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The Deception

Page 6

by Chris Taylor

  What could it hurt if she flirted with him? He didn’t know anything about her and after tonight, she was unlikely to see him again. It wasn’t as though they ran in the same social circles. He was clearly known to the Duncans and yet she’d never crossed paths with him before.

  She frowned and wondered why Lucy had never mentioned him. Perhaps he was married? She couldn’t recall reading anywhere about a wife, but it wasn’t like Lucy to pass over an opportunity for matchmaking. Speaking of Lucy, where was she?

  * * *

  The queue at the bar extended at least three men deep. Will breathed a surreptitious sigh of relief. It meant he’d have a decent length of time before he had to return to Savannah and keep up the façade that he hadn’t recognized her, a chore he was finding more and more difficult.

  She looked breathtaking in the long black gown that clung to her curves like a second skin. Her hair fell in a mass of auburn ringlets, loose and unfettered down her back. He wanted nothing more than to bury his hands in it and breathe in her exotic scent.

  But he couldn’t do any of that. To do so, would mean he would have to acknowledge he’d already met her—in a brothel, no less. She was a friend of Pete and his wife. There was no way Will was going to be the one to make them aware of her occupation. He could only assume they didn’t know—after all, it wasn’t something one would necessarily choose to advertise.

  The fact that Savannah hadn’t recognized him caused a moment’s consternation. It wasn’t as if he’d been in disguise. In fact, he’d been dressed just as formally then as he was tonight, minus the bow tie.

  Then again, it had been dark and she’d been taken unawares. It was possible she truly didn’t realize he was the man she’d encountered in the brothel. Either way, there was no denying his body had reacted to her as strongly tonight as it had the first time they’d met and he was having a hard time keeping his interest under wraps. Not that she seemed to mind over much. He was sure he hadn’t mistaken the way her chest rose and fell just a little bit faster after his quip about the drinks.

  “So, Declan, how’s it going down in Canberra?”

  Pete’s question interrupted Will’s reverie and he forced himself to concentrate on the men who stood beside him.

  “It’s been a good move, Pete. You can’t beat the weather down south in the summer and as much as I enjoyed working as a state copper, there’s nothing like doing it for the Feds.”

  Pete snorted. “It sounds like you’ve gone all snotty on us, Declan. Don’t tell me you’re going to turn into one of those Feds who look down their nose at lowly state coppers like Will and I?”

  Declan encompassed Will with his smile. “Not at all. Some of my fondest memories are of the times we nailed drug-dealing crime bosses up and down the coast.”

  “Yeah, well, there are still plenty of them left,” Will stated. “In fact, we’re in the middle of a complex investigation right now.”

  Declan sobered. “Who is it?”

  Will’s voice turned grim. “Vince Maranoa.”

  “That’s a familiar name.”

  “Yeah, it’s amazing the number of investigations his name’s cropped up in over the years,” Pete answered. “We’ve never had enough evidence to pin anything substantial on him, despite the rumors. About four years ago, he bought the Black Opal and the gossip mill went into overdrive. Will’s been hanging out there undercover for the last few weeks.”

  Declan grinned at Will and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “How’s that been working out for you?”

  Will grinned back at him, liking Declan more and more. “It’s been tough on occasions. I’m glad I haven’t had to explain myself to a wife or girlfriend after a night out there. I usually come home reeking of cigar smoke and cheap perfume.” He shrugged. “It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.”

  “Ah, but are you making any progress?” Declan chuckled. “That’s the real question.”

  “You’re absolutely right,” Will agreed, his mirth slowly receding. “A taskforce conducted a raid late last year, but they came up empty handed. That asshole knew they were coming. There’s no other explanation.” Will shook his head. “They didn’t find so much as an ounce of evidence and yet anyone in Sydney can tell you he’s a big-time dealer.”

  Determination tightened in Will’s gut. He stared at Declan. “We’re going to nail the shithead this time, once and for all.”

