Book Read Free

New Beginnings

Page 21

by KC Richardson

  “Well, it all looks fabulous. Let’s eat.”

  When their plates and drinks were empty, Jordan cleared the table and cleaned the dishes while Kirsten put away the food. Jordan refilled their drinks, and they decided to sit on the back patio and get some fresh air.

  Kirsten had thoroughly enjoyed their lovemaking, but they had been inside most of the day, and that almost never happened with her. She was inside all day long while at work, so when the weekends came, she liked to be outdoors running, riding her bike, or hiking. But complaining about how she’d spent her day today would be the last thing she would do. This had been one of the best days of her life, and she looked forward to spending many more with Jordan.

  They moved to a chaise lounge to watch the sunset that painted the Southern California sky with brilliant hues of orange, pink, and purple. Kirsten loved living here because of the warm weather and the opportunity to do outdoor activities nearly every day.

  As if reading her mind, Jordan turned to her and asked, “Hey, would you like to go hiking tomorrow? Maybe we can invite Brenda and Alex.”

  “Are you done spending time alone with me already?”

  “Never. But I hate it when people in a new relationship cut off contact with their friends. I know how important Brenda is to you, and you know how important Alex is to me, and I think it would be nice to hang out with them tomorrow. If you don’t want to, then that’s okay, too.”

  She cupped Jordan’s cheek and gazed into her eyes. “Have I told you lately that I think you’re a very sweet woman? I think that’s a great idea, and maybe we can go to breakfast or lunch after, depending on when they want to meet. You go call Alex, and I’ll call Brenda.”

  Jordan grabbed her cell phone then went to sit on the side of the pool with her feet dangling in the water. Kirsten dialed Brenda’s number, and while the phone rang, she took the time to observe Jordan as she spoke to Alex. She couldn’t hear the conversation, but she saw the sweetest smile on Jordan’s face, and when she threw her head back and laughed, Kirsten nearly swooned. In her opinion, Jordan had the best smile. It was wide and made the dimple in her left cheek deepen. She felt warm and happy and content.


  “Hey, Brenda. How’s it going?”

  “No complaints. How are things with Hotshot?”

  Kirsten laughed. “Hotshot? Where did you get that silly name?”

  Brenda laughed, too. “Well, she is hot, and she’s a great basketball player, so I put the two together.”

  “You’re a dork.”

  “True, but you love me anyway.”

  “That’s true. So, Jordan and I were wondering if you and Alex wanted to go hiking tomorrow.”

  “That sounds good. I missed hiking with you this morning.”

  Kirsten felt guilty for missing their weekly hike, but she’d told Brenda she had a date with Jordan on Friday night, and in the event they took their relationship to the next level after, she hadn’t wanted to cancel with Brenda at the last minute. “I’m sorry, Bren. But I’m glad we agreed to skip it today.” She lowered her voice. “Jordan and I made love last night and again this morning. I wouldn’t have had any energy to go hiking.”

  “So, was it all you dreamed of?”

  “It was more than I expected. Let’s just say that she is very attentive and extremely skilled. She took me places I never thought I’d go.”

  “Whew. That’s pretty hot. So, you think you’ll have enough energy for a hike tomorrow?”

  “Oh, yes. I have a feeling we’ll be going to bed early tonight.” The laughter and kissing noises Brenda made embarrassed her, but she recovered quickly. “So, what time do you want to meet?”

  “How’s eight thirty? The trail we hiked a couple of weeks ago?”

  “Perfect. We’ll go out to breakfast afterward.”

  “See you tomorrow, Kirsten. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Oh, I plan on doing lots of things tonight.” She laughed again at Brenda’s loud intake of breath. “Good night.”

  Shortly after she had gotten off the phone, Jordan came over to get the verdict.

  “We’re going to meet her at the trailhead at eight thirty tomorrow morning.”

  “Great. I’ll tell Alex.” Jordan sent a quick text then put her phone away.

  The sky had turned dark, and only the solar lights in Kirsten’s yard provided illumination. The air had started to cool, so she turned to Jordan and took her hand. “How about we continue this in my nice, warm bed?”

