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The Texan Meets His Match (Lake Howling Book 2)

Page 6

by Vella, Wendy

  Paul Theodore Newman had blond curls and a sweet smile, and was the polar opposite of the man he walked beside, with his soft brown eyes and gentle nature.

  Music drifted to them and Annabelle saw that the town band had set up under the trees. Every space on the grass was covered with blankets or people. Children raced around, weaving in and out of the adults, who in turn were catching up with friends they had probably seen only a few days ago. The scene that greeted them was colorful, and everywhere she looked tables were already heaving with delicious food.

  “Anyone see Irish and her idiot?” Buster prowled beside Annabelle, his eyes on the people, hands filled with containers.

  “There.” Newman pointed to the small group at the rear, bordering the lake.

  Following his hand, Annabelle felt her stomach drop as she saw the Texan.

  “Looks like Gelderman Number Five is ripe for some more ridicule, seeing as he’s here,” Buster said, starting forward. “And I’m just the man for the job.”

  As they drew near, she noted Ethan was wearing a pair of old shorts that she was pretty sure belonged to Jake, a white t-shirt that stretched across his chest, and on his head he’d settled a Longhorns cap. The man was a walking magnet for any woman, and she was pretty sure her heart just sighed. Of course she ignored it, but it sighed nonetheless.

  “Still backing those losers, Number Five?” Buster said as he dumped his things on the table behind them. “Real men know that the Packers are the only team to support.”

  “The day I take ‘real men’ advice from a man who wears an apron for a living is the day I hand in my handmade leather boots, Griffin.”

  Annabelle ignored the talk and made for the table where Newman was putting her basket.

  “Hey, Bran, Jake, and you,” she said to Ethan by way of a greeting.

  “You got sweet potato salad in there, Annabelle?” Mikey appeared as if by magic when she opened her basket.

  “Why aren’t you fat, boy?”

  “I exercise. Do you?”

  “Yes.” Annabelle laughed as she pulled a large covered bowl out. She placed everything on the table, then lowered her basket to the ground. “But we have to cook the meat first, then you get the salad.”

  “Hey, Mikey.” Buster messed his hair. “I got some cookies, if you need something to keep you alive until the food’s ready.”

  “Cool.” Mikey took the offering and ran off.

  “I poured you a wine, Belle.”

  Annabelle took the glass from her friend and took a sip, enjoying the tart taste as it slid down her throat.

  “Is that your dad talking to Ellen Todd?”

  Bran and Annabelle followed Jake’s hand to where Declan O’Donnell was standing. Beside him was a local teacher, Ms. Todd.

  “Whatever they’re talking about, it looks intense. She’s frowning and he’s gesturing with his hands about something,” Branna said. “When he waves his fingers like that, it means he’s heated up about something.”

  “Maybe he’s thinking she’s a sweet woman, Irish,” Buster said, joining the conversation.

  “Do you think?” That didn’t seem to upset Branna; in fact, she looked quite pleased about the prospect.

  “Mother of God, what the hell does she want?” Annabelle said, watching Millie Lawrence stomp towards them, face formed in its perpetual scowl.

  “See ya.”

  “I’m out.”

  “Got a ball to catch.”

  “Like rats on a sinking ship,” Branna muttered as the men behind her disappeared to escape the coming storm.

  “I stopped in to see Macy and Billy on the way here. She said to pass on that she’s not going to make it, because the boy was unwell through the night.”

  Millie’s mouth was turned down in a scowl as she spoke. Her short, spiky hair was jelled upright on her head, her clothes were dark as always, and serviceable; on her feet she wore heavy black boots, which Jake said ensured she was ready to stomp over people at any given moment.

  “Do I need to get over there, Ms. Lawrence, to check on Billy?” Annabelle made herself smile. Damned if she was going to be mean just because Millie was.

  “Teeth, Macy said. Nothing you or God can do about it.”

  “Well, thanks for telling us, Millie,” Branna said with a forced smile. “I’ll give Macy a call when we leave here, just to make sure she’s okay.”