  Declan held Will’s gaze. After a moment or two, he nodded, as if satisfied with what he saw. “I wish you all the best with it, Will. Drug dealers of Maranoa’s caliber are some of the most cunning operators in the system; they know exactly what to do to fly under the radar and always have a patsy or two to sacrifice if the heat gets too much.

  “But, that’s what makes them the most satisfying to put away. Every single member of the local law enforcement knows how hard you’ve worked to get them there.”

  Will nodded, relieved that Declan got it. It’s what came from swapping shop talk with a fellow DEA officer, even if the man had turned traitor and transferred to the Feds.

  A moment later, Declan spied another former colleague a little distance away. After putting in a request with Pete for a beer, he excused himself and turned and headed toward his friend. The line at the bar moved forward and Will and Pete finally got close enough to lean against the bar while they waited for service.

  Pete shot Will a quizzical look. “What was with that comment you made to Savannah about being in advertising? I didn’t realize you were so picky about who you told about your occupation in law enforcement.”

  Will cast around for a suitable response. “Yeah, um…sorry about that. I just…” He shrugged and looked away.

  He should just come right out and tell Pete the woman was a prostitute. But he couldn’t. The words kept getting stuck in his throat.

  Pete’s eyebrows rose. Feeling the pressure, Will latched onto the first explanation that fell into his mind.

  “The thing is, I really like her, but she’s just not into coppers.” He kept his eyes lowered and prayed Pete would leave it at that. He should have known better.

  “Since when? I’ve known Savannah for years. I’ve never heard her say anything remotely like that. In fact, I’m sure she went out with a bloke from the Fraud Squad a few years ago.” His gaze narrowed on Will’s face. “I didn’t realize you’d met her before.”

  Will fidgeted and prayed for the bartender to appear. He schooled his expression into one of mild curiosity. “I’ve only met her once, about a week ago. It was late. We were at a club. I doubt she’d remember me.” He gave him a quick grin. “But I’d appreciate it if you can keep the cop thing quiet. I’d like to give it the best shot that I can.”

  Pete’s face relaxed. “Yeah, well, I guess so. It doesn’t matter to me what you call yourself. Just don’t go breaking her heart, will you?” he warned. “You’ve said yourself how much you hate commitment. Savannah’s like a kid sister to me.”

  Will choked, hiding his surprise behind a bout of coughing.

  Thank Christ he’d kept his mouth shut. He so didn’t want to be around when his boss discovered what the redhead beauty with the pair of very fine green eyes did for a living.

  Thankfully, Pete didn’t seem to notice anything amiss. He glanced over his shoulder and peered through the crowd to where the women were waiting. “It looks like Lucy’s made it back.”

  Will breathed a surreptitious sigh of relief and clutched at the opportunity to bring an end to the questions.

  “Why don’t you head back and keep the ladies company?” Will nodded down the length of the bar. “From the line-up around here, it looks like we’re going to be waiting awhile longer. I’ll bring the drinks as soon as I can.”

  “Yeah, thanks. I might do that,” Pete replied. A moment later, he disappeared into the crowd.


  From out of the throng of people, Lucy appeared, looking radiant in a satin evening dress of deep crimson, her pregnancy belly well
pronounced against the stretchy fabric.

  “Savannah! Hi, you’re here. I finally got out of the bathroom. I hope I don’t have to go back there in a hurry. It took me forever to reach the front of the queue. What is it with women and the bathroom? I know I should have gone before we left home, but you know, we were running late and the taxi was waiting and…” She shrugged her shoulders and grinned.

  “Don’t you mean you were running late?” Pete materialized behind her. “I was ready hours before. I don’t know why it takes you women so long to get prepared.”

  “Well, aren’t you happy with the results? If you want me to look like this, you have to expect it’s going to take some time.” She twirled around a little awkwardly in front of him, the long narrow skirt shifting slightly with the movement. The sleeveless bodice complemented her light tan and emphasized her pregnancy-inspired cleavage. Three-inch heels in matching crimson patent leather helped to elevate her five-foot nothing frame.

