speak with your dad, Audrey. Mr. Van Hoyt? It will only take a minute of your time.”

  Every sense in Aiden’s body was going haywire as he nodded curtly, extending his hand to show her the way to his study.

  She knows my name and she knows Audrey’s. Who sent her here if this isn’t to do with Sarah? Is it about Xander?

  Aiden had had enough family matters for one day. He just wanted to finish his beer and go to bed, forgetting about whatever horrors daylight would bring.

  “I just want to apologize for coming here unannounced,” Dr. Pierce said, folding her hands at the knuckle as she gazed at the floor. “You actually live remarkably close by.”

  He fell into the chair behind his desk as she continued to stand, and Aiden was free to examine her entirely.

  Her hair was a shiny mass of waves, chestnut with auburn lowlights, falling in waterfall layers to her clavicles.

  Even from behind her thin, wire-rimmed glasses, intelligent hazel eyes stared back and again, he was consumed with the feeling he was being sized up.

  It was hard for him not to take in the impossibly full D-cup chest that pressed up against her stylish V-neck sweater, a pair of tailored navy pants accenting a lightly flared waist and a flat stomach.

  She’s the sexiest damn doctor I’ve ever seen, Aiden thought to himself.

  She stood, wringing her hands nervously as Aiden tried to figure out what she was doing there.

  I’m making her nervous, he realized, the understanding almost laughable. Sure, he was a big guy; over 6’2” of broad muscle, but she was the doctor. She had all the power here, right?

  What on earth could she be nervous about?

  “It’s no bother but I have to be frank – I have no idea why you’re here,” he told her candidly.

  Not that I mind when a sexy doctor appears on my doorstep though...

  “This is a delicate subject, Mr. Van Hoyt and – “

  “Aiden,” he interrupted. “And please sit down. I’ve had a very long day and I need to take a load off.”

  She smiled tightly and edged to an antique armchair.

  “Can I get you a drink?” he asked before she continued, but she shook her head.

  “I really can’t stay,” she said quickly. “And this is business.”

  There was something in her tone which struck him as brusque. Aiden nodded slowly and waited.

  “By all means,” he said. “Don’t let me keep you a minute longer than necessary.”

  Even though you entered my house at dinnertime. Don’t let me keep you, he thought dryly but he wasn’t really annoyed, more intrigued.

  She cleared her throat either to buy time or because she was feeling parched. Aiden could not be certain which exactly.

  “It has been brought to my attention that your daughter might benefit from some specialized counselling,” Dr. Pierce blurted out. Then she cringed, as if expecting an out-roar to follow her words.

  Aiden studied her face closely.

  “By whom?” he asked but he had a good idea suddenly why this stranger was sitting in his den, claiming to know about Audrey.

  She’s done a Google search about the Van Hoyts, and armed with Alice Bellajoy’s testimony, she thinks she has Audrey all figured out.

  “I don’t think it’s any secret that Audrey has had some incidents in school.”

  Bellajoy. I was right.

  “Are you from Child Protective Services?” Aiden asked, suddenly leaning forward, his eyes glittering with animosity.

  She seemed taken aback by the question.

  “No,” she answered, and he read no deception in her face. “I’m here on my own accord, Mr. Van Hoyt. I only want your permission to speak with Audrey. Our sessions will be completely confidential, but I think they will be beneficial to both her and you.”

  “And if I say no? Can I expect a visit from CPS then?” he snapped, his temper beginning to flare.

  It was too much for one day.

  “Mr. Van Hoyt,” she said softly, leaning forward to meet his steely gaze. “I have only one interest here; Audrey’s. You are a single man who was probably not ready to deal with the trials and tribulations of raising a daughter alone. I am offering you my services as an advocate for your daughter. There are no strings attached.”

  Aiden’s anger was increasing, along with a dozen other emotions that were flowing through him.

  Another dig at my parenting? Apparently, I can’t keep my family from going under without every busybody and their dog interfering. But if I refuse…

  She claimed CPS wouldn’t be at his door but who could say who else might come knocking.

  If I at least make it look like she’s talking to someone, it might buy me some time until I can sort Audrey and Sarah out.

  Aiden closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Thank you,” he muttered. “I am sure that Audrey could use a woman to talk to. Since her mother died two years ago…”

  He didn’t finish his thought, a pang stabbing him in the heart as he thought of his deceased wife.

  Jesus Christ, Jamie, why did you have to die? I can’t do this alone. I should have known that there was no way my life would ever be ‘normal’.

  As if the thought had opened the floodgates, he was bombarded by images of him and Xander as babies and the strange men in black. The images were not clear, but they were powerful, and they were always present at the back of his mind. Like a memory, but not.

  And then there were flashes of Xander projecting into Charles, and Lisa trying to beat on Sarah.

  And then there was the day of the snow storm in 1999 and the dead child frozen to death in the ice. The ice that he had created.

