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Billionaire Vacation

Page 1

by Nella Tyler


  By Nella Tyler

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Nella Tyler

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  Chapter 1

  Megan Mahoney walked slowly through the airport terminal to the baggage claim. She was distracted as she thought of her mother’s fearful words. She’d been aggravated beyond belief when her mother, Dahlia, had insisted that she visit her the day her plane was to depart for Hawaii. Dahlia begged Megan to forego her trip but Megan would have none of it. Megan had asked Dahlia why she should cancel her trip, but all Dahlia could say was that she had a bad feeling.

  That wasn’t a good enough reason for Megan. She was excited about her long overdue vacation and dismissed of her mother’s warning. She and her two best friends, Benita Stratford and Ashlee Moore, were going to Hawaii for two months and she wouldn’t allow anything to ruin it for them. They were all teachers at Lexington Junior High School in Wayman, Massachusetts and looked forward to the glorious weather on Oahu before having to face another fierce winter in Wayman. Megan forgot about her mother’s dire warning and hurried to the baggage carousel. Her flight had already been delayed two hours due to the storm in Wayman. She hoped there would be no problems with her bags.

  She maneuvered her way to the front and watched as the bags fell down the ramp onto the rotating belt. She saw her big, red bag tumble down the ramp and tried to grab it. She leaned forward, but the belt was moving quickly and her grasping fingers missed handle. Her weight carried her forward and she tumbled onto the conveyer belt. She was mortified as several passengers chuckled at her predicament. She tried to get up but fell backward instead. Suddenly she heard laughter in her ear as two strong hands clasped her waist and lifted her from the belt. She turned her head to look into a pair of dazzling, grey eyes. They were beautiful: clear and sparkling.

  “Are you all right?” he smiled broadly. His hands remained on her shoulders.

  Megan wanted to sink through the floor with embarrassment. She pulled out of his grasp and looked at his handsome face. Of all the times to have such an awful accident. And it had to happen in front of a drop dead gorgeous man.

  “Yes. I’m fine. Horribly embarrassed, but fine,” she mumbled. “Thank you for rescuing me. I swear, I’m not usually so clumsy.”

  “Not a problem. I’m always ready to help a lady taking a ride on the baggage carousel,” he chuckled.

  Megan frowned at him.

  “It wasn’t like I was riding a merry-go-round,” Megan huffed.

  “It’s similar,” he teased.

  Megan looked at him in fury and he burst out laughing. She could have pummeled him in vexation. Yet she couldn’t remain angry with him. His eyes were just too lovely, and being angry just wasn’t Megan’s personality. She didn’t take herself too seriously and could always laugh at herself. She grinned.

  “I imagine I could have been the cousin to The Three Stooges,” she chuckled.

  “You would have fit in perfectly,” he grinned gleefully. “But I am glad you are uninjured. I will get your bag for you.”

  Her bag came around again and he pulled it from the carousel while she grabbed her smaller bag.

  “You don’t exactly travel light, do you?” he teased.

  She smiled.

  “I’ll be staying for two months. I’m vacationing with my best friends, who arrived in Oahu yesterday.”

  “You couldn’t have picked a better place to vacation. Oahu is breathtaking.”

  “I can’t wait to see it,” she said as she hung the smaller bag on her shoulder. “Thank you again for rescuing me.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied.

  She grabbed the handle of the large bag, waved, and then walked away. As she walked outside to wait for a taxi, she berated herself profusely. How could she walk away from him and not get his information? She hadn’t even looked at his left hand to see if he wore a wedding band.

  Maybe because she wasn’t used to doing such things. Up until a few weeks ago, she had been engaged to Douglas Murphy: a wonderful man whom she loved dearly and would have married the next month. Well, as it turned out, he wasn’t as fabulous as she’d thought.

  He had dumped her for Denise Whittaker, a skinny, blonde woman with big boobs who happened to be a teacher at her school. When Douglas broke up with her, she’d wanted to scratch both of their eyes out. Thanks goodness summer break started a few days later and she didn’t have to look at them. But that was only a temporary condition. Soon enough, she would have to face them. How she would do that, she didn’t know. Well, she was determined not to worry about that eventuality right now. She was in beautiful Oahu and she intended to enjoy herself.

  “No taxi yet?”

  Megan swung around and stared into those remarkable grey eyes again.

  “No. Not yet. There doesn’t seem to be enough taxis for the people who need them.”

  “May I offer you a ride? There’s plenty of room in the truck for your bags,” he teased.

  Megan grinned ruefully.

  “I don’t know. My mother taught me at an early age not to accept rides from strangers.”

  He extended his hand.

  “Drake Hanover, at your service. Born in London, but I’ve resided in the States since the age of four,” he said.

  She shook his hand. His grip was firm and warm. She liked it.

  “Megan Mahoney. I thought I detected a slight accent in your voice. You’ve been in America for so long. I’m surprised you haven’t lost it completely,” she mused.

  “I traveled to England quite often. So my accent is still intact. My work takes me all over the world,” he explained.

  “What is your work?”