  “Of course, you’re absolutely right, darling.” Pete pulled her into his side. “And it was definitely worth the wait.” He bent and kissed her lightly on the nose. “Oh, by the way, have you met Chloe Munro? Her husband Declan and I used to work together. They’ve come up from Canberra. I invited them and Will Rutledge to share our table.”

  Savannah bit back a groan as her worst imaginings were confirmed. She was going to have to share a table with him. For hours.

  Oblivious to her distress, Lucy held out her hand to Chloe. “Hi, I’m Lucy. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  Chloe returned her smile. “You, too. Declan’s often mentioned his time working in Sydney and he’s talked about you and Pete more than once. It’s nice to finally be able to meet you both.”

  Lucy acknowledged Chloe’s reply with another warm smile and then turned to her husband. “Do I know Will Rutledge? The name sounds familiar, but I can’t place him. Have I met him before?”

  “Probably not,” Pete replied. “I only met him about five months ago. He’s…the son of Robert Rutledge. As in, Rutledge Advertising. Maybe that’s why he sounds familiar? I hope you don’t mind that I invited him?”

  Savannah’s breath left her mouth in a rush. At least she knew now why Lucy had never mentioned the man.

  Lucy grinned. “No, not at all. Is he cute?” She winked up at her husband.

  “You’d have to ask Savannah. She’s already met him.” Pete’s gaze turned in her direction, glinting with humor. “What would you say, Savannah? Is he cute?”

  Three pairs of eyes stared at her with various degrees of interest. Savannah’s mouth went dry and she struggled for something to say.

  “If-if you like that type, I guess you’d say he was cute.” She looked at Lucy meaningfully. “You know, the James Bond look-alike type. I’m thinking Pierce Brosnan meets Hugh Jackman.”

  Hoping desperately that Lucy would take the hint, Savannah almost gasped with relief when her friend’s eyes went wide with comprehension. She turned abruptly to her husband.

  “Pete, honey, could you go and get me something to drink from the bar?”

  “Actually, Will’s at the bar now with our order.” He grinned back at her. “He’s a pretty handy man to have around.”

  Savannah could almost see Lucy’s brain constrict with panic as she scrambled for another excuse. “Um…What did you order for me?”

  “A glass of orange juice.”

  “Oh, thank you, honey, that’s great. But, you know, I would really like some iced water right now.” She fanned herself a little frantically with her hand. “It’s so hot in here with all these people. I’m feeling a little lightheaded. Would you mind?” Her smile was pure innocence.

  Pete looked down at her and frowned, but then sighed and shook his head, mumbling something about pregnant women as he walked away.

  As soon as he’d moved out of earshot, Lucy flashed a look of apology toward Chloe and grabbed Savannah by the arm and pulled her a short distance away.

  “Oh my God, Savannah! What are you trying to tell me? Is Will Rutledge your mystery man?”

  Several people turned their heads to look in their direction. Panic burned low in Savannah’s belly.

  “Shh! Keep your voice down!” she whispered harshly. “I don’t want the whole room to know.” She glanced over at Chloe and beckoned her closer. “It’s okay,” she explained to Lucy. “Chloe’s an old friend from Canberra.”

  Lucy looked vaguely interested in Savannah’s announcement, but seconds later, returned to the more urgent matter at hand.

  “So, it’s true! He is your mystery man!” Lucy’s mouth suddenly dropped open as another thought occurred to her. “Please tell me he didn’t recognize you?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Savannah glanced around to make sure the man in question hadn’t returned. With the way still clear, she bent her head close to her friends, pitching her voice just above a whisper.

  For Chloe’s sake, she quickly offered a few brief words of explanation about how this wasn’t quite the first time she’d met Will, like she’d said and then added, “When Pete introduced us, I pretended not to know him. He said hello in a perfectly normal way, gave me a once-over, and that was it.”

  “Are you sure?” Lucy whispered. “Pete’s going to be furious if he finds out about all of this. Apart from the danger you’ve put yourself in, keeping it from him is not going to go down well.” Her voice held a dire warning.

