Guardian of His Heart [Guardian 2] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
Page 7
Prince Domenic was located right where Mary told the king he would be.
The wood in the door of Saber’s new quarters creaked, and he could hear the rattle of keys. The door opened, and in walked Mason.
“Nice place. I love what you’ve done with it. Well, if you’re quite done vacationing, your father wishes to speak with you,” Mason said, dryly looking around.
“Am I glad to see you, old friend,” Saber said as he threw his arm around the other man. “Yes, let’s go see my father. Tell me quickly. I must know. Where are my mate and children? Have they been harmed?”
“Calm, prince. They are fine, with your father and eagerly awaiting you. Now quit dragging your ass, and let’s go. Unless you really like it here.” Mason laughed.
The two men walked out to greetings. The troops were relieved to see their prince, battered, having taken a good beating from Margaret’s men, but alive.
The residual fighting continued for hours until the last of the mercenaries surrendered. As Margaret’s men were so fond of stating, it was dragon custom, so they, too, were shown no mercy.
* * * *
As Mary watched from a peek hole in one of the secret passways, waiting for the right time, she finally saw her chance.
Margaret’s parents rose that Saturday morning around 8:00 a.m. The now “dowager empress” had her royal consort order breakfast, which he enjoyed making into a great production.
A short while later, a small woman with a rolling cart entered their sitting room, placing their breakfast on the table by a large bookcase then shuffled out slowly. With nothing amiss, the royals leisurely ate their breakfast, content with their status in the world. They only complained about not having enough butter on their toast and the coffee getting cold three times. Within fifteen minutes after drinking the hot coffee that Mary the “servant” carried to them, they were sound asleep, having been drugged. When Mary entered the room to see if the royals needed anything else, she discovered they, in fact, did not. The two were unceremoniously dragged down to the basement and locked into palace jail cells.
At 10:20 a.m. Her Serene Highness Empress Margaret—as of last night she decided she would now be addressed—rose from her bed, stretched, and ordered her breakfast. Her Majesty’s breakfast was delivered by a small woman, who, when dismissed, shuffled from her room, taking her rolling cart with her. Thankfully, Margaret didn’t see the large smile on Mary’s face, once again having waited for her chance to “serve” her empress.
* * * *
Between two to four hours later, the ex-royals awoke in entirely new surroundings. Gone was the majesty they had coveted, and in its place were jail cells, gray and cold. Saber had instructed the guards to make sure everything was locked up tight, and then they left the three to their respective cells as Margaret screamed, ranted, and raved until her voice finally died. The Empress Margaret undoubtedly had the shortest reign in recorded history, having sat on the dragon throne for four days. No further lives were lost within the king’s troops. However, 416 mercenaries died.
As per law, a lottery was held, drawing the names of sixteen dragons of ordinary lives. They were selected to be jurors. Except to bear witness, the royal family did not participate in trials. Those who accepted the responsibility flew to the palace. Their families were given a handsome allowance as compensation for a family member being absent for a few days to perhaps a few months.
A trial was held that lasted for over six weeks. All the evidence was presented, being that Margaret and her mother did in fact plot to over throw their monarch and seize the throne by murdering 153 royal guards and setting up their own puppet council, imprisoning the prince, royal heirs, and Prince Tyler, along with the legitimate council, and many other charges. The jury found Margaret, her mother, and her father guilty of all charges. They were sentenced to die. Their penalty was public execution. Wearing the very same chains she had placed on Prince Domenic, Margaret was dragged, kicking and screaming from the outdoor public hearing. Her parents dropped to their knees begging for mercy. They would find none from the people of Saibina. They, too, were dragged back to their cells.
Six men stood in chains at the trial looking miserable, their wings having been ripped in half on their backs. Even if they had been allowed to live, they would never fly again. Unfortunately for them, dragons had found them first, citizens who were not guards. These were the men who had participated in the “hunt” of King Frederico. After Kelley’s testimony and the damning evidence that was shown, they, too, were found guilty of conspiring to murder their king and his consort, by shooting their king causing him to fall from flight. The six were sentenced to die, also by public execution.
One last man was left to deal with. Bruce Dragonslight. He was found guilty of conspiracy to overthrow the king and high council, a crime punishable by public flogging then death, but since he had cooperated to a point, he was allowed to make a choice. He could live, but with only half his wings. Not only would he be disfigured in both dragon and human form, it would be very painful for the rest of his life. In dragon society, people who had wings ripped were traitors, forever being outcasts to be shunned at all times. Bruce would never have another friend or anyone to confide in. No one would publically do business with him. No woman or man would ever look at him sexually, as in their eyes he had become so hideously ugly they couldn’t stand to be with him. His other choice was to die. Bruce, having weighed his options, chose death.
The executions were held the following week. King Frederico stayed in his bedroom that day and wept for the waste of dragon lives, especially the men who made up his royal guard, those 153 men. He knew each and every one by name and the names of their families. They were all good men who would be missed greatly by Frederico. How could he repay a debt that large? The men who died had been the last line of defense for his son, their prince, and his family.
