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Murder at Police Station

Page 11

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  She was guided by a nurse to where they were. Both were sound asleep. Stacy went up first to Rory and combed back his hair. He moaned a little and that touched her heart. He was such a good looking man and nowadays, a real friend. He will be fine she thought, as she went to look at Ron. He looked young, but not baby faced at all. His skin was a little weathered with a rather small mouth. He was a good looking guy who would make a fine companion for a lucky woman.

  They left and after Ben had finished, they both went in and took a look at the body. Stacy did not know the woman, but when they had met before, she seemed put out that some strangers were asking questions. Now Stacy knew why she did not want anyone snooping around. Later, it was determined that more than a hundred thousand dollars had been taken from the facility.

  Easy said, "Look how far that knife has been buried in her chest. It must be six inches or more. That takes some real force. Death must have been almost instantaneous. Well they both, the doctor and his accomplice, can have a nice warm place to enjoy for a short while."

  "I think so Easy. Now we must catch this guy before he leaves town. I think we need to use myself as bait to catch him," she said, shocking Easy, and later others who tried to talk her out of it. Her father had a fit; Rory sat down and hung his head; Fran put her arm around her; Easy, gave her a wink; and Connie said nothing. In the end, it was decided she was going to be the bait to catch a killer. Ben, seemed to agree with her, but he also did not know how to protect her. They would have to rely on strangers like Easy, Able, Baker and Charley to handle the job.


  First to arrive at the scene was the coroner, followed by the grumpy CSI team. They were grumpy because of having to get up in the wee hours of the morning, and after two other crime scenes were clean of any evidence, they determined it was a waste of time.

  Dr. Spencer, on the other hand, was polite and forthcoming. After saying good morning he went in to inspect the crime scene. He looked at the scalped woman and shook his head. Stacy had followed him in and said, "Humans can be so violent. At least she was already dead by the time he took his trophy."

  "Stacy, four legged animals kill in their own certain way and never deviate. Most go for the throat after they drag them down. Humans, sadly, find various ways to kill another human being. Animals kill for food. Humans kill for reasons we don't always understand; including wars."

  "Not to mention motives Dr. Spencer. We humans find various reasons to kill another human. Anger is the worst motive for killing another person. Animals rarely kill for that reason. When I was young, we read about tigers who were man killers. The only reason they killed humans because they got in its territory, or were in pain."

  "Well Stacy, we chose this line of work and we must live with it. I'll let you know the results of the post mortem today, probably late this afternoon. I wish you the best catching this guy."

  Stacy went back to the hall way. Connie stood up and said, "Let's have a pow wow and see if we can find a way to stop this guy. Let's go to your situation room. Rory and Ron will have to catch up later on. At the station house, Ben looked at his watch, seeing it was close to four in the morning. He flashed back when he was a kid, and the milkman would be out delivering milk about now. He knew that it was close to getting-up time when the milk bottles rattled. That meant school time was close at hand. In those days it was hard to get out of a nice warm bed.

  After everyone was seated around the conference table, excluding Chief Ray, the group consisted of the four agents, Stacy, Sharon, Ben and Connie. Connie said, "Let's discuss some ideas about how we might catch this killer. Let's not pass the buck around, but say something that just might be the start of a plan. I'll start. From what I gather, the only evidence we have are some footprints and his DNA. We know his name, but that is about all. If he made the cake then he's either staying with a friend or renting a house or apartment. I doubt if he's renting, but that remains to be seen. I think he has a contact nearby. "

  "Now what are we going to do to catch him? It's obvious he's very clever and well trained. To catch him we have to be smarter than him. Sitting with us is the cleverest person I know when it comes to solving crimes," she said looking directly at Stacy.

  Stacy remained quiet and Ben spoke up and said, "Stacy mentioned a trap. If we all agree on a trap, it would have to be something the killer is not expecting. He's trained to expect the unexpected. Now what?"

