Book Read Free

Jersey Girl

Page 7

by J A Heron

  Benny and I are still wearing our ball gowns, but they’re covered up with our thick winter jackets. We remove them and hand them to the receptionist, ignoring her look of distaste.

  “Come on. They’re waiting for us in the bar.” I pull her arm, not wanting to waste the short amount of time we have making nice with the receptionist. I want to spend as much time as possible with the hot guy who plays lead guitar in a band before he must leave tomorrow.

  Two guys dressed in denim, leather, and black eyeliner are not the normal clientele in here. Armani suits and Chanel dresses are the norm for this place. Not to mention the amount of champagne that flows, the sound of pretentious chit chat, and the sparkle of real diamonds.

  I spot the band. They’re sitting in an area with a circular booth and a few chairs pulled up to the table it surrounds. The light is muted, and it’s quiet, apart from the noise they’re making. It’s a place where things happen; things one could be ashamed of the next day. We walk towards them.

  As I get closer, Connor’s eyes meet mine and the smile that graces his lips lights up the dark area. He stands immediately and stumbles to get to me. I want to smile my face off, but keep it cool, just in case I’m reading all this wrong.

  “You came.” He sounds surprised.

  “Couldn’t wait,” I tell him. Maybe I’m acting a little too keen. “I mean… I couldn’t wait to get out of that house.”


  I think I’ve upset him. “I wanted to see you again as well, before you have to leave.”

  “That’s good to hear. I wanted to spend time with you, too.”

  What are we? Teenagers?

  It’s getting late, and the noise is getting louder. The drinks are flowing, and I’ve lost count of the amount I’ve had so far. I’m buzzed enough to know I’m having a fun time, but I’m still in charge of all my decision-making faculties. Raven and Benny have been all over each other, while Connor and I sit with just a centimetre separating our thighs. I don’t blame Benny one little bit. She’s had a tough night and needs to let her hair down. I won’t stand in her way, but I want to make sure of something first.

  “Raven… is he a good guy?” I ask Connor. I can see where this night is leading, and I will always be my friend’s protector if I feel she needs it.

  “He’s the best. He is a ladies’ man though, so I hope your friend isn’t expecting marriage after this.”

  “She’s already engaged, remember?” I say sarcastically.

  “Oh, yeah. Shit. I forgot.” He laughs. “Won’t her fiancé be pissed she’s here with Raven?”

  “I wish I could forget.” I sigh. “He won’t know. Besides, that marriage won’t be happening.”

  “Why is that?”

  “Long story. I won’t bore you with the details.” I want to wind up this conversation. My fun and fiery mood is being dampened by the thoughts of Giles Felstead. “Another?” I point to his now empty glass.

  “It’s my round,” he says, standing up. I sit with my hands in my lap, not making eye contact with anyone.

  I’ve been introduced to all the band members, and they seem like stand-up guys. They’re just a group of men who like hanging out with each other, making music and having fun. From what I can make out, they’ve been friends since high school. They’ve spent most of the evening mocking each other, firing banter in each other’s direction, and generally behaving like men do. They’re so much fun to be around.

  I’ve not made that much conversation with any of them, mainly because I’ve laughed so much; more than I have in a very long time.

  I think the bar staff are waiting for us to leave so they can close for the night. I’m willing to bet they’re afraid to kick us out because the boss’ daughter is here.

  “Room six one three,” Benny leans over and whispers in my ear.

  “Huh?” I face her and give her a confused look.

  “That’s where I’ll be.” She winks.

  “Okay. Have fun,” I tell her, and watch as she stands up, straightens her dress, and walks off hand in hand with Raven.

  Connor passes them as he returns to our group, after exchanging a few words, with a glare here and there. I don’t know what that little exchange was all about.

  “I’ve just ordered them a drink,” he says as he sits back down next to me, not touching me.

  “That’s okay. I’ll drink theirs.” I laugh. “It won’t go to waste.”

  The bartender arrives with our drinks. “We’re closing the bar now,” he says nervously.

