New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 18

by KC Richardson

  Brenda’s smile returned. “Then you have my blessing.” They laughed and toasted with their mugs.

  Some good dance music was playing, and Jordan stood. “Brenda, would you mind terribly if I borrowed Kirsten for a bit?”

  Brenda smirked. “That would be fine, Jordan.”

  She turned to Kirsten, bowed, and offered her hand. “Ms. Murphy, would you do me the honor?”

  “It would be my pleasure, Ms. Roberts.”

  They walked hand in hand to the darkened dance floor. Jordan intertwined Kirsten’s fingers with her own while they danced to the sexy beats. She pulled Kirsten close and wrapped one arm around her waist and kept the other one free. They swayed their hips to the music and were in total sync with each other.

  After a few fast songs played, a romantic song started, and they began to move slowly against each other. Kirsten laid her head on Jordan’s chest, and Jordan dropped her head to whisper in Kirsten’s ear.

  “This is so much better than my fantasies.”

  Kirsten smiled up at her. “You’ve fantasized about me?”

  “Yeah, the night you saw me here with Alex when you were still my patient. I was dancing with Alex to a slow song, but it was you I imagined in my arms.”

  Kirsten kissed her slowly. “I had that same fantasy that night. And you’re right. Reality is so much better.”

  While Jordan really liked dancing with Alex, it didn’t even come close to the feeling of holding Kirsten in her arms. She held Kirsten tighter as they moved to the song. Kirsten looked up at her, and she responded with a kiss that she hoped conveyed her emotions.

  The kiss continued long into the next slow song, and they were now just swaying back and forth. They followed up with a few shorter kisses until the song ended, and they walked back to the table with their arms around each other.

  Jordan, Kirsten, and Brenda stayed at the bar for a couple of more hours, sharing another pitcher of beer, a game of pool, and some more dances. Brenda even joined them on the dance floor for a few songs. Once they decided to leave, they walked out together, and Jordan and Kirsten accompanied Brenda to her car.

  Kirsten hugged Brenda good-bye. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You got it,” Brenda replied. Then she hugged Jordan and said, “I hope I didn’t offend you earlier.”

  “Not at all. I was touched that you care so much for Kirsten. I promise to do my best by her.”

  Brenda nodded, got into her car, and waved as she pulled onto the street. Jordan and Kirsten walked hand in hand the few blocks back to Jordan’s home.

  As they were approaching, Jordan slowed her pace. “Do you want to spend the night?”

  Kirsten grinned and nodded, then made a quick detour to her car. She grabbed her bag out of the backseat, and Jordan began chuckling. “Were you expecting to spend the night?”

  “I was hoping you would ask.”

  Jordan unlocked the door and let Kirsten go before her. “Just so you know, you are always welcome.”

  Kirsten turned to face her and kissed her passionately as she backed her up against the front door. Jordan’s legs threatened to give, and she broke the kiss.

  “Fuck, Kirsten,” she gasped. “Wait. I’m about to fall.”

  Kirsten was trembling. “I want to touch you, sweetheart. I need to touch you.”

  Jordan locked the door, grabbed Kirsten’s hand, and led her to her bedroom. She was trying to slow her racing heart. “I want that, too, but I’m trying to behave here. You’re not making it easy for me, baby.”

  Kirsten wrapped her arms around her. “I know. I just get so carried away that it’s hard to stop. I promise to be good.”

  She laughed shakily. “Of that I have no doubt. Let’s get ready for bed, so I can cuddle you. Holding you in my arms is becoming my new favorite addiction.”

  Jordan went to the bathroom to change into her sleepwear of boxers and a T-shirt and brush her teeth. As she was exiting, Kirsten skirted past her with her hand behind her back and shut the door quickly behind her.

  I wonder what she’s hiding. Hmm…I have a feeling I’m in big trouble here. How long are you going to let her keep up this sweet, exquisite torture?

  Jordan turned down the bed and sat on the edge, feeling anxious yet excited. She had a sneaking suspicion that Kirsten was going to come out of the bathroom wearing something extremely sexy to really test her resolve.

