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Murder at Police Station

Page 15

by Waggoner, Robert C.

"Motive and opportunity," Rory said. "All of them so far have motive and opportunity to do in the old lady."

  "Last, besides the daughter, is Sara Horner," said Stacy brushing back her short hair.

  "Don't know much about her or her husband. Not sure when they moved here, but can't have been very long ago. What I do know is they're from Europe and he's into real estate. It appears they've money. It's a grand house overlooking the ocean, I hear. Word did slip my way that Sara has an interest in writing so she joined the book club. But, word I get is, she was looking for Gloria to invest in one of her husband's ventures. Now you must all remember that little of what I say can be verified. Naturally rumors have a base of fact buried in them somewhere."

  Just at that moment James walked in with a big smile on his face. All looked at him wondering what he was so happy about. He said, "I found the daughter's year book picture. She graduated in 1965 making her fifty years old. Her full name is Erica Lee Abrams."

  "Good work Sergeant James," said a happy faced Stacy. Rory on the other hand was scowling. He knew how much James was in love with Stacy and quite frankly, resented his interest. Some day they would have it out, but not now.

  Stacy said, "Ben, why don't you see if you can run that trucking company down to see if they're still in business. If she got married, well, we'll have a tough time tracking her down."

  "Good idea, and as we will have some lengthy interviews, why not bring Sharon down to help out like last time. She does a great job," said Ben.

  Stacy nodded and went to the white board, while Ben moved to a small desk next to the window facing the back of the station. It was his favorite place to make his calls and while looking out the window. He began by calling his office in Eugene to have someone track down National Trucking. After that was done, he found the Coburg truck stop on his computer. A good ten minutes later he was connected to the day manager. The guy was nice enough and said he would check around with his fuel guys and get back with him. Ben said, "Now I'm holding you to that promise of getting back to me. If not, you can expect the food and health people coming to check your shorts out."

  Ben looked out the window with a big grin on his face. He really did not like to intimidate people, but murder was the nastiest thing you can do to a human. He had directly heard from killers that after the first one, the others are easy. The smile left while he shook his head thinking that for thousands of centuries man had been killing other men. The reality of it was that it would continue for, Lord knows how long into the future of mankind.

  Stacy walked over to Ben after seeing his long look on his face. She put a hand on his shoulder and said, "You okay, Ben?"

  "Yes, not bad. Just thinking that as soon as we solve this crime, another one is just around the corner. It never ends, Stacy."

  "I know what you're saying. Why do we do what we do? My university professor said to our class one time, 'Man resides at the top of the food chain. There's a reason he is there and I never forgot that. Let's go find this Sara Horner and see what she has to contribute to our case."

  Rory drove, dropping Sam off down town to snoop around. Just a few minutes later, they were driving south on the Beach Loop Road looking for Sara's home. It sat on the bluff overlooking the ocean, not far from the golf course. Rory said, ''I wonder what these places go for these days?"

  "Not in your budget, Tall Man," said Stacy. "However, if you expect to land me, I want a vacation house on the beach. It doesn't have to be giant, but a two bedroom place would suffice for me."

  The SUV, now parked in the driveway of Sara's home, was totally silent with Stacy grinning from ear to ear in the back seat. Ben reached over a smacked Rory lightly on the back of the head and said, "You heard her partner. Now quit eating and start saving your money!"

  A totally flustered Marshall Caltex hardly asked a question during their one hour interview with Sara Horner.

  A push of a button resounded throughout the house the sound of chimes at a church, thought Ben. A full minute went by and then the door opened to a woman who would never see fifty again. However, the evidence of plastic surgery contrasted with the arm skin with their sagging age. She was dressed for an afternoon tea, thought Stacy. With her summer sleeveless plaid dress and a necklace of pearls, she did look the part of a socialite. Stacy particularly like the sandals she wore. They were a lovely leather made in Italy, she would later find out as Sara did a lot of name dropping concerning fashions.

