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The Hotwife Hack: A Hotwife Novella

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by Lexi Archer

  “I might have heard something,” I said. I felt sick. My voice was a monotone. I was on autopilot. I was caught, and it was just a matter of finding out when the trap was going to slam down on me.

  “Of course I decided to do a search of my own just out of curiosity. I figured there was no way I was going to find myself in the same situation as poor Kathy. After all, we’re perfectly happy, right? It’s not like we don’t have a great sex life, we still go out on dates, no kids to exhaust us and pull us apart. It’s pretty much a modern suburban fairy tale marriage, isn’t it Derek?”

  “Yeah,” I said again. Every word hit home. Every word made me feel more and more guilty. Like more and more of a slime. I’d betrayed her, she knew it, and now she was just turning the screws. She was like a cat toying with a mouse before going in for the killing blow and just like that poor mouse there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to stop the inevitable end of this toying.

  “I searched for your emails and my emails and of course nothing came up. I was so relieved baby! Then I remembered something from back in college and when we first moved in together. A name I hated because it always meant you were going to be squatting in front of the TV playing games for awhile. Do you know what I’m talking about?”

  This was it. I was defeated. Completely and utterly. The last straw I was holding onto, that she couldn’t have possibly actually found the profile and might just be making this up to try and get me to admit something, fell away. If she was mentioning my old gamertag that meant she’d done a search for it and she’d found everything.

  “I think I know exactly what you’re talking about,” I said.

  “Good,” Ashley said, the heat of anger really coming to her voice and replacing the monotone that had been there for most of the conversation. She wheeled the laptop around and I was greeted with the evidence of everything I’d been doing on that site. All the pictures, all the correspondences. I was well and truly caught. My obsession was revealed. My shame was finally laid bare to my wife who I’d never wanted to tell about it because it was so fucking crazy.

  Only now it was out there. It was almost a relief finally having the secret out even though it probably meant the end of my marriage. Funny how you feel in moments like that.

  “If you know what I’m talking about then maybe you could tell me who the hell Madison is?”

  4: Intrigued

  “Madison is a sort of character I created,” Derek said.

  Damn it. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to hold back the emotion that was threatening to overwhelm me. Tried to hold back the tears that were threatening. How could he do this to me?

  Well it happened. I was right. He was doing something weird with that site and now he’d more or less admitted to it. I hated that I was right. I wanted this to all be a crazy series of coincidences. I wanted to be wrong.

  I didn’t want to feel like there was a good chance that my marriage was about to end.

  The profile I’d found wasn’t like anything I’d expected. I figured it would be pictures of Derek trying to entice a woman, though from everything I’d read about the hack it turned out there weren’t that many women out there in the first place for men to get with so it’s not like he probably would’ve been successful even if he was looking.

  Only the profile was nothing like that. It was filled with pictures of me, only it wasn’t me. It was some girl calling herself Madison and using my information. Using sexy pictures that Derek had taken of me, though so far I hadn’t found any nude pictures. Just risque stuff like me in a bathing suit or lingerie.

  Definitely not the sort of thing I wanted out there on the Internet even if there weren’t nudes in the mix. Damn it. Also the sort of thing that only Derek would have access to. I desperately wanted to believe that somehow our computer had been hacked and some crazy lady was out there using my information to create a profile and catfish a bunch of guys, but the more I saw and the more I thought about how locked down Derek kept everything at our house the more I realized there was only one person who could’ve possibly pulled something like this off.


  “A character you created? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “It’s all part of a fantasy I have…”

  “A fantasy to lead on a bunch of strange men you don’t know on a cheating website? What kind of fucking fantasy is that?”

  Damn it. He was gay. He was gay and he was using my pictures to entice straight men into sending pictures of themselves. He couldn’t be satisfied with just going out and looking at gay porn in incognito mode like other guys who stayed in the closet and got married. He had to go out and do some sort of fucked up role-playing scenario to get his jollies and now he’d dragged me into the middle of it.

  I thought of girls I’d known who dated gay guys in high school and didn’t know it at the time even though the signs had been pretty damn obvious with some of them. Of course the signs hadn’t been all that obvious with Derek. He always acted like he couldn’t get enough of me. He was always so intense when we were fucking. Maybe he was bisexual and this was his outlet?

  If that was the case it’s not like I’d necessarily have a problem with it. No, the thing I really had a problem with was the lying. Was that he went behind my back. I figured there was nothing for it but to just ask him outright. It seemed like he was being pretty honest right now, probably a side effect of being caught and not having time to make up more lies, and so I figured I should probably catch him while he was in an honest mood.

  “Are you gay? Are you bi or something? Is this some creepy game you’re playing?”

  To my surprise Derek actually grinned, then he started laughing and shaking his head. Well that wasn’t the reaction that I was expecting, but if he thought he was going to get out of this by doing the unexpected then he had another thing coming. I wasn’t going to give up until I got to the bottom of this.

