To the Galactic Rim: The John Grimes Saga
Page 13
“This vessel has established electronic radio communication with El Dorado, Mr. Grimes. I shall tell them to be ready for you. After all, we are visiting their planet at their request.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Very good, then. You may study the chart until it is time for you to take the boat away.”
“Yes, sir.”
Grimes looked down at the new, as yet unmarked plan of the spaceport and its environs. He would far sooner have spent the time studying the Manual of Spacemanship, with special attention to that section devoted to the handling of rocket-powered re-entry vehicles. But, after all, he was qualified as an atmosphere pilot and had, for some time, been drawing the extra pay to which his certificate entitled him.
As he studied the chart he overheard Captain Daintree talking over the transceiver to somebody, presumably Port Control, on the planet below. “Yes, you heard me correctly. I am sending the advance party down in one of my rocket boats.” Came the reply, “But, Captain, our spaceport is not suitable for the reception of such a craft.” The voice was as arrogant as Daintree’s own but in a different way. It was the arrogance that comes with money (too much money), with inherited titles, with a bloodline traced back to some uncouth robber baron who happened to be a more efficient thief and murderer than his rivals.
“I am sending away my rocket boat.” One almost expected the acridity of ozone to accompany that quarterdeck snap and crackle.
“I am sorry, Captain—” Port Control didn’t sound very sorry—“but that is impossible.”
“Do you want our help, or don’t you?”
There was a brief silence, then a reluctant “Yes.”
“Your spaceport is on the northern shore of Lake Bluewater, isn’t it?”
“You have the chart that we transmitted to you, Captain.”
“My rocket boat can be put down on water.”
“You don’t understand, Captain. Lake Bluewater is a very popular resort.”
“Isn’t that just too bad? Get your kids with their pails and spades and plastic animals off the beaches and out of the water.”
Again the silence and then in a voice that shed none of its cold venom over the thousands of miles, “Very well, Captain. But please understand that we shall not be responsible for any accidents to your boat and your personnel.”
“And I,” said Daintree harshly, “refuse to accept responsibility for any picnic or paddling parties who happen to get in the way. The officer in charge of the re-entry vehicle will be using the same frequency as we are using now. He will keep you and me informed of his movements. Over.”
“Roger,” came the supercilious reply. “Roger. Over and standing by.”
“Rocket boat cleared away and ready, sir,” said Commander Griffin, who had returned to the control room.
“Very good, Commander. Man and launch. Mr. Grimes, you should have memorized that chart by now, and, in any case, there will be another copy in the boat.”
“Yes, sir.” Grimes followed the Commander from the control room.
Surgeon Lieutenant Kravisky, his slender body already pressure-suited, his thin, dark face behind the open face plate of his helmet wearing an anxious expression, was already waiting by the boat blister. In each hand he carried a briefcase: one containing ship’s papers and the other his uniform. Disgustedly, Grimes stripped to his briefs. If he’d been allowed to take the pinnace instead of this relic from the bad old days, there would have been no need to dress up like a refugee from historical space opera. A rating helped him into his suit, another man neatly folded his shorts and shirt and stowed them, together with his shoes and stockings, into a small case. Being on the Advance Party had its advantages after all, Grimes decided. At least he would be spared the discomfort of full dress— frock coat, cocked hat and sword—which would be rig of the day when the big ship came in.
“Are you sure that you can drive this thing, John?” asked Kravisky.
“I don’t know. I’ve never tried before.” Then, before Commander Griffin could issue a scathing reprimand, he added. “Not this particular one, I mean. But I am qualified.”
“That will do, Mr. Grimes,” said Griffin. “You know the drill, I hope. After you’re down, present yourself to Port Control and make the necessary arrangements for the reception of Aries. Don’t forget that you represent the ship. Comport yourself accordingly. And try to refrain from misguided attempts at humor.”
“Ay, ay, sir.”
“Then board the boat. Procedure as per Regulations. Bo’s’n!”
“Sir!” snapped the petty officer.
“Carry on!”
“Ay, ay, sir.”
