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New Beginnings

Page 11

by KC Richardson

  Kirsten paid for her meal and took her tray to Jordan’s table. “May I join you for lunch?”

  Jordan looked up and smiled. “Kirsten. What are you doing here?” She stood and opened her arms, and Kirsten gladly stepped into them. “Please have a seat.”

  “Thank you. I didn’t have much in my refrigerator this morning to fix for my lunch, so I decided to eat out.”

  “I’m glad to see you. How has your week been?”

  Kirsten had just been thinking about Jordan that morning and chastising herself for how much she had missed her, even though it had only been a few days since they had gone to the beach together. “My week has been okay, but I seem to have too much time on my hands in the evening since I’ve finished physical therapy.”

  Jordan laughed. “I’ve missed torturing you three nights a week,” she replied with a gleam in her eye. “You know, just because you don’t need physical therapy anymore doesn’t mean we can’t hang out once in a while.”

  “I’d like that.” Kirsten looked down at her plate, then back up to Jordan. She nervously wiped her sweaty palms on her trousers. “Um, if you’re not busy on Friday night, would you like to come over? We can grill those steaks I promised you.”

  “That sounds great. I won’t be off work until six that night. Would it be okay if I just came straight from the clinic?”

  Kirsten let out a relieved breath. “Of course. I have a pool in my backyard, so why don’t you bring your suit, and we can take a dip after dinner.”

  “Great. What can I bring?”

  “How about a bottle of wine?”

  “You got it. So, how’s work going?”

  “Not very good right now. Remember when I told you about the possible layoffs? Well, none of us can seem to come up with a way to increase our profits in that office. I’m normally a pretty good problem solver, but I’m afraid this isn’t going to turn out the way I want it.”

  “I’m sure if there was something that could be done, you would figure it out.”

  “I appreciate your confidence in me.” Kirsten laughed. Jordan had a way of making her feel everything would be fine.

  “Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m your girl.”

  Jordan’s smile nearly melted her heart. She’d lucked out when she’d crossed paths with her.

  Jordan looked at her watch. “I’m sorry, Kirsten, but I need to run, or I’ll be late for my next patient.”

  “Okay, I need to get back to work, too.” They stood, removed the trash from their table, and walked out the door. “So, I’ll see you on Friday?”

  Jordan gave her a hug. “Definitely. Let me know if I can bring anything else.”

  Kirsten had wrapped her arms around Jordan’s waist and was reluctant to let go. Jordan was the first to release the hold and gazed down at her. In a voice slightly above a whisper, Jordan said, “I really need to go. I’ll see you Friday night.”

  “Bye, Jordan. Have a good day.”

  “You, too.”

  Kirsten stood for a few moments, watching Jordan take long strides in the direction of her clinic. She shook her head to pull her gaze away from Jordan and turned in the other direction to head back to her office.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  The next two days dragged for Jordan. She was looking forward to her dinner with Kirsten that night, and it seemed that the minute hand on the clock was moving at a glacial pace. She had packed her gym bag that morning with a mint green floral print bikini as well as a pair of light blue jeans, a black T-shirt, and her black Doc Martens.

  After she’d finished her charting, she rushed into the bathroom with her bag and changed clothes. She brushed out her hair then tied it back into a ponytail. She sprayed a couple of spritzes of Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue to her neck and wrists then headed back to the office to grab her purse. Mary was finishing a dictation on a new patient when she walked back in.

  Mary smiled at her. “Well, you look nice tonight. Do you have a hot date you forgot to mention to me?”

  “Not a date, Mary. I’m going to a friend’s house for dinner tonight, and I didn’t want to wear my work clothes.”

  “Are you going to Alex’s? I sure miss her. You need to promise me you’ll bring her to the next barbecue.”

  “I will, but I’m going to Kirsten’s tonight.”

  “Kirsten? Do I know her?”

  “Yeah, she was a patient of mine, and we’ve become friends. We’ve hung out a few times since I’ve discharged her.”

