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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

Page 18

by Michele Bardsley

  The take charge Nolan had her seriously turned on, but it had been a very long time since she’d been with anyone except her abusive ex, and she was suddenly nervous. “Can we take it slow and easy?” she asked, worried she would kill the mood.

  Nolan set her down gently on his large, rustic bed. “We’ll go at whatever pace you want.”

  Stephanie nodded, gulping down her nerves, as she focused in on the man who made her, once again, wish for something more. She nodded when he tugged at the bottom of her shirt and enjoyed the leisurely pace in which he took it off. Next, he pulled off her shoes and socks, rubbing her feet until she sighed with happiness.

  A man who gives good foot, she thought, smiling.

  But her werewolf had much more to show her. Much more to give.

  After, he unbuttoned her jeans, his knuckles grazing her stomach as he unzipped them. Where he touched her skin, it quivered with an almost electrical pulse. She raised her buttocks as he pulled the jeans over her hips, taking her simply cotton panties down, too, while his fingers stroked down her thighs, her calves.

  She moved her legs to allow him to pull her jeans and underwear completely past her feet, and felt absolutely vulnerable in only her bra. However, Nolan wasn’t about to let her chicken out. He sat next to Stephanie, reached around her back, and unsnapped the bra. His light, tender touches, the barest flutter of his fingers against her tingling flesh, had her hungry, aching.

  He cupped her face, and he kissed her.

  His warm lips tasted like merlot. His fingers hovered above her hips, not touching, but waiting, wanting, respecting her need to go slow. His tongue parted her lips and dipped inside. Heat exploded inside her stomach, spiraling down to her woman’s core. Her heart stalled then tha-thumped in a staccato rhythm that stole her breath.

  He showed incredible restraint for a werewolf—a species well known for their fierce appetites. It made her want him all the more. His kiss deepened, his tongue slipping inside her mouth to tangle with hers. She melted into his embrace, fingers sliding through the hair at the back of his neck.

  Stephanie moaned.

  He broke the kiss, and she protested.

  “Clothes,” she muttered, her fingers reaching for his belt. “Off.”

  “No, babe. This is just for you right now. We’ll have plenty of time to explore all our fantasies together.”

  She let a devilish smile play on her lips. “If it’s really for me then you’ll take off your clothes.” She wanted to see him naked. He was getting to see her naked, and fair was fair.

  Nolan laughed then stood up. Stephanie watched him efficiently and quickly strip down. God, he was simply gorgeous—muscular, thick, and a smattering of chest hair that turned into a happy trail leading to his hard and hefty erection. She tried not to ogle, but that powerful cock of his was damn near pointing at her.

  Nolan smirked.

  Stephanie blushed and lay back on the bed. She stretched, lifting her breasts as if to an invisible lover and sighed when her nipples puckered, aching to being touch, to be kissed.

  “Close your eyes,” he told her, his voice low and seductive. “I want you to concentrate on feeling nothing but me giving you pleasure.”

  A thrill raced through Stephanie as she obeyed. Eyes closed. Wanting. Waiting.

  The bed dipped as Nolan joined her. Then his hands were on her breasts, cupping and molding. Oh, God. His lips coasted down her throat, trailing to the dimple at its base, a soft kiss to mark the place. His tongue trailed a hot, wet line between her breasts, past her belly button, and stopping short of the juncture of her thighs.

  Her body flushed with need. She stretched, the material beneath her stroked her sensitized flesh like tiny fingers. Oh yes. It had been too long since she’d felt the hot, insistent need for touch, for sex. A bonfire of passion filled her, and she grew even wetter as aching necessity crept through her.

  He kissed his way back to her neck then said, “Stephanie.”

  “Uhm hmm,” she murmured, lost in her pleasure.

  “I need you to look at me now.”

  Her eyes flickered open, and she sighed. God, he was gorgeous. The hard planes of his cheeks warred with the soft fullness of his mouth. In the chocolate depths of his gaze, she saw desire, tenderness, and passion.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said. He swept a finger across her cheek and down her neck. Then he stroked around her areola, circling and circling until the tip of his finger brushed her nipple.

