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The Second H. Beam Piper Omnibus

Page 12

by H. Beam Piper

  "That's what I thought, at first,” MacLeod replied. “Just wishful thinking, though. Fact is, I went up to Nayland's HQ and had it out with him; accused him of just that. I think I threw enough of a scare into him to hold him for a couple of days. I wanted to know just what it was the Komintern was supposed to have got from us, but he wouldn't tell me. That, of course, was classified-stuff."


  "Well then, Karen and I got our digestive tracts emptied and went in to town, where I could use a phone that didn't go through a military switch-board, and I put through a call to Allan Hartley, President Hartley's son. He owes us a break, after the work we did in Puerto Rico. I told him all I wanted was some information to help clear ourselves, and he told me to wait a half an hour and then call Counter Espionage Office in Washington and talk to General Hammond."

  "Ha! If Allan Hartley's for us, what are we worried about?” Kato asked. “I always knew he was the power back of Associated Enterprises and his father was the front-man: I'll bet it's the same with the Government."

  "Allan Hartley's for us as long as our nose is clean. If we let it get dirty, we get it bloodied, too. We have to clean it ourselves,” MacLeod told him. “But here's what Hammond gave me: The Komintern knows all about our collapsed-matter experiments with zinc, titanium and nickel. They know about our theoretical work on cosmic rays, including Suzanne's work up to about a month ago. They know about that effect Sir Neville and Heym discovered two months ago.” He paused. “And they know about the photon-neutrino-electron interchange."

  Kato responded to this with a gruesome double-take that gave his face the fleeting appearance of an ancient samurai war mask.

  "That wasn't included in any report we ever made,” he said. “You're right: the leak comes from inside the Team. It must be Sir Neville, or Suzanne, or Heym ben-Hillel, or Adam Lowiewski, or Rudolf von Heldenfeld, or-No! No, I can't believe it could be Farida!” He looked at MacLeod pleadingly. “You don't think she could have-?"

  "No, Kato. The Team's her whole life, even more than it is mine. She came with us when she was only twelve, and grew up with us. She doesn't know any other life than this, and wouldn't want any other. It has to be one of the other five."

  "Well, there's Suzanne,” Kato began. “She had to clear out of France because of political activities, after the collapse of the Fourth Republic and the establishment of the Rightist Directoire in ‘57. And she worked with Joliot-Curie, and she was at the University of Louvain in the early ‘50s, when that place was crawling with Commies."

  "And that brings us to Sir Neville,” MacLeod added. “He dabbles in spiritualism; he and Suzanne do planchette-seances. A planchette can be manipulated. Maybe Suzanne produced a communication advising Sir Neville to help the Komintern."

  "Could be. Then, how about Lowiewski? He's a Pole who can't go back to Poland, and Poland's a Komintern country.” Kato pointed out. “Maybe he'd sell us out for amnesty, though why he'd want to go back there, the way things are now-?"

  "His vanity. You know, missionary-school native going back to the village wearing real pants, to show off to the savages. Used to be a standing joke, down where I came from.” MacLeod thought for a moment. “And Rudolf: he's always had a poor view of the democratic system of government. He might feel more at home with the Komintern. Of course, the Ruskis killed his parents in 1945—"

  "So what?” Kato retorted. “The Americans killed my father in 1942, but I'm not making an issue out of it. That was another war; Japan's a Western Union country, now. So's Germany—How about Heym, by the way? Remember when the Komintern wanted us to come to Russia and do the same work we're doing here?"

  "I remember that after we turned them down, somebody tried to kidnap Karen,” MacLeod said grimly. “I remember a couple of Russians got rather suddenly dead trying it, too."

  "I wasn't thinking of that. I was thinking of our round-table argument when the proposition was considered. Heym was in favor of accepting. Now that, I would say, indicates either Communist sympathies or an overtrusting nature,” Kato submitted. “And a lot of grade-A traitors have been made out of people with trusting natures."

  MacLeod got out his pipe and lit it. For a long time, he stared out across the mountain-ringed vista of sagebrush, dotted at wide intervals with the bulks of research-centers and the red roofs of the villages.