  Sharon said, looking rather pensive, "If Stacy is used for bait, her father would have a fit. He's not about to agree to use his daughter to draw out a proven killer who so far has baffled everyone on his crime spree."

  "Well Stacy, you're the last one to speak about the method to use to apprehend the killer," said Connie, once again looking directly at her exceptional agent.

  Ben had noticed that Stacy had been staring at the wall with glassy eyes. That meant she was in her zone so to speak. He wondered if she had heard what anybody said. He smiled thinking she has a plan of sorts. He did not have long to wait as Stacy came back to the present time. She said, "Yes, a trap with me as bait. I haven't worked out all the details and I'd need my father for that end of things. I think we could, or might capture him using a net. We could think about using my father's woodshop for the place to set up the trap."

  Needless to say, the room went quiet. The four security agents sat stoic and silent. These were intelligent men and woman. Later they would discuss it amongst themselves and agree that Stacy had the best idea so far. However, they wondered if she could be protected from harm from this specific killer? It really did seem unlikely or doubtful they could protect her from the elusive Ghost Walker.

  Connie said, "Let's call a break to this meeting for now. I for one need a shower and a fresh change of clothes. Even though we had a delightful dinner last night, my stomach is growling. Maybe by breakfast time, we might have some new ideas. Easy, stay with Stacy and I think we should continue with the security around Stacy's house."

  When Stacy and Easy returned home, they found her father and Fran at the kitchen table drinking coffee and making plans for Fran's next few days. Stacy noticed her father looked very tired and stressed. Stacy said, after sitting down while Easy made some tea water, "Dad, Connie says she has a guy coming in a day or two to relieve you of your duties. She says the final Chief will come later after he settles his business back in Maine. He's a fisherman, so he should find a friend in Sam."

  "Now that's good news. I feel a ton of weight has lifted off me. You know old people don't like to change back and forth with what they're doing on a daily basis. We like to make a plan and stick to it. Just like now, with what Fran is doing. She has to make some food for someone today and tomorrow. She'll get the needed supplies, make the menu, then move on to the next one. Well, sorry to ramble on and on, but thanks for the news."

  Stacy took the mug of tea from Easy and said, "Dad you're not going to like my next conversation, but at least hear it through to the end. We have a tentative plan to catch the killer. I suggested we set a trap for the killer and use me for bait."

  Easy, was closely watching both her father and Fran. Fran's hand shot to her neck and father sat starring at the wall behind Stacy. The wall contained a nice print of some warm colors of flowers that Stacy's mother had framed. Easy was sure her father was not admiring the picture, but wondering how to control his emotions.

  He looked down and saw his daughter's strong face set in a familiar Foreham disposition of strength and determination. He said, "Tell me more about what you have planned."

  "I've just the basics, father. I think we could use a surprise to catch him. That surprise would be a net that falls down over top of him. I was thinking of sitting on top of your wood working table. To get to me, he'd have to jump up, or get on the table. A net over top of the table comes down catching him like they do wild animals. What do you think?"

  Stacy, was breathing hard, and her little heart was working over time. Just talking about her being bait, after he had already
violated her, made her heart rate accelerate. Fran still had a firm grip on her shirt next to her neck looking at her husband. Lord knows what was running through her mind. As a matter of fact, she was wondering how she got involved in this situation. It all seemed so smooth and peaceful when the two of them were working together doing the things they loved to do. But now, her husband looked like a stroke was eminent, and her step daughter was about to be the tied up goat for the tiger.

  Father said, "Where's Rory, I need him to develop a plan I have in the works. Stacy, I know you're set on doing this so I'd best make it as safe as possible. But don't forget, this guy will know it's a trap."

  "He's still sleeping at this time. They think he'll wake up around eight am. Meanwhile, what do you have in mind to keep me safe?"