The companies who had contracted with Margaret for mining rights were infuriated when they discovered they had dealt with someone not entitled to make such agreements. As such, all contracts were void and with them billions in profit.
Mary Spawnstone was publically honored as a true and loyal friend of the king and high council. She would forever hold a place of respect and would never want for anything.
The Dragon High Council was restored to its rightful place, as were the king and prince.
There was one year of official mourning for the royal guards that had lost their life in the defense of their monarch, and the families of those lost would be taken care of and honored for life.
Life went on in Saibina, but it took a while for the people and dragons of the world to get past the pain.
It would take their king much longer.
Chapter Twelve
Eight months later, after their separation
King Frederico and Kelley had talked over the months from their respective homes. They had begun to see there was hope for them as a couple.
King Frederico opened the door to his private chambers one day, only to find his mate standing on the other side, wildflowers in hand.
The king accepted the flowers. “Come on in. What are you doing here?” Frederico asked.
“I was in the neighborhood,” Kelley said shyly.
Frederico looked at Kelley, smiled, and said, “Care for a beer?”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Kelley looked up at his king and gave him that grin. Oh Gods, Frederico was in trouble now.
“I came here to lay my cards on the table, so to speak. King, baby, I can’t live without you. I don’t want to try anymore. It’s just too hard to do. I’ve given you plenty of time to come live with me. Since you don’t appear to want to, I’ll guess I’ll just have to come live with you—that is if you still want me,” Kelley said as he looked sideways at Frederico while standing at a window.
The king started to say something, but Kelley continued. “You’re a good king. I know that, and I know your people and country need you. I
’ve had plenty of time to think since I left the cave, and I discovered I love you,” he said, looking out the window. “Do you still want me to move to Saibina with you? I’ll understand if it’s too late.”
“I would give anything to make that happen, my love. I need you. Red hair, freckles, temper, and all. I love you, too, Kelley,” whispered the king.
Kelley looked at him seriously. “I’ve heard about all the mischief you get into, so I came to a conclusion. We can’t have you running around on your own. You tend to get into trouble when I’m not here to take care of you, so I suppose I’ll just have move in and stay with you. Besides, I never got a chance to show you what make-up sex was.”
“That is true, my love. Whatever would I do without you to watch over me? And you’re right. I do very much want to know what ‘make-up sex’ is,” Frederico said with a big smile.
Kelley turned and ran to his king. He jumped up into his arms, wrapping his legs around him, and held on like a barnacle. Kelley kissed him until the king was swaying.
Frederico staggered to his bedroom door, slamming into the wall periodically, but they finally made it to the bed. The king laid his mate down and started undressing him.
“You’re so beautiful, my mate. I have missed you,” he said as he slipped Kelley’s shoes, socks, and pants off. He climbed up Kelley’s small body, unbuttoning his shirt, looking at what was his by divine right. “Promise you will never leave me again.”
“I promise,” Kelley swore.
When Frederico slipped his shirt off and started pinching his nipples, Kelley was lost. “Talk later. Right now show me how much you missed me.”
“Indeed I shall.” Frederico kept up his assault on the hardened little flesh while he licked his mating bite. Kelley shivered and moaned. “You ever hear of a buckin’ bronco ride, my mate?”
“No, is this the time for it?”
“Oh yeah!” Kelley yelled and surprised the king totally when he flipped them over.
“What?” Frederico started to say.
“Hang on, king, baby.”
Kelley reached over and retrieved some red oil from the night table and looked at the king, who nodded. He then leaned forward and stuck his tongue out. Frederico latched onto it like a starving man and began to suck. They dueled back and forth, trying for dominance, but the smaller man wouldn’t give in. Just when Frederico was getting frustrated at his mate’s lack of compliance, he felt Kelley stroke his cock up and down, first one side then the other, as Kelley’s hands weren’t large enough to wrap around the king’s girth. Then Kelley startled him by sitting down on his cock in one fell swoop. “Oh shit! I like that oil, what the hell is that? Never mind, tell me later,” Kelley shouted.
He started bouncing up and down, roughly taking in the huge cock and then releasing it when he rose up on his knees. Kelley went back up on his knees then twisted his body and slammed back down on his mate. Frederico started bucking and jerking his body. He couldn’t help it. He had never felt such a sensation, especially when Kelley used first one nipple then the other as reins!
“That’s right, king, baby, gimme that buckin’ bronco ride,” Kelley yelled at the top of his lungs as he threw one arm up in the air and held it, letting it go around in a small circle. “More, damn it, I want more,” he said as he rose again. Frederico was in dragon nirvana now as the warm, silky vise kept sinking down all the way on his cock and then pulling back up, twisting and turning. Kelley was moaning, yelling, and turning as he came back down. What a ride. The king couldn’t stand much more. His balls already pulled up tight to his body. He was going to come before his partner did. That had never happened to him before, but he couldn’t stop. The hot hole just kept ramming down on him, and he was helpless to prevent it. Frederico’s body suddenly seized up, and hot lava shot from him, filling Kelley inside. The king didn’t know whether he was in ecstasy or outright pain. Whatever it was, he loved it, he thought, as he felt his toes begin to uncurl.
