The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances Page 55

by Michele Bardsley

  But not even the impromptu trip, or the shopping spree in the antique shops of Hot Springs, soothed her. Everywhere she went, she saw Kade. How many times had she mistaken someone else for him? Even the slightest resemblance made her heart pound outrageously.

  She couldn’t take pleasure in food, either, not even a fantastic ice cream sundae served on a waffle. It was enough. She packed up her car and started the drive home. About hour into the journey, listening to As Time Goes By on her favorite streaming radio station, Lilly was gobsmacked by epiphany.

  She could love Nic.

  Love him in the way she’d never been able to love Saul.

  Already the seed of it was there, growing in her heart, wrapping around her doubts. It was inexplicable as hell. In the blink of an eye, in the beat of a heart, in one deep breath. In love. That’s why she couldn’t find any pleasure in her life. She wanted to be the alpha’s mate.

  She wanted Kade.

  Even if the man was a wrong-headed fool.

  But still. Still.

  Was this love worth fighting for?

  TODAY WAS THE DAY. Lilly knew the tribunal would decide Kade’s marital fate, and she’d been wallowing in self-pity and doubt instead of taking a stand and fighting. She was ashamed of herself.

  It didn’t take but a single phone call to an old friend within the Moon Pack to find out that the tribunal was meeting at the downtown headquarters of Techno Inc, Kade Stonewell’s multi-billion-dollar company. Unfortunately, the proceedings had already started, so she wasted no time getting there.

  When Lilly arrived outside the impressive structure, she took a deep breath, straightened her shoulders, and entered the lobby of Techno Inc. She spied the receptionist at the end of large foyer, and started in that the direction. The elevator to her right dinged just as she stepped in front of it. The doors slid open and out walked two people she never expected to see in this building.

  “John? Trent?”

  “Lilly!” The men embraced her and both soundly kissed her cheeks.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  They pulled back, both smiling.

  “Our Lilly, a candidate for Tulsa’s Humanitarian of the Year!” said Trent, his blue eyes sparkling. He was in his early 40s, fit and healthy with a shock of red hair. “You’ve been keeping secrets.”

  “Don’t give her a hard time,” said John, swatting the arm of his husband. He had swimmer’s build, tall and lanky, and the darkest brown eyes. “She couldn’t breathe a word. They told us as much when we were invited to talk about your contributions to the community.”

  Trent wrapped his arm around his partner of twenty-five years. “And your contribution to our family. You’re the reason we’re fathers, Lilly.”

  “You two were my gift,” protested Lilly. “Your children have wonderful, beautiful lives because they have the best parents in the world.”

  It was an old conversation, one they had often—an exchange of love and gratitude. Finding Trent and John to adopt her baby had been a miracle. David had known since he was a toddler that Lilly had brought him into the world so that Trent and John could love and raise him as their own.

  “David will be home in a couple of weeks for a visit,” said John. “Come over for dinner. Sarah’s been practicing the piano, and wants to play you the Harry Potter theme song.”

  “She learned it by ear,” said Trent proudly. “She’s amazing!”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” said Lilly. “I love you both.”

  “Love you more, Silly Lilly.” The men gave her more hugs and more smacking kisses. Then they held hands, chattering as they headed out of the lobby.


  Kade. She turned and faced the alpha. Right behind him stood three men, and she knew without question they were the alphas of the other packs. The very ones who had judged whether or not she was worthy to be Kade’s mate.

  She was too late to make an impassioned plea. Too late to fight for her place in the Moon Pack. Too late to show Kade she wanted him. Damn, damn, damn. She pressed a hand to her stomach and wet her lips. An ache bloomed in her heart. “The decision has been made then?”

  He could’ve made her wait. Maybe even punished her with a heavy silence or an inscrutable expression, but he did neither. He swept her into his arms and kissed her until her entire body felt aflame.

  “Oh,” she managed when he pulled back just enough to let her breathe. “Does that mean yes?”

  “Damn right it does.”

