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Lady Charlotte's Marquess (The heir and a spare Book 2)

Page 6

by Fiona Miers

Essex street was in a nice part of town and Archie looked at Oliver in surprise and silent question. Reading his look correctly, Oliver explained.

  “It usually means that he’s in love with his mistress.”

  John grunted, “Or thinks he is.”

  “Well, then Charlotte won’t marry him.” Archie announced, relieved that her strict list of rules would prevent Withering from marrying her. Although his heart was still thumping in his chest and he couldn’t seem to calm it down.

  “Maybe, although you never know what a man would do for a woman with whom he falls in love.”

  John grunted again but Archie’s heart beat tripled in speed. He knew that Oliver was faithful to Sarah, but did that mean any gentleman could change his habits for a woman he loved?

  Oliver stood up again, inclining his head towards them.

  “I think I’ll go and see where Sarah is.”

  Archie chuckled, the feeling rippling through him and relieving some of the tension in his body.

  “You know, you’re not meant to care what she does or to whom she speaks,” said John, with a smile.

  Oliver smiled back, obviously confident in the knowledge that such men would be unsuccessful. “I know, but I don’t want my daughter listening to some rake trying to get my wife into bed.”

  Archie glanced away from his friend. He was so jealous of the emotion in Oliver’s eyes that he felt sick to his stomach with it.

  “Daughter?” John picked up on the point that Archie had missed in his green haze.

  “Yes. Sarah’s decided this one’s a girl, and she was right the first time.”


  “Yes?” Archie looked at his cards and tried not to let Oliver see the hope he knew would be flaring in his eyes.

  “Want to join me?” He asked lightly, but Archie saw the awareness in his eyes. Oliver knew him better than anyone and he wasn’t doing a good job at hiding his eagerness to return to the ballroom.

  Archie considered his options for less than two seconds before he was standing and following Oliver. Butterflies fluttered in his belly when luck was on his side, Oliver’s duchess, ’s wife Sarah, was talking to Charlotte and Withering.

  Archie sidled up next to Sarah and tried not to show the rather violent feelings he was experiencing. Desire and hatred were warring inside him like a pair of vicious mongrels, fighting for supremacy.

  “Withering,” Archie greeted the gentleman who had had the courage to have partnered for two dances with the spectacular Lady Charlotte Dunford.


  “How are those fine horses of yours?” Archie knew the Viscount’s heir through their mutual love of horseflesh. Withering liked racehorses especially and Archie could see the passion was strong.

  Withering laughed and shared a glance with Charlotte. Archie arched an eyebrow and clenched his jaw. What had he missed?

  “Lady Charlotte was just asking about the same topic. Perhaps you can tell Turner how my horses are Lady Charlotte, as you listened so attentively.”

  Charlotte flushed, her full cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

  “Several of Lord Withering’s well known racehorses have been at stud recently and have produced two young fillies and a foal.” She told Archie obligingly, neither smiling or bringing any warmth into her tone.

  Archie inclined his head in thanks but held his tongue. Charlotte turned her head back to Archie and spoke directly to Withering.

  “What are you planning on doing with the offspring, Mr. Withering? are you planning to sell them, or keep them to race yourself?”

  “I don’t keep many horses to race, Lady Charlotte. I either sell them or keep them for breeding. The foal I will keep for breeding. His bloodlines are impeccable, but the two fillies, I will sell.”

  “Really?” Archie asked, interested now. “What are the fillies blood lines? I’m looking to increase my breeding program next year.”

  Archie and Withering got into a discussion about the horse’s bloodlines until Charlotte spoke into one of the rare silences.

  “Are you enjoying the ball, my Lord Archibald?”

  Archie turned to look at Charlotte and noted the look in her eye. What was she up to?

  “I am, thank you, Lady Charlotte,” he bowed in acknowledgement, addressing her as formally as he had been addressed.

  “Are you going away soon, my lord?” she enquired in a sweet tone, again that look was there in her eyes and Archie tensed up for the attack that was sure to come.

