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Forbidden Alpha (A Wolf Shifter Romance Novel)

Page 3

by Clarissa Black

  Chapter 7. Meeting the billionaire.

  Balthus Omidiatery Targun, the notorious billionaire playboy sat on his leather chair on the top-floor amidst the wide window backdrop of a downtown city-center. An immaculate yellow glow emanates from the hint of energy held within each building structure filtering back to the room and into eyes of Samantha. She just entered the office of a billionaire. To her right was a super computer that displayed binomial sequences of an uncertain DNA – wolf or man. Here was the brains of the alpha pack, the cold- nerve center.

  Balthus, intelligent and cunning, calmly paces the room like a wolf encircling his territory. He inspect her. He moved with swiftness as his cold blue eye full of radiant intelligence pierces deep into her soul. He smells her.

  “Samantha…” Balthus speaks. “See that? Outside is a city of man, built on the back of man.” dryly he said.

  “And you wish for it to belong to wolves” Samantha said. She had known about his plan when he had approached her. In exchange for her research, Balthus supplied her university with a world class laboratory. He wanted tyrosine as his weapon to become an alpha wolf. She in turn, upon hearing of his plan, hoped to become a werewolf herself.

  “What is man but someone who seeks vengeance of God; it is power that we all want.” Balthus said. He had a knack for conversing with poetics and flower language.

  “You are a bastard for unleashing the t-virus.” She had never forgiven him. With tyrosine, created in her labs, he created a mutagen strain which he unleashed to infect half of the planet. This created a shockwave of chaos in world. Then suddenly, Balthus’ corporation announced a cure, an antidote, and offered it at a steep price. The profits gained from the desperate public propelled the bio-chemical company to the top of the markets.

  “The flower of the plant blossoms on the fourth moon,” he said softly.

  “What are you talking about!” she said. “Stop talking in tongues!”

  She felt a slight shiver ran a course through her petite body. It was the electrical charge produced by the werewolves when they are about the shape shift. It means that he had angered Batlhus. Yet, Balthus looked calm in center, like the sleepy city lights that lay before him, the silent glow only hinted at the energy contained within.

  “You don’t understand… princess,” he said. “Is it the predator that catches the prey or the prey that traps the predator? This tyrosine of yours proved a rather profitable venture for me.”

  “You speak in tongues Balthus, please stop.”

  He looked at her intently. Ladies across the globe sought attention of the young billionaire. But what he really craved was power. He wanted to be at the very top.

  “The Tyrosine malenolant, is that which you have guessed gives us power?” he mockingly asks her.

  “When Alfredo finds out... that you plan to usurp him, “she cautiously treaded.

  “Princess... it is not the... it is a question of whom?” he had a penchant to deliver verses that contained a hidden meaning. “I have here a book of the old professor. Open it up to chapter 8. Tyrosine production.”

  “I know it already,” she dryly replies.

  Tyrosine was the chemical she synthesized for him. Initially, Balthus had hoped to become an alpha male by injecting himself with tyrosine. This however proved futile as tyrosine only amplified existing concentration in the body and does not add a cumulative effect. The result was Balthus’ failed attempt to become the top-alpha male. Curiously however, Balthus and Samantha noted that injecting a human with synthetic Tyrosine would make them an omega – the lowest and weakest of the wolves.

  “Foolish woman...” He said. “You thought you were learning from alphas but instead we were learning from you!!!”

  “What do you mean??!” she naively asked.

  “Hahahahaha!!!” Balthus laughed with malice.

  Fool. She had created it, not him. The twisted game that we play haunts us at the end of the day. Who was the predator and who was the prey? Without his support, she would never be able to synthesize the chemical and inject it in herself, as for the first step of her transformation. She did not tell him that she only cared about becoming an alpha herself, not a lowly omega. The professor had already told her how to.

  “So thus we can create omega werewolves...” he smiles a twisted smile. “To build the omega army as it was foretold by the professor in the 4th moon!”

  She knew what the omega meant and the professor meant four alpha sperms to make her one of them. Balthus hoped to create an unabsorbed class that would propel all the existing werewolves to a new super-class, a royal werewolf class. Alfredo liked the idea.

  “You want to enslave the whole of the human race!!!” her anger was building.

  “You want us to be half wolves!! You bastard!” she tells him.

  “It was not my idea. You know. It was of course the idea of the professor himself. He knew everything, even your desire to become an alpha wolf!”

  The professor? He’d been gone for years. What role did he have to play in this?