  “Thanks, mate,” Nelson, the bass guitarist, says. He slips something into the bartender’s hand as he shakes it. I assume it’s money; a tip, perhaps.

  The bartender looks down at the fifty Nelson just handed him and grins from ear to ear.

  “Thank you.” He walks away with a massive smile on his face.

  Nelson and Eddie finish up their drinks. “We’re going to turn in, buddy. See you down here in…” Eddie checks his watch. “… four hours, for breakfast.”

  Connor stands to say goodnight to his friends. “Doubt it,” he says, and they salute each other.

  “How long have you all known each other?” I ask.

  “Forever. We were at school together. Some of us have known each other longer than others. I’ve been friends with Raven the longest. He was my buddy in high school, then we met Eddie and Nelson in college. We were all doing the same shitty design and technology course. It was so dull, so as a laugh, we decided to set up a band. We had no idea we’d turn out to be pretty good.”

  “I’d say. I thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. Even though the party was a bust. You’re really good, all of you, and you got everyone dancing.”

  “The covers usually get everyone dancing because the tunes are so familiar. Iconic, in fact. But our love lies with our own music.”

  “You write music too?”

  “Yeah.” His cheeks flush a little, which confuses me. If I was creative, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops. “We don’t play it for many people, mainly because we don’t know if it will go down well. We get lots of bookings for gigs, but that’s because they know we’re good at what we do. We don’t get gigs for our own music.”

  “That’s really sad. You should play it more. How will anyone know how talented you are if you hide it?”

  “Good point, but the guys don’t want to. They think the work will dry up if we gamble by playing our own stuff.”

  “Is it a gamble you’re willing to take?”

  “I am, but the others aren’t so willing.”

  “At each gig you do, maybe you should try working in just one or two of your own songs. Test the water, so to speak.”

  “We have tried, but when we do, the dance floor empties, guests go off to use the bathroom or refresh drinks at the bar. They don’t listen to us.”

  “That’s such a shame.”

  “You haven’t heard our stuff. For all you know, we could totally suck.”

  “I heard you last night. You sound awesome to me.”

  “You’re just saying that. Reserve judgement until you’ve heard us play our own stuff.” He laughs.

  There may never be a chance for me to hear them. He leaves tomorrow, and it’s unlikely I’ll see him again, let alone hear his band play again. I don’t want to dwell on the fact he leaves in a few hours, so I keep my mouth shut.

  I’ve been here for a good couple of hours, and he’s not touched me, not even brushed his leg against mine. I keep remembering our kiss the other day, and I feel myself longing for him to kiss me for a second time. I should take matters into my own hands and kiss him. The silence between us is stifling. I think twice.

  I pull out my phone. “What are you doing?”

  “Calling a taxi. I should be getting back.”

  “Stay,” he says, placing his hand over mine, preventing me from pulling my phone out of my bag. “Sorry. I’m not being presumptuous. I’m just not ready to say goodbye yet.”

  “I t
hink these guys want us out so they can get home,” I say, acknowledging the bar staff hovering around us, waiting impatiently for us to leave.

  “Come up to my room. No funny business, I swear.” He makes a cross sign with his finger over his heart. “Oh, shit.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t have a room. It’s currently taken with Raven and your friend Benny.” He smiles. I guess that was what their little conflab was about as they were leaving. “Give me two minutes.”

  I watch him walk away with purpose in his step, wondering what he’s up to. “He won’t be a minute,” I say to the bar staff, who now look extremely pissed off that we haven’t left yet.

  Much to the relief of the young staff all standing around waiting for us to leave, Connor returns with a key card for a hotel room. I twist my fingers together, nervous about what’s to come. I know he said there would be no ‘funny business’, but I’m wondering if it’s a small stab of disappointment I’m feeling. Perhaps I’d like there to be an abundance of funny business. If he were to make a move, I’d let him without reserve or regret. He’s hot, he’s intelligent, and he’s funny. I’m attracted to him, and the only question I ask myself is… is he attracted to me? He kissed me in the pub, before we almost got kicked out for showing our attraction to each other in a public place, so I’m thinking, yes, he is attracted to me. I don’t know about him, but me, I don’t kiss people I don’t fancy.

