Book Read Free

Try Me On for Size

Page 19

by Stephanie Haefner

“Why are you here so early? You’re not usually here till six.”

  “So I still have a job?”

  “Well, yeah. We kinda need you.”

  “Oh. Good. I was actually hoping to talk to you.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What about?”

  Her guard was up, and rightfully so. She might not like what he wanted to talk about. “Mia.”

  “This really isn’t any of my business, but since you asked, what you did to her was really shitty. She has enough assholes in her life. She doesn’t need another one.”

  “I never meant to hurt her.”

  She sighed. “I think I believe you, but why didn’t you tell her about the fiancée right from the beginning?”

  “I was trying to get out of my obligation so I could be with Mia. I’d hoped I could take care of it and she’d never have to know. We could be together and my past would cease to exist.”

  Bryn evaluated his statement. “You seem like a good guy who got trapped in a bad situation, but unfortunately for you, Mia doesn’t see it that way. You should have been honest with her. Or at least kept it in your pants until you figured it all out.”

  “I know that now. But it was so hard to stay away. I’ve never met anyone like her before. No one in my world is real. It was wrong to cheat on a woman I didn’t love while lying to the woman I do love. But I know she feels something for me, too. And I’m going to prove I deserve her.”

  A slow smile bowed Bryn’s lips. “That’s what I’d hoped you’d say.”

  MIA SLEPT in late, finally getting a decent night’s rest. She made it to the shop by two thirty. She, Bryn, and Penny needed to talk about the future, now that the dildo venture had worked out as they’d hoped.

  “We’ve received no less than a dozen calls just today from women asking when the next appearance will be. And who knows how many yesterday.”

  “The Web site has been nuts and the social networking sites, too,” Penny added. “People keep asking about the guys and the product.”

  “Good,” Mia said. “I guess we should schedule another in-store appearance. Why don’t we do a big Cinco de Mayo thing? Sombreros, salsa, mariachi music.”

  “I really like it, but that’s more than a month away. I don’t want to be out of the spotlight that long.” Bryn flipped through the calendar. “What about running a contest online and only a select group of winners will be allowed in for a red carpet party? Keep it small and intimate, like fifty women.”

  “That could be fun,” Penny said.

  “Okay, computer whiz, make it happen,” Mia delegated. “What about these invites?” She set the envelopes on the table. The first was from the local bridal association asking them to participate in their biannual show, the second, from an organizer of a women’s expo. “This would get us in front of a lot of women, all ages.”

  “Let’s do them both. At this point, I want all the exposure we can get.” Bryn sighed, a smile spreading across her face as she reached and grabbed both Mia’s and Penny’s hands and squeezed. “This is actually happening, guys!”

  Bryn wiped away a tear before continuing. “So, how’s our supply? Last thing we need right now is to run out.”

  “I did a count this morning,” Penny said. “We have twelve Logans left and only nine Olivers.”

  Bryn laughed. “Logan’s going to be so pissed.”

  “I doubt he even has the money to settle his bet,” Penny added with a giggle of her own.

  “So we’re almost sold out,” Mia said, bringing the others back to business. “What should we do about that?”

  “Reorder, duh!”

  “Okay, I agree, but the question is, how many?”

  “I think we should double our original order.”

  “I don’t know about that.” Mia was hesitant to invest so much money on more product.

  “We sold almost two hundred dildos in less than four days. I think we can increase our order.”

  “That was the initial rush. Don’t you think we should scale back for the second order? Just in case.”

  Bryn smiled at Mia. “You’re right, as always. How about we keep the order the same, but pay extra for a rush delivery? Sound good?”

  “That I am okay with.”

  “Great!” Bryn stood. “I’m gonna go call now.”

  Mia turned to Penny. “Looks like our meeting is over.”

  “Looks like it. I better go get that contest up and running. We only have a couple weeks before the red carpet party.”