  “I agree,” Chloe said. “And I could tell right away there was more between you and that hottie than what you were saying.”

  Savannah drew in a deep breath. “Look, if Will Rutledge recognized me, don’t you think he would have said something?”

  Lucy’s bark of laughter was strained. “What would he say—haven’t I seen you somewhere before? Savannah, he can hardly own up to knowing you without admitting he was also in the brothel—probably not something a man of his social stature would like to admit in public. The fact that he didn’t say anything is hardly reason to believe he didn’t recognize you. And now you’re going to spend the rest of the evening sitting together. Can’t you beg off with a headache or something?” Lucy’s eyes pleaded with hers. “I don’t think I can cope with the stress!”

  Savannah chuckled. “Luce, I’m certain he didn’t recognize me. I would have been able to tell. I would have seen something in his eyes. I would have noticed something.”

  She turned to Chloe. “Despite what you think you might have seen,” she added before offering Lucy a reassuring smile.

  The truth was, despite her earlier concerns, now that she had Lucy and Chloe watching her back, she’d suddenly become very intrigued at the thought of spending a few hours with Will over dinner. He was undeniably the most attractive man she’d ever met and she couldn’t forget how he’d made her feel when his magical hands and mouth had roamed over her body.

  He’d been able to make her completely forget her disillusionment with the male of her species and her adamant vow to steer clear of them. After what Jonathan did to her, this was a feat in itself.

  As for her suspicions about Will’s possible connection to Vince Maranoa, right here and now, with the anticipation building low in her stomach, her libido didn’t much care what he might be involved in. Besides, he was a friend of Pete’s. The man couldn’t be all bad.

  Even better, she was sure her interest was reciprocated. She hadn’t imagined the heat of his gaze upon her or the desire that had darkened his eyes. And she certainly hadn’t misheard his little pun as he’d left to order their drinks.

  Her heart raced at the thought she might end the night in his bed. Was she really ready to get close to a man again? Not that having a one night stand qualified as getting close. The very definition of a one night stand precluded any emotional involvement.

  Besides, she wasn’t an awkward teenager. In fact, she was more than confident with twenty-eight years of life experience behind her, she’d be able to keep her emotions well and truly separate from the overwhelming phys
ical attraction she felt for him. Maybe, sex with Will was just what she needed to get him off her mind? Kind of a reverse therapy?

  Lucy tugged on her arm. Savannah looked around and spied the man in question coming toward them, carrying a tray laden with drinks.

  “Oh my, Savannah… You were right,” Lucy murmured under her breath. “Definitely Hugh Jackman. And he’s heading our way.”

  “It’s going to be okay, Lucy. I promise.” She gave her friend’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “Relax. You’re the one always telling me how I need to get back on the horse.” She winked at Chloe and then turned back to Lucy, offering her a wide-eyed gaze brimming with innocence. “Isn’t that what you’ve been telling me?”

  At Lucy’s reluctant nod, Savannah smiled and shrugged with studied nonchalance. “Well, that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  “But, Savannah—” Lucy broke off her urgent whisper as Will reached them. Chloe merely grinned.

  Savannah gave him a slow, seductive smile. Coming up close beside him, she leaned forward to take the glass of champagne off the tray, making sure the side of her breast brushed against his arm.

  “Thank you.” She took a small sip of the sparkling wine, savoring its sharp bite. “Mm, delicious.” Holding his gaze, she ran her tongue slowly across her top lip and gathered up the small droplets of wine.

  Will watched her, transfixed. His blue eyes darkened to almost black. She made a show of taking another sip of champagne and saw him snatch a quick breath.

  “Ahh hmm.” Lucy cleared her throat, breaking the silent, heated exchange. As one, they turned toward her. Will looked slightly dazed and it was a few moments before he took the hand Lucy had extended in his direction.

  “I’m Lucy Duncan. You must be Will. My husband told me you were here. I understand you’re joining us for dinner?”

  Will smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Duncan. May I say, you’re looking lovely this evening. Your husband’s a lucky man.”


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