  I want to join him, mainly because I want to get to know him better, even though I know I’ll never see him again, but I feel there’s more to this night than meets the eye. I want to spend as much time with him as possible. Time is flying by, and I have no idea what time he has to leave, but I do know I want to be close to him.

  “Care to join me?” His dark voice resonates through every cell inside me. His gentlemanly tone is calming, making me feel safe in his care. He stands, reaching out a hand for me.

  “I’d love to.” I grab my bag, and feeling like an idiot dressed in a ball gown at gone three in the morning, I follow him to the set of lifts.

  “Entrée, madam.” He ushers me through the door of his suite.

  “Why, thank you, kind sir.” I return his playfulness and enter the room. I thought this would be some kind of last minute budget room, but I’m wowed as I enter one of the best suites this hotel has to offer.

  I’m overwhelmed in the space of such beauty. The apartment I share with Benny is gorgeous, neat, and tidy, but this is solid luxury at its finest. I don’t know where to put myself.

  I place my bag on the guild table by the door, just in case I need to grab it for a quick escape. Connor has gone off somewhere, and I stand by the door, feeling uneasy. I’m starting to feel sleepy from all the alcohol. I need to put my feet up and lay my head down.

  Connor returns, still dressed in his denims, sans leather jacket. His black shirt has its sleeves rolled up, and I’m instantly drawn to the ink adorning his arms. He has a full sleeve on his right arm, all of them with intricate designs. His left arm has a Celtic pattern around the bicep. His blue eyes sparkle as he stands there watching me. This is really awkward.

  Connor eats up the space between us with five, long, slow strides. He looks down into my eyes, and his large, powerful frame totally encompasses my small figure. I feel like I’ve been wrapped up in a warm, masculine-smelling blanket as he encases me within his arms. My eyes are level with his wide chest, and I keep my eyes there, afraid of what will happen if I were to gaze into his blues once more.

  I’ve always been a rebel.

  I lift my head, and it seems like he was waiting for my move. No sooner do I meet his eyes, his lips crash against mine. I’m swept away in the most exhilarating kiss I’ve ever had.

  I want to yawn and stretch, but Connor has wrapped himself around me, restricting my movements. No wonder I feel like my whole body is overheating.

  I hate the feeling of needing to move. I want to lay like this forever. Judging by the light flooding in through the window, I’d say it’s mid-morning at least. I have to get out of here, find Benny, and get back to her parents’ house. They’ve no doubt noticed our absence by now, and I’m sure they’ll be pissed off.

  One of Connor’s arms is wrapped around me as I lie on my side. I lift gently, afraid to wake him. I really need to use the toilet.

  I manage to escape without waking him, and use the bathroom, still dressed in my ball gown. I sit down to relieve myself as flashbacks from some of our conversation in the early hours comes back to me.

  We sit on one of the massive sofas, close to each other, but still not touching. “I’d like to see you again,” he says. A warm flurry of excitement sweeps over me, making my whole body prickle.

  “Me too,” I return with a smile that I should really tone down.

  “I’m busy quite often, so I can’t promise when it will be. Can we exchange phone numbers so we can keep in touch?”

  “I’d really like that.” I enter his number in my phone, then follow it up with a text. “There. Now you have my number.”

  We’re silent for a few moments, just sitting holding our phones, looking down at them. No words spoken for what feels like an eternity.

  His hand takes mine, and when I meet his eyes, he’s smiling warmly. “Come with me?” It’s part demand, part question, but somehow, I want to obey.

  He leads me to the bedroom, another large room off the main suite. We lay down on top of the covers, and his body moves over mine. He kisses me once again, languidly, but laced with an abundance of passion. I feel my toes curl, and an ache so strong swell deep inside. This feeling is completely alien to me. I realise I’ve not felt like this before, ever. I relax my whole body, letting him take what he needs from my lips, and I give, without any resistance. His fingers mimic a comb as he rakes them through my hair, igniting a need within me so powerful, I want to climb inside him and never break free. I want him to be my prison, held captive within his soul.