  Rather than leave, the woman just glared at Annabelle.

  “I’m not happy about your driving the van, Annabelle Smith, but as there was a consensus I can’t stop you. I was happy to do it, but for some reason that idea was vetoed.”

  “Maybe they wanted to arrive in Brook the same day they left,” Annabelle muttered.

  “I heard that, and I do not drive slow. I drive within the speed limits set by the local authorities, young lady.”

  “Of course you do, Millie,” Branna soothed. “But I want you to enjoy the trip too, and if you have to drive that would take some of the enjoyment away.”

  “Foolish idea anyways, going on a field trip at our age.”

  She spoke like Annabelle imagined a drill sergeant would, snapping out each word as if it were a command. She’d been scary in school, and not much had changed in the years since. The woman could still reduce Annabelle to feeling like a ten-year-old with just a look.

  “I promise to drive carefully, Ms. Lawrence,” Annabelle said, hoping the woman would leave.

  “Just see that you do!”

  Branna and Annabelle stood hip to hip watching as Millie Lawrence stomped back to where she’d come from, head high, feet squashing any insubordinate that stepped in her path.

  “Why’d she stop in on Macy and Billy?”

  “It’s weird, Belle. Macy said she’s gentle and sweet with the baby, and is all kinds of nice to her now that she’s alone, and after all that stuff with Brian.”

  “Ha, who knew that Millie understood how to be kind? She made me eat the gum that I threw on the ground once, and that was after she’d stepped on it and peeled it off the sole of her work boots.”

  “Tell me that’s a lie.” Branna shuddered.

  “God’s truth.”

  “I wonder what her story is?”

  “I really don’t want to know, because if it was a bad one I’d have to feel sorry for her, and that just doesn’t sit right,” Annabelle said, putting down her glass. “Now, enough about Millicent. Let’s go throw the ball around and show those boys who’s got the best arm.”

  “Do I have to come? You know how useless I am at that kind of thing.”

  “Yeah, but you make me look good.”

  They found the men playing touchdown with a few of the town’s teenagers. Sides had been drawn and they were facing off against each other. Ethan had his cap on backwards and was on Buster’s team; Jake and Newman were on the opposing side. There were plenty of spectators willing to offer advice too, all cheering from the sidelines.

  “Got room for us?”

  “This is a man’s sport, Smith. Go back to the kitchen,” Buster said, and it was followed by hoots of laughter.

  “I’m gonna make you eat those words, Griffin,” Annabelle snarled, entering the spirit of the game with relish.

  Ethan swallowed his smile as like him, Annabelle turned her cap so the peak was at the back and bared her teeth. She was wearing shorts that showed off those sexy legs and a long sleeved t-shirt that fell to the hem of her shorts. Her feet were bare, as was her face, and for some reason she looked hotter than she did all dressed up. Of course, he knew that she could appear before him caked in mud and he’d still want her.

  “We ain’t got time for your sissy B.S., Smith. Go play with your dolls,” Ethan said, watching her as he spoke in case she launched an attack. ‘Never turn your back on Annabelle Smith,’ Buster had once told him. ‘She’s volatile and quick as a snake, Gelderman, and needs constant watching.’ Not that watching her was a hardship, he thought as she jogged into the line across from him.

nbsp; “Don’t you take any notice of them, Annabelle, honey,” Jake said, patting her shoulder. “We’ll take them apart and then they’ll be crying like babies. Branna, my love, you go stand there next to Number Five. He’ll look after you.”

  “I don’t need looking after!”

  Ethan caught Branna around the waist and gave her a hug. “It’s okay, sweet cheeks. You’ll only add to our already lethal strike power.”

  “Unhand my woman, Tex, or prepare to die.”

  “You girls done with the talk? ’Cause I can feel a grey hair sprouting.” This was from Newman, who was standing directly across from Ethan.

  “Sissy!” Buster snarled.

  “Go play with your muffin trays,” Jake spat back.