  “Ride with me and I’ll tell you all about it,” he countered.

  This time Megan did look at his left hand and saw that he wore only a signet ring on his left pinkie.

  “I am not married nor engaged. Nor do I have a girlfriend,” he said wryly.

  Megan blushed but looked at him directly.

  “Any single woman in her right mind would have checked.” She refused to think about her earlier lapse.

  “As did I while we were at the baggage carousel. Will you join me?” he asked.

  She didn’t know him and she was taking a chance. But her gut feeling said that he would not harm her.

  “Yes. I will join you.”

  “Good,” he said. He raised his hand and Megan saw a black limousine inched its way forward until it stopped before them.

  “Nice,” she smiled.

  “I always opt for comfort,” he replied. “Where are you staying?”

  “The Tropics.”

  “Perfect. So am I,” he smiled.

  The driver got out of the car and hurried to open the trunk. Drake rolled their bags to the rear of the limousine and he and the driver lifted them into the trunk. Drake then opened the car door and assisted Megan into the car. She was impressed with his courteous behavior. It was something that Douglas had stopped doing long ago. Megan was always left to open and close doors as though he wasn’t there. It grated on her nerves but he would only laugh it off should she speak of it. Drake entered the car and the driver shut the door. Within seconds, they were on their way.


  “I’m waiting,” Megan prompted.

  “For what?”

  “You promised to tell m
e about your work,” Megan reminded him.

  He raised a skeptical eyebrow at her.

  “I don’t recall promising.”

  “You said you would tell me about your work,” she retorted.

  He laughed.

  “And you fell for that?”

  Megan looked at him in outrage.

  “Stop the car. I’m out of here.” Megan fumed.

  He controlled his laughter and grasped her hand. As much as Megan liked the feel of his hand on hers, she snatched her hand away. He looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “I’m kidding you. You are so easy to tease and I enjoy your reaction,” he grinned. “But I’m happy to tell you about myself.”

  Megan wrinkled her pert nose at him then brushed her thick, copper-red hair behind her ear. Drake watched as she crossed her slender legs clad in white capris. She wore a royal blue sleeveless blouse that was tucked inside the waistband of her pants. She looked to be about 5’4”with dimples in her lovely face. It had been a stroke of luck that she was still waiting for a taxi when he’d left the terminal. He knew he’d had to think fast to stay in her company; it was a good thing he was quick off the cuff. He smiled crookedly at the thought.

  “Why are you smiling?” she asked suspiciously. She wondered if the lopsided lift of his mouth could be considered a smile.

  “I’m happy to be in your company,” he answered.

  “Wow! He’s smooth,” Megan thought. And she really liked it.

  “Talk to me,” she said quietly.

  He turned in his seat to face her and she did the same, leaning back into the corner.

  “I am a real estate developer. I buy resorts that are in need of a facelift and renovate them. I’m here in Oahu to check out a resort to see if it fits my criteria,” he explained.

  “The Tropics?”

  “Yes,” he answered. “My research has suggested that the resort requires upgrading. After reading all of the reports, it was time that I took a first-hand look at the establishment.”

  “Are you saying that we picked the wrong place to stay?”

  “Not at all. From all reports the resort has a solid, four-star rating. I’m merely interested in making it a five-star establishment,” he replied.

  “And how would you do that?”

  He shrugged casually.

  “I would buy the resort.”

  Megan was speechless. It wasn’t often that she encountered wealthy men. And obviously this man had very deep pockets. It would take a tremendous amount of money to purchase such a large resort. But he seemed unfazed by it. Money was so obstacle for him. She had noticed the nice clothing he wore while they spoke at the terminal. His attire was casual chic in beige Tommy Bahama linen slacks and a navy shirt. Now she understood how he could dress so stylishly and expensively. He looked like he was ready to go sailing.

  “What a fabulous job you have. What company do you work for?”

  “Hanover Developers.”

  “Hanover. That’s your last name,” she said thoughtfully. “It’s your company.”

  “Correct. I worked a while on Wall Street after graduating from college but found that I hated it. I ran into a buddy from high school and he suggested that I work for his dad who owned a construction company. I took the job,” he explained. “I worked as a laborer at first then the owner paired me up with a senior electrician. I took to it like a fish to water. I liked the work and went back to school to be formally trained as an electrician. The rest is history.”

  “So you’ve built an empire from nothing,” she marveled.

  “In a manner of speaking. Although I had no money, I did have skills, ambition and determination,” he said. “When I started my own construction business, I worked my men hard. But no harder than I worked myself. I’m proud to say that I still employ all of the men I started out with twelve years ago.”

  “They are loyal to you.”

  “And I am just as loyal to them,” he said quietly.

  She looked out of the window and saw the lovely foliage and blooming flowers that ran along the roadside.

  “So, are you only here for business? It’s hard to imagine one not taking advantage of these beautiful surroundings.”

  “I think I can be persuaded to enjoy the environment if the company is right.”

  She looked at him thoughtfully.

  “I hope you find the right company.”

  “Perhaps I have,” he returned.