  Chapter Forty-two

  Jordan and Kirsten woke early the next morning, so they could stop at Jordan’s before meeting Alex and Brenda for their hike since she needed the appropriate attire. No sooner had they arrived than they were back in Jordan’s SUV heading to the trailhead. Alex and Brenda were chatting when Jordan and Kirsten walked up. Jordan waved and saw the wicked grin Alex shot her way.

  Of course Alex is going to give us shit. Jordan was used to it, but she was worried that Alex would say something that would offend Kirsten. She was certain Alex would make it her mission to embarrass her at some point that day. She just hoped she kept it tame.

  “Well, well, well. Thanks for coming, ladies. Sorry we got you up so early on a Sunday morning.” Alex looked at Brenda and snapped her fingers. “Wait a minute. Wasn’t it them who invited us on this hike?”

  Jordan laughed and put Alex in a headlock. “Cut the shit, Alex. We’re five minutes late.”

  Brenda and Kirsten laughed. Once they started walking, Alex got the games started.

  “So, lovebirds, I think I speak for Brenda as well when I say that we are honored you took the time out of your busy, sex-filled schedules to spend with your best friends. It’s nice to know you didn’t forget about the little people.”

  “Yeah,” Brenda chimed in. “I mean, I didn’t expect to hear from Kirsten for at least a month. Are you two sick of each other already?”

  Jordan’s face warmed. “Well, we did consider staying in bed for the rest of our lives, but we were sure you two would miss us terribly, so really, it’s just that we felt sorry for you. You ought to be thanking us for including you in our weekend activities.” She grabbed Kirsten’s hand and swung their arms between them.

  Alex turned to Brenda. “Well, aren’t we the lucky ones? So, ladies, how did you spend the day yesterday?”

  While keeping her eyes on Jordan, Kirsten said, “We spent the day getting to know each other better.”

  Jordan kept her gaze locked on Kirsten’s and nodded. “Yep. That’s what we did. We got to know each other better.”

  Brenda and Alex laughed.

  “I’ll just bet you did,” Alex said. “So, will we be seeing more of the two of you? Kirsten, I don’t know if you know this about Jordan, but she’s really quite boring. Brenda, if I were you, I would expect a lot of phone calls to come save Kirsten from the sheer tedium she will come to experience.”

  Jordan used her middle finger to rub her cheek and smiled as Alex and Brenda laughed again.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that, Alex,” Kirsten said. “Jordan kept me plenty entertained—all day, actually.”

  Brenda’s and Alex’s eyes widened, and their jaws dropped, causing Jordan and Kirsten to laugh.

  The teasing continued through the hike with Jordan and Kirsten giving back as much as they received.

  They finished the hike but decided against going to get breakfast.

  Jordan wanted the four of them to hang out again soon. “Hey, why don’t you two come over to my place next weekend, and we’ll barbecue? We can do it Sunday since Brenda and I have games on Saturday.”

  “That sounds great,” Alex replied.

  Brenda smiled. “I’m in. What can we bring?”

  “Just yourselves. Kirsten and I will take care of everything. We’ll see you ladies next weekend.”

  As they drove to Kirsten’s, Jordan asked, “Do you want to stay at my place tonight? If not, I can go home and grab my clothes for
tomorrow and come back to your place.”

  Kirsten stroked the back of her hand tenderly with her thumb. “I would love to stay with you tonight. Why don’t you drop me off, and I’ll pack a bag then meet you at your place.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll stop at the store and pick up dinner. Anything special you want me to get?”

  Kirsten kissed her cheek as they pulled into the driveway. “Just you, baby. You’re the only special thing that matters to me.”

  Jordan clutched the back of Kirsten’s head and pulled her in for another kiss, one that spoke of promises for later. “Be safe, and I’ll see you soon.”

  As Jordan drove away, she tried to think of a time when she’d ever been this happy and kept coming up empty. She couldn’t seem to keep her smile contained. She knew it hadn’t been long in the grand scheme of things, but she honestly felt content, and for the first time, she felt alive. Really alive. Her senses seemed heightened, colors were more vivid, the air seemed clearer, things smelled sweeter. She wished everyone could experience her elation. She drummed the steering wheel and sang loudly to her favorite old-school rap song as she drove to the store.

