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Murder at Police Station

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  As a little kid she would poke the anemones watching they close up thinking they had captured something to eat. Later on when she was in high school they would come to the beach and have a party. The boys would drink beer and then get rowdy. However, it was all in fun and nothing bad ever happened.

  Stacy stood up, dusted off her backside and headed back to the parking lot. Going back was easy because of walking with the wind instead of against it. She had told Rory to give her about an hour and come back for her. Her thoughts turned to the case. She was sure the perpetrator was Native American. It either had something to do with the home for the afflicted or maybe something to connect it to the casino. She remembered he testified against some crooked investors in a casino back east somewhere. Maybe he saw or heard about something to that affect in the North Bend casino. Well, let's see what Rory and Ben come up with. She looked up and saw Rory's SUV sitting waiting for her.

  After Stacy got in Rory said, "Have a good walk Super?"

  "Not bad. If you're thinking I 'zoned' well you can forget that idea. We've so little to go it's not enough for a diagnosis. Has Ben checked in?"

  "Yeah, he's on his way back now. He's got the cell phone with him. That's about it for now. I rummaged around and found a good picture of Chief Lance. We'll show it around at the casino tonight. I'm not sure how obvious we should be at the casino. What do you think," said Rory as they pulled into the station house.

  "I'd say be formal the first time. See the floor manager or whoever is in charge. Take names and statements. Let's wait for Ben and while doing that we shall see how Ron is doing."

  "I'd like to eat before we go Super. Then I think after dinner a short nap is in order to prepare for a long nights work at the tables," he said with tongue in cheek.

  "If you must. I suppose we can have chat session afterwards. I'd like to see what we've done and where we need to go on this case. Usually we have more suspects than we know what to do with. This case we're beating the bushes for even one suspect. All we've got is a victim knifed and scalped right in his own office with locked doors. I feel like the Three Stooges running into each other. In our case, I can't slap anyone like Moe did," said Stacy breaking out in a laugh.

  "I'm impressed," said Rory as he opened the station door. They passed, saying hello to Flo asking if any messages came in.

  Flo said, "A fax of medical records came in from DC. I put them on your desk Stacy. James is waiting for you with some information."

  "Thanks Flo and is there someone to relieve you?"

  "James is working a double and one of the junior officers will handle the calls and dispatching."

  "We need to hire some help around here. Flo get me the mayor on line please," said Stacy walking to her office to see what James was up to.

  James stood up when they walked in. He had a small grin on his face as if to say, 'Hey I got a crumb of information' for you.

  ''What are you smiling about James," asked Stacy with a tone of friendliness.

  "I changed clothes and went to the tavern where some Native Americans hang out. As you know talking to an Indian is not rewarding of any factual information. They play games with Whiteman talking in circles. However, a few old timers that hang out there are much freer with their rumors especially if someone is buying. Anyway, the rumor is that a crazed warrior who thinks he's Geronimo made his presence known. I asked where one might find him and he told me that he's like a ghost who can float through the air and go through walls. I then asked him if he thought it was true and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sonny, do you have a scalped dead Chief of Police or not?"

  "I bought the house a round of drinks and left with the Indians whooping and hollering."

  Stacy was interrupted when Flo said she had the major on the line. Stacy said, "Hello Mayor Stevens. It's been awhile since we met."

  "Indeed it has Stacy. What can I do for you?"

  ''We need some help with dispatching here at the station. Flo has been good, but she is tired and needs some relief. I'm not sure what happened to the regular dispatcher. Anyway, we need someone and or some people to cover the phones while we investigate the Chief's murder."

  "This is the first I've heard about the dispatcher problem. I assumed the former Chief had it under control. Is your father there," the mayor asked with a slightly scared voice knowing his police force was in a shambles.

  "No he's not here, but James is assuming command at this point. My father went home as he has other things in his life to do nowadays," said Stacy with a grin that punched the mayor in the nose.