  No, his life had never been normal – and it likely never would be.

  “If it’s a matter of money,” Dr. Pierce continued. “I am happy to meet with her pro bono – “

  “Does it look like I have a difficult time providing?” Aiden growled.

  Her lovely face paled at his tone.

  “Here is my card,” she said stiffly, dropping it on his desk as she rose. “Thank you for your time.”

  She turned to leave.

  “I’m sorry,” Aiden sighed. “It’s been a very long day.”

  Dr. Pierce half turned, her face only partially visible over her shoulder.

  “I’ve had a few of those myself,” she relented slightly, but Aiden could still hear the reservation in her voice.

  “I’ll call to make an appointment,” he told her, peering down at the card.

  Dr. Sage Pierce, PhD, C. Psych, Clinical Psychologist

  Aiden hurried to walk her out.

  “Thank you for coming,” he muttered with as much sincerity as he could muster, his eyes getting caught in her gaze. Something twisted inside him when he looked into her clear blues, as if a connection had just been made. He suddenly had the overwhelming urge to tuck the loose strand of hair that was falling over her cheek to just behind her delicate ear. And kiss her. What the hell? Where had that thought come from?

e broke the contact first, clearing her throat nervously, as if she had felt the connection too. She spun around, heading onto the porch, then paused and turned back to him slowly. Aiden raised his eyes from her beautifully curved backside to meet her solemn stare.

  “I’m sorry about your wife,” she told him softly and Aiden realized she sounded surprised.

  She hadn’t expected to find a grieving man trying to keep his shit together, he realized. Thanks to Xander, my name will always be linked to the kids who killed their parents. The Van Hoyts are the new Menendez’s.

  But as Dr. Pierce walked toward her black Lexus, Aiden realized that with a little bit of help, it didn’t have to be the same way for Audrey.

  “She’s a shrink?”

  Aiden looked down. He hadn’t realized his daughter had followed them out of the house.

  “Child psychologist,” he replied.

  “Same thing,” she sighed. “Do I have to?”

  “No,” Aiden replied quietly. “But I think it will make things better for everyone if you do.”

  Audrey was silent for a long moment.

  “And what if she finds out about me, dad?” she whispered.

  Aiden reached out and pulled her towards him, squeezing her to his side protectively but he didn’t answer right away.


  “Audrey, she’s just like everyone else. You cannot tell her anything. If you don’t tell her, she’ll never know our secrets.”

  Audrey released a long, shuddering breath and Aiden swallowed the lump in his throat.

  How he wished he had better advice to give his daughter than that, but he only knew to do what he had always done; hide the truth away.

  Hopefully it would work better for Audrey than it had for him and Xander.

  Chapter Four

  A breeze flittered through the open window, the sheer curtains blowing gently as the air made its way to Sage’s naked back.

  She tossed and turned uncomfortably as if she could not get adjusted to her own skin.

  The meeting with Aiden Van Hoyt was on her mind. A lot. And not just because he was hotter than sins. He hadn’t been what she was expecting. She expected a cold, callused, emotionally unreachable father, not a guy who obviously loved his daughter and mourned his dead wife.

  She flipped onto her back, trying to adjust her blankets so that she wasn’t too hot, but not too cold either. Dammit! Why couldn’t he have been what she was expecting? It would have been so much easier to dismiss him and his daughter if they didn’t want his help. Instead, she could see that he was hurting, and trying to protect Audrey the best way he knew how.

  The ridiculousness of her own expectations made her cringe, but she could not get the piercing eyes of Audrey’s father out of her mind.

  Stop it! She scolded herself, again turning her nude back to the window. He’s a patient’s dad and no matter how sickeningly attractive he might be, he is still off limits.

  Still, Sage could not stop her mind from wandering to his sensuously full mouth and chiseled bone structure.

  And he’s a twin. There are two of them running around that look exactly like that.

  She felt a flood of heat surge through her body and she sighed. This was what was keeping her up, she knew. Her body had been wired ever since she’d laid eyes on the melt-my-panties guy. She sighed hard again, knowing that she was going to have to take care of this herself. Her body wouldn’t let her focus on anything else until she got him out of her mind.

  Biting on her lower lip, she slowly allowed her hand to slip down against her flat stomach, and underneath her panties.

  Ah fuck, she thought, her fingertips landing in the cleft between her legs. She was wetter than she had thought.

  Her fingertips fondled the swelling nub, air escaping her lungs as her teeth dug deeper into the flesh of her lip. A sigh escaped her as she thought of Aiden touching her like that. Maybe nibbling on her inner thigh as he worked his way up to her clit. Another spurt of moisture welcomed that thought and she let her legs fall open wider.

  “Are you thinking about me?”

  Her hand jerked away from her crotch guiltily and she whipped around to confront the voice in the dark.

  “What the hell are you doing in here?” she snapped at her ex-boyfriend. “How the hell did you get in here?”