  "Well, I'm thinking we could wall off the table under the four sides to keep the intruder from crawling underneath. On top you're sitting on a rug in the middle. Under the rug is a trap door which Rory will man from underneath. We'll need a word phrase to have him activate the door. You drop down onto a four inch mattress. Rory raises the door and braces it shut. This is presuming the killer climbs onto the table after you, when the net is dropped. I'm not sure how to rig that up, but I'm sure we've enough brain power around her to solve that problem."

  "I think it's brilliant," said Ben. Sam would know some fishermen who might have an idea or two.

  "See Dad," Stacy said, "already we have a good plan taking shape. Now if you'll excuse me I'll take a shower. I'm sure Easy would like one too. I'll make it brief Easy."

  Rory began coming to after being asleep for about nine hours. As he moved his head, a splitting headache attacked him. He raised an arm to see what time it was, and realized his eyes did not work so well. They registered light, but not focus. He closed his eyes and tried not to move his head. Then he heard Ron say, "Are we in heaven or just before we burn in hell. My whole body feels like a truck ran over me."

  "If this is heaven, then I choose the other direction. This hurts too much. We got shafted Ron. My mind tells me we were drugged. I'd guess Ms. Lewis is in the Happy Hunting Ground visiting with your relatives."

  "I can't see my watch. Any idea what time it might be," asked Ron.

  "Nope, but I think I hear footsteps approaching. Let's hope it's not the killer coming back to finish his job," said Rory as a fresh smelling nurse opened the door up.

  She said, "Good morning Marshall's. It's a lovely day out. Look out the window," as she opened the blinds to a bright sun lit day. Rory moaned and said:

  "What time is it Nurse?"

  "Seven thirty and time to rise and shine. Your boss called and wants you two showered and ready for breakfast in thirty minutes. Here take these pills. They'll kill the hangover. The showers are down where the exercise room is."

  Both moaned and groaned all the way to the showers, Both washed the pills down and stripped down to feel the hot spray relieve some of the tension. Ron dashed to his room for fresh clothes while Rory put on his old ones. He would change later, he thought. But now the pills were kicking in as well as the hunger pangs alerting him to fill up time.

  Stacy and her companions, were already sitting down when Rory and Ron came in. Stacy took a look at Rory and decided he was no worse for wear. Ron looked ready to go. Both said good morning and greedily looked at the familiar menu. Stacy said, "How'd the cake and coffee taste last night boys?"

  Rory's head snapped up looking across the table at Stacy. "Darn good for your information. We were had for sure. I suppose Ms. Lewis is no more," said Rory.

  "Yes, she died the same way. We're hoping you can give us a good description of the killer. We've his military photo, but a recent look would be better."

  Connie, who Ben had given a ride to said, "I'd guess the drug you were given is the date rape Rohypnol. I'm wondering if either of the two of you were abused in anyway?"

  The table cracked up laughing with Easy leading the way. Ben almost had a coughing fit. Stacy was shaking her head with one hand over her mouth. The three security guys were slightly smiling, not knowing whether or not to join in. Connie, with eyes twinkling was watching the two embarrassed men struggle with a comment. When they calmed down she said, "Sorry men, but sometimes my mouth speaks before the brain can shut it off."

  By the time breakfast was mostly finished, Sam came in kind of winded. Stacy thought he must have walked over to the station this morning. It was not that far, a little over a mile, but his age was showing. The three security dudes had left to see what they might do to contribute to the plan to catch the killer.

  Sam said, "Do I have time for some oatmeal?"

  "Of course and we need your input of a plan we have after you eat Sam," said Stacy.

  Rory said, "I'm still a bit hungry. I'll have a stack of toast and a couple scrambled eggs."

  The waitress wrote it down and hurried to the kitchen for the two orders. Connie left with Ben going to the station. One thing that was needed was a way to convey the message to the killer to come see Stacy. That was soon solved. Word in a small town rides on the stiff onshore breeze like Bandon, Oregon.


  John 'Iron Hawk' Martin sat in a wooden straight back chair listening to his mentor speak. Iron Hawk heard, "You know full well it's a trap John."