  "I'll be right down Stacy. Ask Flo to wait for me please."

  "She'll wait Mayor Stevens."

  Stacy hurried and called her father to tell him what had transpired. He said, after she informed him of the past events, "Thanks daughter of mine. He can't just assume that I'll jump in every time there's a problem. Thanks for the heads up. I'll make him come to me. By the way, how's it going?"

  "Slow and we've little to go at this point. Anyway, I'll see you later as we've not much to do as a full team. Did you ever hear that Chief Lance attended the casino up in North Bend?"

  "Nope not a word about him really. I assumed he was a quiet man and husband. But one never knows for sure huh?"

  About then Rory and Ron came in. Stacy went to the conference table where discussions took place. Rory knew her habits and one habit was formal talks were held at the conference table. She asked Ron, "How are coming along being an Alzheimer's patient."

  "No problem Stacy. I'll just act natural," he said amid a group chuckle. "Seriously, I'm ready anytime you are."

  "Here's the medical on you. You can relax with some bedtime reading tonight. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Meanwhile, Rory can take you to a nice motel that overlooks the ocean with a trail down to the beach. He'll check you in so nobody will see you. We can' have someone say, 'Oh, he was here last night.'"

  "Fine and a takeout pizza is all I require. I've a few disguises in my bag so I can hike the beach or just lay around. I've also my Nook reader.''

  "You came prepared Ron. I like that a lot. Well Rory will take care of you for awhile. I'm going home to mediate the battle coming with the mayor and my father," she said smiling.

  Rory had Flo call the local pizza joint for two extra large triple meat extra cheese pizzas. Flo never batted an eye at the order knowing Rory's appetite. What she did wonder how much would be left over for Ron?

  It was while they were waiting for the pizzas, Rory decided to drive by the assisted living unit, where Ron would be checked into on the next day or so. "Nice," Ron said, as they drove by slowly. "I could like this place a lot."

  "If you meet the receptionist, Ms. Red Lips, she could increase your appetite for the nice accommodations. She's hot Ron and hot to go."

  "I'm not available right now. I've a girlfriend who loves my red butt. She would scalp me if I was unfaithful," he said combing his coal black hair.

  "Yea, me too if a certain person found out I was fooling around. I learned the hard way to keep my mouth and fly zipped up," said a serious Rory driving back to town for the pizzas.

  "You care to mention any names Rory," asked a grinning Ron showing mouthful of startling white teeth.

  "As if I need to Ron. It's not a secret anymore. Besides, she dictates the when and where in our relationship. And let me add, that's fine with me because it relieves a lot of stress for me."

  "We all think you're one lucky guy Rory. I've never met a woman like her. She's like twenty five going on seventy. Her brain is marvelous. She has a gift we all wished we had. But you know Rory, this case seems a horse of another color. What do you think about it?"

  "Let me get the pizzas and I'll answer that on the way to your motel." Ron watched him walk into the Old Town Pizza Parlor. The Old Town, he thought was quaint and eye appealing. They'd done a nice job of gentrifying the original town. However, the relentless flow of air off the ocean would become annoying he thought.

  Rory back
in with the aroma of pizza soon filling the SUV making Ron's stomach growl. Rory said, after they resumed the ride up the hill on the Beach Loop Road, "I think that Stacy is as lost as we all are about the case. Normally we've something to sink our teeth in, but it truly seems like the Indians said: 'It's a Ghost Walker'. I find that hard to believe but who knows as the Native Americans have thousands of years on us here in North America."

  "I learned Rory that nothing comes easy. It takes hard work and patience as my grandfather would tell me and others. He used simple words so we kids could understand. He said, to keep warm you need a fire. To make a fire you need wood. So, go to work and gather wood for the days when you need a fire. The same with a shelter. They weren't real pearls of wisdom, but everyday things to think of to keep healthy. As you probably know we Indians never got sick much until the Whiteman came. Well, enough of that stuff. I see my motel coming up?"