  “Is it that nice-looking woman who hurt her knee?”

  “Yep, that’s the one. You think she’s nice-looking, huh?” She loved to tease Mary about her open-mindedness.

  “I’m straight, Jordan, not blind. Are you dating her?”

  “Oh, no, nothing like that. We’re just friends.”

  “Why don’t you want to date her? She seems nice.”

  “She is very nice. And very straight.”

  “A friend, huh?”

  “Yes, Mary, a friend. I’ll admit I’m very attracted to her, but you know I don’t do steady.”

  “You be careful. I don’t want to see you get too attached and end up with a broken heart.”

  “Thanks, but really, Kirsten is good friend material, and I don’t want to miss out on that. I’m late—gotta go. Have a great weekend and give your family hugs for me.”

  “You have a great one yourself, kid.”

  Despite being anxious to finally get to Kirsten’s, Jordan made a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up a bottle of merlot and a six-pack of beer to bring to dinner. She was about to pass the floral department before heading to the checkout stand when she stopped and eyed the beautiful arrangement of flowers. Geez, Roberts, it’s not like it’s a date or anything. But she would probably like these. She grabbed a bouquet and went to pay for her purchases.

  Jordan arrived at Kirsten’s ten minutes later. She stood at the door, took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves, and pressed the doorbell. Kirsten opened the door, and Jordan was momentarily speechless. Kirsten was wearing a red T-shirt that hugged her like a second skin, accentuating her generous breasts and giving a peek of cleavage. And the faded Levi’s made Jordan’s heart race as she imagined peeling them off in a rage of passion.

  She just stood there taking Kirsten in. She didn’t think she had ever seen someone look so beautiful. She cleared her throat and shook the thought from her head as she held out the bouquet of sunflowers. “You look great. These are for you.”

  “Jordan, they’re beautiful. Thank you so much. Please come in.”

  “I’m glad you like them. I saw them, and they reminded me of you. I also brought some wine and beer.”

  As she followed Kirsten into the kitchen, she noticed pictures of her and a man she assumed to be her husband, John, hanging on the wall in the foyer. He didn’t look anything like she had imagined, but she had to admit that they made a nice-looking couple. That thought made her a little queasy. She tried to erase it from her head and was thankful Kirsten brought her back to the present.

  Kirsten took the beverages from her. “Would you like a beer now and we can save the wine for dinner?”

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  Kirsten placed the wine on the counter and the beer in the refrigerator, minus the two bottles they’d be drinking. After popping off the caps, she handed a beer to her then held her bottle up to Jordan’s.

  “Here’s to Friday nights with friends,” Kirsten said.

  They both took a swallow of their beers, and Jordan started admiring the kitchen. It was large and U-shaped, big enough to allow four or five people to work without bumping into each other. The counter tops were warm brown-and-gold granite, and the appliances were stainless steel. This kitchen was fit for a chef—or at least someone who enjoyed cooking. Jordan didn’t mind cooking when she had company, but it seemed like a lot of work if it was just for her. However, if she had a kitchen like this, she wouldn’t mind experimenting with more re

  “This is a great kitchen, Kirsten.”

  “Thanks. I love to cook, so this is my favorite room in the house.” Kirsten finished putting together the salad and stowed it in the side-by-side refrigerator. She pulled out a plate with tri-tip steaks that were rubbed with seasoning and placed them on the counter. She opened the oven door to check on the baked potatoes then picked up the plate of steaks and a set of tongs. “C’mon, the grill should be warm enough to start the steaks.”

  Jordan grabbed the two beers and followed Kirsten out onto the patio. She admired the backyard as Kirsten placed the steaks on the grill. They stood on the large flagstone patio, which was furnished with teak wood table and chairs. The table was set with two deep red placemats, plates, and silverware.

  Jordan followed the winding brick walkway that led to the in-ground pool with an attached hot tub to the right. To the left was a small patch of grass and a garden with a variety of rose bushes that lined the back fence. “This is stunning, Kirsten. What a fantastic backyard.”