  Penny left and Mia was alone, wishing she could muster even a tenth of the excitement her friends had for all their success. Everything was working out as they’d hoped. At this rate, the shop would be safe and Mia could hopefully get her family off her back about working at the dealership. She should be happy, but all her mind, and heart, kept obsessing about was Oliver and his lies.

  Mia tidied up the front counter where they’d had their little powwow and headed to the dressing room for the pile of dreaded rehangs. Arms filled, she took her seat back behind the counter.

  “Oh, I was gonna do that before I left,” Bryn said, reappearing in the showroom.

  “I got it. Did you make the call?”

  “Yep. Easy peasy, since the company already has all our info. Just had to give them the okay to make more dildos. Might have them by Friday.”

  “Good.” Mia went back to untangling bras.

  “So, um, Oliver stopped in earlier today.”

  Mia’s heartbeat sped, but she tried to act nonchalant. “Oh?”

  “He sure as hell seems sorry for what he did.”

  “Spousal abusers apologize, too, after they beat the crap out of their wives. Doesn’t mean they’re sincere.”

  “Stop being so dramatic. Yeah, the guy did a bad thing, but don’t you think he had been a tiny bit justified? He was trying to get rid of his problems, but he didn’t want to lose you. What would you have done if he’d told you he was engaged but trying to dump her?”

  Mia hadn’t thought of how she might have felt had he come clean with her completely, when she’d found out he was Oliver and not Ryan.

  “I don’t know. He never gave me the opportunity. All I got was the ambush by his fiancée and parents on the day of our big party.”

  “I think you should give him another chance.”

  “Another chance to squash my heart? No thank you.”

  Bryn shook her head. “Was he wrong? Yes. I agree with you 100 percent. But I get why he did it. He wanted to deal with his shit without involving you.”

  “Well, he went about it the wrong way and I got involved a whole lot more than I would have liked.”

  “All humans have flaws, Mia, and maybe Oliver’s is bad judgment on occasion. And letting his honor dictate how he lives his life, instead of doing what his heart wants him to do.”

  “Well, I think those are flaws I just can’t live with.”

  “Is there any flaw you can live with? No one’s perfect. And if you keep expecting perfection from every guy you meet, you’re going to grow old alone.”

  THE SHOP stayed super busy the rest of the week. None of them had ever expected the response they were getting, but their customers were happy. Even lingerie sales were up.

  Finally, Mia allowed herself to relax. She opened the payroll program and took a look at the hours Oliver had logged since starting. In the few weeks he’d been doing accounting work for them, he’d worked over forty hours. Time to pay him. When he came in that night, she’d make sure she told him to include himself when he did payroll.

  And that’s all she’d say to him. Mia had kept her distance from Oliver the entire week. He’d come in after his day job, stayed his three hours, then left, not one word to her. And she was thankful for that. Her sanity couldn’t handle him apologizing again with those sad ey

  Mia looked at the clock. Almost three. Only one more hour and she’d be free. Nothing to do on that Friday night, but free nonetheless. She finally had a Saturday off, so maybe she’d rent a few flicks and stay up late eating junk food.

  While Bryn did a bra fitting and Penny fielded a few phone calls about upcoming events, Mia flipped through the summer catalogue from one of their lingerie suppliers. Their racks were definitely in need of filling. As Mia turned the page, realizing neon colors were in this year, the door chime sounded. She looked up to find a familiar, expertly trimmed face.

  “Kyle, hey. How are you?”

  “Good. I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d stop in. See what dude you ended up choosing over me.” He pushed out his bottom lip in an adorable pout.

  “Sorry. I was overruled.” She lied. She didn’t have the heart to tell him his length just didn’t make the cut. She pointed to the poster on the wall.

  “Two guys? There were two guys better than me?”

  “We weren’t planning on using two, it just kinda happened.”

  “Aw, man. That fuckin’ sucks.” He shook his head then turned back to her. “And you couldn’t even tell me yourself? Some other chick called.”

  “Sorry. She was in charge of making the calls.”

  “It’s cool. My agent booked me a few other gigs. Maybe they’ll lead somewhere.”