  Chapter 9: The Black Wolf

  As the ice stung her hand, she laid in the snow in disbelief. The black wolf stood behind her. The moon casted a dim glow on the human head of Balthus in front of her. Blood had been spilled tonight. What had made her come to the Black wolf? It felt like she somehow knew that this was the correct place to go. It wasn’t magic that made her come here it was something else that she saw a long time ago.

  She remembers tracing the forbidden territory in a page in the professor’s personal notes. He kept his stack of notes in his office. When he wasn’t around she would thumb through his notes. In the notes she saw a small passage about the black wolf along with a map of northern part of Leeds. In bold letters it said, “Wolf forbidden territory.” Somehow she put the message in her subconscious.

  One day she asks the professor about the black wolf.

  “What is the black wolf professor?” she innocently asked.

  Somewhat concerned the professor said, “The black wolf is the lone wolf… my child.”

  “He is alone because he chooses to be alone,” he adds.

  “Why does he choose to be alone professor?” inquisitively she asked.

  “He is alone because only he can hold the power to defeat all of the wolf,” he said.

  “What do you mean defeat? Are the wolf at war?” she answers back.

  “No. But there are always philosophical differences in the wolf pack. Each one is advancing his own intention. Such is the dynamics of power.”

  “Philosophical differences? Intentions?”

  “Yes. When the leadership of the wolf hold certain things to be true then the whole pack must agree. But if a wolf does not agree this means he becomes an omega, someone allowed to roam in the territory but outside the protection of the pack. Alternatively, a sigma, someone exiled to an outside territory”

  “Sigma... you mean a black wolf?”

  “Exactly. The Black wolf chooses exile instead of accepting the values of the pack. Because he chooses not to serve he is sent to a territory that is marked as forbidden. The reason it is forbidden is that the Sigma has the capability to convert other wolves in his pack. This means when they are in his territory, he has the power to command them.” The professor said as he continued to write on his notes.

  Her flashback ends and she finds herself almost naked in the forbidden territory. Alfredo and Remus looks at each other unsure if they were going to attack the black wolf that laid outside striking distance. For one thing, the wolf was twice the size of them. It was the size of a horse with the muscles of a bull. Its eyes instead of yellow were black so black that it shone like an obsidian blade.

  Alfredo steps in the circle of the black wolf.

  The black wolf howls an eerie howl. It was a long howl that marked a tinge of melancholy and a tinge of sorrow. Then suddenly Remus the enforcer was quivering. Remus eyes had turned to black.

  “Remus” Alfredo asked. “What is wron

  Remus seemed possessed as he walked towards the black wolf. He took a position behind the Black wolf and started to growl at Alfredo.

  “Traitor!!!!!” hissed Alfredo.

  “Ahhhhh but that was not part of our agreement,” Alfredo gazed deep into the Black wolf’s eyes. “Brother... “

  “Brother?” she whimpers confusedly.

  “It was also not part of our agreement that you bring her here” the black wolf growled back.

  “I know how to play the game as much as you do brother.” Alfredo said.

  “You are weak Alfredo now she knows our secrets” the Black wolf said. “You were used Alfredo, she only cares of the alpha tyrosine and you had made her come to me.”

  “But it was precisely why I had gotten her this far. I needed to seek you out brother” smiled Alfredo. “I care not for the tyrosine for I know that what you had planned all along.”

  “I only want to put a stop to your madness,” growled the black wolf. “You wanted to enslave the humans with your stupid chemicals.”

  “No you wanted the chemical so we can build an army, only to show yourself later and create an omega army just like what you had done with Remus!” accused Alfredo.

  “I knew how to create the chemical myself. But what good would that be. All we will ever do is fight and outsmart each other... that is why I chose exile!” said the black wolf.

  She could not believe the story that was unfolding in front of her.

  “Your exile means only that you are a threat forever. You know that alphas are born in twos. Remus and Batlhus. You and me. I will break the chain. No matter where you hide you will always have me running after the sigma!!!”

  “The sigma wolf is not me Alfredo... don’t you see... she is the sigma!!!”

  “What are you talking about brother???????” Then it dawned Alfredo. There would be no more fighting for tonight.

  “Wait… what do you mean??” She whimpers silently.

  “It means that you belong to me now” The black wolf said.

  Alfredo turned around and ran. The moon shining ominously on him as he galloped away from the territory of the black wolf.

  “He’ll be back.” He told her with a low pitched voiced that crossed man and wolf.

  “I... don’t understand” she whimpers.

  “You will understand for you are the first of your kind, you are a xylophone”

  “A xylophone?”

  “Yes, our seed, and my creation…the xylophone” he added. “Isn’t that what you had always wanted? To be alpha yourself?”

  She was shaking uncontrollably now still half naked. She falls on the snow and unconsciousness soon embraces her.

