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Murder at Police Station

Page 8

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Ben shook his head and left to search for any clues. Sharon went with Rory to have breakfast. What Rory really needed was some fresh air to breathe. It seemed like all morning he had been holding his breath. It felt good to be with Sharon as she was close to Stacy. Sharon was like a younger sister of Stacy's. In other words, she kept Stacy's feet on the ground. Now, he angrily thought, she lies in a stupor from a violation that should have never taken place. The real guilt was held by her father. He had trusted a security company to keep his place intruder free. That was clearly evident of failure on their part. Rory shuddered thinking about the upcoming phone call to the security company.

  He looked up at Sharon who was looking at him curiously. He smiled and said, "I'm starving. Have we ordered yet?"

  She laughed and said, "Yes, we ordered and it should be arriving shortly. Don't worry about Stacy, Rory. She's tougher than you think." He wished that were true. His last thought before his giant omelet came was of his hands around the perps neck squeezing the life out of him.

  Ben met Chief Ray as he came out of the side kitchen door. He nodded at Ben, got in his truck and left. They both knew what each other was doing. Ben was looking for the location of where the intruder stood waiting for the house to go quiet. Also, he hoped he could find some prints alongside the house leading to the back bedroom of Rays.

  Ben stood looking north behind the house. At the back property line stood a group or patch of coastal pines. Just behind the pines were a few houses sitting on big lots of scrub plants and bushes. Ray's house sat on an acre or so. The western line had a row of long ago planted pines to block the wind. On each corner of the property stood erected poles that housed yard lights and cameras. Ben remembered being here at night with the place well lighted. That did not deter the intruder as he knew most folks were sound asleep in the wee hours of the night or early morning.

  Ben was careful to walk the back line from east to west. Once he came to what looked like a likely place to observe the house, he went to his padded knees with his miners hat on complete with light. He took a look for a marker to mentally search by a grid system. He went to work.

  In time he found what appeared to be a small area next to a pine where someone had stood. However, instead of an area being trampled, just a small area was flattened to indicate the person did not move very much. To Ben this person was used to being still for long periods of time. Ben checked across a wide area to see if he moved directly to the house. He found nothing to indicate footprints.

  Ben looked towards the motor home and shop area. He guessed right. The intruder moved along the side of the shop to the west, hugging the house. The motion sensors should detect even small animals moving. Ben believed that this person moved at slower than slow motion alongside the house. This guy was no amateur by any means. The mental discipline was over the top. He did find bent grass alongside the house but only toe prints. He never found a complete set of foot prints. However, it did appear the same size or about the same size prints found at the last murder site. Ben left to write up a report on his findings.

  Before he left, Ben softly knocked on the back door. Fran answered with red eyes. Ben said, "How's she doing Fran?"

  "Seems fine Ben. She's sleeping soundly and looks peaceful. We'll see how she is when she wakes. The doctor told me that she should wake up sometime this afternoon. I'm staying here all day. Tell Ray all is well and not to worry."

  Ben thanked her and left for the station house. When he walked in he heard raised voices from the Chief's office. He quickly deduced that the talking he heard was one sided. Ray was blasting someone about his security system. Flo was trying to calm him down, but he was having none of the calming down effects she wanted. Finally he hung up. Ben waited a few minutes then he rapped on the office door where Ray sat with his hands holding his head up. Ben thought he probably had a giant headache.

  He looked up and nodded for Ben to enter. Ben came in and sat down in front of a beaten old man. Ben wondered how he would look at that age after something terrible had happened to his family. He said, "Ray, I think I know how the intruder avoided the security system." Ray's eyes opened wide and showed interest.

  "I found where he had stood watching your house. It was to the north next to a small group of pine trees. But instead of an area of trampled grass, just a small spot showed where he stood almost motionless. Next I found that he'd entered the area by the motor home along your shop area to the house. The slight wind may have aided him walking into the westerly flow. I think he walked on his tip toes with such slow motion that the motion detectors never picked up his movement. The bent grass ended at your bedroom window. If I’m right, and I think I am, your motion sensors are not up to the intruder's level of stealth."