  The limousine turned onto a street that was lined with overhanging trees. It felt like they were driving through a long, dim tunnel. They emerged to drive along a half-moon driveway, then stopped under a canopy in front of the hotel entrance. Drake exited the car, then turned to offer his hand to Megan. She laid her hand onto his warm palm and allowed him to assist her from the car. She looked around.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said in awe. There seemed to be flowing water everywhere. There were waterfalls and fountains, manmade brooks and creeks at every turn.

  “I like all of the water features,” he observed.

  “It’s said that water is good Chi.”

  “You’re into Zen and Feng Shui?” he asked.

  “Absolutely. You should see my house,” she grinned. “It’s filled with crystals and elephant figurines.”

  “Both are for good luck and protection,” he murmured.

  “Yes. Are you metaphysical?” She looked at him closely.

  “A bit. Let’s go inside.” He took her hand and led her into the hotel.

  “Meg! There you are! We were beginning to worry.”

  Megan saw Benita and Ashlee rushing toward her. She dropped Drake’s hand and moved toward them.

  “Benita! Ashlee!” The three women embraced. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “We were about ready to send out the Third Marine Regiment for you,” Ashlee said.

  “Sorry. There was a storm in Wayman and my flight was delayed. Then there was a long wait for a taxi. Thankfully I was offered a ride by a kind gentleman,” Megan smiled.

  “How nice. I’m sure the elderly man enjoyed the company of a young woman,” Benita said.

  “As would a young man.”

  Benita and Ashlee spun to look at the Drake who stood just a few feet behind them. Shock was written all over their faces. Megan giggled.

  Drake approached them and extended his hand.

  “Hello, ladies. I am Drake Hanover, the old man who gave Megan a ride.”

  Ashlee shook his hand.

  “Ashlee Scott.”

  Benita’s face was red with embarrassment as she shook his hand.

  “Benita Vega. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have made assumptions.”

  “It’s quite all right. I intend to rub your face in it whenever I get the chance,” he grinned.

  Benita was momentarily shocked at his boldness. Then she quickly recovered and placed her hands on her hips.

  “And you will get as good as you give,” Benita warned playfully.

  Megan and Ashlee laughed.

  “We can see who prevails as the victor if you ladies agree to have dinner with me tonight,” he chuckled. He looked directly at Megan. “Will you join me?”

  She looked at her friends for confirmation. They nodded.

  “Yes, we will,” Megan said.

  “Excellent! Meet me in the lobby at six o’clock. Does that time work for you?”

  “Yes. That’s fine,” Megan smiled.

  “I’ll see you then.” He then moved to the reception desk where his bag waited. Megan noticed that her bags were there as well. She watched him as he checked in.

  “He may have invited all of us, but it is with you he wants to share a meal,” Ashlee said sagely.

  “I so agree,” Benita said.

  Megan looked at them and shook her head.

  “He invited all of us to dine with him.”

  “Oh yeah! He invited us as he stared at you. Come on, Meg! He’s into you,” Benita exclaimed.

you couldn’t have picked a hotter man. He’s smokin’ gorgeous,” Ashlee responded.

  “I didn’t pick him. He scooped me up when I fell onto the baggage carousel,” Megan said ruefully.

  “What!” Benita and Ashlee said in unison.

  Megan explained what had occurred and her friends laughed hysterically. Megan had to laugh as well. If she didn’t, she would cry.

  “Talking about mortifying.” Ashlee tried to collect herself.

  “How were you ever able to face him?” Benita asked in amusement.

  “I couldn’t. I grabbed my bag and got out of the terminal as fast as I could. But there was a long line for a taxi and he saw me waiting. He approached me and we started talking. That’s when he offered me a ride,” Megan explained. “And what a ride it was. He waved to his driver and a shiny black limousine arrived.”

  “Whoa! You arrived here in a limo?” Benita asked in awe.

  Megan grinned as she nodded.

  “Yep! It was so cool! Me, a junior high school teacher, traveling in a tricked out limo. Unbelievable!”

  “I am soooo jealous,” Ashlee sighed. “I didn’t even ride in a limousine for my senior prom. We had to travel in his beat up bug.”

  “And Mack and I had to ride in the back seat of my parents’ car. It was so shameful,” Benita complained.

  “Well, at least you went to prom. I sat at home dateless,” Megan mourned. “So this helps to make up for that disgrace.”

  “Believe me, we would have rather been at home with you,” Ashlee said.

  “I never understood why you didn’t get a date. You’re so gorgeous,” Benita pondered.

  “I wasn’t then. My face was full of freckles and my wild curly hair was unmanageable. I was a late bloomer. My homely looks remained with me until my sophomore year in college,” Megan said.

  “Then the caterpillar morphed into the beautiful butterfly. It’s no wonder that Drake has the hots for you,” Ashlee grinned. “I would too if I were a man.”

  “You don’t have to be a man to admire her looks. There’s a group of women across the way giving you the eye, Meg,” Benita grinned.

  Meg saw the group of ladies standing next to the indoor waterfall. They waved and she returned the greeting.


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