  "Yup, I'll check you in and give you the card or key. I'll call you in the morning for breakfast."


  Stacy went home with James driving. She told him he was in charge until the Mayor made a decision on who would be a temporary or permanent Chief of Police. He acknowledges the instructions and told her, "I'll take care of things Stacy. I know if something happens you or Chief Ray are close by."

  Walking into the shop her father was busy working on a project. She said hi and that she would take a shower and be back soon. She told him the story of the Mayor and he chuckled hearing the facts. He winked at her and went back working.

  Stacy went to the motor home for a change of clothes to wash the sand off from her hiking on the beach. Afterwards, she blow dried her hair and made ready for the meeting with Mayor Stevens. Fran was in the kitchen when she had finished her bathroom job. "Hi Stacy," said Fran as she made ready a stew for dinner. All it needed was warming up as she had made it at the restaurant.

  "Hi Fran and that smells good already. I'd forgotten how hungry I really was. It's been a long day and unfortunately, not over yet. Mayor Stevens is coming over for a chat with father. Dad's not really interested in coming back to the office again. I know you aren't in the least happy about it. But I don't know what else to do. I did talk to my boss and she told me she'd have someone here ASAP."

  "You're right about having him back as Chief. He's some bad memories of losing his best friend Walt. He hasn't recovered from that loss. It's bad enough losing a friend, but worse when that friend is supporting you in a second career. Well anyway, we do what we have to. Dinner will be ready in about an hour after the biscuits are cooked."

  Stacy went out to the shop. She found her father and Mayor Stevens quietly talking. She walked up slowly giving them time to pause upon her arrival. The mayor looked and said, "Hi Stacy. It's nice to see you here under the circumstances that are not the best. Your father and I were discussing him taking over temporarily. He understands the need to keep the community from not panicking over the murder that occurred in the Police Station. I've had many calls wondering who would protect them from this crazed homicidal maniac."

  Stacy jumped in when a pause came. "What have you decided father?"

  "I'll do it for a week and then I'm retiring for good. That should satisfy the locals. I'll be in the office from nine to five. After that James can be in charge."

  Stacy saw the mayor twitching and was struggling on how to respond. For way too long, in Stacy's opinion he'd ignored or turned a blind eye to the police department while her father was at the helm. It was about time for him to take command of the department and let her father retire in peace. Finally he said, "I'll take your week Ray and I think I'll promote James to a lieutenant. He's our longest officer on staff. What do you think Ray?"

  "Make him Chief for all I care," said Ray picking up his sandpaper ready to go back to work. For Ray the meeting was over. Stacy said:

  "Don't forget a dispatcher please," as she left for the motor home to put on some fresh clothes.

  While she was dressing, Rory came by to shower and get ready for a nights work at the casino. Ben, meanwhile, had checked into the same motel as Ron, but Ron was not aware of it. The next morning around nine am he would be summoned by Ben to have some breakfast with the others. He told him to put on a disguise so as not to be recognized by anyone who might be connected with the Alzheimer's residence.

  Rory said, "Ron's all tucked in for the night. Ben will be by to pick me up in an hour or so. We'll eat at the casino. I saw the mayor leaving is everything kosher with him and your father?"

  "It appears so at this point. Father is not happy being called back to active duty again. I can't blame him at all. He gave the mayor five days and then he's permanently history as a Chief of Police. Okay, dig hard for any information about the victim being anything other than a casual visitor. With his connection with casinos back east, this inquiry might prove informative."

  "Let's hope so and I know it's shower time. I wonder when that plumber contractor is coming to install a decent water heater. I like a long hot shower during the winter or spring time. In Bandon you'd need one year around. Please tell Fran I'm sorry to miss dinner tonight, but as you know, there'll be plenty to go around if I'm not there," he said smiling with his attractive smile that Stacy loved so much.