  He looked around the shop and zeroed in on the dildo display. “Holy shit. Are those them?” He grabbed both the samples and brought them to the front counter where Mia was stationed. “Fuck, these guys have nice dicks. Are they actual size?”

  Mia nodded.

  “Damn. I guess I can see why you didn’t pick me.”

  Yikes. Well, at least Mia didn’t have to be the one to point it out. But for some bizarre reason, she hated that puppy dog face on Kyle.

  “They just had the size that was better for a dildo. Your shape and size probably work better as the real thing, know what I mean?”

  “Yeah, I guess. No complaints from my ladies’ night crowd.”

  “There ya go.”

  “I’m working tonight, if you wanna stop by. It’s not ladies’ night, mostly couples out for date night, so I’ll be able to talk to you. I can give you like every other drink for free.”

  “Tempting, but I have a date with my DVD player.”

  His brow crinkled and his lip curled. “Seriously? I didn’t think you were old enough to, like, wanna stay in on the weekends.”

  “Hey. I’m not old. I’m just . . . tired. And my feet hurt from standing all day. And . . .” She was out of excuses for her geriatric behavior. “I’ll think about it.”

  “Awesome. See ya tonight.”

  “I said I’d think about it.”

  “Whatever. I know you won’t be able to resist seeing me. I have a special drink in mind for you.” He winked at her. “Bye, Mia.”

  “Who was that jackass?”

  Mia whipped her head around to find Oliver there. “None of your business.”

  “Is he even old enough to drive?”

  She went back to her catalogue, ignoring him.

  “Are you going out with him tonight?”

  “If I am, it’s none of your concern. Why are you here so soon?”

  “I left my other job early. I had to get out of that office.”

  Hmm. Wonder what’s going on? If Mia cared about Oliver, she might ask, but she didn’t, so she continued her browsing, drawing stars next to a few items she liked on a page filled with lavender satin trimmed with dark purple lace.

  “Oh, before you get to work, make sure you schedule yourself for a paycheck. We can afford to pay you the back pay we owe and from now on, include your hours in the weekly payroll.”

  “You don’t need to pay me.”

  She refused to turn around. She wasn’t going to be anyone’s charity case, and definitely not Oliver’s. “Yes, we do.”


  Mia heard his footsteps toward the office and the door close. Good. She hoped he’d stay there for the next forty-five minutes until she left. Forty-five minutes until a night of relaxation.

  Unless . . . No, she didn’t want to go to Applebee’s, did she? Maybe a night of sitting with a cute guy was exactly what she needed.

  CHAPTER Twenty-Two

  Oliver sat in the tiny swivel chair and wanted to bang his head on the desk. Now Mia was dating some greasy kid? Talk about a bad rebound. He did not need this on top of the day he’d had.

  Earlier, he’d tried for the hundredth time to call his mother. He needed to speak with her. He hadn’t been able to apologize or explain the launch party. If he could do that, he knew she’d understand.

  But when he’d called, this time it was his father who’d answered instead of the staff and refused to let him speak to her. Told him he’d “done enough damage.” Asshole.

  What had his father been doing home anyway? He hadn’t taken a weekday off in years.

  Unable to concentrate on anything else, Oliver had slipped out of the office, asking his secretary to cover if his boss came looking for him. The fresh air had elevated his mood, and knowing he’d be seeing Mia helped, too. He’d hoped to talk to her, start trying to make things right, as Bryn had encouraged. Bryn knew her friend, obviously, and if she had encouraged him to woo Mia, she must still have feelings for him.

  But now she’d made plans with some kid. The thought of her with another guy made his stomach churn. Maybe it’s the same way she felt when she’d found out he was engaged. God, this was a mess.

  MIA WENT home and showered. She pulled out a dusty shoe box filled with ancient nail polish. Hell, she still had the periwinkle blue Bryn had insisted her bridesmaids wear the day of her wedding, and that was more than a decade ago.