“Oh Gods, I need a hat!” Kelley screamed, and long ropes of pearly white suddenly exploded out of his body all over Frederico’s face, chest, and abs. He fell over onto the bed, nose first, and didn’t move.
“Are you still alive, my love?” Frederico said between gasps.
“Okay. Just checking.” With that, Frederico closed his eyes.
Kelley was tired, but his mind wouldn’t calm enough to let him drift off. Instead he thought about the events of the last several months.
Kelley didn’t really care what happened to himself. He had been in many tight spots in his life, sometimes scared out of his mind, particularly while in the Middle East. It taught him to value life and those he cared about as both friends and loved ones. In spite of everything, he had never been in love before. He loved his family madly, but by no means had he ever been in love. It made him feel like the most precious dragon treasure ever and frightened him to death at the same time. Whoever said love was a double-edged sword knew what they were talking about. It gave him the best feeling of his young life, but it also gave someone else the power to destroy him.
Now he knew why shifters who lost their mate, for whatever reason, didn’t live long. He had heard the stories. As a shifter, he grew up with the tales of those who, after losing their mates, would pine away, dying a melancholy death.
He just couldn’t seem to care, though. He had his dragon. He had dreamed of this, coveted it beyond anything else, and now he had it. Kelley wasn’t going to give up without one hell of a fight. “Being Kelley,” as his family always joked, he would fight fang and claw with everything he had in him to make sure he never lost his dragon.
When at last his mate opened his eyes, he spoke.
“I have something to show you,” Kelley said, looking at his love.
“What would that be? Am I going to like it?”
“I hope so. After we bonded, I started feeling strange. Really irritable, like my skin was crawling all at the same time,” Kelley said seriously.
“What is it, sweetheart? Do you need to see a healer?” Frederico asked, growing concerned.
“No, I’m okay now. It was just for a few days. When I left you in the cave and started walking toward home, I changed.”
“Changed? Could you be a little more specific, please, love?”
“I shifted. I became a wolf. Don’t ask me how, but I did. A white wolf. I’m an omega, Frederico. That’s what my mom said, anyway,” Kelley said, looking completely serious.
“Why now? Shouldn’t you have changed at puberty like your brothers?”
“My mom remembered something about an omega in the family, so she went through her family records until she found it,” Kelley said then continued. “My mom’s great-great-great-grandmother was mated to two human men. They had four sons—three who shifted into wolves at puberty. The one who looked like his mom, just as I look like mine, couldn’t shift, so the family just thought he carried the gene. However, when young Russell bonded with his vampire mate, Tasha, Russell suddenly began shifting into a small white wolf. He was an omega with enhanced senses and strength like me. He also got other gifts. He could talk to his mate telepathically. I don’t know about all this, but my mom says it’s a good thing.”
Frederico thought for a moment and then said, “Well then, that is a good thing, right? I am speaking of the omega, really strong, extra senses phenomenon.” The king continued, “Look at it from my point of view. Due to these abilities, you were able to save me. Don’t you think that is an amazing thing?” the king said, looking at Kelley’s beautiful gray eyes.
“I suppose. But will you still want me?”
“Wild dragons couldn’t keep me from you. You are my mate, yes, but my love first and always. You do realize we still haven’t had the marriage ceremony yet. How would you feel about marrying me in a few months? Are you ready for that?” Frederico continued. “I am also having you installed as my official personal guard since you took such good care of me in the cave. You w
ill be forever known as the guardian of my heart. How does that sound?” Frederico said softly as his lips brushed Kelley’s.
“I think that’s doable. I do have to tell you, though. If you keep kissing me like that, I’m going to get my spurs out,” Kelley said with a big grin. “Do I get to pick out my wedding outfit, king, baby?”
“Oh, I do love it when you call me that,” the king cooed. “Tell me something. Do you like bubble baths?”
“Oh yeah, love ’em!” Kelley whispered as Frederico kissed him while picking him up and carrying his mate off toward the bathroom.
On the way to the bathroom, Kelley wanted his mate to explain that oil they had used as lube. That was some wild stuff. He was so going to stock in a good supply!
Chapter Thirteen
After Saber, Ty, and the twins returned home, they had mixed emotions. Coming home in one way had given them joyful hearts, seeing their home and friends again. In another, it was with a sad hearts, knowing the wasted lives involved. It would take Saber a long while to get past knowing so many had lost their lives in his defense. For what? For some demented person to gain power? It always seemed the way of things throughout history.
Saber decided on the way home he would find a way to celebrate life again. With the covert cell phone call he had received a month ago, Saber thought he knew just how to make it happen.