  Ray digested what he had heard. It made sense that if the guy could move very slowly it was possible to fool the sensors. Now he was almost sorry he ragged on the supplier who had sold him the security equipment. Never mind, he thought, and then said, "There must be a system that works Ben. However, it might be cost prohibitive to install. I thank you for your investigation."

  Ben shook his hand and left to see what was happening in the situation room. He found Sharon talking to Rhonda. She said, while holding onto the mouthpiece of the phone, "Rory went to interview the person who found the Doctor's body." Ben nodded and left to see how Rory was doing.

  Ben found Rory in a conference room interviewing Ms. Lewis who was now the temporary director of the facility. She appeared more poised than the previous day. Ben got the feeling this was her opportunity to move up a notch. Ben sat down some ways away and listened to the question and answer period. Rory had just asked, "What do you say about the rumors that this facility is under investigation for embezzlement?"

  "This is the first I've heard of it Marshall Caltex. We were audited two years ago and nothing was found amiss."

  "So you're saying that the accusation is unfounded at this time or was unfounded two years ago. I understand that Dr. Oday has been here for five years."

  "That was two years ago and I've no idea what you're talking about at this stage of the facility," she said with venom in her voice.

  "What was your relationship like with Dr. Oday?"

  A slight look of shock was seen by both Rory and Ben. Neither could pinpoint that it might have been a look of guilt. Ms. Lewis was not married and neither was Dr. Oday. It stands to some reason that working close together for a few years might have led to some indiscretions.

  She said, "Purely professional, Marshall. I'd never risk my job or career with a relationship with someone working for the same company." She paused to let that sink in. "That's a pretty direct confrontation at this stage and very personal. I almost feel an accusation has occurred. "

  "None at all. I just asked about your relationship with the director. You, perhaps, took it more personal than intended."

  Ben saw her clam up with her arms across her chest. She was almost pouting. Ben felt the board would never put her in as the director, but maybe she did a good job as a second in command.

  Rory said, "In your years here has there ever been any Native Americans causing trouble?"

  "None that I know of," she said rather too quickly.

  "Allright then. What do you think of Dr. Oday's gambling problem; if any?"

  "I knew he was a regular casino player along with his friend Lance."

  "Were you aware he was deeply in debt due to his gambling?" asked Ben.

  She turned to look at him as if to just now notice he was in the room. She said, "I mind my own business, detective. So should you. These are unfounded accusations you're tossing around."

  "We don't toss around accusations, Ms. Lewis. We have a record of his banking and it shows more than six figures in debt. His family cut him off and he was about to be foreclosed on. We will have the books audited, you can count on that," said Ben with a soft voice.

  "That will be all for now, Ms. Lewis. Would you send in Ms. Gladys," said Rory.

  She left and Ben looked at Rory. Rory said, "She was in love with the good doctor. I'd be surprised if she wasn't having a relationship with the victim. I'm wondering now if there was some skimming of the books, was she involved in helping Dr. Oday pay off his gambling debts?"

  "Even so, Rory, that doesn't lead us to the killer. However, this case is so complex that it may tie in some way that we aren't seeing. I hear Red Lips coming," Ben said smiling.

  Ms. Gladys came gliding in with her shoulders back straining her thin blouse to the breaking point from her ample chest. Her freshly painted lips, evidenced by her red teeth that lip stick, had been just applied. After she sat down, a billow of air washed over them with a strong aroma of lavender perfume. Rory rubbed his nose absent mindedly. Ben smiled inwardly at the obvious come on she was demonstrating.

  Rory quickly asked, "Ms. Gladys explain to us once again by starting at the time you arrived at the reception area after your lunch."