  "Kato, I think I know how we're going to find out which one it is,” he said. “First of all, you write up your data, and falsify it so that it won't do any damage if it gets into Komintern hands. And then—"

  * * * *

  The next day started in an atmosphere of suppressed excitement and anxiety, which, beginning with MacLeod and Karen and Kato Sugihara, seemed to communicate itself by contagion to everybody in the MacLeod Team's laboratories. The top researchers and their immediate assistants and students were the first to catch it; they ascribed the tension under which their leader and his wife and the Japanese labored to the recent developments in the collapsed-matter problem. Then, there were about a dozen implicitly-trusted technicians and guards, who had been secretly gathered in MacLeod's office the night before and informed of the crisis that had arisen. Their associates could not miss the fact that they were preoccupied with something unusual.

  They were a variegated crew; men who had been added to the Team in every corner of the world. There was Ahmed Abd-el-Rahman, the Arab jeep-driver who had joined them in Basra. There was the wiry little Greek whom everybody called Alex Unpronounceable. There was an Italian, and two Chinese, and a cashiered French Air Force officer, and a Malay, and the son of an English earl who insisted that his name was Bertie Wooster. They had sworn themselves to secrecy, had heard MacLeod's story with a polylingual burst of pious or blasphemous exclamations, and then they had scattered, each to the work assigned him.

  MacLeod had risen early and submitted to the ordeal of the search to leave the reservation and go to town again, this time for a conference at the shabby back-street cigar store that concealed a Counter Espionage center. He had returned just as Farida Khouroglu was finishing the microfilm copies of Kato's ingeniously-concocted pseudo-data. These copies were distributed at noon, while the Team was lunching, along with carbons of the original type-script.

  He was the first to leave the table, going directly to the basement, where Alex Unpronounceable and the man who had got his alias from the works of P. G. Wodehouse were listening in on the telephone calls going in and out through the Team-center switch-board, and making recordings. For two hours, MacLeod remained with them. He heard Suzanne Maillard and some woman who was talking from a number in the Army married-officers’ settlement making arrangements about a party. He heard Rudolf von Heldenfeld make a date with some girl. He listened to a violent altercation between the Team chef and somebody at Army Quartermaster's HQ about the quality of a lot of dressed chicken. He listened to a call that came in for Adam Lowiewski, the mathematician.

  "This is Joe,” the caller said. “I've got to go to town late this afternoon, but I was wondering if you'd have time to meet me at the Recreation House at Oppenheimer Village for a game of chess. I'm calling from there, now."

  "Fine; I can make it,” Lowiewski's voice replied. “I'm in the middle of a devil's own mathematical problem; maybe a game of chess would clear my head. I have a new queen's-knight gambit I want to try on you, anyhow."

  Bertie Wooster looked up sharply. “Now there; that may be what we're—"

  The telephone beside MacLeod rang. He scooped it up; named himself into it.

  It was Ahmed Abd-el-Rahman. “Look, chief; I tail this guy to Oppenheimer Village,” the Arab, who had learned English from American movies, answered. “He goes into the rec-joint. I slide in after him, an’ he ain't in sight. I'm lookin’ around for him, see, when he comes bargin’ outa the Don Ameche box. Then he grabs a table an’ a beer. What next?"

  "Stay there; keep an eye on him,” MacLeod told him. “If I want you, I'll call."

  MacLeod hung up and straighte
ned, feeling under his packet for his .38-special.

  "That's it, boys,” he said. “Lowiewski. Come on."

  "Hah!” Alex Unpronounceable had his gun out and was checking the cylinder. He spoke briefly in description of the Polish mathematician's ancestry, physical characteristics, and probable post-mortem destination. Then he put the gun away, and the three men left the basement.

  * * * *

  For minutes that seamed like hours, MacLeod and the Greek waited on the main floor, where they could watch both the elevators and the stairway. Bertie Wooster had gone up to alert Kato Sugihara and Karen. Then the door of one of the elevators opened and Adam Lowiewski emerged, with Kato behind him, apparently lost in a bulky scientific journal he was reading. The Greek moved in from one side, and MacLeod stepped in front of the Pole.

  "Hi, Adam,” he greeted. “Have you looked into that batch of data yet?"

  "Oh, yes. Yes.” Lowiewski seemed barely able to keep his impatience within the bounds of politeness. “Of course, it's out of my line, but the mathematics seems sound.” He started to move away.

  "You're not going anywhere,” MacLeod told him. “The chess game is over. The red pawns are taken-the one at Oppenheimer Village, and the one here."