  By now the people around them were laughing. Ethan loved this town, loved the feeling that had embraced him when he arrived. He knew his friends were the main reason, but there was just something about being part of a community where everyone knew each other, and now they were starting to get to know and accept him, even if he was and always would be an outsider.

  The play was fast and furious, and in seconds, Ethan’s shirt, which was actually Jake’s so he wasn’t too worried, was ripped on the shoulder.

  “That’s my shirt!”

  “You ripped it.”

  They were hard on each other and any of the teenagers who could cope, but he refused to hurt either Branna or Annabelle, a fact that had Annabelle fuming.

  “Don’t you dare go easy on me, Gelderman!” Her face was inches from his as she glared at him. “You let up because you knew it was me catching the ball. I don’t need any of that shit from you, got it?”

  “You’re an inch from my face, Smith. I imagine they heard you back in town,” he taunted.

  She was hot, her face pink from running. Her chest was rising and falling, which did nice things to her already outstanding breasts.

  “I can’t tackle a woman, Annabelle. It’s the way of things,” he said, trying to sound reasonable when all he was doing was trying to annoy the shit out of her.

  She drew back her fist and punched him in the stomach. It was hard, not enough to really hurt, but it still sucked the breath right out of his body.

  “How about now?” While he was bent double, she stomped back into the line.

  “If you’re out of breath, I’m sure we can find someone to replace you,” Jake taunted while around him them were more howls of laughter.

  “Fuck off, McBride,” Ethan wheezed.

  “You can still go easy on her. Just let her think you’re not. We’ve learned that trick over the years and she’s never realized,” Buster said softly, so Annabelle couldn’t hear.

  “You couldn’t have told me that sooner?” Ethan straightened as he sucked in a deep breath.

  “Where would the fun be in that?” That was from Newman, who patted Ethan’s back as he passed.

  Taking his place again, Ethan scowled at Annabelle then turned to whisper something to Buster and Branna and the three teenagers on his team before they took their places again. As the play started, Branna ran towards Jake. Distracted as she bumped into him, Buster went long and Ethan sailed a ball right into his hands.

  “Touchdown!” Buster declared.

  “That’s cheating! Branna deliberately took Jake out of the play!”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Annabelle.” Branna smiled sweetly up at her fiancé, then kissed him and jogged back into the line.

  “Nice move, Tex.” Jake shook his head to clear it, then called his team in.

  “Last play, because I need food,” Newman said.

  “Wouldn’t hurt you to go without a time or two,” Buster called.

  “What?” Newman looked down at his stomach. “You saying I’m fat?”

  “Just looking out for you, man.”

  Newman flipped him the bird. “I’m still a size down from you in shorts, Baker Boy.”

  Ethan drifted back as the play started, keeping his eyes on Annabelle. She started running and he shadowed her. Around them people were yelling, faking, and running decoys, but he kept her close, and then the ball was coming. He saw it out of the corner of his eye. She jumped, both feet pushing off the ground, reaching upwards to catch it.

  “Got it!” Her cry made Jake whoop, but Ethan wasn’t done yet; she still had to make the touchdown. She started running, those long legs pumping, but his were longer. He dove, catching her around the waist, then they were both falling. She grunted as she hit the ground, and he followed, making most of his weight hit the ground beside her. When they settled he rolled on top of her.

  “Sorry about that, honey, but you’re short.”

  It took her a few minutes to get her breath back, and then she was wriggling to get him off her. Ethan just settled himself better, spreading his body over hers. He felt her hipbones, the flat planes of her stomach, the press of her breasts. They were both hot and sweaty and all he could think about was taking her. Pulling the zipper of her shorts down, running his fingers under the band of her panties and touching her. He wanted to sink into her slick heat and ride her hard.

  “Get off me, Gelderman. You’re fat.”

  And then there was that mouth. Lush, mobile, and he wanted to silence her with kisses, hot, hard, slow and sweet.

  “Just so we’re clear, no touchdown was scored, Smith.” He looked down into her eyes and saw the heat simmering back at him. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  “Let me up.”