  Mia picked out a pretty pink and painted her toenails and fingernails. Not a fantastic job, but it would do. She then moved on to her legs, shaving every square inch and applying a scented lotion to her entire body. After rolling her hair in hot rollers, she stepped into the black lace panties she was supposed to wear for her big date with Oliver. His loss was someone else’s gain.

  Oh, wait. Was someone else going to see her in her underwear that night?

  Makeup on, hair wavy and fluffed, low-cut shirt showing off cleavage she rarely let anyone see, Mia was out the door and on her way to Applebee’s. It had been a long time since she’d made herself up like that. And yeah, it was just for Kyle, who would be working, but a girl needed to get pretty and be flirted with once in a while.

  And who knows, maybe backseat sex was actually hot. Maybe she’d find out that night.

  She specifically parked her car in a dimly lit area in the parking lot. Am I seriously considering this? The thong up her butt crack and the bumped-out cleavage said yes.

  Mia walked into the restaurant, and when the hostess asked how many, she replied, “A seat at the bar, please.”

  Mia sat and spotted Kyle across the bar filling a draft beer. He glanced sideways at her then did a double take. His eyebrows rose and his smile, too. He overfilled the glass, beer spilling all over the place. Mia giggled as she heard the hushed “fuck” from ten feet away.

  After handing over the beer to a guy and presumably his wife, out for their scheduled date night, he strolled toward Mia, crooked smile. Why was her heart beating faster and her hands suddenly sweaty?

  “Hey. I knew you’d show.”

  “Oh, did you?” she purred.

  His gaze dropped. “Nice tits.”

  “Thanks. So where’s my special drink?”

  “Coming right up.”

  He left and Mia watched him throw a bunch of stuff into a shaker cup, at least three different liquors and two kinds of juice. Then some white powder. God, I hope this is legal.

  “Wah-lah,” Kyle said and presente
d her with a fruity-looking beverage. “I call it The Panty Dropper.”

  Mia couldn’t control her burst of laughter. “Really? And what’s in this beverage that is supposed to make me drop my unmentionables for you?”

  “Secret. Can’t tell ya.” He leaned on the bar, his face only inches from hers. Damn he smelled good.

  “Well, can you at least tell me what that powder was? A girl has a right to know if she’s being drugged or not.”

  “None of that. Never messed with the shit. It’s just some powdered sugar for extra sweetness.”

  Mia put the straw to her lips and sipped, her gaze locked on his. “Mmm. Tasty. I know you put alcohol in this, but I can’t taste it.”

  “That’s the point. Hence, the name. You just keep drinking ’em and next thing you know, panties on the floor.”

  Instead of appalling her, as it would have normal Mia, the comment made her giggle. And she’d only had one sip. Couldn’t blame the liquor yet. And her thighs were already aching, a throb between them. Yeah. Kyle was exactly what she needed. No crappy chick flick and package of Double Stuf Oreos would satisfy what she craved.

  “What time do you finish up tonight?” she asked, and sipped again.

  “Not till midnight.”

  No way could she wait three more hours. “You get a break?”

  “Fuck yeah. Now?”

  Mia’s heart pumped furiously in her rib cage. If she said no it would probably pop out and strangle her with one of her own arteries. “My car’s out back.”

  “Let me punch out and I’ll meet you there.”

  Sucking down half her drink, she watched him turn and untie the black apron around his waist. Damn, he had a fine ass.

  Mia trotted to her car. Should she get naked, or let him undress her? It would take too much time to have him do it. And it might be difficult in her car. Why hadn’t she thought to wear a skirt instead of skinny jeans and boots? That would have been much smarter.

  She slid into the backseat and quickly unzipped her boots, throwing them into the front seat. Managing to shimmy out of her jeans, she tossed those, too. The back door of the restaurant opened and Kyle stepped out, looking around for her silver car. He spotted her and Mia quickly pulled her ruffled tank over her head and fluffed her hair, lounging as provocatively as one could in the backseat of a midsize sedan.


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