  There was a split second in which Lowiewski struggled-almost successfully-to erase the consternation from his face.

  "I don't know what you're talking about,” he began. His right hand started to slide under his left coat lapel.

  MacLeod's Colt was covering him before he could complete the movement. At the same time, Kato Sugihara dropped the paper-bound periodical, revealing the thin-bladed knife he had concealed under it. He stepped forward, pressing the point of the weapon against the Pole's side. With the other hand, he reached across Lowiewski's chest and jerked the pistol from his shoulder-holster. It was one of the elegant little .32 Beretta 1954 Model automatics.

  "Into the elevator,” MacLeod ordered. An increasing pressure of Kato's knife emphasized the order. “And watch him; don't let him get rid of anything,” he added to the Greek.

  "If you would explain this outrage—” Lowiewski began. “I assume it is your idea of a joke—"

  Without even replying, MacLeod slammed the doors and started the elevator upward, letting it rise six floors to the living quarters. Karen Hilquist and the aristocratic black-sheep who called himself Bertie Wooster were waiting when he opened the door. The Englishman took one of Lowiewski's arms; MacLeod took the other. The rest fell in behind as they hustled the captive down the hall and into the big sound-proofed dining room. They kept Lowiewski standing, well away from any movable object in the room; Alex Unpronounceable took his left arm as MacLeod released it and went to the communicator and punched the all-outlets button.

  "Dr. Maillard; Dr. Sir Neville Lawton; Dr. ben-Hillel; Dr. von Heldenfeld; Mlle. Khouroglu,” he called. “Dr. MacLeod speaking. Come at once, repeat at once, to the round table-Dr. Maillard; Dr. Sir Neville Lawton—"

  * * * *

  Karen said something to the Japanese and went outside. For a while, nobody spoke. Kato came over and lit a cigarette in the bowl of MacLeod's pipe. Then the other Team members entered in a body. Evidently Karen had intercepted them in the hallway and warned them that they would find some unusual situation inside; even so, there was a burst of surprised exclamations when they found Adam Lowiewski under detention.

  "Ladies and gentlemen,” MacLeod said, “I regret to tell you that I have placed our colleague, Dr. Lowiewski, under arrest. He is suspected of betraying confidential data to agents of the Fourth Komintern. Yesterday, I learned that data on all our work here, including Team-secret data on the Sugihara Effect, had got into the hands of the Komintern and was being used in research at the Smolensk laboratories. I also learned that General Nayland blames this Team as a whole with double-dealing and selling this data to the Komintern. I don't need to go into any lengthy exposition of General Nayland's attitude toward this Team, or toward Free Scientists as a class, or toward the research-contract system. Nor do I need to point out that if he pressed these charges against us, some of us could easily suffer death or imprisonment."

  "So he had to have a victim in a hurry, and pulled my name out of the hat,” Lowiewski sneered.

  "I appreciate the gravity of the situation,” Sir Neville Lawton said. “And if the Sugihara Effect was among the data betrayed, I can understand that nobody but one of us could have betrayed it. But why, necessarily, should it be Adam? We all have unlimited access to all records and theoretical data."

  "Exactly. But collecting information is the smallest and easiest part of espionage. Almost anybody can collect information. Where the spy really earns his pay is in transmitting of information. Now, think of the almost fantastic security measures in force here, and consider how you would get such information, including masses of mathematical data beyond any human power of memorization, out of this reservation."

  "Ha, nobody can take anything out,” Suzanne Maillard said. “Not even one's breakfast. Is Adam accused of sorcery, too?"

  "The only material things that are allowed to leave this reservation are sealed cases of models and data shipped to the different development plants. And the Sugihara Effect never was reported, and wouldn't go out that way,” Heym ben-Hillel objected.

  "But the data on the Sugihara Effect reached Smolensk,” MacLeod replied. “And don't talk about Darwin and Wallace: it wasn't a coincidence. This stuff was taken out of the Tonto Basin Reservation by the only person who could have done so, in the only way that anything could leave the reservation without search. So I had that person shadowed, and at the same time I had our telephone lines tapped, and eavesdropped on all calls entering or leaving this center. And the person who had to be the spy-courier called Adam Lowiewski, and Lowiewski made an appointment to meet him at the Oppenheimer Village Recreation House to play chess."