  “I want to taste you,” he whispered.

  Her nipple was a hard, throbbing point. She looked down at his circling finger and drew in a sharp breath. “Yes.”

  Nolan lowered his head to her chest until his mouth was a kiss away from her nipple. He blew on it, and the swoosh of air tightened the peak even more.

  His lips closed over the nipple. Stephanie squirmed with pleasure. He suckled, his warm, wet tongue swirling against the sensitive flesh. A low moan rose from her throat as hot desire jabbed at her. Her hands wound into his soft hair, and she pressed him closer, encouraging his gentle assault.

  “More,” she said hoarsely. “Please.”

  Nolan obliged. He cupped her other breast and used his tongue to worship it. God, it felt good to have someone play with her breasts, suck and cajole her nipples into response. She already felt slick and ready for him.

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “You taste as sweet and fresh as a peach.” His gaze flicked at the valley between her breasts and traveled to her navel before he again looked up at her. “I want to taste more of you.”

  Her heart thundered, a mixture of wanton lust and sexual frenzy zipping down her spine. She wanted to feel his lips on her skin, the flick of his tongue on the pearls of sweat formed by her longing.

  She nodded.

  His lips pressed against her quivering stomach muscles, and his tongue stroked a long, slow line to her navel. He encircled it then flicked into the dint, making her giggle nervously. Ashamed at her schoolgirl reaction, she fisted her hands, but failed to stop squirming as blissful sensations poured over her.

  Stephanie felt submerged in desire, hot and heady, and she wanted … she wanted to feel his hard length slide into her, to show her how to want again, how to come again. No more pain. No more fear. Just ecstasy…

  Her pussy convulsed, trembled. Oh yes. She wanted Nolan. Wanted him more than anything else in the world in that very moment. She desired the pounding of flesh on flesh, oh heavens…the smell and taste and feel of a man giving and taking pleasure. For the first time since—since forever, the idea of getting fucked didn’t equate to abuse or rape.

  It meant only rapture.

  Nolan’s hands coasted to her hips, his mouth following an invisible trail to the edge of her pussy. Oh God. He was so close to her clit. Just a few strokes of his tongue…maybe a slow suckling there, a nip of his teeth…

  But he paused, and after a moment, she looked down to see why he waited.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, Stephanie. I want to be inside you. I want to feel you around me, taking me, moving with me. I want to give you pleasure.” His gaze flickered with yearning. “Do you want my mouth? Or do you want my cock?”


  THE WORDS “YOUR COCK,” trembled on her lips, but Stephanie felt frozen. She wanted him inside her so achingly bad, but it scared her that he cared so much, or that she cared so much, or maybe what scared her was that she’d believed Garrett had cared once, and look at the lie that had turned out to be. Nolan wasn’t Garrett, and in her heart she knew him to be true.

  “Here. Maybe you need another look to help you decide,” said Nolan, giving her an audacious wink. “I’ll show you.”

  He rolled onto his back, and she looked down at the apex of his thighs. His cock was still magnificent, just like the rest of him. Most shifters were uncircumcised, but she was unsure if werewolves were extremely gifted, or if that was just Nolan’s family genetics. Long and thick—and holy hell, ready to do some damage />
  “Good God,” she muttered.

  She allowed herself the idea of feeling his girth thrust inside her. Her breath hitched. She reached down and wrapped her hand around his shaft. Her fingers didn’t touch. She looked at him, amazed. “Is this thing registered?”

  “Yeah,” he said, laughing, “it’s my second lethal weapon. You’re in control, babe.” He stroked her cheek. “Get on top of me. Take as much or as little of me as you want.”

  She wanted all of him.

  She crawled on top of Nolan, her knees planted on either side of his thighs. She settled onto him, a few inches below his ball sac, and felt her heart turn over in her chest.

  “You can take it. Take me. All of me.” His voice was light, his body relaxed under her tense one, and his gaze filled with a tender emotion that bespoke patience.