  “No, my lady, I will not be leaving town until the end of the season.” Or unless his brother got worse, he added silently to himself.

  “But my lord, why have you attended three balls in a sennight if you are not going away? I’m sure that in the six years since my coming out, you have never attended two balls in so short a succession.”

  When their whole group looked at Archie expectantly, Archie could have cursed aloud. How did she even know that?

  “I didn’t realize you knew so much about my habits Lady Charlotte,” he bit back.

  Charlotte didn’t even blush.

  “Oh, I didn’t even think about it until I heard one of the Dowagers commenting on it. Then it made me wonder. I don’t think you have ever been seen at more than one ball a sennight. Is there any reason you are here especially tonight?” She fluttered her eyelashes and Archie clenched his jaw.

  Before he could comment Withering jumped in.

  “Well, we all need to marry at some stage, don’t we Turner?” He grinned, looking at Archie expectantly.

  Archie nodded in agreement, although he wasn’t planning on it in the near future.

  “Oh, is that why you’re here tonight, my lord? Are you looking for a wife?” Charlotte asked, there was definitely steel in her tone now.

  Archie allowed himself a lazy smile.

  “Well, there are some beautiful new debutantes this year,” he agreed, watching Charlotte pale at this acknowledgement of his plans. Archie knew it was cruel to make a dig about wanting to marry a debutante, but how could he not when she was purposefully annoying him?

  Oliver cleared his throat as though he was trying not to laugh.

  “You’re planning on being the next to tie the knot Archie? I hadn’t realized you had met anyone that you liked.”

  Archie smiled lazily again, enjoying the way Charlotte’s eyes were sparkling. She would never be a good poker player; her anger was too clearly written on her face.

  “Well Oliver, I must tell you that the only person I have met recently would be your lovely wife. It was such a shame you took her off the market before anyone else had a chance.” He teased as charmingly as he could, giving Sarah his best smile. She leaned forward and hit him smartly with her fan.

  Oliver laughed and Sarah tssked them both reprovingly.

  “You are right, my lord. Who could compare with Sarah?” Charlotte’s voice sounded hurt, defeated.

  Archie’s belly dropped with a painful lurch. He had told the truth, though he had cleverly disguised it. He hadn’t met anyone recently he wanted to marry because he had met her many years before that.

  Before he could think about what he was doing he reached out and grabbed Charlotte’s arm as she curtsied to leave.

  “Charlotte,” he pleaded, forgetting to be formal with her.

  Her blue eyes flashed at him.

  “Don’t,” she hissed under her breath and with a sharp move of her elbow dislodged his grip and moved away to the other side of the room.

  “What happened?” Withering asked, oblivious to both the tension and the reason. He didn’t even bother hiding his obvious disappointment that his hard-won companion had left so abruptly.

  “You shouldn’t have said that Archie,” Sarah said quietly.

  “It was the truth, Sarah.”

  Archie was unable to drag his eyes away from Charlotte’s retreating form.

  He heard a small moan of discomfort and turned to see Sarah getting paler by the second.

/>   “Oliver, I know we just got here but I’m afraid I’m not feeling very well.” Sarah told her husband, putting an anxious hand to her stomach.

  “Is it the baby?” Oliver asked, his voice pitch rising.

  Withering took that as his cue and bowed out. Archie knew it was the gentlemanly thing to do, but he couldn’t leave his friends.

  Pitching her voice to almost inaudible, Sarah proved herself to be not a Duchess, but first and foremost a woman.

  “Oliver, I think I’m bleeding.”

  At these words, Oliver swung his wife up into his arms and looked expectantly at Archie.

  He jumped to help his friend. “I’ll grab the coats, call for your carriage and meet you out the front.” Archie ran off before Oliver could even respond, his heart thundering in his ears.


