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Record of Wortenia War: Volume 4

Page 10

by Ryota Hori

  But the next moment, red blood spurted from their necks.

  “You shan’t get in milord’s way, younglings.” Gennou appeared behind their crumpled forms, his own katana dripping with blood.

  His slash must have been unimaginably fast. It may have been amidst the chaos of the battlefield, but he still cut through the necks of five trained knights with a single slash. His skill was reminiscent of the grim reaper at work.

  “Wha... Who are you?!” Kael’s eyes widened in terror.

  “Who I am matters not. Your opponent is milord...” Gennou’s cold words rained down on Kael’s heart.

  Come to think of it, his scheming was what started all of this.

  Ryoma did think there was an odd twist of fate here. Ryoma Mikoshiba was unrelated to Rhoadseria’s internal strife, but what changed that was Kael’s scheme. And the bond between Ryoma and Kael was on the verge of reaching its conclusion. Everyone else on this battlefield could only swallow nervously as they watched over the two of them.

  The shouting around them gradually died down, and a silence settled over the scene. The mercenaries hunting down the knights gradually gathered around, forming a large ring around the two.

  “Sis... What do we do?” Boltz asked Lione, who remained still where she stood, with a voice that was half-resigned.

  He’d known her for too many years, and could easily tell what was going through her mind. Lione didn’t even turn to look at him as she answered. Her gaze was fixed on Kael and Ryoma’s silent standoff. Her eyes refused to miss a glimpse of their battle.

  “The shouting’s gone, so that probably means the enemies are pretty much all dead. In which case, we don’t have any stragglers left to hunt... And ’sides... You don’t get to watch a fight like this often. Yer warrior’s blood is riled up too, ain’t it?”

  Boltz could only nod with a wry smile. He, too, was a veteran of the battlefield. He’d avoided melee combat since he lost his left arm, but his skill as a warrior hadn’t rusted in the slightest. And just like Lione said, Boltz’s experienced eyes could see the transcendent skill these two fighters had. A battle between two men this skilled didn’t come often.

  And warriors had a dignity they understood and abided by. Everyone present here felt the same way. No mercenary here would dare attack Kael from behind now. No... Perhaps it would be more accurate to say they were all bound by the bloodlust Kael gave off.

  “Still, though...” Boltz said. “I heard this Kael person was skilled, but I didn’t think he’d be that good...”

  “Yeah. If ya were to fight him with your one arm, it would be pretty much suicide. This guy... I don’t think even I could take him down in a one-on-one,” Lione murmured bitterly.

  This meant Lione had discerned that Kael’s skill with a blade far exceeded her own. The most important asset on the battlefield was being able to discern the opponent’s own abilities. To tell if your opponent was stronger or weaker than you. If their gear was of better or lesser quality than your own. If the enemy was more skilled in one-on-one battles, or in large battles.

  This power of observation was essential to surviving the battlefield. It didn’t matter how strong one might be if the enemy was stronger than they were. And veteran mercenaries like Lione and Boltz naturally had that insight. And that insight gave them a glimpse into Ryoma and Kael’s skill — a glimpse they were incapable of tearing their eyes away from.

  “I guess we just can’t help that,” Boltz said. “None of us learned actual fencing... Our sword skills are the kind one learns on the battlefield. I think we’d have plenty of a chance to win if this was an all-out battle, though.”

  A mercenary’s sword is honed in large-scale melee battles. It wasn’t stronger or weaker from traditional fencing, but its utility simply lay elsewhere. Mercenaries developed this style of fencing to survive on tumultuous battlefields, while Kael’s style of fencing was better suited for one-on-one engagements.

  Lione nodded lightly at Boltz’s words. She realized the truth they carried.

  “Still, the lad is matching him... He isn’t retreating a single step away from that bastard Kael... Just look at that vigor... Blast! Even I’m being overwhelmed here...”

  The atmosphere had clearly changed. A sharp, cold air spread out from between the two.

  “The boy isn’t going to budge an inch, is he...?”