  “You were right, Kade. She’s a helluva woman,” said one of the alphas. He sent her a grin and clapped Kade on the back. Then he and the other two men left.

  “Will you still be my mate, Lilly?”

  “You fought for me,” she said softly. “Yes, I will be yours.”

  “And I will be yours, too.”

  She laughed, so happy she was giddy. She looked at her husband-to-be and asked, “Tulsa’s Humanitarian of the Year?”

  “I had to think of something,” he said. “John and Trent don’t know about werewolves. I needed their testimony.”

  “How did you know about them?”

  “While you were railing at me—deservedly so—I realized you knew a lot about the baby you gave up for adoption. His name. That he had a sister. That he was in college. I hired a private investigator and he found John and Trent.” He held her tightly. “I should’ve handled that situation better. As your mate, I should be your biggest advocate. Your most loyal supporter. We must have faith in each other. And trust.” He looked her deeply in the eyes. “And love.”

  “Yes,” said Lilly. “And we can begin building the foundation for all those wonderful things right now.”

  Kade smiled. “In case you’re interested, Nicole’s father was less than thrilled that she created the whole drama and has shipped her off to France. She won’t be seen in the Moon Pack—or in Tulsa, for that matter—for a long time.”

  Lilly shrugged. “Who’s Nicole?”

  He laughed and gathered her into his arms. “How do you feel about mating say … in the next ten minutes?”

  “Well, Kade. I feel just fine about that.”

  THE HOTEL WHERE they’d begun their mating was only a couple blocks away, and Kade had kept the room. She would say any other man was an optimist, but Kade was an alpha on a mission. And alphas went after what they wanted hardcore.

  They tore off their clothes before the door had barely shut behind them, and Lilly found herself tossed onto the bed and properly, thoroughly ravished.

  Kade worshiped her body as though she was a goddess, and he her prayerful supplicant. Every inch of her flesh experienced the touch of his lips, his hands. She returned the favor, of course, stroking his lightly furred chest, the muscles of his arms, those strong thighs, and of course, the magnificent cock that sprouted from a silky nest of curls.

  Kade kissed her deeply, passionately. Their tongues intertwined, dancing, dueling.

  He slipped two fingers inside her wet heat, seeking the knot of sensitive flesh. His kiss became even more ravenous as he sought to give her pleasure first…to conquer her thoroughly.

  The orgasm burst like a thousand electric jolts. She cried out, clenching, arching, moaning.

  As she rode that incredible rush, he sat up between her still quivering thighs and pulled her forward. Her legs were pressed against his chest, which he held in place by wrapping a brawny arm across them. With his other hand he guided his cock inside her still clenching pussy and started to thrust.

  “Touch yourself, Lilly,” he demanded hoarsely.

  His gaze was hot, and she swore the way he looked at her might burn her to ash. But she was up to the challenge he offered. She kept her gaze on him as she cupped her own breasts, massaging the globes while he watched. Then she pulled on her turgid nipples, gasping at the sweet pleasure-pain wrought by the actions.

  “Yes, Lilly. God, yes.” He was panting now—sweat trickling down that gorgeous chest. His cock slammed into her as he
strained toward his own completion. He looked so hungry, as if he could never get his fill of her.

  She let one hand continue to play with her breasts while the other coasted down her belly. She dipped one finger into the strip of blonde curls, and began to rub her clit.

  His gaze swept down her, riveted to the movement of her finger. He shuddered, swallowing hard.

  Another orgasm beckoned as the alpha took her in the mating ritual as old as time. Beautiful and dirty and sweaty and primal.

  “Come with me, Lilly,” he said. “C’mon, baby.”

  He made her hot and needy, damn it. She rubbed her swollen clit and tugged on her nipple, and enjoyed each full, hard thrust of her alpha’s cock. She was oh-so-tantalized … so close … oh!

  “I’m coming,” cried Kade.

  He shoved deeply inside her, his balls tight against her ass, and that final, sweetly violent movement sent her over the edge into her own bliss. He held onto her legs, his face a mask of tormented pleasure as he emptied his seed into her.