  "I'll stay in the house tonight as when you come home you don't have to be careful not to wake me up. Leave a note for me to wake you up for breakfast."

  Stacy left and went to the house to spend some time with Fran. Fran had heard from Ray that he'd spend just five days playing with his pencil and legal pad. Actually, she thought it is not a bad sentence as he needed a break just about now. He had been working hard on two projects and occasionally helping her with baking at the restaurant.

  Stacy walked in and said, "What can I do to help Fran?"

  "Nothing Stacy. Have a cup of tea and your father said he'd be out after he cleaned up."

  No sooner had Fran said that when he walked into the kitchen looking fresh and with a sparkle in his old eyes. He sat down and said, "Just like old times huh Stacy?"

  "It feels good sitting around the table with dinner smelling wonderful. It certainly feels like home. Do you feel better now that you gave the major your final stint as Chief?"

  "Yes I do. He's a politician and is used to getting his own way. It's time for him to get involved with the ever day problems in this department. He spends more time campaigning than running a town. If he's not in the office he's at Lloyd's Café drinking coffee with the old timers who still pack a lot of weight in Bandon. He gets five days and then I shan't darken their doorstep no more."

  "Glad to hear that," said Fran setting soup bowls around the table. Stacy jumped up and took out the biscuits from the oven. She sat them on the counter and biased themwith butter. Next she took out some strawberry jam. Fran dished up the stew and Stacy sat a plate of hot biscuits on the table.

  After the initial round of spooning in the hot stew, Stacy said, "Father, what do you know about the casino up in North Bend?"

  Ray finished chewing and said, "Not much. I did hear awhile back that some Portland area gamblers down her fishing lost a big chunk of change. The claimed the tables were rigged. The State Gambling Commission came down and found nothing out of the ordinary."

  "I feel that somehow, but I've not clue, the casino is involved somehow in this homicide. The only tenuous connection we have is the victim's former involvement in a casino and that he is an American Indian."

  Fran said, "I heard the director occasionally visits the casino, but that is only gossip."

  "I think I need to talk to Sam again," said Stacy swabbing out her bowl with her biscuit. "I'm going out to the motor home to do some computer work and then I'll be back to sleep inside if that's alright with you guys."

  "Of course and I'm sure Rory will be late tonight getting in," said Fran


  The Mill Casino is located between Coos Bay and North Bend, but North Bend lays claim to the site. It's a popular place for tourist
and locals to come and eat while taking a chance at the tables or slots.

  Rory and Ben used the valet parking pretending to be rather affluent for the evening. Both men wore casual, but name brand clothing. They both decided to not wear any sidearms for the evening. The last thing they needed was for security to discover they were packing hardware. That would relieve them of any clandestine work for the evening.

  They had decided to walk the gambling area around first and then have some dinner. That way they could get a layout of the area. Both knew it would be a long evening as having to wait till probably midnight for any real action to take place.

  Ben said, after they were seated for dinner, "Stacy said to get about a grand in chips each of us so we don't look out of place. I'm not much of a gambler, but would rather observe than play the slots or blackjack. I know nothing about dice or roulette, do you?"

  "Not much more or, about the same Ben. However, I'll take the blackjack tables for a spin. I can move from one to another checking out the players. At some point we need to ID the floor boss to see if he recognizes the picture of Chief Lance."

  "Let's check in with each other about every hour or so. Let's see where can we meet," Ben said looking around. "Ah, how about that bar over there next to the wall with the big mirror as a back bar."

  "Looks good to me and you know what, I don't see many or any Native Americans around here. I did see the chip girl was dark skinned. Maybe it's true that the Indians provide the money and the Whiteman runs the place," said Rory as their steaks arrived on sizzling platters.

  After a trip to obtain their chips, they went their separate ways. Ben found a handy slot with a chair that he could observe the crap table not so far away. The table looked the busiest of the others so he decided to punch the button making the wheels turn automatically.


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