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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Crystal Dawn

  “I will and don’t worry about a thing,” she replied.

  Dori made a U-turn and headed to the local hospital to get her granddaughter. She was glad her phone was hooked up through her radio and she called Bree. The phone rang three times before a flustered Bree answered. She could imagine just what had her daughter sounding so confused. It wasn’t like Dori hadn’t been young once.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Sweetie, but your sister is in the hospital. She’s decided to come with us and I don’t want to give her time to change her mind. This is the best thing she could possibly do,” Dori explained.

  “I’ll be so glad when she’s away from that jerk,” Bree admitted. “We’ll send some of the guys to her house. If he gets out on bail, they’ll protect her.”

  “That will make me feel so much better. I’m going to get Silly and she’ll stay the night with me,’ Dori said.

  Bree, observed, “One day she’s going to get mad when you call her Silly and I don’t think it’ll be all that far in the future.”

  “I know but it’s so darn cute.”

  “We’ll look for you tomorrow, Mom.”

  Dori hung up and concentrated on getting to Betty. She was so much more deserving than to end up with a man like Jon. Her daughter wasn’t to blame. Jon had fooled them all by acting like someone he wasn’t. Most people were on their best behavior when they searched out their spouses, but Jon had acted like the opposite of who he really was. He had acted romantic, caring, well-mannered, hardworking, and completely in love and nothing had been further from the truth.

  They had married and Betty had gotten pregnant. At that point the real Jon had started to come out. That was a man no woman would want. He was an addict and he was violent. His insane jealousy without the slightest reason was just that-insane. Dori was so relieved that Betty had finally agreed to go where he’d never find her or Selia.

  Chapter 10

  Change of Plans

  Romo was thrilled that so many of Bree’s family was coming with them but he felt her pain that her baby sister was being left behind. He wanted to tell her that she could come later but the truth was unless she turned out to be the fated mate of someone who came later, she had lost her chance to join them. The girl was young but she was smart and he could only assume she had made the decision based on what she felt was her best choice.

  Meanwhile his mate alternated between moody brooding which he was sure would trace back to Kitty and unparalleled excitement no doubt because most of her family was coming. The extremes of her emotions worried him with the little one growing inside her. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do to calm or ease her moods. A sedative would be too much and nothing else seemed to work. He had already made love to her until he could barely move himself but her adrenaline seemed to keep her going just fine.

  Feeling a little unmanned, he lay there watching every move she made and worried about her frame of mind. “Bree, it’ll work out for the best,” he tried to assure her.

  “I know Kitty has big dreams and she’s well on her way, but family is just the most important thing to me,” she replied and she turned to him her beautiful green eyes shining with unshed tears. It ripped his heart out of his chest to see her this way and he was helpless to change the situation.

  “Your mother will be with us as will your other sisters. They will be there to help ease you through the birth of our first child. They will all find happiness on my world, I know it,” he enthused.

  “I hope so, Romo. It’s all I want for all of them but leaving Kitty behind is painful and it takes away some of the happiness of the moment,” she said as she sat on the bed beside him and looked him in the eyes.

  A rogue tear broke loose and rolled down her cheek so he leaned in and kissed it away. The salty taste exploded on his tongue and he could feel her melancholy washing over him. It was something he’d heard happened sometimes with true mates. Surprise at the intensity of the emotions still rocked him to his core. Life would never be the same again but he would have it no other way. This incredible woman was going to bring him every extreme of emotion and he would feel that all the days of their lives.

  “It is good that Tomi is all packed and ready to go. I heard her say she is like a bohemian. What is a bohemian?” he asked.

  “Yes, she is like a bohemian and that is usually said about someone that likes to travel from place to place staying no place long and having few personal possessions to tie them down. Bohemians as a term describes those who travel around and don’t always put down roots where they go. They are often artistic in nature and hard to classify by society’s rigid rules. Tomi has that wild and free spirit most people associate with bohemians.”

  “I see,” Romo said even though he didn’t understand at all.

  “Maybe once you get to know her it will be easier to understand.”

  He should have realized Bree would know he was clueless. Tomi was fun and lighthearted. The rest he would understand in time. Once she had been packed up, she had been put in the room next to them. All the males that saw her, seemed drawn to her and a few followed her around when she came out of her room. She had a sensual way about her and he wondered if that was part of the bohemian mystique. It was his hope that he wouldn’t have to beat down any of the males lingering around her for taking things too far with his new sister. Bree had hinted that Tomi knew well how to take care of herself but he still worried and felt a sense of responsibility for all the females. It was a feeling he found he enjoyed and he hoped he and Bree would eventually have some daughters along with sons. Glancing at her still flat stomach he couldn’t help but wonder what their first one would be even though he wanted both equally.

  Betty seemed to be her opposite, she was wounded and near broken with only her daughter seeming to bring her any joy. Leaving this planet would be the best thing that ever happened to that sister and her daughter. Bree had told him enough for him to understand that a very bad man stalked her but he couldn’t follow her where they were going. When he’d seen the pictures Dori had sent of Betty with a black eye and a busted lip, it had enraged him. Such brutality was something that would have been dealt with harshly on his planet but here it seemed almost accepted. Dori was also ready to go and he had a feeling having her around would be a blessing. All in all he was impressed with his mate and her family.