  Kirsten came and stood next to her. “I’m glad you like it. I don’t spend nearly as much time back here as I should.”

  She looked at Kirsten incredulously. “You’re kidding, right? If I had this to come home to every night, it would take all my will to actually come inside to go to bed. I would spend all of my free time lounging in the pool, trying to discover the meaning of life.”

  “And what do you think the meaning of life is?”

  “Well, I suppose my meaning of life would be to have a group of friends that would drop everything to be with me in my time of need. To have a family that loves me. To be healthy enough to do the activities I enjoy.” Jordan was looking into her eyes, and Kirsten felt her soul had been exposed.

  “That sounds perfect,” Kirsten said wistfully as she turned back to the grill with tears in her eyes.

  Jordan came up behind her and put her hands on Kirsten’s shoulders. “Are you okay?”

  Kirsten wiped the tears from her face and turned to Jordan. “Don’t pay any attention to me. I seem to be a lot more emotional since my husband left me. And now, with him deciding he wants me back…well…my head seems to swirl at times. It’s funny, you know? Even though my feelings for him have changed, I still miss him sometimes.”

  Jordan opened her arms, and she stepped into the warm embrace Jordan was offering. “I’m so sorry that you’re hurting. I wish there was something I could do to help you through this.”

  She looked up into Jordan’s eyes and smiled. “You are, just by being here and offering me comfort. I’m glad we’ve become friends.”

  “Me, too. Anytime you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on, I’m here for you.”

  She wrapped her arms tighter around Jordan and turned her face to place her cheek on Jordan’s chest, not wanting this moment to end. I feel so safe in her arms. She reluctantly released her hold and turned back to the grill to flip the steaks.

  “Would you keep an eye on these? I’m going to go inside, clean myself up, and return with the rest of dinner. It should be ready in about five minutes.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Kirsten went into the downstairs bathroom to splash some water on her face. When she saw the sorrow in her eyes in her reflection in the mirror, she shook her head. She really wanted to have a nice, relaxing evening with Jordan. She didn’t want to ruin it with more tears or thoughts of John. She was determined to have a good time tonight. She took a deep breath and went to the kitchen to gather up the rest of their meal.

  She returned a few moments later with the salad bowl and the plate of baked potatoes as Jordan was removing the steaks from the grill. Kirsten placed the items on the table and hurried back inside to get the bottle of wine and two wineglasses. She returned to find Jordan had lit the candles on the table. The view of Jordan in the candlelight made her breath catch. God, she’s so gorgeous.

  Jordan smiled and shrugged. “Sorry, just thought this would add to the ambience.”

  “It’s perfect.” Just like you.

  They took their seats and started fixing their plates. Jordan took a bite of her steak, closed her eyes, and moaned. “This is the best steak I’ve ever had. It’s so tender and juicy. How did you do this?”

  The moan had caught Kirsten off guard, and she had to quickly compose herself before she could answer. “I marinated it overnight then put a dry rub on it. Do you really like it?”

  “Oh, God, yes. It’s absolutely wonderful.” Jordan smiled as she took another bite.

  Kirsten was very pleased with herself. She loved that she was able to put that smile on Jordan’s face.

  Once dinner was finished, and the dishes had been cleaned, Kirsten showed Jordan to the guest room, so she could change into her bathing suit. She ran upstairs to her own room and quickly changed into a royal blue bikini and grabbed two towels.

  She had turned on the light in the pool before she had gone upstairs and returned just in time to see Jordan dive in. Jordan swam the length of the pool underwater, not surfacing until she reached the other side. When Jordan turned around, she was sporting a smile so wide it could have illuminated a dark night.

  “This feels fantastic. Hurry up and get in here!”

  Kirsten placed the towels on the chair and walked to the opposite end of the pool where Jordan was treading water. She climbed down the stairs into the warm, calming water and dunked her head. When she resurfaced, she slicked her hair back off her face and wiped the water from her eyes. She glanced over at Jordan and saw a look on her face that could only be described as pure lust, which frightened and excited her at the same time. Her blood raced hot through her veins, and her heart hammered in her chest.