  A few flaps of her heavily make up applied eyelashes, she said, "I arrived back to work at 12:30 as usual. It was quiet and the doctor's door was closed. That was quite normal. He varied his lunch from eating in his office or the cafeteria. If it was the cafeteria he usually came to his office about the time I arrive. Like I said. It was quiet so I tidied my work area and then received a text from my mother. I answered her text. Well – you see – I kind of kept texting to my friends until Ms. Lewis came to see Dr. Oday. She asked me if he was in and I told her I didn't know. She knocked on the door and went in. She fainted on the floor. The rest you know."

  "Do you know if there was any special relationship between the doctor and Ms. Lewis," asked Ben.

  A lick of the lips told both men that she did know something was going on between them. She said, "Well, I don't know for sure, but on more than one occasion Ms. Lewis came out of his office looking a little disarrayed. Rumor has it they were having some kind of relationship.

  "Have you seen any suspicious looking young Indian men around here lately," asked Rory.

  "No I haven't. I still can't believe that killer went by me without a sound, or me catching a glimpse of him."

  "People can get very involved with their smart phones these days," said a sarcastic Ben.

  "I'm guilty," she said. "But maybe because of that indiscretion it might have saved my life."

  "Are there any other rumors flying around about what might be said as indiscretions," asked Rory.

  "It wasn't a secret that Dr. Oday loved going to the casino. After all, he was single and unattached. We kind of envied him just a little. It's so boring in this little town that anything would be exciting except living here," she said with another batting of the eyes.

  After she left, Rory and Ben talked about seeing what Ron might have to offer. Rory sent him a text to meet them at the fountain.

  Rory and Ben slowly walked down the hall to the circle area. The day was cloudy so not many patients or residents were out and about. In fact there was only one other resident there besides Ron. He was staring off into what nobody would ever know. Ron said, "I've not much new but after visiting with the resident psychologist Dr. Jones, I think he might have something to add to our research on this facility."

  "Okay and we've some startling news Ron." Rory went on to tell him about the intruder coming into the house of Ray's. Rory left out the part of the intrusion with the X on the chest, but made sure he knew about the warning note. "Ron, Stacy's home resting at the present time. Let's see what Dr. Jones has to say. Where can we find him?"

  "He has an office around the backside of the cafeteria. He spends most of his time there. He's not young but has a piercing set of wary eyes. I think people would find it hard to lie to him. I told him, under patient/client confidentiality that I was an officer of the law. He nodded and went on paying more attention to what we were looking for than being invaded by uncover officials."

  "He did tell me that something was going on here, but he didn't know what. He said that in the last year or so, the director and his second seemed more nervous than before. That's about it guys."

  "Good work and keep after that janitor guy," said Rory.

  "I see him in the afternoons when he's leaning on his broom. To get anything out of him you must listen to all of his trials and tribulations before any nuggets of gossip come out."

  They left to find Dr. Jones.


  It was just after noon when Fran went to check on Stacy. First she listened at the door. All was quiet. She opened the door slowly so as not to wake her. When she peeked at her, Stacy was slightly shaking her head with soft moaning sounds escaping her lips. Fran knew she was dreaming. The doctor had said she would dream because of the drug he gave her to sleep. He also said she probably would not remember dreaming, but if she did, be there when she woke up. Fran quietly pulled the door, with about two inches left open. She had a kitchen chair just outside the bedroom to sit in while waiting for her step daughter to wake up.

  Fran had no more than sat down when Ray walked in the kitchen door. She jumped up and quickly walked to the kitchen. He sat down heavily at the kitchen table. "Ray, she's doing fine, sleeping very well. You're not to worry. She's made of tough stock. Now, how about some lunch," she said while opening up the refrigerator. "How about some left over scalloped potatoes and a chunk of ham?"

  "Yes, that would be fine. The security people will be here tomorrow to see what can be improved upon. If indeed the intruder is so refined, nothing electronically made will stop him. I think maybe new windows might help. These old ones are really not much protection from someone wanting in. Besides it would help with insulating the house."