  After a long moment, he pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her. He grinned at her wickedly. “You know the thing about us younger guys is shorter recovery time.”

  “And us older women,” she murmured, “love that about younger men.”

  He laughed and gathered her close to cuddle.

  A cuddler. How lucky could a girl be?

  She settled into his embrace, pressing her face against his chest to listen to the strong rhythm of his heart. For all her bluster about having another go, Lilly’s exhaustion claimed her.

  Before she realized what had happened, she’d fallen into peaceful sleep.

  WHEN LILLY AWOKE, she was alone.

  Then Kade bounded into the room, dressed only in his boxers. He’d taken a shower, his hair still wet and as he drew close to the bed, she could smell his clean scent.

  “Please tell me you ordered coffee,” she croaked.

  “Two pots,” he said. “Arrived a few minutes ago.”

  She rolled over and sat up. The covers fell away as she stretched.

  “There are gods,” he murmured. He sat next to her and placed a kiss on the top of each breast. “I’ll bring you a cup of java. You a purist?”

  “God, no,” she said. “Don’t hold back on the creamer and sugar.” She grinned. “Or the kisses.”

  He laid one on her that made her toes curl, and then left to get her coffee.

  Kade was her mate.

  Her alpha.

  Her very heart.

  The End

  Her Billionaire Beta

  KAMMIE DESMOND EXAMINED the lobby of the Port Royal Inn.

  Made to look like the innards of a pirate vessel, the walls were ribbed dark wood, polished to a high shine. Hanging big and bright above them was a chandelier—something not usually found in the bowels of a swashbuckler’s ship. Neither were the white-marble floors, the cozy arrangements of leather sofas and chairs, and the abundance of potted palms. Still, she had to admit the ambience was very pirate-like.

  Her temporary assistant and big-assed surprise (thank you, Kevin Desmond, you treacherous twin) Matthew Canton, grinned wolfishly. Seeing as that he was a wolf, he had that look down pat. Every since he was thirteen years old, he’d looked at her like she was a choice bit of steak, which was exactly how other male werewolves looked at her. The difference had been that she wanted him back. Not that it mattered. Her parents had other plans. Plans that ruined her life and made her distance herself from them and the pack and most definitely from Matt.

  Her twin brother Kevin had been her assistant since they played secretary-and-famous-writer as kids. He was also a severe disappointment to Mom and Dad since he liked boys instead of girls. Now, their bitter parents had no one but each other to torment. Kevin and Kammie refused to attend family gatherings and they rarely bothered with Moon Pack celebrations. In fact, staying as un-involved with the Moon Pack as possible was one of Kammie’s main life goals—that, and hitting the New York Times bestseller list. And here was the Moon Pack beta, pretty as you please, taking over her brother’s assistant duties. I will kill you, Kev.

  Matt was gorgeous. He had wavy blond hair and sky-blue eyes and a jawline that could cut glass. He was smart. Very smart. He and Kade Stonewell, the recently married Moon Pack alpha, owned Techno Inc., a technology company that raked in billions from its inventions and breakthroughs in robotics. So, Matt was handsome and rich and brilliant, and standing in front of her looking yummy in faded jeans and a blue T-shirt. He was also wearing blue Converse sneakers.

  Why did he have to be so freaking cute?

  “Kevin said you wanted to experience the Golden Age of piracy. This place is as close as you’re going to get.” He heaved his laptop bag over his shoulder, gripping his suitcase in one hand and hers in the other. “Let’s check in.”

  Kammie held her own laptop and her make-up case. Following Matt to the counter, she sighed. Finding him standing in the lobby of the Port Royal Inn instead of her brother made her cringe. What had Kevin been thinking? He wasn’t picking up his phone, either, no doubt to avoid listening to her lengthy and well-deserved tirade. But he wasn’t escaping that lecture. In fact, he was getting double the lecture.


  She depended on her brother absolutely. Kevin made her life as an author bearable, shouldering all the necessary but unpleasant tasks that took away from her writing time. She no longer dreaded book tours because Kevin was there: her support, her friend, and her conscience.