  Her insides caught fire, and her thoughts evaporated into white noise when Kirsten opened the door and walked slowly toward her wearing a light blue silk-and-lace nightie that stopped just below her hips. The lace of the straps continued to the inner edges of the cups and highlighted Kirsten’s high, full, perfect breasts, making Jordan’s mouth water. Her nipples tightened as Kirsten continued to stalk seductively toward her. She straddled Jordan’s lap and laid her arms over her shoulders, effectively producing more cleavage.

  Kirsten smiled, showing just a hint of her dimples. “Hi.”

  Jordan’s hands automatically found their way to Kirsten’s ass. She began gently alternating between squeezing and caressing the skin beneath her fingers. “Hi, yourself. You take my breath away, you’re so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” Kirsten kissed her softly.

  Jordan continued her exploration of Kirsten’s ass. She then moved her hands to Kirsten’s hips and began to lightly ease her thumbs under the lace sitting just above her hips. She felt Kirsten’s muscles quiver and smiled inwardly at the response she was able to elicit from her.

  Jordan’s breathing quickened as she moved her hands slowly up Kirsten’s sides and brushed the outer part of her breasts. She gazed into Kirsten’s eyes, which were now indigo. Her eyes fluttered closed as Jordan caressed the sides of her breasts with the back of her fingers.

  Kirsten dropped her head back, which Jordan took as an invitation to kiss her long, elegant neck. Kissing and licking Kirsten’s skin shot her arousal nearly to the point of no return. She was about to come out of her skin when Kirsten stopped and gently pushed her away.

  She looked at Kirsten questioningly, and Kirsten ran her hand through her thick, dark hair as she took a couple of deep breaths. “Whew! Okay, baby, time to go to sleep.”

  Kirsten crawled under the sheets. Jordan sat on the edge of the bed, staring into space, not saying a word. Kirsten lightly touched her back. “Hey, are you all right?”

  She barked out a laugh. “Yeah. Sure. Fine. Other than being turned on beyond reason, I’m good.”

  “I’m sorry, but I know you want to wait, so I’m respecting your decision. I can’t let you always be the one to stop us. Now get in here and cuddle me.”

  “I think I’ve met my match with you.” She got into the bed, spooned Kirsten, and pulled the bedding up to cover their bodies. She wrapped her arm around Kirsten’s waist and held her tight.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  “Okay, sister. Spill it. I want to know everything.”

  Brenda barged past Kirsten the second she’d opened the door and headed to the kitchen. Kirsten trailed behind and watched in amusement as Brenda deposited the groceries she’d brought onto the counter and started to rummage through the liquor cabinet.

  “Geez, you’re impatient.” Kirsten laughed as she put the already marinated chicken in the refrigerator.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? How could I not be? You tell me that you have feelings for another woman after being married to a man for years and that you told her how you felt and spent the night.” Brenda handed her one of the drinks she’d fixed and took a sip from the other.

  “But we didn’t—” she tried to interrupt.

  Brenda held up her hand to prevent her from saying anything more. “Then I see you two dancing all sexy and seductively on the dance floor—while making out, might I add—and you go back to her place last night and, I presume, spent the night again.”

  Kirsten nodded. “Let’s go get in the pool. I promise to tell you everything I can.”

  Brenda and Kirsten
changed into their bathing suits and headed outside with their drinks in hand. Once they were safely on their rafts, Brenda waved her hand at her and nodded. “Go.”

  Kirsten laughed at Brenda’s behavior but began her story. “What can I say? I finally know what’s been missing in my life. You know how you told me I read too many romance novels because I kept longing for fireworks and butterflies in my stomach? Well, I can tell you firsthand now that type of passion does exist. Jordan has provoked those feelings and so many more, I have a hard time describing it. And it’s not just from her kissing or touching me. The things she says to me…she’s so romantic, Brenda. She has the most sincere look on her face when she tells me how beautiful I am or how much she cares for me, and she tells me these things while looking directly into my eyes.”

  “I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I never saw this spark in your eyes when you were with John. I’m thrilled for you, honey. Jordan seems like a nice woman.”