  "Good idea Ray," she said while microwaving his lunch. "Maybe dead bolts on the bedroom doors might be a good idea."

  Ray was thinking about what was coming in the afternoon. He said, "Stacy's boss is coming this afternoon with a contingent of US Marshall's to protect her star investigator. I'm not sure an army could protect anyone from this silent killer. Be that as it may, I'll only sleep better when he's caught or killed in an attempt to catch him."

  "Here's your lunch. Now how about a fresh cup of coffee," said Fran.

  Ray, after a fork full of potatoes, decided he was indeed hungry. He finished off the lunch and sat back with his coffee. He felt good except for the attack on his sanctuary, he liked being at home with his companions and work shop. Fran knew he was very tired of the police station. However, he just could not break away from it. The last thing she thought of before a stirring in Stacy's room, was that all things considered, life was not all that bad.

  Stacy, through a fog filled head and blurry vision, began a return to awakeness. Her brain did not seem to want to face a state of reality. She closed her eyes wanting to retreat back into a restful sleep. However, something was nagging at her to wake up. Her body felt form fitted to the bed. She did not want to move, but forced herself to throw back the covers and sit on the side of the bed. Her mouth was dry, so dry she could down a liter of cold spring water.

  With an effort she stood up and let the balance of her equilibrium take over. She rotated her head in circles to make sure all was right with her neck and head. She ignored that she did not have any slippers on as she opened the bedroom door. Then she heard her father and Fran talking in the kitchen.

  Stacy wondered why there was a chair sitting outside her bedroom door. Suddenly, like a rushing river her memories of last night flooded her brain. She collapsed onto the chair with her head slightly banging the wall. That was the sound that Fran heard from down the hallway.

  Her body began to shake and Ray heard her moaning. He stood up so fast the chair went over backwards, but Fran, who was already standing rushed down the hallway to see what was happening. She saw Stacy half sitting on the chair rubbing her head. Ray went to his knees to offer support. He said, "Not to worry, daughter, we're here to help you. Would you like me to put you back to bed?"

  The body shaking subsided to an accessional spasm, but Stacy
felt life was returning. The knowledge of being safe was enough for her to trust the people who were helping her. She said, "No father. I'm alright. I just need some time to get the cobwebs out of my head. I've never really been hung-over, but if this is what a hangover feels like, then I'm happy I don’t drink."

  "Let me help you to your feet," said Ray. He lifted her up from the chair then he put one arm around her waist to keep her steady. They slowly walked to the kitchen. Fran carried the empty chair behind them. Once in the kitchen Stacy was sat down in her usual place.

  She said, "I feel like I've been beaten up. I really don't remember anything after I went to the bathroom. Can you tell me what happened after that?"

  "You decided to take a shower to wash the contamination of the intruder. I guess it was then you were overcome by emotion. I carried you to bed and the doctor gave you a powerful sedative. That's why you're so groggy. By afternoon you should be back to normal, "said her father.

  Fran had hot water for a cup of tea for her. With slightly shaky hands Stacy took a sip. It felt good to her taste buds. "Fran would you please give me a glass of water?"

  "Here you are. I was already anticipating your needs. Now how about some scrambled eggs to give you poor body some protein?"

  "Maybe toast first and then the eggs."

  Father said, "Would you like to talk about it, or let it lay?"

  Stacy gave it a few seconds thought. She said, "Not much to talk about dad. I'm not going to roll over and play dead. But neither am I going to ignore the warning. It's pretty obvious this guy is more than a match for anyone to take on if he decides to perform his expert service. We have to catch him is all. It will probably take a trap and a darn good one to flush him out."

  "From what I've seen so far, and correct me if I'm wrong, but what have you to go on to catch this guy? What is the motive," said Ray.

  "Here, eat your toast, Stacy. I'll scramble an egg for you. Then I'd suggest, if you feel like it, take a shower and then see how you might feel for the rest of the day," said Fran acting like a mother would act towards any child.


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