  “I don’t see what’s so funny about this,” I said.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that’s the last thing this is about. Trust me, it would be so much easier if I was just bi. This is way more fucked up than that.”

  “What could possibly be more fucked up than you being bisexual and using my pictures to entice a bunch of creepers on a cheating website to send you pictures of themselves and write messages about what they’d love to do to you, or I guess what they’d love to do to me since you’re using my pictures anyways.”

  “That’s the thing Ashley. It’s what they want to do to you. It’s always been about what other men want to do to you. That’s why I created the profile. That’s why I sent out all those messages. I couldn’t help myself. It’s an obsession that’s just taken control.”

  I blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “I get turned on by the idea of you getting with other men.”

  His confession dropped right into the middle of our bedroom like a bomb. My mouth worked but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. No, my mind was still too busy trying to process what he’d just said.

  He was turned on. By the idea of me getting with other guys. That was insane. That went against everything that I knew about guys. He was supposed to get jealous at the idea of me getting with other men. Hell, there had been a couple of times back in college when he’d chased away guys I was sure were just trying to be friendly because he said they were trying to get into my pants.

  I still thought he’d overreacted in that instance. Never mind that one of those guys had called my cell so many times that I ended up having to block his number.

  Still, the idea that he would get off on the idea of me with another man just seemed strange. It seemed wrong. Hell, the idea of getting with another guy and stepping outside the boundaries of my marriage, even if my husband did get turned on by the idea, also seemed so very wrong.

  And yet it there was also a part of me that was strangely intrigued by the idea. Not that I needed to be thinking about that right now. No, what I needed to be
thinking about was the fact that my husband had created a completely fake dating profile using my pictures to spin out fantasies with other men about his wife fucking other guys.

  It all made sense. It made more sense than the whole “my husband might be bisexual or gay” hypothesis. He was exchanging messages with these guys as though he as me. Or as though he was a version of me. A far more sexually free version of me that wanted to do all sorts of depraved things with these guys as they described what they’d like to do to me.

  Some of the guys were even pretty good looking. If I was the kind of girl who’d step out on my husband there were a few prospects in our city, but it’s not like I’d ever go through with something like that even if I had Derek’s permission.

  Would I?

  “You get turned on.”


  “By the idea of me fucking other men?”

  “I know it sounds crazy, but I swear that’s all…”

  “You swear that’s all it was?” I felt my voice rising just a little. Yeah, I was intrigued by this idea. Maybe even just a little turned on. That didn’t change the fact that he’d been sending pictures of me out there on the Internet to strange men and now they were out there for the whole world to see! It looked like he’d cropped most of them so my full face wasn’t visible, but it was still mortifying thinking that there were nearly-naked pictures of me and maybe some creeper at the office who came across them and really looked would be able to tell it was me.

  The thought sent a chill running through me, though I couldn’t tell whether it was because I was angry or because I was suddenly turned on at the idea of random guys looking at pictures of me and getting turned on. Heck, if what Derek was telling me about his fantasy was true then there was a damn good chance he was getting turned on by it, the perv!

  “I know this is bad baby,” he said.

  I held up a hand to stop him. I didn’t know how to process this. There were so many conflicting emotions working their way through my head. My husband wasn’t gay. My husband hadn’t been cheating on me. My husband had gone behind my back though. He’d lied via omission by not telling me about what he was getting up to using my pictures, and that was infuriating.

  I looked back down at the information I’d found in that database. I went ahead and downloaded everything just so I would have the evidence, though something told me there would be plenty of evidence on the computer if I went looking for it. Derek seemed to think that I wasn’t that great with these things, but I’d known enough to find him out on one of those databases so I could probably give him a run for his money even if he was a big bad IT supervisor at work.

  As I looked at those pictures, as I looked at those correspondences and thought of my husband taking the laptop to another part of the house so he could furtively jerk off to what these guys were saying they wanted to do to me rather than gaming which was his usual excuse, an idea started to occur to me. An idea that would allow me to get a little revenge, allow me to explore this sudden warmth I was feeling as I looked at some of those pictures and messages, and would also probably give my husband one hell of a treat at the same time.

  Of course I couldn’t let him know that I was also giving him one hell of a treat by indulging his fantasy. No, this was supposed to be a punishment so I decided I was going to keep up appearances.

  There were lots of men out there who seemed to think there was this seductress named Madison who had an insatiable hunger for their cocks. Men. Always assuming that every woman around them wanted them even if all evidence was to the contrary, like the fact that they were making contact with this Madison chick on a cheating website in the first place which would seem to indicate that even the one woman in the world who was contractually obligated to hunger for their cock had decided at some point she’d rather pass. Still, there were some hotties in here, and it was time to indulge.

  It was time for Madison to step from fantasy into reality.

  “Okay then Derek. If you want your wife to be on a cheating website messaging other men then your wife is going to be on a cheating website messaging other men,” I said.