  She watched him wrap his hand around his shaft and stroke it. Seeing his strong fist pumping his hard cock made her pulse jump. It was sexy and beautiful to see him pleasure himself. She licked her lips and cupped her own breasts, pulling at her nipples.

  “You are so sexy,” he said. “So gorgeous.”

  “So are you,” she replied, her voice hoarse. She took control of his cock, of his pleasure, before positioning herself over his impressive length. He helped steady her while she guided him, taking him inside her slowly … as he stretched and filled her inch by glorious inch.

  Stephanie stilled for a moment to adjust to his size and then began to move. She increased her pace, and Nolan reached up to tug on her nipples. She moaned as pleasure tumbled through her, spikes of joy radiating to her wet heat. Her hips pumped hard now. But the werewolf in Nolan showed itself. He pulled her down, fisting one hand in her hair and grasping her hip with the other. He thrust inside her, pulling her down so he could put his mouth on her nipples, tempting, teasing, tugging.

  The edge of orgasm bloomed into fierce joy.

  She screamed as she came, but her release wasn’t enough for Nolan. He continued pleasuring her until sweat dripped down his neck and his eyes glazed with passion. She fell into another orgasm, this one so hard, her thighs shook as she clenched around his cock.

  “Stephanie!” Nolan roared as his own climax hit. He arched, his thighs tensed under her buttocks. He kept himself deep inside her as he came hard, holding her tightly against him until the last of his orgasm was spent.

  STEPHANIE AWOKE IN Nolan’s bed feeling like she’d slept for a week. She felt lighter in spirit and, yes, for the first time in a long time, hopeful that the day held something wondrous in store.

  The smell of strong coffee propelled her from the bed. She slipped into Nolan’s T-shirt, which nearly covered her almost to her knees. Finding her panties was out of the question right now.

  As she entered the hallway, she realized that major parts of the house were under construction. She passed two more bedrooms, a bathroom, and the entrance to a sun porch. She went through the living room, into the dining room, and through a set of swinging doors into the kitchen.

  Once again she was greeted by the sight of her big, bad wolf playing Rachel Ray at a stove. This time shirtless and no apron. Yum. “Hello,” she said, unable to stop the smiling.

  Nolan turned, meeting her gaze, and grinned. “Hi.”

  She sat on one of the three barstools lining the counter. “That smells heavenly.”

  She watched Nolan fill a plate with eggs, bacon, and toast. “You want some coffee?”

  “God, yes.”

  He poured a cup and brought it along with the plate. “Dig in.”

  She scooped up a bite of fluffy eggs and groaned. “Heavy on the butter. That’s the only way to eat ‘em.”

  “Glad you like.”

  Nolan filled his own plate and joined her. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Don’t you ever go to work? You’re the laziest cop I’ve ever met.”

  “Very funny. Like I don’t get enough donut jokes.” He sipped his coffee. “I’m sort of on vacation. I’m supposed to be working on fixing up the house.”

  Stephanie found the whole “do it yourself” thing very sexy. Though, truthfully, it didn’t take much for her to find Nolan sexy. She loved that he was fixing his own home, and she long to be a part of his world. “I need to visit my dad, but other than that...I could help out around here...if you’d like.”

  His look of surprise was priceless, but the light in his eyes dimmed. He cleared his throat. “My sister Hallie is a volunteer at the women’s shelter. She can recommend a really good counselor—”

  “What?” Dread settled like a concrete block in her stomach.

  “Domestic violence is one of my specialties. In fact, I’m trying to get funding to start a special investigation unit geared toward...” He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “You want to help me?” She blew out a breath. “Oh God. I’m so stupid. I thought ... shit. You just want to save me. Project Stephanie, right?”

  “No! It’s not like that. I care about you, Stephanie. You’re important to me.”

  “I believe you,” she said, but she was still hurt. She didn’t want to be his project—the human he saved from the homicidal Wendigo. She wanted him to want her, not because she was a victim in need of rescue, but because she was Stephanie Draper, flaws and all. The very thought shocked her. How could she want something with Nolan when she was still trying to escape the past? Garrett hadn’t made his final move, not yet, but he would. Either he would die—or she would. And if she wasn’t careful, Nolan might die, too.