  "Of course it is. That's what makes it interesting. Even if they caught me, they couldn’t keep me. The point is that this Marshall lady won't leave me alone till she either catches me or I disappear."

  "Your job is finished here John. Pack up and disappear into Montana for the spring season to bask in your glory. I'm told the Canadians are in need of your services this coming summer.''


  After a prolonged time of study and discussion, the construction of the trap door and skirting of the work bench took place. Rory would be under the table with the ability to release the door where Stacy would be sitting. It would be very difficult for anyone to enter under the table. The sides, or skirting of the table was ¾ inch plywood fastened with screws. Once Stacy came through the trap door, the door would be quickly shut with two sliding locks.

  Sam, came up with the idea that a net was a good idea, but a clothe net would be easy to take a knife to. He suggested using a stainless cable with rubber coating for a net. He said could have it ready by nightfall.

  By late afternoon all was pretty much ready to go. Word had been sent out to reach the killers ears that a female US Marshall was waiting for him at her father's home. The wording was such that it was a challenge rather that an invitation for a friendly visit. The time for the meeting was set for midnight.

  Ron in plain clothes went downtown to listen to any gossip. His destination was specially at one known Indian tavern. That tavern was not far from the city fire department and one block off the dock area of the Coquille River. Rory went to Lloyd's Café where the locals hung out with Ben tagging along.

  The security agents had gone to take a rest before the nights work began. They would be delivered by Sergeant James in the van. They would arrive two hours before midnight. Two would be inside and two outside at any sign of trouble, both outside agents would proceed with caution.

  Easy, would stay with Stacy, while Connie went to her motel for a nap and to take care of back east business.

  At the Indian tavern, around nine pm, the door blew open letting a big draft of cold air to freshen the stale smell of beer and unwashed bodies. All eyes turned towards the open door waiting for someone to enter. However, a long thirty seconds went by and it closed by itself. Nobody had come or gone. Ron felt a shiver of dread run up and down his spine. He ordered another mug of beer and went back to talking with a young Indian guy from up-river.

  His friend was only part Indian from up the coast. He made his living fishing with whoever needed help during the season. Off season he did odd jobs. He admitted that he could do better, but he said an old lady offered him a back room if he kept the weeds from taking over her house. The arrangement worked well.

  Ron asjed, "What do you hear about the Sleep Walker murders?"

  Ron saw his new friend lower his eyes. When he looked up he said, "The killer is righting a wrong that has been overdue for hundreds of years. You know it and so do all of us Native Americans. Just today I heard there will be one more and then he's finished. Some of us think he is invincible. Others say he originally comes from China. No matter what, I'll be happy when he's gone. My uncle says that while he's been here an evil wind has been blowing. He also says that when it's over a great storm will sanitize the region and all things will return to normal. He wants all White men to forget about these crimes and put it all behind them."

  "I want to thank you for your friendship. Someday at a pow-wow maybe we can meet up again. This coming year I want to attend the pow-wow at Flat Head Lake in Montana," said Ron leaving a hefty tip behind. Once outside, he gave off a shudder and quickly called for a ride to the motel. It was still early and he needed a shower to wash off the stickiness from the tavern.

  At the woodshop Rory, Ben and Stacy's father were sitting around the wood stove sipping coffee. The time was just after nine. It was quiet without any wind to speak of, or rain for that matter. Ray looked worn out and his shoulders were sagging. He held his mug with both hands as if it would fall out at any time now. Rory decided to jabber a bit about nothing important. He said, "Ray, where are you getting your wood supply these days?"

  "Well, I'm not sure if you were aware of it or not. My friend Cliff left all his stock to me in his will. His son was not happy, but then to each their own. I made a deal with the kids and bought the land and building. I boarded up the windows and put some heavy bars to keep burglars out. So far so good. I've no idea what to do with the place but for now all is well."

  "Any news on how his competition is doing?"


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