  Right now, he was ready to settle in for the night with his mate but she was restless and having a hard time calming down no matter what he did. In the morning he had already made arrangements for half a dozen of the males to go to Betty’s and pack her and Selia up for the long journey home. His mate leaned into him and the sluggishness he’d felt earlier disappeared and he was reinvigorated. Maybe it was her scent, her silky smooth skin, or the anticipation that he was beginning to feel as the memory of their earlier lovemaking flashed through his mind. The goddess had truly blessed him tenfold when she had chosen his mate for him.

  He wrapped his arms around her and was grateful that they were both still naked having not redressed after their earlier session of athletic lovemaking. His whole body was on fire with desire coursing through his veins as his mouth dropped to hers. Groaning as need took over him, his hands stroked her everywhere he could reach. His mouth and hands devoured her and she writhed and moaned under them. Rolling their bodies, he pulled her on top of him so she could ride him.

  She sent him a sassy smile as she positioned herself over his cock and sank down so slowly he thought he would go mad before he was fully inside her. Nothing had ever felt as perfect as being fully seated in his fated mate. When she moved, he growled with need enjoying the friction and the wet heat that slid over him. Faster and faster, his mate rode him until she was moving like a wild thing and he liked it. Her hips rocked and rolled to one side then the next and he arched up wanting more.

  Right now he would do anything she asked if she would just keep doing what she was doing until he came to completion. Looking up her face was a mask of pleasure an
d concentration that told him she had no intention of stopping for anything until they were both satisfied.

  “Oh, Baby I’m so close,” she moaned as she came down onto him hard and he went deep inside her.

  “Cum for me, Mate,” he whispered his voice hoarse with need. Nothing was as important to him right this moment than to hear her scream his name as she fell apart on top of him.

  A knock on the door made him reach out and grab her hips to hold her in place but she wasn’t trying to pull away. Her channel tightened around him as she slammed against him harder. He blocked the sounds of impatient knocking out as his fingers moved over her clit plucking at it to send her over the edge so he could follow.

  A tingle buzzed over his skin and he felt a sense of euphoria start to rush through him. Bree was on the edge of an orgasmic precipice about to fall over and he seemed to be feeling her joy. Every part of him, mental, physical, and emotional was being drawn into what he could only describe as the most amazing experience of his life. When the bubble burst and they fell together into the chasm of bliss, they screamed out at the intensity of their ecstasy. As soon as the waves of pleasure stopped rolling over them, fatigue in the extreme overcame him and she seemed to be suffering from it too. Later he realized they’d never answered the door but eventually their visitor must have given up.

  A cathartic sleep seemed to have been delivered to them because when he woke he felt different in a positive way. Bree concurred that it had also been the best sleep since she had been a baby. Romo felt stronger, almost like a human superhero. His mind was clear and sharp, but he was as hungry as he could ever remember being and breakfast couldn’t wait. Bree called Tomi, who admitted she had been their unexpected visitor last night and made plans to meet in the hall.

  They exited their room just before lunch time to meet Tomi in the hall. A humorous and knowing look was on Bree’s sister’s face. It was clear that she had heard more than enough while she had been knocking on the door.

  “Honeymoon, Tomi. Do you know what the hell that means?” Bree growled.

  Tomi gave up trying to keep a straight face and doubled over laughing. “If I didn’t before, I sure got an earful this morning. I thought you two would take a break for meals but I stand corrected,” she observed.

  “I can’t wait until it happens to you,” Bree snarled.

  Tomi had a hopeful look on her face. “Me either. It would be worth any teasing or aggravating to have what you two do.”

  Romo silently agreed. That two people could feel so close and in sync with each other was amazing. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill or even die for this female of his. Grabbing her hand, he squeezed it gently. The look he gave her was one of complete devotion, just like the look she sent back to him. Each female in her family that he’d met was beautiful, but he had gotten the most beautiful one of all. It was his intention to worship her as she deserved to be.

  They headed up to the restaurant since the buffets were closed while they were changed from breakfast to lunch. This would be a better meal since they could order off either menu. Someone seated them immediately and they were given water and menus. All three of them ordered off the breakfast menu. Bree ordered medium rare steak and he knew it was the protein the baby needed for its fast development that she was craving. She ordered the porterhouse, not usually an option but at his nod it was substituted. Tomi’s mouth fell open as she listened.

  “You do know how big that steak is, don’t you?” Tomi questioned.

  “I’ve built up an appetite and I’m eating for two,” Bree explained.

  “That steak is big enough for a family,” Tomi muttered.

  Romo chuckled but both females sent him a sharp look. “What?”

  Neither answered but he decided it was best to shut up before he had the ire of both of them brought down on his head. The food came quickly and he noticed Bree ate with a good appetite. Tomi watched while pretending she wasn’t. Had she known all about everything Bree was going through, she would have understood that Bree was just meeting the requirements of her change and the pregnancy.