  “She really is, but it’s more than that. When she looks into my eyes, it’s like she’s reaching into my soul. I swear I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I just look at her, and my whole body feels like it will go up in flames. And, boy, can she kiss. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can stand not making love to her, but it’s important for her to take it slow, so I have to hold myself back.”

  “You’re not nervous about making love to another woman for the first time? I know I was scared out of my mind the first time I had sex with a woman, and I’ve been a lesbian all my life.”

  “No, I don’t think nervous is the word to describe it. Maybe anxious? Excited? I don’t think I’m nervous because I’ve never wanted anything this much, and I know she’ll be patient with me. I think she may be nervous, but I’m not.”

  “I truly am very happy for you, Kirsten. I’m still a little concerned, but I am happy for you.”

  “Why are you concerned?”

  “Well, to be honest, I’m afraid you’re jumping into this pretty quickly. I know you and John have had your issues, but you just told him two nights ago that you wanted a divorce, and now you’re ready to have sex and start a relationship with a woman who hasn’t had a girlfriend in a very long time. I’m afraid you’re going to get hurt.”

  “Oh, Bren, I love you, and your concern means a lot to me. But from the moment I met her, it seems like we’ve had a connection. I feel like I’ve known her all of my life, and she said the same thing to me. Some people aren’t lucky enough to have this type of bond with another person, but we are, and we do.”

  “Okay, I trust your judgment. Where is your dream woman anyway?”

  “She’s having coffee with Alex this afternoon. I imagine they’re having a conversation much like this one.” Kirsten chuckled and began paddling to the steps. “Come on, let’s get a refill and fire up the grill.”


  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Alex was laughing hysterically. “I’ve never seen you this wild over another woman, not even the piece of shit that doesn’t deserve mentioning.”

  Jordan couldn’t help laughing, too. Alex was right—she’d never felt this way about anyone else, not even Kelly. She sipped her iced mocha while she waited for Alex to settle down. “Are you finished?”

  Alex was wiping tears from her eyes as her laughter turned into fits of giggles. “Not even close. So, let me get this straight. She wants to make love to you, but you want to wait. She kisses you like there’s no tomorrow, and you still don’t sleep with her. She comes to bed last night wearing a sexy little number, and you still didn’t have sex with her. Aren’t you about to come apart? Pun intended by the way.”

  “Very funny, Alex. To answer your question, yes, I nearly came last night with her sitting on my lap wearing nothing but a sexy nightie and a smile. I almost broke and made love to her, but she was the one to put on the brakes. I swear she has me more turned around than any of the women I’ve ever slept with. She turns my brain to mush with just one look. She’s by far the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with—hell, that I’ve ever seen. She drives me insane.”

  “I’ll just bet she does.” Alex got serious, which caught her off guard. “Are you ready for this? I mean, I know I’ve been on your case about settling down, but are you ready to forsake all others? I don’t know Kirsten very well, but what I do know of her, I really like. You’re my best friend, J, but if you do anything to hurt her, I’ll kick your ass into next week.”

  Jordan laughed. “Brenda told me pretty much the same thing last night. I have to admit that I wasn’t looking to settle down, but Kirsten is very special to me. I would never do anything to hurt her, and I can’t imagine another woman could make me feel the way I do when I’m with her. I’m ready, Al, but…” She glanced away, uncertain.

  “But you’re still afraid. I understand, sweetie, I really do. But you can’t compare Kirsten to that asshole you were with before. Kirsten cares for you. I see the way she looks at you. She can’t hide it, and neither can you. Don’t make Kirsten pay for Kelly’s idiocy. It’s not fair to her or to you. You deserve one another.”

  “I know she’s nothing like Kelly, but how do I get past this fear?”

  “You always say actions speak louder than words. Let her prove it to you. So far, she’s confirmed to you how special she is and how much you mean to her. It was you she went to after her dinner with John the other night. And she was the one who took care of you after you injured your ankle. You have to trust her.”

  She took a deep breath and slowly let it out. “You’re right. I just have to try to let it go and trust her. Thanks, Al.”

  “Anytime, honey, that’s what best friends are for.”