  "Very suspicious, very suspicious,” Lowiewski derided. “I receive a call from a friend at the same time that some anonymous suspect is using the phone. There are only five hundred telephone conversations a minute on this reservation."

  "Immediately, Dr. Lowiewski attempted to leave this building,” MacLeod went on. “When I intercepted him, he tried to draw a pistol. This one.” He exhibited the Beretta. “I am now going to have Dr. Lowiewski searched, in the presence of all of you.” He nodded to Alex and the Englishman.

  * * * *

  They did their work thoroughly. A pile of Lowiewski's pocket effects was made on the table; as each item was added to it, the Pole made some sarcastic comment.

  "And that pack of cigarettes: unopened,” he jeered. “I suppose I communicated the data to the manufacturers by telepathy, and they printed it on the cigarette papers in invisible ink."

  "Maybe not. Maybe you opened the pack, and then resealed it,” Kato suggested. “A heated spatula under the cellophane; like this."

  He used the point of his knife to illustrate. The cellophane came unsealed with surprising ease: so did the revenue stamp. He dumped out the contents of the pack: sixteen cigarettes, four cigarette tip-ends, four bits snapped from the other ends-and a small aluminum microfilm capsule.

  Lowiewski's face twitched. For an instant, he tried vainly to break loose from the men who held him. Then he slumped into a chair. Heym ben-Hillel gasped in shocked surprise. Suzanne Maillard gave a short, felinelike cry. Sir Neville Lawton looked at the capsule curiously and said: “Well, my sainted Aunt Agatha!"

  "That's the capsule I gave him, at noon,” Farida Khouroglu exclaimed, picking it up. She opened it and pulled out a roll of colloidex projection film. There was also a bit of cigarette paper in the capsule, upon which a notation had been made in Kyrilic characters.

  Rudolf von Heldenfeld could read Russian. “'Data on new development of photon-neutrino-electron interchange. 22 July, ‘65. Vladmir.’ Vladmir, I suppose, is this schweinhund's code name,” he added.

  The film and the paper passed from hand to hand. The other members of the Team sat dow
n; there was a tendency to move away from the chair occupied by Adam Lowiewski. He noticed this and sneered.

  "Afraid of contamination from the moral leper?” he asked. “You were glad enough to have me correct your stupid mathematical errors."

  Kato Sugihara picked up the capsule, took a final glance at the cigarette pack, and said to MacLeod: “I'll be back as soon as this is done.” With that, he left the room, followed by Bertie Wooster and the Greek.

  * * * *

  Heym ben-Hillel turned to the others: his eyes had the hurt and puzzled look of a dog that has been kicked for no reason. “But why did he do this?” he asked.

  "He just told you,” MacLeod replied. “He's the great Adam Lowiewski. Checking math for a physics-research team is beneath his dignity. I suppose the Komintern offered him a professorship at Stalin University.” He was watching Lowiewski's face keenly. “No,” he continued. “It was probably the mathematics chair of the Soviet Academy of Sciences."

  "But who was this person who could smuggle microfilm out of the reservation?” Suzanne Maillard wanted to know. “Somebody has invented teleportation, then?"

  MacLeod shook his head. “It was General Nayland's chauffeur. It had to be. General Nayland's car is the only thing that gets out of here without being searched. The car itself is serviced at Army vehicles pool; nobody could hide anything in it for a confederate to pick up outside. Nayland is a stuffed shirt of the first stuffing, and a tinpot Hitler to boot, but he is fanatically and incorruptibly patriotic. That leaves the chauffeur. When Nayland's in the car, nobody even sees him; he might as well be a robot steering-device. Old case of Father Brown's Invisible Man. So, since he had to be the courier, all I did was have Ahmed Abd-el-Rahman shadow him, and at the same time tap our phones. When he contacted Lowiewski, I knew Lowiewski was our traitor."

  Sir Neville Lawton gave a strangling laugh. “Oh, my dear Aunt Fanny! And Nayland goes positively crackers on security. He gets goose pimples every time he hears somebody saying ‘E = mc^{2}', for fear a Komintern spy might hear him. It's a wonder he hasn't put the value of Planck's Constant on the classified list. He sets up all these fantastic search rooms and barriers, and then he drives through the gate, honking his bloody horn, with his chauffeur's pockets full of top secrets. Now I've seen everything!"


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