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Uncommon Emotions

Page 21

by Lynn Galli

  I reached under her arms and pulled her up, stifling her protest with a kiss. “Together, Raven. Please make this happen,” I pleaded, needing to have her with me when I fell.

  “Together, Joslyn. I want to be inside you when you come. We’ll make this happen, together.” She leaned down to capture my mouth and moved a hand to where our hips connected. I let go of one of her breasts and mimicked her movement. Feeling her wetness revved up my own arousal.

  I stroked her creases, trying to give her the teasing that she liked, but I knew her ministrations were already taking me close to the edge.

  Her fingers circled my clit with the expertise only she possessed then dipped lower, poised to penetrate. She pulled her mouth from me to watch my eyes as she slid two fingers inside. My head tilted back against the pillow with the sensation of being filled by her. She thrust against me with her hips, her fingers reaching parts of me that had never been touched by anyone but her.

  “You feel so good inside me,” I whispered, tipping up to draw her mouth back to mine.

  Recognizing the once elusive orgasm was within reach, I swirled her entrance then plunged into her without pause.

  My mouth swallowed her responding cry. I thrust back at her, curling my fingers to find that spot that made her crazy.

  But before I reached it, I let her ride me to the precipice first, pulling back from her kiss so she could see my eyes.

  “I’m there,” I breathed out before the explosion wracked my body.

  “Come, Jos,” she commanded, holding on for another second before I thrust into her once more. “I’m right with you!” Her body convulsed against mine as we went through the violent shudders of our simultaneous orgasms. I’d never felt anything more intense.

  “That was amazing,” I admitted when my body had stopped its seemingly endless pulsations. I felt a strong surge of emotions that no longer frightened nor seemed so foreign anymore. “That’s never happened to me before. Thank you.”

  A soft smile touched her talented mouth. “I love you, Joslyn. I loved sharing that with you.” When her head dropped into the crook of my neck, she slid her hands underneath me and wrapped her legs around mine. As she settled contentedly against me, I realized that I hoped this was only one of many things we’d get to share in the future.


  Seven months later

  The construction crew was in the process of packing it in for the day when I stepped outside. In two minutes there’d be no sign of them in Raven’s driveway. No dillydallying on Saturday evenings, not for Marco’s crew.

  They get one day off a week when they had a project and liked to get a head start on it most weekends.

  Waving to several of them on their way out, I made my way over to the barn to take one last look at the newly completed tack room before Raven got here. Hearing voices coming from inside bothered me. No one was supposed to be in that room, not until we’d presented it to her as a birthday gift.

  “…all my idea,” Marco was saying as I went through the barn doors.

  “Now, wait a minute, son,” my dad’s voice interjected.

  “Can’t I trust you two for a—” My scolding died on my lips when I walked through the door and saw Raven standing between them.

  “You’re here!” we both exclaimed and rushed into each other’s arms. Her kiss set my body on fire, lips caressing mine like she couldn’t get enough. Not our usual hello kiss, but only because I’d been out of town on a consultation. I didn’t even care that we had an audience. Not when I’d waited five days for this.

  “Whew!” Marco muttered. “Wish my wife would greet me that way when I got home.”

  We broke apart laughing at Marco’s comment. A hint of pink crested Raven’s cheeks, impossibly adding more beauty to her gorgeous face. “I didn’t see your car when I drove up, and these guys didn’t say a word about you being here already.” She jerked her thumbs at the smug looking men.

  “I parked around back. I was using your shower after I’d spent all afternoon with Dad and Marco on this room. A room that we agreed would be unveiled at the party later, am I right, guys?”

  The wide-eyed innocent look from Dad didn’t fool me one bit. “Raven wondered why the horses were out in the corral and started over here before Marco and I could stop her.”

  “I really can’t leave you two alone, can I?”

  “She loves it, sweetie, don’t you, Raven?”

  “I love it,” she agreed. “Thank you so much. I’ve been dying to move all the saddles and equipment out of the garage. It turned out even better than I imagined. How did you find the time to build this with everything else you’re working on out here?”

  “Dad and Marco wanted to get you something special for your birthday, lovely.” I gripped her waist, knowing how overwhelming this would be for her. “They could have put this up with their eyes closed; add my help, and they could have done it with one hand tied behind their backs.”

  “You’re all too good to me. Thank you, this is the best present I’ve ever been given.” Tears shimmered in her eyes.

  Dad and Marco beamed before they pulled her into a group hug.

  “Since the reveal is done, you guys need to get home and get dressed for Raven’s party tonight. You’ve got less than an hour,” I ordered, staring at their work clothes.

  “Not everyone can pull off construction chic,” Marco taunted.

  “Not even you, Marco. Get outta here.”

  “You just think you’re so pretty all dressed up with your gorgeous girlfriend at your side.” He pressed a finger to my sternum, forcing me to look down before he flicked it up at my chin. He and Dad broke into laughter while I simmered.

  He always got me with that move.

  “Out! Now!” I repeated. Both men kissed Raven’s cheeks and took off for their trucks.

