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Andoran's Legacy

Page 45

by M. Gregg Roe

  Arnora – member of the Legion of Mardan on Kaldir; druid

  Arwon – god associated with maintaining balance between order and chaos

  Asria – High Priestess of Dukane in Rohoville; married to Adrian

  Audrey – independent young woman originally from Farmerton; martial arts practitioner

  Aurelia – woman that founded Desires; now deceased

  Barnabas – captain of the Sea Maiden, a ship based in Lancia

  Barton – Novox caravan guard from Zardis; Siljan’s boyfriend

  Bennet – instructor at Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy; married to Zalina

  Benson – black-and-white cat that lives on the mansion’s grounds; Audrey takes care of him

  Berna – Ilona and Iris’s deceased mother

  Bethany – a former member of the Zardis Thieves’ Guild leadership

  Bianca – Warrior of Kyran slain by Morton and then later resurrected; expert hunter and tracker

  Birchbark – powerful druid who lives in Tritown; married to Fern

  Bjarni – Siljan’s older brother; takes after his father; lives on Kaldir

  Branwyn – High Priestess of Arwon in Rohoville

  Brigitt – recently hired courtesan at Desires; originally trained as a clerk

  Brodric – Clan-chief of Havenbrook

  Buris – former shop owner and Guild agent in the Witch’s City; killed by Natalia

  Carlinda – helps out at the Temple of Arwon; skilled warrior; Hagen’s wife

  Celebern – founder and operator of Novox; member of the Witch’s City Council

  Cinda – young woman employed as a courtesan; close friend of Audrey’s

  Clarissa – Celebern’s sullen assistant; half-elf from a poor family

  Collector – magical construct created by Andoran; abducted Petra

  Conrad – young man who works as a carpenter; Audrey’s boyfriend

  Danhelm – young son of Hagen and Tilda; Hanna’s brother

  Danj – King of Rohoville; good-hearted but not very bright; Siljan’s father

  Daragrim – powerful elf wizard; member of the Witch’s City Council; Almera’s father

  Dayne – temple guard from Fisherton; married to Ariel

  Deirdre – young woman from Farmerton who ends up in Havenbrook

  Denis – one of Marryn’s fellow students in her Shorinken class

  Devan – male courtesan at Desires; skilled masseuse

  Dora – owner of A-Dora-ble Dresses in Rohoville; Radora is her full name

  Draymund – Saxloc’s dragon-slaying father

  Dukane – god associated with order and creation

  Dulls – retired warrior; former henchman of Xlee; Grasapa’s husband

  Ecklin – retired merchant who orchestrated Petra’s abduction; deceased

  Elder – title used to address senior members of the Zardis Thieves’ Guild leadership

  Elsebeth – Cinda’s older sister who adopted a young girl; divorced

  Eomera – irreverent and ugly elf; second-in-command of the Witch’s City Guard

  Ermiana – Ermizad’s keenly intelligent and mischievous daughter

  Ermizad – High Witch and hereditary ruler of the Witch’s City

  Erwin – Audrey’s first real boyfriend; Hazel’s brother

  Falk – former student of Audrey’s at Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy; homosexual

  Fenna – survivor of Farmerton who ended up in Havenbrook

  Fern – Priestess of Arwon who lives in Tritown; married to Birchbark

  Fiya – goddess associated with power and control

  Gabriel – skilled warrior obsessed with helping others; Marryn’s brother

  Garth – young man who works as a town guard in Hamsa

  Garym – half-elf who works as a Novox caravan guard; one of Rosalind’s cousins

  Gina – Siljan’s alter ego when seeking male company

  Grasapa – head of Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy; Ariel’s mother

  Gustav – manager of the Temple of Kyran’s winery

  Hagen – Captain of the Witch’s City Guard; Hanna and Danhelm’s father

  Hankin – former ward of Celebern now employed by the Novox intelligence division

  Hanna – preteen girl training to become a thief; Valwyn’s friend

  Hazel – Erwin’s younger sister; bisexual; attracted to Audrey

  Ilia – sergeant in the Witch’s City Guard; Gabriel reports to her

  Ilona – one of Audrey’s twin cousins

  Iris – one of Audrey’s twin cousins

  Isadora – promiscuous Priestess of Kyran; one of Siljan’s teachers

  Janny – young girl killed by giant crocodiles in Farmerton

  Jessia – failed Zardis Thieves’ Guild operative; has false memories

  Jethro – Siljan’s younger brother; Birchbark’s apprentice

  Johan – Romee’s deceased father

  Josara – she was the last surviving Eye of Andoran

  Josette – young girl who perished in Farmerton; Janny’s sister

  Julien – Warrior of Kyran; Siljan’s arms instructor and occasional lover

  Jurious – powerful dwarf Priest of Lasrina; known as a practical joker

  Kaleena – assumed name of a former Zardis Thieves’ Guild elder

  Karin – Marilee’s mother; she died when Audrey was four-years-old

  Karth – god associated with chaos and destruction

  Kerwyn – Hankin’s immediate boss at Novox; in charge of intelligence-gathering

  Kora – Audrey’s fellow student; freelance courtesan; Sparrow fanatic; Koralena is her full name