  Chapter 10: Sigma

  Even before she woke up she realized it was the professor all along. He was the alpha that she instinctively searched for, longed for, and loved with all her heart. How foolish was she to not know the object of her desire was right in front of her. But silently, he kept his human form, all the while trusting that her instincts would bring her back to him. She was his prodigy, the keeper of his knowledge, and he loved her like a humble pawn that upon reaching the other side of the board would turn into a powerful queen.

  “Professor..?” she laid there whispering to herself as she regained consciousness.

  “Good morning, Samantha” with a reassuring voice he replied.

  They were in a cottage on top of the hill that overlooked river. The sun had thawed out the snow exposing some grass that poked the surface. For a moment there seemed life, growth, that cleared away the bloodshed of the night. He had taken her here shortly after Alfredo sprang away knowing he could not take on both Remus and the black wolf at the same time.

  “Please rest, there would be time to answer your questions” the professor, Samuel told her.

  “What did you mean that I will become a xylophone?” she did not wait for she knew he could disappear again. When he first left she felt alone, and she felt betrayed. By keeping his research she had found him the true object of her desire.

  “A xylophone is a rare breed of weretiger that existed a long time ago. Some time ago the werewolves hunted all the xylophone fearing that they would bring trouble in the future. You have to understand that when there is a possibility of a threat, you must eradicate the threat before it manifests,” Samuel said almost a direct quote from his book.

  “It was supposed to be nature’s way to counteract the wolves” he added.

  “I see”

  “Now we had found that the xylophone could be recreated. It was always been the focal point of my research, alpha dynamics was only a stepping stone to bring back the xylophone.”

  “Tyrosine…” she said wearily as she got up from bed.

  “Yes, Samantha. Now that we have synthesized the chemical all we needed is a willing host. It was to be mixed with the sperm of four alphas to allow the transformation to take place” he said. “You already have the tyrosine synthesized but now you need the sperm of the four alphas. I knew that when I sent you to Remus that you would eventually collect them all and find yourself back here. That’s why I told about your quest to collect the four alpha sperm.”

  “But I have three... I need another one. Oh!” the final piece was of course to be him.

  “Yes, Samantha…”

  “Thus the choice is yours. You had been on this path and now it ends here with me. It is a choice that you will have to make.”

  Her vagina moistens as the prospect of making love to the professor dawns her.

  “But there is no turning back. You will forever be a xylophone. And the ways of the xylophone is destructive.” He adds. “Historically, a xylophone only seeks to balance power. This would mean a war with the wolves. A war with me and my kin. ” Samuel adds.

  “A forbidden love with the alpha?” she says.

  “Yes” he says dryly.

  “A forbidden alpha” she sadly states.


  She paces the small cottage looking at the kitchen. She realized he been busy living here. He had a small collection of books. He was waiting for her to come back.

  “I have a question…” she started. “Technically, we could stay here in the forbidden territory. Alfredo would not dare come in here for he knows the moment he steps in his followers would belong to you” she said in a hopeful tone. “Given that, would it be possible for us to just live out here and enjoy ourselves in seclusion?”

  The professor ponders this for a second and replies, “given that when you become a xylophone you will want to kill me. That may not be a good idea.” He adds, “The xylophone and the werewolves are mortal enemies. The xylophone hunts for the werewolves. That is its function. You will not stop until you kill all the werewolves.”

  “You mean to tell me... I will kill everything that I love?” horrified she said.

  “That is precisely why you were born to be the xylophone. You instinctively search for wolves, you always have, and they are your obsession. Then from this obsession you will put an end to them.”

  “And what if I do not put an end to them?”

  “Then Alfredo would turn all of human kind to an omega army, you along with it” he calmly replies.

  She knew that he was the end of the line. She would not want another person after him. She had looked up to him since the beginning and he was all that she ever desired, the most powerful of the wolves, yet humble enough to not want power. Touching the kitchen stove, she began to shed a tear. She knew this moment would not last.

  She grabs his hand and leads him to the small cottage bed. Laying on top of her, Samuel pressed the weight of his body down on her. He had wispy brown hair, an angular face and a slim Spartan body.

  She unbuckles his belt and pulled out his rod.

  “I need to be in wolf form for the concentration to be optimal.” Slowly he changed to his wolf form. He was double the size of any normal werewolf. He was a beast and she was his prey.

  He grabs her
by the shoulder, lifts her out of the bed, and turns her around.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispers to her ears.

  Remus stalks in the shadow, he knew this was going to happen. Remus knew that she knew about turning into a xylophone. The professor wanted the end of werewolves and she wanted to become something more powerful. Remus, only wanted her in return.


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