  I want a life sentence, with no hope of parole.

  An eternity of bliss. A forever of kisses as powerful as this. I would never miss any skips of heartbeats caused by the strength of passion this man is showing me right now.

  We cuddle into each other, and I drift off with a feeling of complete and utter contentment.

  I sigh as I finish up and wash my hands. Making my way back into the bedroom, I see Connor hasn’t moved and he’s still fast asleep. The deep breaths he takes in slumber make his chest rise and fall. I watch him for a moment, feeling like a voyeur as he dreams, but I’m unable to tear my eyes away. He really is the most amazing man I’ve ever seen in my life. Sexy, strong, fierce… but he’s also, kind, funny, and sweet. A delightful mixture all bound up into one mass of cells that make him unique.

  A rare treasure.

  Why the hell is he single? Perhaps he’s not. That thought makes me question everything about him. I brush all the negative thoughts away as fast as they pop into my head.

  I want to wake him, to say goodbye. But he looks so peaceful, and I hate goodbyes, so I enter the large living area and grab my bag. I take a look around the room one last time before I leave, quietly closing the door behind me.

  Sitting in the hotel lobby, looking like a tramp in a creased-up ball gown, I get a few unwelcome stares as people who’re dressed perfectly pass me by. I pull out my phone and realise my battery is at one percent. I manage to quickly type out a text to Benny before it dies completely, letting her know I’m waiting in the lobby with no battery power. I hope her phone is still alive.

  All I can do now is hope she got my message and comes to meet me. I sit for what seems like forever, wondering if she’s left for home already.

  Fresh faces of the morning staff are a stark contrast to my own. They’re busying around me, and I receive a few knowing stares as they pass me by as they go about their day. I’m sporting a look that says, yes, I’m the harlot in a tatty looking ball gown who spent the night with a hot rock musician, and is waiting for her mat
e, who did the same, to leave here doing the walk of shame. I try to hide my face, but it’s no use. The hotel manager dressed in the customary uniform approaches me, looking a little sheepish. I know what’s coming. He’s going to ask me to leave.

  “Excuse me, Miss, but are you waiting for someone?”

  “Yes. My friend. She won’t be much longer.” I hope.

  “Could you wait outside?”


  “It’s freezing out there, and I need my coat. It’s behind there.” I point to the reception area, remembering where we left them before retiring upstairs last night.

  “She’s with me.” I hear his voice and I sag in my seat. Damn it.

  “Apologies, Mr Reeves.” The now shameful-looking manager retreats. “I will get your coat.”

  Out of earshot of nosey managers and snooty guests, he says, “You left me.” He too is still dressed in last night’s clothes, but he’s never looked more handsome.

  “Sorry. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “You,” he says stroking my arm covered in goose bumps, “can always disturb me.”

  “Smooth.” I giggle. “I wanted to say goodbye, I really did, but couldn’t bring myself to.”

  “I don’t know how long it will be until I see you again, and I was looking forward to a goodbye kiss.” He winks. “Can we say our goodbyes now?”

  Feeling him move in to kiss me causes a flurry of panic. I haven’t brushed my teeth yet. I dread to think what my breath smells like, so I pull away.

  “What is it?” He looks wounded.

  “Morning breath.” I grimace.

  “Me too. Let’s be smelly together.” He moves in faster, grabs the back of my head, and his lips cause my entire world to implode. I don’t know how long I will cope without feeling his kiss. He doesn’t seem to mind the smell in my mouth as he continues to devour me.

  “Get a room, you two.”

  Connor spins around, and as he moves, I see Benny walking towards me. I’m thankful she looks in a worse state than me as she gets nearer. Raven is by her side, looking fresh as a daisy, and wearing the biggest smirk I’ve ever seen. I guess they got some last night.


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