  Could it be possible that she’s attracted to me? I’m not sure if I want to know the answer to that question just yet.

  She pulled over two rafts that they could float on, and after moving one over to Jordan, she got onto the other. Jordan gracelessly got atop her raft, and she had to stifle a laugh at her lack of coordination while getting on the pool toy.

  Jordan blushed. “It’s not as easy as it looks.”

  Kirsten couldn’t hold her laughter in any longer, and Jordan splashed her with water, which made her laugh harder. “I’m sorry, Jordan, but I’ve never seen you be anything but graceful in everything you do, so it just struck me funny. Please forgive me.”

  Jordan chuckled and shook her head. “No reason to apologize. Serves me right for trying to act cool.”

  Kirsten had maneuvered herself next to Jordan and held on to her raft so they could face each other. “You’re very cool, so don’t act like you’re not.” That comment earned her another splash in the face. “Hey!”

  Jordan shot her a sexy grin that made her heart flutter. “I just thought you needed a little cooling off.”

  “Okay, okay, truce.”

  After floating in silence for a few minutes, Kirsten spoke. “Jordan, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, anything.”

  “Have you always known you were gay?”

  Jordan appeared to think about that for a moment. “Well, not always. I didn’t figure it out until I was a senior in high school. I had crushes on a few of my friends throughout high school but didn’t know what to do with those feelings.

  “The summer before my senior year, I was at a basketball camp for a week and met a really cute girl. A few days into camp, we were walking back to our dorm after dinner and decided to take a detour. We ended up behind a building and started kissing. It was the first time I had ever kissed a girl, but it felt so natural to me. We didn’t do much more than kiss while we were at camp, but believe me, it was enough to convince me that I liked girls.”

  “Was she your first girlfriend?”

  “She wasn’t my girlfriend, just a girl I fooled around with. After camp ended, she went back home to Oregon, and I went back to Arizona.”

  “Did you ever see her again?”

  “Yep. During my junior year in colle
ge. Our teams were playing in the same tournament. We said hello to each other, but nothing happened.”

  “Tell me about your first girlfriend. How old were you?”

  “Hmm, I had just turned twenty, and I was a sophomore. Stacy was a junior and played for the soccer team at school. We actually met in the training room while I was getting some treatment on my knee. We were both in the whirlpool, and we got to talking. I guess we hit it off. We started having our lunches together on campus between classes, and we just sort of merged into becoming girlfriends.”

  “Was she your first love?”

  Jordan laughed and shook her head. “Actually, no. Alex was my first love.”

  Kirsten was confused. “The Alex I met?”

  “Yeah. We met our freshman year in a class we had together. We became study partners, and the more time I spent with her, the harder I fell. I finally worked up my nerve to tell her how I felt, but she told me we could only be friends. That nearly broke my heart. I carried a torch for her for quite some time, but in the end, I decided that it was better to have her in my life as a friend than not have her at all.”

  Hearing Jordan speak of her love life at school brought Kirsten back to her time in college and reminded her of what she had felt for her roommate. She wished they could have remained friends, but at the time, it had just been too painful.

  “I bet it did. So, you two were never romantically involved?”

  “Nope, but I got an even better deal. I got her as my best friend.”

  “She’s a very sweet woman and very funny. I guess I thought you two had been girlfriends because you act so…intimate with each other.”

  Jordan blushed and chuckled. “Alex is the biggest flirt of anyone I know, but we’ve never done more than kiss each other platonically.”

  “So, how long did you and Stacy stay together?”

  “We cooled things down at the end of that year. I went home during the summer, and she was busy with soccer training. Because I missed the previous season with my knee injury, I had to spend extra time trying to get back into playing shape, so I didn’t have much time to invest in a relationship. We ended things on a good note and stayed good friends…with benefits.”


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