  “Damn it! I don’t need saving from domestic violence. I’ve already saved myself.”

  “I know, babe.”

  He came around the island and cupped the back of her neck. He nudged her thighs apart with his knee and slipped between. “You’re not a project. I swear. I’m stupid. I shouldn’t have...” His words trailed off as he slid his hands under the T-shirt she wore like a nightgown. His fingers caressed her thighs, lifting the material until her lack of underwear was revealed. “Being in the same room with you makes me so hard. Hearing your voice—I fucking melt. Damn, Steph,” he said. His voice lowered and roughened. “I’m hard for you now.” He leaned forward until his lips brushed her ear. “I want to bend you over this center island and take you from behind until you’re screaming my name.”

  She’d lost the ability to speak. Her mind fogged with desire, its heat prickling her skin. God, she was so wet. It wasn’t possible…shouldn’t be possible…

  He waited, demanding nothing. His fierce passion released her from her lingering doubts. She let them go, and with them, her inhibitions.

  Stephanie took off the T-shirt. Nolan’s eyes darkened as he watched her reveal her breasts, cup them, and then offer them.

  Leaning forward, he suckled the hardening nipple of her left breast, the pressure of his mouth, the swirl of his tongue, shooting fire down to her groin. She moaned, arching back to offer him more. He switched to her right breast, lavishing attention on the aching peak.

  “That feels so good, Nolan.”

  He sucked, kissed, licked for endless, wonderful moments…then he used his hands to knead the sweet flesh, pinching and tugging the nipples until Stephanie panted and moaned and wiggled.

  She needed something…something more…she looked down at Nolan, watched him pleasure her breasts with hands and mouth. Her knees quaked, threatening to buckle. She pulled Nolan’s head away from her chest, and stared at him, knowing her eyes had the glazed look of someone on the edge of orgasm. Her body shivered with terrible need.

  Words wouldn’t come so she turned, pushing him back to give her space to move. She eyeballed the plush carpet in the living room before heading there. She sank down, ignoring his confused expression, and got on her hands and knees. She knew exposing herself to a werewolf like this was akin to giving him the ultimate sign of submission, but she didn’t care. She wanted to give Nolan every part of her. She wasn’t going to hold anything back
. Not anymore.

  Not to mention, she was suffering from the biggest, hottest bout of lust she’d ever encountered.

  She offered her ass to him, her breathing reedy, her heart thumping fiercely, as she waited to feel his cock slid into her. She heard Nolan’s jeans hit the floor, and then felt his legs brush her buttocks as he knelt behind her. The thick length of his cock slid between her thighs and rubbed her sensitive clit. She moaned as pleasure electrified her.

  Nolan rocked his hips, his rigid length sliding in and out to tease at her opening, to bump her sensitized bundle. Little waves of bliss rolled through her. Soon, she relaxed and simply enjoyed the pseudo-fucking. The sway of their bodies, the smack of flesh on flesh, oh yes. Joy shuddered through her, its heat melting away everything … everything but Nolan.

  Nolan wrapped an arm around her stomach, and slipped his hand down to her pussy, one long finger sliding in the perfect spot along her clit. Then he edged the tip of his shaft into her opening. It felt too good, too delicious to deny. Nolan pushed inside, inch by inch, until he once again filled her.

  She breathed deeply, feeling the nearness of her orgasm. Already! God, she was turned on. She bumped him with her ass, and he took the hint, starting a slow thrusting rhythm.

  Quickly, he increased the pace, his chest rubbing against her back. His primal groans and growls made her pussy clench and pulsate. How he managed to rub right spot and keep his perfect rhythm was beyond her, but goddamned it felt beyond pleasurable.

  “Oh God. Yes. Yes!” she said, her voice hoarse with lust. Bliss threatened, spikes of pleasure pierced her, and then she came...hard. Her screams echoed as she shouted his name.

  Her clit was too sensitive for Nolan’s ceaseless movements, but he was merciless. He pounded into her now, his cock plunging into her slickened sex, and kept rubbing and moving until another orgasm rolled through her.


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