  Archie didn’t know what to do. He had never been so uncomfortable in his life. He was in Oliver and Sarah’s carriage facing two people who didn’t even know he was there. Archie had called for a doctor, got their coats and met them in the carriage. Now he was watching Oliver as he cradled his wife in his lap, wincing every time she moaned as a cramp hit her. Oliver met Archie’s eyes in helpless entreaty and Archie could do nothing. His stomach burned, making him feel sick and impotent.

  “I’ve summoned your doctor Sarah,” Archie told her quietly, breaking the silence.

  She lifted pain-drenched eyes up and gave him a brave smile.

  “Thank you Archie, but I don’t think they can do anything now.” She doubled over again with a moan, obviously in agony.

  Archie stared out the window wishing he had never broken his rule to come to tonight’s ball. He shouldn’t be here.

  When they arrived home, however, Oliver wanted him to stay and Archie was happy to offer the moral support. Archie was half-heartedly reading a book in the Duke’s library when a very disheveled and haggard Oliver came in and dropped into a chair.

  “She lost the baby.”

  He moaned, dropping his head into his hands in obvious despair.

  Archie was again at a complete loss. How did one comfort a friend like this? He reached out and gripped Oliver’s shoulder for a moment and then let go. That seemed to do the trick because Oliver sat back and asked for a whiskey.

  Archie handed him the glass that had already been prepared and watched his friend gulp down the contents, then reach for the decanter.

  “Is she alright?” Archie asked, knowing it was a stupid question, but unable to ignore what was happening around him.

  Oliver laughed brokenly.

  “She’s in pain but she’s handling it well. She told me that her mother had a miscarriage between herself and her sister and it won’t stop her from trying again as soon as we can.”

  Archie’s mouth parted in shock at this obvious lack of common sense. What sort of woman had Oliver married?

  “Why would she want to go through this again? We already have David. I think I’ll have to investigate some new methods of prevention.” Oliver seemed to be talking to himself but Archie couldn’t help listening.

  Archie raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Obviously, abstinence wasn’t a choice for his friend.

  Oliver saw the look on Archie’s face and laughed sadly again.

  “Don’t think it’s me, Archie. If I thought I could keep my door locked I would.”

  Before Archie had formulated a response to this startling and unbelievable statement, the doctor knocked on the library door.

  “Your Grace, your wife is resting, I gave her some laudanum,” the doctor announced, with an air of importance.

  “Thank you, doctor, is there anything else we can do?” Oliver asked, wringing his hands in a most undignified way.

  “No, but I would suggest not trying again for at least six months.” He told Oliver sternly with a hard look in his eyes. Oliver paled but nodded his head.

  The doctor’s face softened and he spoke quietly.

  “Although, Her Grace did tell me that she wouldn’t be waiting that long.” With a small smile, he bowed himself out and left Oliver with Archie.

  “They all love her you know.” Oliver whispered, sinking into his chair and reaching again for his whiskey.


  Archie found himself wondering again why Sarah would want another baby again so quickly.

  “Sarah. Everyone loves her. The butler, the servants, the doctor, everyone.” Oliver’s voice trailed off as though he were fighting tears and Archie felt his own eyes fill.

  “I know. We all do.” Archie agreed, gripping Oliver’s shoulder reassuringly again.

  “Archie, I can’t lose her… you don’t understand... I can’t.” Oliver moaned, unable to finish what he was trying to say.

  Archie was horrified to see tears welling up in Oliver’s eyes and he handed him his whiskey glass again.

  “She’s not going anywhere, Oliver.”

  Archie was in completely foreign waters dealing with real feeling. He had dealt with some interesting emotions within his family before, but never this one.

  Oliver cleared his throat and drank the whiskey in one gulp.

  “I better get to bed.” Oliver’s eyes strayed in the direction of the ceiling and Archie knew he wanted to get back to his wife.

  “Of course, I’ll see myself out.” Archie bowed to his friend, relieved to be leaving finally.

  “Archie, thank you for tonight.”

  Archie nodded, shook hands with his friend and walked out the door.


  The next day, Archie was standing outside Oliver and Sarah’s town house again, his hand raised to knock on the door, when a red and flustered Charlotte ran out and almost knocked him over.