  Jordan was in the kitchen marinating the steaks about an hour later when Kirsten let herself in and hugged her from behind. “Is there anything I can help you with, honey?”

  “Nope, I’m almost done. Why don’t you go have a seat on the couch, and I’ll be right out.” She placed the steaks in the refrigerator and joined Kirsten in the living room. “So, what do you want to do?”

  It didn’t take long for Kirsten to straddle her lap and pull her T-shirt over her head. She grabbed Jordan’s head and pulled it toward her. Her shock at Kirsten’s dominance quickly turned to excitement. Her heart rate sped up, and she thought her chest would actually explode. No other woman had ever made her this turned on this quickly. It wasn’t from the newness of this relationship. Well, not entirely. She’d had seven years of newness. Kirsten made her feel like every kiss was the first kiss; the butterflies that accompanied the increased pulsing in her veins were testament. Kirsten attacked her lips with a ferocity that sent molten heat throughout her entire body. She started to pinch Kirsten’s nipples, squeezing her breasts, and making Kirsten moan.

  Kirsten broke the kiss and gasped. “Pinch them harder, baby.”

  Jordan kissed and sucked on Kirsten’s neck as she continued to pinch her nipples. Kirsten’s hips began to move back and forth, driving Jordan crazy. She unbuttoned her shorts and slid down the zipper before grabbing Jordan’s hand and shoving it into her panties. Jordan easily slipped in two fingers and placed her palm against Kirsten’s swollen clit. Kirsten must have been thinking about this since I dropped her off to be this open, this wet, this ready for me. Jordan’s chest swelled with pride.

  Kirsten continued to rock her hips back and forth. “I’m going to come, baby. Oh…right…there…yes.” Kirsten came in her hand and slumped forward against her. Kirsten pressed her sex against Jordan’s hand until the last of the spasms subsided.

  She held Kirsten and gently rubbed her free hand up and down Kirsten’s back. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You make me feel beautiful.” She looked at Jordan. “You’re overdressed.”

  Jordan chuckled. “Well, you did catch me unawares.”

  “Hmm, so I did. I’ll make it up to you.” She lifted Jordan’s T-shirt over her head and unfastened her bra. Jordan looked at her with lust in her eyes. She loved that they could play like this. Kirsten slid between her legs and knelt on the floor as she began to lave one breast then the other, kissing, sucking, and nibbling on her nipples.

  “Please, baby,” Jordan said with a strangled voice.

  Kirsten removed her mouth from Jordan’s breast and looked up at her. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll get you there.”

  She slowly kissed her way down Jordan’s stomach until she reached her shorts. She worked the button and zipper, slid them down Jordan’s legs, and tossed them aside. She stroked Jordan’s thighs, then grabbed a hold of Jordan’s ass and pulled her forward until she was on the edge of the couch.

  Jordan’s sex was glistening and more than ready for her tongue. The smell of Jordan’s arousal made her mouth water, and she could wait no longer. Using her fingers to spread Jordan’s folds, she lowered her head and slid her tongue into Jordan’s opening, gently moving in and out as she drove Jordan higher. She licked the length of Jordan’s sex and flicked her rock-hard clit. Jordan moaned and grabbed the back of her head, holding her in place. Like I would ever want to leave here.

  Kirsten looked up to find Jordan’s eyes were filled with desire as they gazed back at her. She held Jordan’s eyes as she continued to use her tongue up and down, side to side, and swirling to bring Jordan to her precipice. She took Jordan’s clit into her mouth and sucked until Jordan threw her head back.

  “Oh, God, Kirsten.”

  Kirsten clamped her lips down to keep up the pressure until Jordan’s throbbing subsided. Jordan’s chest heaved, and Kirsten climbed back into Jordan’s lap to lay her head on Jordan’s shoulder.

  Jordan turned and kissed her on the forehead. “Damn, you’re good at that.”

  Kirsten giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing to it.”

  Jordan laughed and held her tightly. “I have no idea how I’m going to get through the day tomorrow. Besides not being able to walk, I won’t be able to think about anything but you.”