The inner door to the blister opened, revealing a small airlock. Grimes entered it first, followed by Kravisky, snapping shut his faceplate as he did so. He heard the sighing of the pumps as the air was exhausted from the chamber, watched the needle of the pressure dial drop to Zero. The red light came on. The outer door opened.
Beyond it was the graceless form of the rocket boat, a stubby, flattened dart with venturi and control surfaces; and visible beyond it was black, star-flecked sky and a great, glowing arc that was the limb of El Dorado. Grimes shuffled toward it on his magnetized soles, saw that the cabin door was already open, pulled himself into the vehicle. Then, while Kravisky was stowing the cases in a locker abaft the seats, he pushed the button that shut the door and another that pressurized the compartment. He looked at the dials and meters on the console, saw that the firing chamber had been warmed up and that all was ready for the launch. He strapped himself into his seat and waited until the Surgeon Lieutenant had done likewise. He opened the faceplate of his helmet. The air was breathable enough but carried a stale, canned flavor.
“All systems Go!” he said, feeling that the archaic spacemanese matched the archaic means of transportation.
“What was that?” snapped Griffin’s voice from the speaker. Then, tiredly, “Oh, all right, Mr. Grimes. Five second count-down. Five . . . four . . . three . . . two . . . one . . . fire!”
Smoothly and efficiently the launching catapult threw the rocket boat away and clear from the cruiser. Not very smoothly, but efficiently enough, Grimes actuated the reaction drive, felt the giant hand of acceleration push him back into the padding of his seat.
“Mr. Grimes!” This time it was Captain Daintree’s voice that came from the speaker. “Mr. Grimes, you should have been able to fall free all the way to the exosphere. You have no fuel to waste on astrobatics.”
“Bloody back-seat drivers!” muttered Grimes, but he held his hand over the microphone as he did so.
Chapter 4
Nonetheless he was having his fun, was young Mr. Grimes.
Once he had the feel of his unhandy craft, once he stopped resenting having to worry about such matters as skin temperature, angle of attack, drag, and the rest of the aeronautical esoterica, he began to enjoy himself, to thrill to the sensation of speed as the first wisps of high altitude cirrus whipped by. This was better, after all, than making a slow, dignified descent in the pinnace, with its inertial drive, or in one of the other rocket boats—old-fashioned but not so downright archaic as this re-entry vehicle—in which he had now and again ridden, that cautiously shinnied down, stern first, the incandescent columns of their exhaust gases. He felt confident enough to withdraw his attention from his instruments, to risk a sidewise glance at his companion.
Grimes was happy but Kravisky was not. The Surgeon Lieutenant’s face had paled to a peculiar, pale green. He seemed to be swallowing something. Physician, heal thyself, thought Grimes sardonically. “I . . . I wish you’d look where you’re going,” mumbled the young doctor.
“Beautiful view, isn’t it?” Grimes glanced through the ports, then at his console. There was nothing to worry about. He had a hemisphere to play around in. By the time he was down, the terminator would be just short of Lake Bluewater. It would be a daylight landing, to save these very casual locals in Port Control the trouble of setting out a flare path. There woul
d be the radio beacon to home upon and at least twenty miles of smooth water for his runway. It was —he searched his memory for the expression used by long ago and faraway pilots of the Royal Air Force; history, especially the history of the ships of Earth’s seas and air oceans, was his favorite reading—it was a piece of cake.
“Isn’t it . . . isn’t it hot in here?” Why couldn’t Kravisky relax?
“Not especially. After all, we’re sitting in a hot-monococque.”
“What’s that?” Then, with a feeble attempt at humor, “The remedy sounds worse than the disease . . .”
“Just an airborne thermos flask.”
“Like a park, isn’t it?” said Grimes. “Even from up here, like a park. Green. No industrial haze. No smog . . .”
“Too . . . tame,” said Kravisky, taking a reluctant interest.
“No, I don’t think so. They have mountains, and high ones, too. They have seas that must be rough sometimes, even with weather control. If they want to risk life and limb, there’ll be plenty of mountaineering and sailing . . .”
“And other sports . . .”