  Their plates were empty and the waitress brought by a dessert tray. Romo took it upon himself to order a piece of cheesecake, tiramisu, and lemon cake. The dessert came quickly too and they all shared their desserts but he encouraged Bree to eat more. It was his honor to see to all the needs of his mate and he would see her well fed and protected.

  Now it was time to go and Romo wondered if Betty and Selia were packed up and on their way yet. He scrolled through his phone looking for the needed number when Bree and Tomi both started reaching for their phones because they were ringing.

  Both females had horrified looks on their faces just like the one on his. He’d heard enough to understand Betty had been attacked but not by her violent ex, this time Maggio had targeted her probably because of the little girl. If Davy would come back for anyone, he had assumed it would be her little niece. Luckily, he hadn’t realized six dragon men were on their way and they had arrived just as Maggio’s muscle had been attempting to leave with a restrained Betty and Selia.

  Maggio’s four goons had been caught and restrained, two of them with the same cuffs they’d used on Bree’s sister and niece. The police had been called and were enroute and Selia was inconsolable not that Betty was taking it well. Romo promptly called Ranger who apparently had just been told and then he escorted Bree and Tomi to the SUV waiting out front to take them all to Betty’s old place.

  Blue lights flashed as they pulled up to the curb. Four police cars were there and prisoners were being escorted to two of them. Betty was giving a statement to one officer while some of his males were giving statements to other officers. The officer speaking to Betty seemed to be known by her and her sisters.

  “Stanley, thank you for coming,” Bree said as she gave the officer a quick hug. Romo bit back a growl because he didn’t like his mate getting familiar with any other man.

  “Of course I was going to come and no one was going to stop me,” Stanley replied. Tomi gave him a hug next and Romo cleared his throat.

  “This is my husband, Romo. Romo this is my cousin Stanley,” Bree introduced.

  “Husband, huh? Did you forget to send me my invite?” Stanley asked.

  “No, we eloped. It was love at first sight and we couldn’t fight it,” she admitted.

  Stanley gave Romo a good, hard look. “Take care of our girl or you’ll be hearing from me,” he threatened.

  “No need to get the testosterone flowing, Stan. He’s a great guy and he’ll treat Bree right,” Tomi scolded.

  “So when are you going to find a good man? You know Lester still asks about you,” Stan said.

  “I’m sorry Stan but I explained it to you. He’s just a friend and would never be more,” Tomi insisted.

  “Stan set Tomi up with his partner. Poor guy fell hard but Tomi didn’t’. Where is Les?” she asked.

  “He’s taking a class on something to help him get a promotion. He wants to move up the food chain,” Stan informed. “What’s this I hear about you guys moving? I heard only Kitty’s gonna stay.”

  “Romo is from that place Davy’s man is from and cause of Maggio we’re going to live there. It looks like it will be safer,” Tomi pointed out.

  “Can’t deny that, Kid,” Stan said.

  Once the statements were all given, Selia went to Tomi while Bree sat with Betty trying to comfort her. “Why does everyone bad come after me?” Betty asked with the saddest look on her face.

  “Maggio came after Davy first. I was next and the only he came after you now was because he thought you were unprotected. You are not a victim, nor will you ever be. We’ll be leaving in the morning and you’ll have a new life ahead for you and Selia. You’ll never regret this, Betty,” Bree assured.

  They would all be eating supper together tonight and staying at the hotel so it would be easy to leave as a group. All the trunks and luggage would be loaded tonight making things easy tomorrow. It was unfortuna
te that without Betty to press charges Maggio’s men might get off without a punishment, but at least Bree and most of her family would be safe.

  Now that they had pulled in at the hotel and they were heading into the front desk, he was feeling more confident in their safety. The other guys, all but one, went to unload the trunks at the warehouse and probably shuttle them up to the ship that was invisible to the humans as it orbited above them because of some great shielding tech.

  Romo herded his new sisters to the elevator and up to their rooms while the male that stayed behind carried up a bag for Betty and a smaller one for Selia. They left Betty and Selia with Tomi to settle them in and headed to their own room nearby. Yeah, it was a bit selfish to want time with his mate all by himself, but as Bree had pointed out they were on their honeymoon and he knew that was a short time period after wedding that humans spent as much time alone as possible engaging in sex. He gave that plan his full approval and would admit that it was his favorite custom of all Earth customs.

  While Bree had mentioned that it wasn’t just for the purposes of sex, which he found hard to believe, but also to get to know each other on a deeper level. When they had sex they connected on a deeper level. A level he had never imagined possible and that was the level he wanted to get to now. As soon as the door closed and he attached the chain for added security, he began to strip out of the unneeded clothing he was wearing. Joy spread through him as he saw Bree was doing the same and he wouldn’t have to wait an extra moment.

  Picking her up into his arms, he laughed as he circled around with her until he fell onto the bed with her on top of him. Rolling quickly, he was now on top and very happy about it. He caged her in with his arms and kissed her until they were both breathless. Touching her felt so wonderful but his cock felt like it was going to explode if he didn’t sheath himself inside her right away. Sliding in, he delighted in the slippery feel of her that told him she wanted him. There was no way he could get any deeper as he nudged her womb and pulled back before plunging in again.


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