  I started typing as he looked at me with wide-eyed astonishment. His mouth worked but no words came out. Good. Let him be just a little off balance for a moment. It would give me plenty of time to send a message to one guy in particular who seemed interesting. I’d already had the cheating site up in another window and it turned out that in addition to using his old gamertag Derek had also used his usual generic password that he’d used on lots of sites before.

  Sloppy. It was almost like he wanted to get caught.

  A business guy who lived in an apartment in the city rather than out in the suburbs with us, from his pictures he certainly seemed like an ideal candidate. Handsome, built, not too old, and he had a huge cock that was just begging to be sucked if the pictures he was sending had any truth to them. This was the Internet, after all, and objects in pictures may be smaller than they appear in reality.

  More importantly, though, he told a sob story of how his wife had been stepping out on him with someone at her work for the past couple of months and he was tired of no sex but also didn’t want to risk losing half of his stuff right now. Did I necessarily believe that? No, but his story was better at a glance than most of the other guys who looked like they were just stepping out on their wives out of boredom. There was one guy in particular I’d like to throttle because he was upset at a lack of sex after his wife gave birth.

  What an asshole.

  Could this guy be lying? Sure, but at the same time I didn’t want to be responsible for wrecking a home while I was doing my combination revenge and fantasy fulfillment. So it was the lucky bastard in the city who got a message from the real “Madison.”

  “What are you doing honey?” Derek asked. He moved around to the bed and his eyes went even wider when he saw that I had the site up. When he saw what I’d written. A message asking this guy to meet us at a hotel not too far from where he lived downtown.

  “Holy shit,” he breathed.

  “So you’re really turned on by this?” I asked. I figured that this would be calling his bluff in one hell of a way if it turned out he wasn’t really into the idea of me getting it on with another guy. Only he let out a breath and grinned.

  “Fuck yeah it turns me on!”

  I reached out and patted his cheek. “Good, because you’re about to see Madison stepping out of fantasy and into one hell of a reality.”

  5: Madison Rising

  I was still having trouble processing the crazy series of events that led to this moment. Sitting in a secluded corner at a booth in a hotel bar in the middle of the city praying that nobody we knew happened to come in here, though that didn’t seem terribly likely. It’s not like we were having the meeting at a theater or concert venue or a packed restaurant where friends from the suburbs were actually likely to congregate.

  In the space of less than a week I’d gone from living an elaborate fantasy life on behalf of a hypersexual version of my wife to actually seeing that hypersexual fantasy life becoming a reality.

  At least it seemed on the verge of becoming a reality. I glanced across the room to where Ashley, to where Madison, was sitting at the bar trying her best to look unconcerned. I could see right through that though. I saw the way she glanced up every time someone came walking through the doors to the hotel bar, but so far it wasn’t our guy Kevin.

  No, so far it was just people who were obviously in town for business stopping in for a drink before they went out to either enjoy a night on the town or, more likely, go back to their hotel rooms so they could catch up on all the work they’d missed out on because they were out of town on the company dime.

  Ashley, or Madison, definitely looked out of place in the room. I shook myself. I was going to have to figure out how I wanted to think of her as this fantasy played out. Ashley was my sweet innocent loving wife. The woman I’d walked down the aisle with. The woman who’d been faithful
to me for so many years without a hint of straying aside from a couple of guys who came barking at her door in college. I’d chased them away and then kicked myself for that a couple of years later when this fantasy took a firm hold on my erotic imagination.

  No, I was having a hard time thinking of my wife Ashley sitting at the hotel bar in a red dress that clung to her body in all the right places showing off her amazing figure. Even if she did look a little hesitant every time someone walked through the door that wasn’t the wife I’d known and loved for the past decade.

  No, that was Madison. That was the wife I’d imagined and fantasized about for years. That was the wife who was willing to go to a hotel bar and act out the most cliched cheating wife scenario out there. She was a seductress. A temptress. She was still my wife, but as she stood there in that dress getting looks from some of the business guys coming through but mostly ignoring them she was Madison.

  Fuck was my cock hard thinking about that. Thinking about what might happen this evening. Wondering how far she actually intended to take this.

  My cock had plenty of reason to be throbbing right now too. The missus said that this was my punishment even though it was anything but and I had a feeling she knew that, but at the same time we hadn’t had sex since the big reveal and I hadn’t jerked off in anticipation of this night so I was stuck with one of the worst case of blue balls I’d ever known as I went through the motions at work and at home while this night was at the forefront of my imagination the entire time driving me to distraction and making me completely useless.

  Yeah, it was fucking hard to get any work done when all I could think about was Kevin coming up to my wife. Kissing her. Running his hands all over her body. Exploring her. Taking her.

  And I wondered if I was actually going to see any of that. She’d been pretty cagey during the week about what her plans actually were. We’d discussed the fantasy more over the past couple of nights and I explained to her that I wasn’t really into the humiliation or her cheating on me while I wasn’t able to witness it. No, I was strictly about watching my wife being pleasured. I was strictly about the joy of knowing another man was taking her while I got to witness the world’s most intimate porno delivered live and in person starring the most beautiful woman in the world.


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