“Yeah.” The radio compass seemed to be functioning properly, as were air speed indicator and radio altimeter. The note of the distant beacon was a steady hum. No doubt the El Doradans possessed far more advanced systems that were used by their own aircraft, but the reentry vehicle was not equipped to make use of them. “Yeah,” said Grimes again. “Such as?”
“I’m a reservist, you know. But I’m also a ship’s doctor in civil life. My last voyage before I was called up for my drill was in the Commission’s Alpha Cepheus . . . A cruise to Caribbea. Passengers stinking with money and far too much time on their hands . . .”
“What’s that to do with sports?”
“You’d be surprised. Or would you?”
No, thought Grimes, he wouldn’t. His first Deep Space voyage had been as a passenger, and Jane Pentecost, the vessel’s purser, had been very attractive. Where was she now? he wondered. Still in the Commission’s ships, or back home, on the Rim?
Damn Jane Pentecost and damn the Rim Worlds. But this planet was nothing like Lorn, Faraway, Ultimo or Thule. He had never been to any of those dreary colonies (and never would go there, he told himself) but he had heard enough about them. Too much.
The air was denser now, and the control column that Grimes had been holding rather too negligently was developing a life of its own. Abruptly the steady note of the beacon changed to a morse A—dot dash, dot dash. Grimes tried to get the re-entry vehicle back on course, overcompensated. It was N now—dash dot, dash dot. The Lieutenant was sweating inside his suit when he had the boat under control again. Flying these antique crates was far too much like work. But he could afford another glance at the scenery.
There were wide fields, some green and some golden-glowing in the light of the afternoon sun, and in these latter worked great, glittering machines, obviously automatic harvesters. There were dense clumps of darker green—the forests which, on this world, had been grown for aesthetic reasons, not as a source of cellulose for industry. But the El Doradans, on the income from their mines alone, could well afford to import anything they needed. Or wanted. And only the odd gods of the Galaxy knew how many billions they had stashed away in the Federation Central Bank on Earth, to say nothing of other banks on other planets.
There were the wide fields and the forests, and towering up at the rim of the world the jagged blue mountains, the dazzlingly white-capped peaks. Rather too dazzling, but that was the glare of the late-afternoon sun, broad on the starboard bow of the rocket boat. Grimes adjusted the viewport polarizer. He could see houses now, large dwellings, even from this altitude, each miles distant from its nearest neighbor, each blending rather than contrasting with the landscape. He could see houses and beyond the huge, gleaming, azure oval that was Lake Bluewater, there were the tall towers of Spaceport Control and the intense, winking red light that was the beacon. Beyond the port again, but distant, shimmered the lofty spires of the city.
All very nice, but what’s the air speed? Too high, too bloody high. Cut the rocket drive? Yes. Drag’ll slow her down nicely, and there’re always the parachute brakes and, in an emergency, the retro-rockets. Still on the beam, according to the beacon. In any case, I can see it plainly enough. Just keep it dead ahead . . .
Getting bumpy now, and mushy . . . What else, in such an abortion of an aircraft? But not to worry. Coming in bloody nicely, though I say it as shouldn’t.
Looks like pine trees just inland from the beach. Cleared them all right. Must say that those supercilious drongoes in Port Control might have made some sort of stab at talking me in. All they said, “You may land.” Didn’t quite say, “Use the servants’ entrance . . .”
Parachute brakes? No. Make a big bloody splash in their bloody lake and play hell with their bloody goldfish . . .
Kravisky shouted, screamed almost, and then Grimes, whose attention had been divided between the beacon and the altimeter, saw, cutting across the rocket boat’s course, a small surface craft, a scarlet hull skittering over the water in its own, self-generated, double plume of snowy spray. But it would pass clear.
But that slim, golden figure, gracefully poised on a single water ski, would not.
With a curse Grimes released the parachute brakes and, at the same time, yanked back on his control column. He knew that the parachutes would not take hold in time, that before the rocket boat stalled it would crash into the woman. Yet—he was thinking fast, desperately fast—he dared not use either his main rocket drive to lift the boat up and clear, or his retro-rockets. Better for her, whoever she was, to run the risk of being crushed than to face the certainty of being incinerated.
