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Record of Wortenia War: Volume 4

Page 16

by Ryota Hori

  The Organization’s technological development is going smoothly... All that remains is to keep it hidden... And that’s where the problem lies.

  The Organization had far fewer members than this world’s residents. That much was to be expected, since its operatives were all humans who were summoned or mixed up in a summoning from Rearth. If the Organization was to rule over the citizens of this world despite being outnumbered, it would need an overwhelming edge in fighting power and technology.

  In terms of image, it would perhaps be similar to Hernán Cortés and his conquistadors’ rule over Central America in the sixteenth century. With just a few hundred, they would beat an entire country.

  And the secret to their success lay in the technological superiority the European countries held at the time. In the modernity of Earth, information is circulated freely through the internet, which was a wonderful thing from the perspective of technological development. However...

  Our objective isn’t to develop peace in this world.

  Every member of the Organization harbored deep hatred and resentment toward this Earth. And the Organization would only reach its hand out in salvation for those kinds of people.

  What the Organization feared more than anything was that this hidden technology might leak out due to some odd ideal of humanism and equality.

  “Phew, pardon the wait.”

  A sudden voice calling out from the door, without any knock to accompany out, jolted Saitou out of his contemplation.

  “Mr. Sudou... At least knock, if you would. Why go to the effort of hiding your presence...? You startled me out of my skin.”

  He wasn’t up to any shady business, and with how secured the estate was there was little fear of an assassination. But being approached by someone who had obfuscated their presence left even Saitou shocked. Sudou only seemed amused by his reaction, though.

  “Ah, a blunder on my side, a blunder.” Sudou smirked and scratched his head as he took a seat on a sofa. “I simply enjoy seeing your surprised expression, Mr. Saitou...”

  “I swear, you are always so...” Saitou sighed at Sudou’s unapologetic response.

  Sudou’s behavior was nothing new, though, and he acted this way even in front of Kikukawa, his supervisor. Saying anything on the matter would hardly change this man’s behavior at this point. Now was hardly the time for such trifling matters, anyway.

  “It took you quite some time, but what did Supervisor Kikukawa say?”

  “Complaints about me, for the most part,” Sudou said, reaching for an alcohol bottle on the table. “Though I suppose it’s only natural, given how risky everything was this time.”

  “True... Any changes to the plan going forward?”

  That was what Saitou wanted to know the most. A change in the plan might mean he would have to change his approach toward Shardina. Sudou, however, simply tipped his glass without regard for Saitou’s concerns.

  “None in particular. You are to remain as is, aiding Princess Shardina and keeping her under control. After all, the upcoming invasion to Xarooda is a crucial battle for the Organization.”

  “We can’t lose, but our victory cannot be too one-sided... Correct?”

  Sudou answered with a satisfied nod.

  “Yes, quite so. That said, Xarooda does have quite the troublesome general on their side, so I don’t see it being all that simple.”

  “General Belphares...” Mouthing the name of the man known as Xarooda’s living God of War, Saitou felt a current of dread run down his spine.

  “Yes, the veteran general said to be a match for Rhoadseria’s Ivory Goddess of War, Helena Steiner. Though, unlike her, he has the army firmly under his control and is greatly trusted by the king. Defeating him won’t be easy.”

  O’ltormea’s numerical advantage was a solid fact, but war didn’t always boil down to numbers. Especially given the precipitous mountains that stood as impregnable fortresses surrounding the Kingdom of Xarooda. Since there were few ways into the country, the mountains and forests made marching an army exceedingly difficult. The terrain didn’t allow for the passage of great numbers.

  “I suppose we’ll simply have to witness Princess Shardina’s skills at work.” Sudou downed another glass, speaking as if it were someone else’s business.

  “You make everything sound so simple, Mr. Sudou...” Saitou cracked a bitter smile. “Also, if I may change the subject here, are you sure that was a good idea?”

  Saitou directed a probing glance at Sudou as he escaped this vague question. Vague as it was, though, it was enough to make its subject clear for both of them.

  “You mean Ryoma Mikoshiba?”

  Saitou nodded.

  “He really does bother you, doesn’t he...?”

  “I think we would do well not to underestimate him.”

  Saitou already had quite the painful experience with Ryoma. He had pursued Ryoma, who had attempted to escape the Empire’s borders after slaying Gaius Valkland. Ryoma’s counterattack, however, nearly cost the life of Shardina, a precious pawn for the Organization.

  The end result was that she walked away alive, and the Organization’s plans remained undisturbed. But still, Saitou had years’ worth of experience spinning plots as an operative, and he still nearly had the rug pulled from under his feet by a novice youth who had only just been summoned to this world. That fact lingered in his heart like a bone stuck in his throat.

  “I perfectly understand your doubts, Mr. Saitou. I recall how your prior report specified how dangerous he was, but this debacle made me feel it on my own skin. He truly is abnormal. We cannot see him as an ordinary threat.”

  The terror of being involved in a country’s civil war could be likened to being faced with a natural disaster, like a typhoon. Most people would be blown to and fro by the raging winds, with no regard for their wills.

  But not Ryoma Mikoshiba. He supported Lupis Rhoadserians, who had the weakest position of all the players in this war, and emerged victorious despite the despairing state of the war. It went without saying just how unusual of a feat that was.