  “They’re both looking for an opening... And Kael has that shield and armor, too... It’s gonna be hard to land a proper hit on him with those defenses...”

  Kael was clad in full-body armor, with a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left. He was essentially a fully-armed knight. Ryoma, on the other hand, held the katana donated to him by Gennou in both hands, and his only form of defense was a suit of leather armor. It was a light, maneuverable outfit, but put him in an overwhelming disadvantage compared to Kael when it came to defenses.

  “Kael’s heavily armed... If they’re playing by the book, they’ll be fighting to exhaust each other’s stamina.”

  “Yes, but since thaumaturgy can enhance one’s body, it might not be an entirely reliable tactic...”

  “Right... Even with that heavy armor on, Kael’s agility isn’t any worse for wear. And since the boy can’t use thaumaturgy, he’s at a disadvantage here... So how can he keep his vigor so high?”

  Boltz had no response to Lione’s question. Kael used martial thaumaturgy to reinforce his body, and was able to remain nimble even with his heavy armor. The Manipura chakra is located around the navel. By operating this third chakra, he’d already filled his body with prana, gaining superhuman strength and speed in the process.

  It seemed he was Lione and Boltz’s equal in terms of his skill with martial thaumaturgy. Ryoma’s physique was almost double his, but otherwise Kael had the advantage in almost every other way. He was capable of moving just as quickly while retaining the benefit of his armor’s defenses.

  Looking at it objectively, the odds were stacked despairingly high against Ryoma. And yet, the zeal and vigor emanating from Ryoma didn’t waver in the slightest.

  His heart was completely devoid of all obstructive thoughts. There was no fear or doubt. Did this stem from overwhelming confidence? Or was he yet another fool who overestimated his own abilities?

  Sparks suddenly flew between the two. The distance between them was closed in the space of a moment as sword and katana clashed. The two blades rubbed against each other, giving off high-pitched, metallic screeches.

  At first the two were equally matched, but the katana’s blade gradually edged closer to the nape of Kael’s neck. Ryoma was gripping his katana with both hands, while Kael held his sword with only one. The difference between a two-handed and one-handed grip created a gap between them.

  The match was far from decided, though. The blunt sound of flesh being beaten rung out. Kael swiftly slid his shield between his body and sword, pushing with all his body’s might to deflect Ryoma’s charge. Both of their bodies pushed away from each other, once again creating a distance.

  Dammit! Who the hell is this man...?! He’s fighting me evenly! Against me, one of the most prominent knights in Rhoadseria...! And what is that weapon he’s using...? A single-edged, curved sword? A weapon specialized for slashes...

  Kael clicked his tongue in irritation inside his helmet and held up his shield to strengthen his defenses.

  No... Stay calm. The enemy is lightly armed. My sword can cut through that leather armor like it’s paper... I’ll block his charge with my shield, and a single slash across his body will finish everything... He doesn’t have a shield, and that alone puts me at an advantage... I just need to tighten my defenses and wait for an opening to present itself...

  The sword in Kael’s hands was a family heirloom passed down for generations. The same held true for his armor and shield, dating back from when his ancestors served as knights of Rhoadseria. Unlike his armor, the sword wasn’t imbued with any kind of endowed thaumaturgy, but it was still made by a master
craftsman. Kael tightened his grip on its handle.

  But the shock that came over him next was the strongest he’d felt yet.

  “Keeeeeeeeeeeeee!” A war cry erupted from Ryoma’s mouth, and an intense shockwave ran through Kael’s left hand.

  His left hand, holding the shield, went completely numb, and his shield was pushed to his body’s side.

  What in the world was that blow...?! My arm’s all numb... It was even heavier than his earlier slashes! No good...! It takes all my strength to hold onto the shield... I don’t have time to look for an opening and attack... Damn it...! What a monster...

  The blade that swung down on him at high speed carried all of Ryoma’s weight of over one hundred kilograms. Every muscle in Ryoma’s body acted, delivering a truly lethal slash. As proof, a deep mark was etched onto the shield where the blade bore down on it.