  “You do look beautiful.” Raven stepped around me, checking out my new dress. I didn’t feel at all uncomfortable in the dress or with her scrutiny. Something about loving Raven made everything comfortable for me. “I’ve missed you. I didn’t think I’d make it last night when you told me you had to stay an extra day.”

  “Tell me about it. I missed you, too.” I grabbed her on the second pass around and pulled her to me for another kiss. This one private and filled with promises to make up for the past five-day absence. When I tore myself away, we were both breathing heavily. “You should come with a warning label, lovely.”

  “What would it say?” She nibbled her way down my neck and my already racing heartbeat kicked into overdrive.

  “May cause extreme temperature fluctuations, dizziness, heart palpitations, uncontrollable lust, and enduring love.”

  “Should I get that tattooed on me someplace?” Raven rose up from her slow torture of my neck and fluttered her eyebrows at me.

  “Don’t you dare tarnish your flawless skin!” I knew she was kidding, but just the idea pushed me into panic mode.

  “Besides, I already know the warning by heart. No one else is going to get the opportunity to learn the side effects to loving you.”

  “No one else, eh?” She beamed and stopped my teasing reply with a searing kiss. When she left my mouth quivering in her wake, she glanced around the room once more. “I can’t believe your dad and brother did this for me. I know they consider it a gift, but can you talk to them about letting me pay for the materials at least?”

  “No.” She’d just have to let her independent nature suffer with this one.


  “Rave!” I came back. “They love you. This is something they can give you, let them.”

  She sighed, and I knew I’d convinced her. “Well, I love them, too. They treat me like I’m part of your family.”

  “As they should. Although, it is kind of bugging me that your new house is going to be built better than mine, done faster than mine, and will look more beautiful than mine. They so like you better than me.”

  Where I expected a brilliant smile at my tease, I
saw a flicker of uncertainty flood her striking brown eyes. She glanced away and took a shaky breath before returning her gaze. “Maybe they were hoping like I was that, once it’s done, you’d consider sharing it with me.” My heartbeat, which had been galloping already, surged into a race worthy clip at her suggestion. “Share?” She tightened her grip on my waist to pull me closer. “I know we haven’t officially talked about it, but we keep making plans into the future. At this point, I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I don’t want to rush you, so I thought I’d give you a few months to think about living together.”

  A smile crept across my face. I couldn’t have stopped it if I’d tried. “That sounds like you want me around for a while. A long while.”

  “I love you so much. I miss you every time I go even a day without seeing you.” Her earnest expression nearly did me in. “I don’t want to scare you off. If you’re not ready, nothing has to change.”

  “Well, I’m finding it nearly impossible to sleep when you’re not in my bed,” I admitted, taking her hands in mine.

  “I wanted tonight to be special. Show you this room we built, tell you that Marco was ahead of schedule, let you know that in a few months you’ll be in your new house, which we all love more than our own houses now.”

  “And I’ve pushed by asking you to move in with me?” Unfamiliar insecurity tightened her expression.

  “No,” I rushed to reassure her. “You’ve surprised me, but you haven’t pushed.”

  “A good surprise?”

  “Very good,” I confirmed, but it did nothing to stop my racing heart. She wanted me to move in with her. I’d hoped but hadn’t expected it. “You’re the one that’s supposed to be surprised on her birthday. Can I give you your present before people start showing up for your party?”

  “You’ve been hinting all week long. I can’t wait to see what you came up with.”

  “It’s out in the car. C’mon, lovely.” I yanked on her hand to lead her out of the barn and past her soon-to-be demolished house. The new one was being constructed just beyond it.

  Once we took the corner around her new house, she stopped dead in her tracks and gasped loudly. “Oh my God! Joslyn! What did you do?” She stared from me to the car I’d parked in a spot hidden from view of the driveway. Her dream car, a classic 1957 Ford Thunderbird in tuxedo black.

  Raven black.

  “Happy birthday, Raven.”

  “Sweetheart! How? Where? This is too much.”

  “It’s why I was gone the extra day. It belonged to a former client of mine who recently had to move into an assisted living facility. I’d asked him to let me know if he ever wanted to sell the car, and when he called, I thought of you.” I waited until she refocused on me. “I know you think it’s extravagant, but it needs a lot of work. He was the original owner and hasn’t done any restoration. He wanted it to go somewhere it would be loved, so I got it for a steal.

  Even if it weren’t your dream car, I would have snapped it up. Since you’re driving my Vette around any chance you get, I’ll trade you for your own.”

  She looked at me with conflicting emotions in her eyes.

  “Oh, Jos, it’s too much.”

  “You only have a birthday once every four years, lovely.” I brought up the fact that she was a leap year baby and only celebrated when the day came around. “Let’s call it your stored up for the next three years’ birthday gifts.” When she didn’t immediately relent, I reached desperately for something that might persuade her. “Okay, your next three birthdays and throw in Christmas this year, too?”

  “Christmas is ten months away.”

  “Yes, but you’ll be around to remind me, won’t you?” Her eyes glowed at the deliberate promise of my gift. “I love you so much. Forget the tack room and the car, you’re the best gift I’ve ever been given.”