Then there were birds (birds?), great birds that flew headlong at the control cabin, birds whose suicidal impact was enough to slow the boat sufficiently, barely sufficiently, to tip her so that forward motion was transformed to upward motion. The drogues took hold of the water, and that was that. She fell, soggily, ungracefully, blunt stern first, and as she did so Grimes stared stupidly at a broken wing, a broken metal wing that had been skewered by the forward antenna.
Chapter 5
Neither Grimes nor Kravisky was hurt—seat padding and safety belts protected them from serious damage—but they were badly shaken. Grimes wondered, as the re-entry craft plunged below the churning surface of the lake, how deep it would sink before it rose again. And then he realized that it would not rise again, ever, or would not do so without the aid of salvage equipment. Aft there was an ominous gurgling that told its own story. Aft? That noise was now in the cabin itself. He looked down. The water was already about his ankles.
“Button up!” he snapped to the Surgeon Lieutenant.
“But what . . . ?” the words trailed off into silence.
“The ejection gear. I hope it works under water.”
“But . . .” Kravisky, his faceplate still open, made as though to unsnap his seat belt. “The papers. Our uniforms. I must get them out of the locker . . .”
“Like hell you will. Button up!”
Sullenly, Kravisky checked that his belt was still tight, then sealed his helmet. Grimes followed suit. His hand hesitated over the big, red button on the control panel, then slammed down decisively. Even through the thick, resilient padding of his seat he felt the violent kick of the catapulting explosion. He cringed, expecting the skull-crushing impact of his head with the roof of the cabin, the last thing that he would ever feel. But it did not come, although he was faintly aware of the lightest of taps on his shoulder. And then he and the Surgeon Lieutenant, still strapped in their buoyant chairs, were shooting upwards, the sundered shell of the control cabin falling away beneath and below them, soaring to the surface in the midst of a huge bubble of air and other gases. Somehow he found time to look about him. The water was very blue and very clear. And there was a great, goggle-eyed fish staring at them from outside the bubble. It did not look especially
carnivorous. Grimes hoped that it wasn’t.
The two chairs broke surface simultaneously, bobbing and gyrating. Slowly, their motion ceased. They floated in the middle of a widening circle of discolored water, a spiralling swirl of iridescent oil slicks. And there were more than a few dead fish. Grimes could not repress a chuckle when he saw that they were golden carp. About five hundred yards away, its engine stopped, lay the scarlet power boat. But there was something in the water between it and the astronauts, something that was approaching at a speed that, to the spacemen should have been painfully slow and yet, in this environment, was amazingly fast.
There was a sleek head in a golden helmet—no, decided Grimes, it was hair, not an artificial covering— and there were two slim, golden-brown arms that alternately flashed up and swept down and back. And there was the rest of her, slim and golden-brown all over. Somehow it was suddenly important to Grimes that he see her face. He hoped that it would match what he could already see.
As she neared the floating chairs she reverted to a breaststroke and then, finally, came to a standstill, hanging there, a yard or so distant, just treading water. The spacemen could not help staring at her body through the shimmering transparency, her naked body. It was beautiful. With a sudden start of embarrassment Grimes forced his gaze to slide upwards to her face. It was thin, the cheekbones pronounced, the planes of the cheeks flat. Her mouth was a wide, scarlet slash, parted to reveal perfect white teeth. The eyes were an intense blue, an angry blue. She was saying something, and it was obvious that she was not whispering.
Grimes put up his hand, opened the faceplate of his helmet.
“. . . offworld yahoos!” he heard. “My two favorite watchbirds destroyed, thanks to your unspaceman-like antics!” Her voice was not loud but it carried well. It could best be described as an icy soprano.
“Madam,” Grimes said coldly. It didn’t sound quite right but it would have to do. “Madam, I venture to suggest that the loss of my own boat is of rather greater consequence than the destruction of your . . . pets.” (Pets? Watchbirds? That obviously metallic wing skewered on the antenna?) He went on, “Our Captain expressly requested that this lake be cleared as a landing area.”