  The shield’s principal raw materials were wood and leather, with the surface being covered with a thin layer of steel; that surface was now cut through, exposing the wood underneath. Ryoma’s eyes calmly picked up on that fact.

  I cut through the surface... Guess it wasn’t a steel shield, after all... Figures, since he can handle it with one hand, but what do I know? This world has monsters, after all...

  Even Ryoma couldn’t cut through steel that was several centimeters thick. But the crack in the shield wiped away one of Ryoma’s doubts. In Earth’s logic, it wouldn’t be possible to hold onto a steel shield and fight properly at the same time, but this wasn’t Earth. Thaumaturgy existed, and could augment the body, so the possibility existed.

  It really is amazing enough that he can move so quickly with that heavy metal armor...

  Ryoma calmly compared their combat potential. Armor was exceptionally heavy and tended to inhibit one’s movements, all the more so if iron was involved in its creation. But he was still keeping up with Ryoma, who was wearing leather armor, in terms of speed. The fact Kael blocked Ryoma’s katana with his shield proved it.

  He maintained his armor’s defenses, while ignoring its weight and moving nimbly. It made it abundantly clear why knights were considered such an overwhelming presence on the battlefield.

  While confirming the sensation of his katana’s grip in both his hands, Ryoma cast a probing gaze in Kael’s direction.

  Martial thaumaturgy... An impressive skill... It’s much harder to deal with than verbal thaumaturgy and its chanting...

  Of course, verbal thaumaturgy wasn’t to be trifled with, either. Shooting lightning and raining flames down from the sky or through one’s hands with just a few words is a great threat. Compared to that, martial thaumaturgy was nowhere near as flashy. In fact, it would even seem plain.

  But it was this simplicity that made it reliable and lacking in flaws. It required no chanting, and since it only affected one’s body, it wasted significantly less prana. That was what made it the central technique used in this world’s warfare. The capacity to use thaumaturgy was the wall that segregated the rulers from those dominated.

  Three aspects were central to combat. Spirit, technique and body. And of those three, thaumaturgy augmented the body. In the face of overwhelming power, half-hearted technique and spirit meant little.

  But... It’s not an absolute skill... He’s still human...

  Ryoma’s eyes were already fixed on Kael’s weak point.

  Kael... I’ll kill you here, no matter what...! I’ll show you just how potent the techniques Grandpa passed down to me can be...!

  The atmosphere around Ryoma turned cold and sharp.

  “Ryoma... A katana is like a part of your body. You swing not your katana, but your own limbs and skill... And you must never waver when you draw your blade. Doubts will cloud your judgment and concentration, and it will transmit to your blade. Focus on one thing and one thing only — your slash! And believe. In your training, your skills... in the blade you wield!”

  His grandfather’s words surfaced in Ryoma’s mind.

  Concentrate only on the slash... And there’s only one point I should aim at!

  Ryoma raised his voice in yet another battlecry. He held his sword upright in what was known as the hasso gamae , and closed the distance between them with a single breath.

  Come! I’ll block your blow with my shield and cut you down!

  Kael braced himself for the blow. But suddenly, Ryoma’s sprint turned into a leap into the air.

  What?! He jumped?! You panicked, fool!

  In a split-second judgment, Kael raised his left hand over his head. Ryoma bent his body in mid-jump, holding his blade parallel to his back. And by focusing his consciousness on every single fiber of his body, he united them all under a single will, exhibiting superhuman strength in the process.

  “Eat thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!”

  He focused all the strength stored in his body, which was bent like a bow, onto a single spot. All that might swung down over Kael, with all of Ryoma’s weight to back it.

  The sound of something cracking rung out. And then, Ryoma felt the dull sensation of cutting into something full of liquid.


  Kael’s face was contorted in shock as he looked down at his left hand. The first thing he saw was his shield, split cleanly in half right down the middle. And the next thing he saw was the katana, digging into his left arm. He could feel his arm gradually grow warmer, and something wet on his skin. A warm, slimy liquid flowed down his armor toward his elbow, dripping onto the ground in droplets.