  “It’s a two-bedroom suite,” said Matt, breaking into her thoughts. “Top floor, ocean view. Is that okay?”

  “Of course,” said Kammie. “Kevin said there’s a real pirate’s cove here.”

  “Already rented the schooner,” he said, smiling. “The captain will take us to all the hot spots, including the cove. There’s also a shipwreck in shallow water that we can scuba dive.”

  Kammie stared at his lips. He had a wonderful mouth. She remembered, even all these years later, what it felt like to be kissed by Matthew Canton. Just the one kiss, and she’d been a goner. So what if she was fifteen and he’d snuck into the library just to see her? They’d flirted for weeks in math class. But the private school for shifter youth hadn’t been exclusive enough. Not after her parents had caught wind of their daughter’s crush on Matt, and promptly transferred her to an all girls’ school in pastoral France.


  She wasn’t going to survive being in Matt’s presence for the next hour, much less the next few days. It didn’t help that her libido had been roaring for some action. Werewolf appetites were voracious, and she hadn’t had sex in a very long time. And Matt had always been on the edges of her life—near enough to see, but never close enough to touch.

  Until this very moment.


  “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s great.” Embarrassed, and no longer sure what she was answering, she turned away and stared at some nearby flora.

  Matt finished up the transaction, got their key cards, and then led her toward the bank of elevators on the right side of the check-in counter.

  They stepped into the elevator. Kammie was grateful they were alone. She turned to Matt. “Okay. Why are you really here? Because the last time I checked, you didn’t need a job.”

  “I need you.”

  Butterflies took wing in her belly. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because it’s true. I’m not sorry you didn’t marry Charles. It sucks that he left you at the altar, but that was the day you claimed your life. The life you really wanted. It’s been a couple of years, sweetheart.”

  “I know that.” She picked at the strap of her laptop case.

  “Do you love him that much?”

  Kammie looked up, her mouth dropping open. “What? No. Hell, no.”

  His brows nearly rose to his hairline, and she looked away.


  Despite feeling unnerved, she met his tender gaze. Her heart flipped o
ver in her chest.

  “You’re a beautiful woman with curves I can’t wait to get my hands on. I don’t want you for your bloodline, damn it. I’ve been in love with you since the ninth grade.”

  Shock electrified her. She nearly dropped her laptop. She gripped the handle harder. “Holy crap. You have not.”

  “I have too. I’m in love you. And I’ll be your very capable assistant, I promise. But I’m here to woo you.”

  Panic made her insides tremble. He was serious about this courtship thing. She was in trouble. Big trouble. Matt was her kryptonite. Her weakness. If she weren’t careful she’d end up in his bed. Worse, she’d end up as his wife. “You can’t woo me. There’s no wooing.”

  Matt’s expression showed pure determination. “Oh, there’s going to be wooing,” he said. “In fact, I’m going to woo the hell out of you.”

  “LET ME GUESS. You’re suffering from Jack Sparrow syndrome.”

  Kammie looked up from her sweating mixed drink. The blonde bartender, whose nametag read Wench Wendy, leaned on the polished wood bar and smiled. It was five o’clock in the evening, too late for afternoon libations and too early for dinner drinks. The hotel bar, called Kidd’s Kavern, was practically empty.

  “Jack Sparrow? From Pirates of the Caribbean?” Kammie grinned. That was one of her all-time favorite movies. In fact, she loved any story that put pirates in a romantic light. She knew from her research that pirates were bloodthirsty and ruthless, but they also knew how to have a good time. She finished off her drink.

  “We get a lot of ladies who want to get swept off their feet by Johnny Depp.” Wendy laughed.

  “Don’t I know it,” she said. Right now, she was avoiding being swept off her feet by a sexy werewolf. Kammie pushed her empty glass to edge of the bar. “Another one, please.”

  Wendy got a new glass, poured in Crown Royal and added some cola. After she slid the drink to Kammie, she grabbed a towel and started buffing the bar. “So, what do you do?”


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