  “You want me to share all my secrets, Sage? Or do you just want me to fuck you until you beg for more?”

  “I want you to get the fuck out of my room,” she gritted out. “NOW!” She pulled the bedsheet up to cover her front as she rose, advancing on him menacingly. “I’ll meet you in the living room in thirty seconds. And you better have my house key in your hand when I get out there.”

  Patrick just rolled his eyes and turned toward the door nonchalantly. “Fine, if that’s the way you want to play it tonight.”

  What did I ever see in that jackass? she wondered as she threw on a pair of sweats and a tee shirt.

  Granted, he was attractive and the entire “man in uniform” thing had always been appealing, but there was no getting around the fact that Patrick Keyes was insufferably conceited. He had been the jock from his high school who had never landed a scholarship and had spent the rest of his life trying to make up for that fact.

  So, he had become a cop, trying to justify his sense of entitlement and power.

  “I knew you missed me,” he chortled, as she walked into the living room, her eyes spitting fire.

  “Patrick, how did you get in here?” she demanded.

  “I still have your key, babe,” he replied, leaning casually on her coffee bar. “You knew that, didn’t you?” he asked innocently.

  “You damn well knew that I had no idea you still had a key! And how is that even possible? I took the one I gave you off of your keychain myself.”

  “Come on, Sage. You know we’re going to get back together. As soon as you get over your little snit, you’ll be begging my sexy ass to move back in,” he smirked lewdly. “Obviously you have need of my…body, if what I saw in your room is any indication. Really, I don’t even know why I moved all my things out. Should’ve just left them here. We’re fated, you know?”

  She snorted. Loudly. How could he still think she’d take him back after he cheated on her? Hell would freeze over – twice, before he would step foot in her place again. She needed to get her locks changed, she realized.

  He hadn’t even tried to apologize when she had found out about him and one of the secretaries down at his precinct. Snit? Is that how he remembers it? she thought, but she said nothing. There was no sense in arguing with the egomaniac. It was psychology 101.

  “I’m starving. You have any food here?” he asked, turning towards the fridge.

  Did I really have a relationship with him for an entire year? Was I medicated? I should have been. Jennica warned you that he was way beneath you from the second she met him.

  “You know where there’s food?” she said sweetly. “Burger King. It’s open twenty-four hours.”

  He blinked, a wry smile on his face.


  “Get out, Patrick,” she growled, placing her hands on her hips. “But first, give me your key.”

  The grin remained plastered on his face, but it no longer met his eyes.

  “You still ‘need space’, huh? Even after all this time?” he demanded. “You need me.”

  He really thinks he’s the greatest lover that ever walked the planet.

  “Yes,” Sage replied, tired of trying to make him see that she was never going to take him back. “I still need space. Lots and lots of space. Like, forever space.”

  He seemed temporarily lost for words.

  “Enjoy your Whopper,” she told him cheerfully and finally, he lost the arrogant smile.

  “You know, Sage, I won’t be around forever. One day, you’re going to want me, and I will have moved on.”

  At that moment, she couldn’t think of a more exciting prospect.

  Except maybe if
Aiden were to actually show up in my bedroom.

  “I’m leaving…” Pat continued, placing her key on the counter as he walked past. Sage stared at him, wondering what was taking him so long. She realized he was waiting for her to change her mind.

  He scowled and stomped out the door. Sage flopped back against her couch, hoping to herself that this was the last time she would see the cheating bastard.

  Note to self: change the locks on the weekend.

  When she was sure he was gone, she returned to her bed and reached under her nightstand for her laptop.

  Even with the arrival and departure of her ex, her mind was still on Aiden and Audrey Van Hoyt.

  More the father than the daughter, she realized, a slight tinge of shame touching her.

  She realized how bad it was that she was focused on the handsome stranger when her entire reason for going there that evening was to help Audrey.

  Learning everything about the family is a part of helping the girl, she told herself firmly, but she wondered who she was lying to exactly, if not herself.

  She began to delve into the history of the Van Hoyts from what she could find online. There were endless articles about the murder of the parents, about Sarah and Xander but not much about Aiden.

  He owned a successful accounting firm in Baltimore and seemed to keep a low profile from what Sage could see, but she couldn’t help but think there was a lot more to the story than what she could find online.

  A part of her felt disloyal looking into the history of both of them, but given what she had learned, she knew she needed to be informed of what she had wrapped herself up in.

  Maybe I should have listened to Jennica and stayed out of it, she thought, gritting her teeth together. But Sage knew there would be no going back, not when she was already so obsessed with the idea of him, er, them, and her sessions with Audrey hadn’t even started yet.

  Exhaling, Sage repeated her steps, this time punching in Xander Van Hoyt’s name.

  If she couldn’t find much on Aiden, his twin was probably the next best avenue to investigate.

  Again, her eyes were assaulted with hundreds of articles pertaining to the murders of Charles and Lisa, the back and forth between Xander and Sarah.


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