  “Charlotte.” Archie blinked, surprised to see her and even more surprised at her flustered appearance. Her face was all blotchy and tear stained. He’d never seen a woman look as such.

  Charlotte threw herself into his arms sobbing.

  “Oh, Archie.”

  Conscious that they could be seen by anyone passing by in the street, he ushered Charlotte back inside and into the front sitting room. The stoic butler looked sympathetic to both Charlotte and Archie’s plights. He carefully left the door open and sent a maid for tea.

  “It’s alright, she’s going to get better.” Archie was very conscious of the fact Charlotte was sitting on his lap with her arms wrapped around his neck. His skin tingled where she touched and heat was pooling inappropriately in his groin. The only thing keeping him from ravishing her on the spot was the fact that she was heaving with sobs.

  “It’s not fair, it’s just not fair,” she wailed between tears.

  “These things happen, Charlotte,” he said quietly, kissing the top of her head and letting his eyes close for a moment. He sighed and let his body sink into the moment. It felt so good to hold her.

  Charlotte hiccupped and shook and slowly her tears dried up. The moment she realized where she was and who was holding her, her whole body stiffened and she held her breath. She started to inch herself off his lap with as much dignity as was possible in the situation. Archie didn’t want to let her go, but knew he had to.

  “I am so sorry,” she apologized with an even deeper blush, sliding as far away from him as she could get on the chaise lounge.

  “Don’t be sorry, just tell me what’s wrong.”

  “What do you mean, what’s wrong? You were here last night, weren’t you?” She sounded angry.

  “Well, yes,” Archie admitted.

  “Then you know that she lost a baby. A baby which would have been loved and cherished by two people who love each other.”

  Charlotte was being irrationally angry, but Archie preferred that over the sobbing.

  “I know it’s unfair Charlotte, but Sarah said these things happen.”

  “You’ve seen her?” Sarah gasped, her hand flying to her chest.

  “No, but Oliver told me last night that Sarah’s mother had miscarried before.”

�Oh,” Charlotte sighed, her shoulders sagging.

  Archie cocked his head. “What’s wrong really Charlotte? You seem more upset about than Sarah.”

  Charlotte stared at him for a moment, her blue eyes sad and searching before she finally admitted to him, “I think I’m just jealous that you got to be perfect as always and I missed out on helping my friend.”

  Archie chuckled and couldn’t resist moving forward and handing Charlotte his handkerchief.

  “I’m never perfect Charlotte, I was just at the right place to help.”

  “Withering was there too and he didn’t help,” she protested, then flushed.

  “He hasn’t been friends with Oliver for fifteen years.” Archie said, before thinking what that obviously said about her feelings towards Withering.

  “So does that mean that you’re no longer considering Withering as a potential husband?”

  Charlotte sniffed loudly and dabbed at her face.

  “I thought I’d made it clear what I need in a gentleman Archie, and Withering doesn’t qualify.”

  Archie swallowed uncomfortably, a knot in the pit of his stomach appearing instantly. Withering was perfect, except for his mistress. If Charlotte really did want someone as untouched as she was, then she would have to marry someone barely over the legal age.

  He laughed to cover his tension.

  “Then I’m afraid you’re going to marry someone straight out of school Charlotte.”

  Charlotte didn’t say anything, just looked him directly in the eye with an expression that dared him to say such a foolish thing again.

  The air between them crackled with tension and Charlotte leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Archie forced himself to stay still and let her kiss him. He refused to deepen the kiss, but knew she needed some sort of physical comfort from him.

  Charlotte must have felt Archie’s resistance and cupped his face in her hands to hold him close. She tasted his closed lips with her tongue and moaned in entreaty.

  Archie pulled back abruptly, looking towards the door to make sure no one had seen.

  Charlotte jumped to her feet in a rush making an affronted gasping noise as she moved.

  Archie responded just as quickly, getting to his feet in no time.

  “Thank you for keeping me company, Lord Archibald, but I think it was the time I was getting home.”


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