  “I know what you mean. Tomorrow is going to be filled with meetings, and I think it’s an awful lot to expect me to give my full attention when I’ll be thinking of all the ways we can make love.”

  “We have plenty of time. You don’t have to figure it all out in one day.”

  “I’m looking forward to every time with you.”

  “Me, too, baby. Me, too.”


  The next morning, Jordan reluctantly kissed Kirsten good-bye before departing to go to work. If she could have, she would have tied Kirsten to the bed and spent the day making love to her, but unfortunately, she had responsibilities to tend to.

  When one of Jordan’s mid-morning patients canceled, she went to her desk and picked up her phone to send Kirsten a text. I miss you already. How’s your day going?

  At lunchtime, she still hadn’t received a text from Kirsten, and she was getting a little worried. Christ, Jordan. She told you she had meetings all day today, so just chill. She’ll text you back when she can. Jordan heated up her leftovers from the night before and started reading her book.

  Ten minutes before her lunch break was over, she finally received a text from Kirsten. This is the day from hell. I miss you, too. I could really use one of your hugs right now.

  Jordan felt bad for Kirsten and wondered what the meetings were about. She sent a text back. Just imagine my arms wrapped tightly around you until I can give you the real thing tonight. Are you okay?

  Yeah, just a ton of shit going on at work. I’ll tell you all about it tonight. We may need alcohol. ;)

  Okay, I’ll meet you at your house tonight after work. Gotta go torture people.

  Jordan put her phone away and went to get her first patient of the afternoon from the waiting room. The rest of the day couldn’t have ended soon enough, and as soon as her last patient left, Jordan grabbed her belongings and headed to Kirsten’s. She jogged to the front door as Kirsten opened it. Jordan thought she looked haggard, and she would have done anything to make her feel better.

  To start, she did the only thing she could think of—she pulled Kirsten into her hug and lifted her off the ground just for a moment. They walked into the living room where Jordan noted a lowball glass with a bit of amber liquid on the coffee table instead of Kirsten’s normal wine glass. A bottle of beer was next to it, presumably waiting for her.

  She pulled Kirsten over to the couch and into her lap. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Kirsten sighed heavily. “The decision was made today that the layoffs were inevitable. We’re closing one of our sat
ellite offices, and we weren’t able to find transfers for some of the employees.” Tears filled Kirsten’s eyes, and her bottom lip trembled. “This is the thing I hate most about my job.”

  Jordan held Kirsten tighter and let her cry. She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have to fire somebody. It would be one thing if an employee was underperforming, but it would be quite another if someone was doing a good job but still had to be laid off. Jordan empathized with Kirsten at what a difficult task that would be.

  Kirsten wiped her eyes, reached for her drink, and took a sip. The melting ice cubes clinked against her glass. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry.”

  “Oh, honey, you have nothing to be sorry for. What can I do?”

  Kirsten loved that Jordan let her feel her emotions and wanted to help. John had always been visibly uncomfortable when Kirsten had cried and hadn’t seemed to know how to offer comfort. “Just hold me. All I need is for you to hold me.”

  “All night long.”

  They went to bed early, and Jordan held and comforted Kirsten through the night.

  Chapter Forty-three

  As the week passed and the time came to let some of her employees go, Kirsten became more and more stressed. She had tried to lessen the blow to them by putting together generous severance packages that included salary and medical benefits for six months, but she had still been dreading delivering the news. It was going to be a very long, very emotional day, and only the knowledge that it was Friday, and she’d be able to spend the whole weekend in Jordan’s arms, made it remotely bearable.

  Kirsten arrived at the satellite office early and got set up in an empty conference room that contained only a desk and two chairs. Meetings with the employees that were being laid off were due to start in thirty minutes. She wasn’t looking forward to this, but she knew she had to remain as professional as possible.

  At promptly eight a.m., there was a knock on the door, and she got up to usher in the first employee. By nine, she was quite certain word had spread throughout the company that there were layoffs, and she suspected that when her assistant asked to speak with each of the next employees, they all knew what was in store.


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