  Krell – legendary hero who founded an empire over four millennia ago

  Kwayze – gworn that works for Albert

  Kyran – god associated with bountiful harvests and fertility

  Laila – young daughter of Taina; a witch

  Larna – Aliva’s evil half-sister; abducted and traumatized Ariel; deceased

  Lasrina – goddess associated with beauty and luck

  Lilina – utterly gorgeous half-elf courtesan; new owner of Desires

  Lirawyn – sergeant in the Witch’s City Guard; Hagen’s assistant

  Louisa – Cinda’s mother; divorced

  Lucien – warlock who founded what is now known as the Witch’s City

  Lukas – young man that Hazel used to date; works as a shipwright

  Madella – member of the Sea Maiden’s crew; sexy and amorous

  Marcel – Rosalind’s older brother; married with one child; lives in Zardis

  Mardan – legendary hero from Kaldir; Gabriel and Marryn’s father

  Marielle – senior courtesan at Desires; sometimes role-plays as Ermizad

  Marilee – Audrey’s deceased mother

  Marryn – beautiful teenage girl; good at arithmetic and finance; Gabriel’s sister

  Medea – former adventurer; now on the Witch’s City Council; Gabriel and Marryn’s mother

  Milric – Captain of the Rohoville City Guard; Valwyn’s father

  Mina – Priestess of Triara from Kaldir; Bjarni’s wife

  Molruk – undead half-orc who served Larna and now lives in Albert’s Keep

  Morton – Priest of Yalk slain by Aliva; was infatuated with Alessandra

  Natalia – employee of Novox; hunts unlicensed thieves; often works with Hankin

  Niels – retired cooper; distant relative of Cinda’s

  Nollan – member of the Witch’s City Guard; Kora’s brother

  Oliver – High Priest of Karth in Rohoville; good-natured and somewhat plump

  Oljot – powerful wizard who lives on Kaldir; grouchy and somewhat irresponsible

  Orian – young farmer from Farmerton; Violet’s husband

  Periwinkle – Gabriel’s new partner; apprentice spell-caster; originally from Zardis

  Petra – teenage girl that grew up underground; Ermizad’s cousin

  Piran – Audrey’s quarterstaff instructor; i
n a relationship with Ermizad

  Polly – former street urchin adopted by Elsebeth; Cinda’s niece

  Preston – High Priest of Arwon in the Witch’s City; has custody of the LifeStaff

  Quentin(1) – village handyman who died saving Audrey’s life

  Quentin(2) – son of Orian and Violet; named in honor of Quentin(1)

  Rahilda – Priestess of Karth from Zardis who sought to attack the Witch’s City; deceased

  Rebekka – Tabitha’s mother

  Renata – descendant of Andoran; now a crystalloid

  Roho – inept dwarf warrior who lived on Kaldir; Rohoville is named in his honor

  Romee – pigtailed girl from Farmerton; loves to run; extremely curious

  Rosalind – acolyte at Alessandra’s temple; has a rare ailment; gifted spell-caster

  Ryala – dark elf Priestess of Lasrina loyal to Andoran

  Sabrina – Queen of Rohoville and its true ruler; Siljan’s mother

  Saxloc – young adventurer who aspires to be a dragon-slayer like his father

  Sebik – gworn who now works as Adrian’s assistant

  Shimora – widowed woman who followed Draymund to the Witch’s City from her village

  Siljan – Priestess of Kyran at Alessandra’s Temple; Danj and Sabrina’s daughter

  Stanley – owner and operator of Rohoville’s ferry service; Aliva’s boyfriend

  Sven – fanatical member of the Legion of Mardan on Kaldir

  Tabitha – half-elf daughter of a wealthy couple; childhood friend of Saxloc’s

  Taina – Spakona of Havenbrook; witch and amateur alchemist

  Tia – former member of the Witch’s City Thieves’ Guild; Clarissa’s mother

  Tilda – Hanna and Danhelm’s mother; Hagen’s ex-wife; talented cook

  Tobias – proprietor of Witch’s City Clothing; divorced; Medea’s friend and lover

  Triara – goddess associated with night and darkness

  Umzaji - female goblin who lives near where Farmerton used to be

  Ursula – young woman from Farmerton who ends up in Havenbrook

  Valura – Ermizad’s personal maid

  Valwyn – teenage girl studying magic; obsessed with sweets

  Vernon - Tabitha’s father

  Violet – Audrey’s best friend from Farmerton; now lives in Dymar

  Wanda – owner and operator of Wanda’s Boarding House

  Wilawin – skilled martial artist trained by Grasapa; Ermiana’s personal guard

  Wilkin – old widower who lives in Merryton; former adventurer

  Wiva – Aliva’s deceased mother; a succubus

  Xlee – founder of Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy; now retired and living on Kaldir

  Yalk – god associated with death

  Zalina – instructor at Xlee’s Martial Arts Academy; married to Bennet

  About the Author

  M. Gregg Roe did not inherit the legacy of a god-like wizard (which is a relief). He grew up in central Ohio and attended the rather large university based there. He lived and worked for a time in Virginia and California before finally taking up residence in Tennessee.

  Gregg has a Ph.D. in physics, which helps not at all when writing a fantasy novel. His leisure activities include cycling, anime, travel, reading (primarily fantasy and hard science fiction), and, of course, D&D.




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