  “You’re so sweet. I love you, too. Now, go check out your classic.” I shoved her toward the gleaming black vehicle.

  She circled it three times before she dared open the driver side door. When she floated into the seat, her blissful smile turned into pure joy. As expected, she reached out with her hands and touched every surface.

  Nervousness almost kept me from joining her in the passenger seat. Only one place left to explore, and while I now had some assurances, I still had some apprehension.

  She popped open the glove compartment and spotted the black velvet box sitting on top of the owner’s manual. Her head snapped up to lock eyes. “What’s this?”

  “The car’s your birthday present. This,” I reached in and grabbed the small jewelry box, holding it in the palm of my now trembling hand. “Well, I never imagined I’d fall in love.

  Now, I can’t imagine my life without the joy of being in love with you. You’re definitely not rushing by asking me to move in.” I managed to open the box with my shaking hands. “This is your engagement present. You’re the love of my life, and I don’t want to spend it without you. Will you marry me, Raven?”

  Her mouth parted and her eyes flicked from the ring to my face and back. “Oh, Jos!” Rapid breaths kept her from speaking above a whisper. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” she repeated until she crushed herself against me and kissed me deeply.

  I had a vague awareness that the ring was smashed in between us, but I didn’t feel anything other than her soft lips and searching tongue and the thunder of her heart against mine. After a few minutes, she leaned back to stare at the now closed jewelry box. I opened it to reveal the two carat, round cut amethyst set onto a platinum band.

  “Amethyst,” she breathed, fingering the gemstone.

  “I noticed you only wear your birthstone.” She nodded absently, still focused on the ring. “You actually have to accept this present. If you want to, that is,” I added, heart pounding with the possibility that she might not. We hadn’t specifically discussed marriage, but every serious talk we had included plans for a limitless future.

  Her eyes snapped back to mine and widened. “Wait!” She reached back and opened her door, springing out of the car and sprinting toward her house.

  I was so shocked by her sudden disappearance that I didn’t immediately react. It took a few moments before I eased out of the car, baffled and panic stricken. The last thing you wanted to have happen when you propose is for the object of your proposal to flee the area.

  Raven came hurtling back around the side of the new house, pulling up a step away from me. Her face was split wide with a smile, glee making her body tremble.

  “Raven?” I questioned because I couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

  She produced a larger jewelry box of her own. Inside were two platinum wedding bands with intricate patterns inset in each. “I picked these out a month ago and have been hoping for the chance to ask you to spend your life with me.

  I didn’t know if it would ever come because of what you’ve told me about your other relationships.” I placed my hands on her shoulders and leaned my forehead against hers. “You changed my nature, Raven. I want to spend every moment reveling in this new life you’ve made possible for me.” I barely had to move before my lips pressed against hers for a kiss. “I guess that’s a yes?”

  “You’re showing me smoky grey again. It looks like that’s a yes for both of us.”

  “We’re going to have to build a bigger garage now.” She pressed me back against the car. “Thank God I asked you to marry me before Marco’s crew left.”

  “I asked you!” I interjected with conviction.

  “You’re just marrying me for my car.”

  “I’m marrying you to get my own car back. Don’t think I didn’t notice that my Vette was gone when I got home today.”

  “It’ll be our car now, sweetheart.” She tipped her head with a wicked smile and winked. I loved when she did that.

  I took the amethyst ring out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. A perfect fit for a perfect mate. “Let’s save your rings for the day we move into your new house. We
can start our new life together then.”

  “My, you’re good at planning things.” She kissed me again, tearing the breath from my lungs with her passion.

  Maybe it was fate or luck or paid dues, or maybe it was the fact that I’d never known this kind of joy in thirty-seven years. Something intervened to allow me to find such a remarkable partner and to fall so deeply. Whatever the reason, those solitary years would ensure that I’d never take this elation for granted.

  Raven’s Epilogue

  Two and a half years later

  My stomach started fluttering the moment I reached through the open car window to key in the access code.

  Every time I came through this gate, it made me think of the first time I visited my partner here. She’d shown me her beautiful home; then we’d driven around for the afternoon in her even more beautiful car. Now I was in my own amazing classic, a gift from her, crunching down the gravel driveway, anxious to see her again after her business trip.

  My black Thunderbird slid to a stop in the circular drive.

  I glanced over at the house where we’d spent a lot of our time together and smiled when the door immediately popped open. Michael, her father and the new resident of this house, ambled out to greet me.

  “She’s going to be so surprised.” His smile was bigger than mine as he slipped his arms around me and pressed me against him. “I love that you two are always trying to surprise each other. Why couldn’t I luck into a wife like you? If I weren’t so happy for Jos, I’d be awfully jealous.”

  “All you had to do was say something, Michael.” I tilted my head up to wiggle my eyebrows at him. “My mom knows a ton of single women that would be perfect for you.”

  “Don’t you start, too, Rave. I have enough meddling with my other daughter-in-law.”

  I smiled, squeezing him harder before stepping back.

  “Phoebe and I think it’s a waste that a fine man like you is still available.”


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