  “You’ve done well to make sure we don’t lose Princess Radine or Duke Gelhart, but are you sure giving him the Wortenia peninsula was the right thing to do?”

  “Are you saying that, in doing so, I set a viper free on us?” Sudou said, smirking as he cited the same wording Shardina used.

  “I think it’s an apt way of putting it, yes.” Saitou nodded grimly.

  He understood the problems surrounding the Wortenia peninsula, but that only meant that if they were dealt with, it would become a treasure trove.

  “Princess Shardina has a certain premonition on the matter, but I’m sure he only accepted because he’d seen that far ahead.”

  The Wortenia peninsula was a den for pirates ransacking the northern shores of the western continent, and so that sea route was extremely limited. But if the threat of those pirates could be removed, the peninsula would be able to flourish as a supply port.

  In addition, Wortenia was a habitat for assorted rare items that could be sold. Even now, adventurers cross into it to collect such items and sell them for a high price.

  “At worst... this could cause irreparable damage to the Organization.” Saitou’s eyes glinted dangerously.

  At present, Ryoma wasn’t that problematic of a presence. Of course, he was seen as pesky to an extent, but his interferences were all within an acceptable margin of error. But that would all change if his governance of Wortenia ended up being successful. It would become a problem that couldn’t be fixed with just a slight change of plans.

  Sudou only answered Saitou’s doubts with a smile, though.

  “This is just as exciting as the story of Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, isn’t it?”

  Xiang Yu and Liu Bang... That was the story of a great Chinese hero. The moment Sudou said those words, Saitou’s expression clouded over. Yes, a demotion...

  After Emperor Qui Shi Huang’s demise, Xiang Yu, who had brought the Qin D
ynasty to ruin, feared the strength of his comrade Liu Bang and sent him to govern the then-backwater land of Hanzhong.

  But using Hanzhong as a foundation, and with the help of officers such as Zhang Liang and Xiao He, Liu Bang mustered his strength, and by taking the unmatched general Han Xin under his command, finally defeated Xiang Yu in the battle of Gaixia. In so doing, he united China into a great empire.

  This act of sending Liu Bang away from the capital of Qin, Xianyang, to the eastern city of Hanzhong went down in history as an exemplary case of rising to power through a demotion.

  True... His position is similar to Liu Bang’s. But does that mean Sudou wants him to conquer the continent, just as Liu Bang conquered China?

  Ryoma may have been Japanese, just as they were, but this would in no way be a favorable development for the Organization.

  “Don’t worry, I don’t want him to conquer the continent or anything of the sort.” Sudou’s expression didn’t change, even when exposed to Saitou’s criticizing gaze. “I won’t betray the Organization. I’m simply excited.”


  Sudou simply shook his head silently.

  That one is probably his...

  Ryoma Mikoshiba’s face surfaced in Sudou’s mind. Something in his style of fighting reminded him of someone he once knew, that had long since left. But that was something Sudou kept to himself, secret from Kikukawa, his supervisor.

  “Yes. Excited to see just how far that man can rise up in this world.” Sudou said and raised his voice.

  As if to offer that toast to the ironic, fickle goddess of fate...


  I doubt there are many new readers left, but I’d like to greet everyone who picked up Record of Wortenia War with this volume. And to all returning readers from volumes 1-3, it’s a pleasure to see you again.

  This is Ryota Hori, the author.

  To those of you who start reading from the afterword, here’s a short explanation regarding volume 4’s content and why I chose to write it in this particular manner. Firstly, the basic concept was the climactic conclusion to Helena’s revenge. The moment the years-long grudge of a woman who had her family murdered finally reaches its breaking point.

  And in the meantime, our protagonist finally obtains his own territory. However, this land is rife with problems, making it something of an unorthodox case. In Record of Wortenia War , the protagonist is fundamentally strong, and so these kinds of limitations are necessary in order to keep the story balanced, but...

  At long last, the series is approaching the titular “Wortenia war,” and so this is something of a relief for me, as the author. Volume 4 is also where the series starts making large departures from the web novel. But if I could be allowed to make a few excuses, this entire plotline was supposed to show up around chapter 6 of the web novel. There was foreshadowing for it in previous volumes, so observant readers may have picked up on what’s to come.

  But in terms of the work’s chronology, I figured the preface would do for the time being and decided to move things along a little faster.

  Lastly, I would like to offer my utmost gratitude to everyone who helped in the publishing of this novel, as well as to all the readers that decided to pick it up. We are now well beyond the point the previous publication reached, and the sales haven’t diminished.

  Nowadays, we live in an age where they say books don’t sell. My fellow authors say that given the current state of the industry, this is quite an achievement, and as the author, I would very much like to see the series be successful.

  But, author’s wishes aside, all of this is only possible thanks to the readers’ passionate support. I will do my best to bring you the next volume as soon as possible, so do continue supporting Record of Wortenia War .

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  Record of Wortenia War: Volume 4

  by Ryota Hori

  Translated by ZackZeal

  Edited by Nathan Redmond

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 Ryota Hori

  Illustrations Copyright © 2016 bob

  Cover illustration by bob

  All rights reserved.

  Original Japanese edition published in 2016 by Hobby Japan

  This English edition is published by arrangement with Hobby Japan, Tokyo

  English translation © 2020 J-Novel Club LLC

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: January 2020




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