  A dark black puddle began forming on the ground.

  “Damn it!”

  Kael snapped out of his frozen thoughts and swung his sword in Ryoma’s direction. But it was nothing more than a desperate struggle. His posture was wrong and his swing had no strength behind it. Ryoma avoided it easily.

  My left arm... No good... It won’t move! It’s all numb... Damn it! What kind of monster is he?! He cut into my arm, along with my shield?! My armored arm?! This man... What is he...?!

  For Ryoma, knights who were capable of using thaumaturgy, a power completely foreign to the world he came from, were veritable monsters. But one such monster now looked upon Ryoma as if he was some unnatural threat, too. It was almost comical, really, how both of them saw each other as equally horrifying.

  “With how much you’re bleeding... I cut into the bone and severed your artery. It’s over,” Ryoma declared mercilessly as Kael glared dangerously at him.

  The fact he even spoke alone stood as proof the duel was over.

  “Shut up, the battle isn’t over yet! I can still fight!” Kael held up his sword.

  True, Kael could have kept on fighting. He was still alive, and his right arm was unharmed. But the duel had already been decided.

  “It’s pointless... You couldn’t block my slash with a shield, so how do you expect to block it with just a sword? And look at how much you’re bleeding. You’ll bleed out soon if you’re not treated immediately. And there’s no one around to treat your wound... You lose.”

  Kael’s expression contorted. Ryoma said the duel was already over. Kael’s left arm was cut to the bone and wouldn’t budge. Holding up his shield and having his armor on prevented it from being cut clean off, but it didn’t change the fact that his left arm was now effectively dead. Or at the very least, it was dead unless he was given immediate treatment and time to rest.

  And the blood pouring out of his severed artery was mercilessly sapping away his strength. If nothing would be done to stop the bleeding soon, he would surely bleed to death in a matter of minutes. But he was standing in the middle of the battlefield, face to face with the enemy and without a single living ally in sight. He could do nothing to stop the bleeding.

  “So this is the end of the road...” Kael whispered.

  “Yes... It’s over.” Ryoma nodded.

  “I didn’t think I’d die here... It seems luck really has turned its back on me.”

  Kael’s expression filled with a certain resigned understanding, typical of a warri
or that realized their approaching death.

  “You’re Ryoma Mikoshiba, yes?”

  “That’s right...”

  “I see... So you’re not just a wise tactician, you’re also a greater warrior than me... You really are a monster.”

  Kael called Ryoma a monster, but that word didn’t carry any scorn. Quite the contrary, actually; his expression carried something like praise.

  “I prided myself on the fact there was no knight greater than me... Both in swordplay, and in my wit! That I could see further than any knight in any country...! But I was no match for you in either of those things... Both as a commander and a swordsman... Why did I lose...? Was it that you had more talent than me...?”

  “No... I’m not better than you... I don’t think I’m inferior to you, but I’m not superior to you, either.” Ryoma earnestly answered Kael’s question.

  This was the dignity he would show to a man with one foot in the grave. And in truth, everything went wrong for Ryoma because of Kael Iruna’s unusual skills. As both a warrior and tactician, Kael’s talents were well above average.

  “Then why did I lose?”

  “You lost to your own heart. You believed in your strength so much, you drowned in conceit...”

  Kael’s eyes widened at Ryoma’s words. In truth, there were two factors that contributed to Ryoma’s victory. The first was that Kael’s strategies all leaned on brute force, and that dulled his swordplay.

  His slashes were certainly swift and sharp. His skill was far more refined than the common knight’s, too. But while he learned fencing from a legitimate school, his reliance on martial thaumaturgy still made him lean on brute strength too much. Ryoma’s gaze, which was honed from years of training with his grandfather, could discern how his range and breathing had a great deal of coarseness to them.

  And the other factor. That was the fact that Kael covered his body in full armor, just as he did on the battlefield. Armor weighed roughly thirty to forty kilograms on average. Knights wore this armor along with a helmet, a shield and a sword. The total weight amounted to nearly fifty kilograms.


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