  “When you’ve told me that you didn’t score that touchdown, Annabelle, I’ll let you up.”

  Her eyes told Ethan she could feel him pressing into her, knew that he was aroused.

  “You two getting up?”

  “Not until she tells me that she didn’t get that touchdown.” Ethan said the words still looking at Annabelle, his eyes running over her face.

  “Could be a long wait, Tex. We’ll save you food. Annabelle’s not exactly known for giving in,” Jake said from behind him.

  “Yeah, remember that time in school when I said the first person to talk has to do the homework?” Ethan heard Newman’s voice this time. “She was still at it when the bell went off at the end of the day.”

  The voices grew faint and then there was just the two of them.

  “Get off me, Gelderman.”

  “Here’s the thing, Smith. I can be pretty determined myself, and while comfortable is probably the last word I would use to describe my current position, it’s been a dream of mine for some time to have you under me, so it’s not going to be a hardship to stay here for a while.”

  “My legs are going numb.”

  “Then say the words.”

  She blinked, her lashes lowering to hide her eyes briefly. He saw a small, pale scar running into her hairline just above her ear. It wouldn’t normally be visible, and this was his first sight of it.

  “What’s that from?” He traced its path with a finger and she shivered.

  “My uncle was drunk. He tripped and smashed a bottle and a shard of glass got me.” She seemed to be as surprised as he that she’d shared a piece of her past. Like him, she wasn’t exactly an open book.

  “How old were you?”


  “You make him pay?” His finger trailed down her flushed cheek.

  “Get off me, Ethan.”

  “Say the words, Annabelle.”

  She bit her lip, so he ran his finger along it, touching her two white teeth.

  “I didn’t score.” The words were breathless, and not from the exercise they had just had; she was aroused. He looked down at her for several long, heated seconds before lowering his head and brushing her lips. He then rolled to the side.

  “You want to come back to my place?”

  Her snort made him smile. “You don’t have a place here, Gelderman.”

  “I’ll buy one, right now, if you say yes.”

  She moved to sit up and look down at him. Ethan felt her eyes on him,
felt them as if her hands followed, especially when they reached his groin.

  “You’re hot, there’s no denying that, but I won’t do this with you, Ethan, even if I want to.”

  “Because of my supposed black book?” He looked up at her.

  “That and because of what we have here. I want you to come and go in Howling, because like me this place is now in your blood, as are the people. If we do that—” She waved her hand.

  “Hot, sweaty sex, Smith. Long hours twined naked over, under and around each other.”

  She closed her eyes briefly, and he was sure that like him, his words had flashed visions through her head.

  “It will jeopardize our friendship and cause a disturbance amongst our friends when we stop seeing each other, and I can’t allow that to happen. Because when it’s done, you’ll be like all the others and buy me flowers and chocolates, telling me how much you need me, and that I’ve broken your heart. It would make things uncomfortable.”

  She got to her feet, her movements elegant, and he followed.

  “Here’s the way I see this, honey. We want each other, and denying it is only going to make it worse, but I’m not the kind of man to push a woman into something she doesn’t want, so instead I’ll say, I’ll be ready when you are.”

  Ethan smiled as she walked away. For once, he’d had the last word and Annabelle Smith was left speechless. Following, he wondered how long he’d have to wait for her. Adjusting his shorts, he hoped it wasn’t too long.

  “Got a cold beer for a man who’s just gone a few rounds with the Amazon?”

  He caught the bottle as it sailed at his head, and opened it, then took a long pull. His friends were all eating, plates loaded, but Ethan took a moment to look around him.

  His family had never done anything like this, actually sitting on the ground surrounded by people to eat. They used tables and people usually served them. He watched as a woman lifted her baby and handed it to an elderly man beside her. Were they father and daughter? Was that child being handed from the hands of a loving mother to those of a grandfather? Ethan’s family wasn’t into demonstrative gestures; maybe that’s why he was. He loved to touch and be touched, and not just in an intimate way. To him a kiss or being brushed on his cheek or a hand on his arm was important; it made him feel loved.


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