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Kirsten woke Monday morning feeling lighter than she had in a very long time. Her alarm was set to go off in five minutes, so she decided to spend that time thinking of Jordan. I never knew I could feel as strongly for anyone as I feel for her, but here I am. She’s so amazing, and this sensation is absolutely delicious.

  Her cell phone buzzed on the nightstand, and she smiled at the text. Good morning, baby. I hope you had sweet dreams last night.

  Kirsten replied. I dreamt about you, and it was very sweet. I miss you. She turned off the alarm just as it began its annoying beeping. There was another buzz from her phone.

  I miss you, too. Did everything go okay with Brenda yesterday?

  She typed back. It was great. How about with Alex?

  She went to the kitchen to retrieve her coffee and make her toast, not once letting her phone out of sight. Her phone buzzed again as she stirred her drink.

  It was good. Alex threatened me with bodily harm if I ever hurt you. Do you think Alex and Brenda got together to discuss their threats?

  Kirsten barked out a laugh. It’s possible. You’re not going to hurt me, are you? ;)

  Never in a million years. I have to get ready for work, but I’ll think of you in the shower. ;)

  She flushed at the thought of Jordan pleasuring herself while thinking of her. You naughty girl. I’ll talk to you soon. She felt like a teenage girl who had just started to date the captain of the basketball team.

  Kirsten was eating lunch at her desk a few hours later when her cell phone rang. Jordan’s name came up on her caller ID. “Hi, baby. Are you on lunch?”

  “Yep, just finished up with my last patient of the morning. Are you busy right now?”

  “No, I’m just eating lunch, so you have perfect timing. How’s your day been?”

  “This has been the most horrendous day imaginable.”

  Kirsten detected a hint of teasing in Jordan’s voice. “Why is that?”

  “Because I can’t stop thinking about you, which has made this the longest morning in history. All I can think about is holding you in my arms, kissing your luscious lips, and feeling your gorgeous ass.”

  “Oh, my.” She knew her arousal had to be evident to Jordan’s ears. “Can you come over tonight after work? I des
perately need to kiss you.”

  “I’d love to. I’m done here at seven, so I’ll be there shortly after.”

  “Good. I’ll fix us dinner. Hurry up.”

  Jordan laughed. “I’ll do my best. See you soon. Have a good rest of the day.”

  The rest of the afternoon crept by at a crawl. She drove home like a bat out of hell, as though her speed would somehow make seven o’clock come sooner. If she could have any sort of super power, she would be able to make time fly or slow, depending on whether she was waiting for Jordan to arrive or spending time with her. Kirsten was just pulling the chicken out of the oven when she heard a knock. She rushed to the door while running her fingers through her hair, not wanting to spare a second before kissing Jordan.

  She opened the door, threw her arms around Jordan’s neck, and pulled her in for a scorching kiss. Jordan responded, backing her further into the foyer, shutting the door as they went. Kirsten opened one eye to make sure they didn’t trip over any furniture while Jordan guided her toward the kitchen, continuing to kiss her. She reluctantly broke the kiss and hugged Jordan tight.

  “I missed you.”

  Jordan squeezed her tighter. “I missed you, too. It smells fantastic in here.”

  Kirsten leaned back in Jordan’s arms and smiled up at her. “Dinner’s just about ready. Take a seat, and I’ll get you a beer.”

  Kirsten prepared the plates and brought them over. She grabbed Jordan’s beer and her glass of wine, then sat next to her, unable to fathom not being close enough to touch her whenever the urge arose.

  “This looks terrific, Kirsten. Thank you for going to so much trouble.” Jordan kissed her softly on the lips.

  Kirsten smiled, and they turned back to their meal. They talked about their day as they enjoyed their food, stealing kisses every few bites. Kirsten moved her hand to Jordan’s thigh and stroked it back and forth while they ate and talked. Spending time with Jordan like this was what she hadn’t had with John when they’d been together. They’d been content to sit across the table from each other, even when they’d first started dating. Kirsten hadn’t had the need to be near him like this. If she had her way, she would be sitting in Jordan’s lap whenever she could.


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