  Stacy showed her Marshall Badge and introduced Ben and Rory using their full titles. Sara, as she asked to be called by her first name, paid close attention to first Ben and then her eyes quickly traveled up and over to Rory. Stacy was used to women admiring Rory, but for some reason this old lady drooling over him was too obvious. It was possible that Sara saw the look on Stacy face out of the corner of her heavily massacred eyes. Sara got the reaction she was looking for. However, small things come in powerful packages. This duel was a long ways from being over.

  After sitting down comfortably in the living room with plate glass windows giving the feeling of surround-sound view, Stacy said, "What we know so far in the murder of Kay Abrams is that all of the book club members are suspects. If you're aware of the implication, Sara, then you realize we have to ask some hard and personal question. Now, if you'd like, you are welcome to have an attorney present while we ask questions?"

  Sara was still glancing back and forth between Stacy and Rory. Ben had risen and was snooping around and then pretending to admire the view. Sara said, while still looking at Rory, "I don't mind being questioned without an attorney. Well – at least for the time being. If you cuff me and drag me to the police station, then I'll call my attorney."

  "What exactly was your relationship with the victim Kay Abrams," asked Stacy sitting on the edge of her chair with a legal pad on her lap.

  "Well, quite frankly, I was bored with staring at the ocean all day long. I'd heard about a book club in town. While in Europe, I wrote some poetry that others said were publishable, but I never got around to it. I thought I might get some names of agents from the book club. So, I rang up Kay and received an invite to the next meeting. That was about six months ago."

  "I didn't ask why you joined the book club, but what your personal relationship with the victim was. How did you get along with her?"

  A tinge of red invaded her upper cheeks as she realized she had not answered the question, but rambled off on another direction. She recovered and said, "She was a tyrant and a know-it-all bitch of a woman."

  Stacy thought the same of this tall slender woman. At least she had not dyed her lovely silver grey hair." "Okay, then if she was such a tyrant and a bitch, why did you continue going to the meetings?"

  "Look," said Sara crossing and uncrossing her long legs for a glimpse, if Rory wanted to, a peek up her dress, "You're going to find out anyway. I'm sure you'll run a background check on all of us. The reason I hung out there was to somehow see if Kay Abrams would float my husband a loan. However, when I purposed it to her – well – she literally laughed in my face! I might add, Stacy, being laughed at is not motive enough to kill a person."

  "It doesn't automatically discount you as a suspect either," said Rory teasingly looking at her skinny legs.

  "Let's take this a bit further, Sara. What does your husband want a loan for?"

  "I think that is none of your damn business, Marshall,'' said a suddenly angry Sara Horner.

  "When it comes to murder, privacy goes out the window, Ms. Horner," said an equally forceful Stacy.

  "Also, Ms. Horner," added Ben, "we need to know to further eliminate you from suspicion. You'd best tell us the truth. Besides, we'll find out anyway so it's in your best interest to tell us all the facts."

  There was a brief silence while she mulled it over. Another cross and uncross the legs hoping Rory would gander at her white underwear said; "We're looking at 800 acres of ocean view property. We'd like to build a resort similar to the one here in Bandon. However, this one won't have
golf course but mostly an over fifty living and retirement community. We purchased the property and now we're looking for investors. That's the reason for the loan."

  "Just for our benefit where is this property located," asked a quiet spoken Ben.

  "It's between here and Port Orford. Just exactly where, I'm not sure," she said warming to a good looking Ben. It was obvious that Rory was not taking the bait so she thought Ben might be interested in a taste of a high socialite that Stacy was sure, could give a good account of her in any situation.

  "One final question, "Who do you think might have poisoned the victim?" asked Stacy.

  "The VP Nancy Brown. If looks could kill, then when she looked and spoke to Kay, there were more than just daggers flying back and forth."

  "Thanks, This will not be the last time we need some answers to a few questions. The more we know the more we want to know. Thanks for your time," said Stacy as they rose to leave the stifling perfumed filled air.

  In the car driving back, Stacy asked, "God, Tall Man, did you get a good look up her dress?"

  "I got a fairly good look as I was playing with her to maybe open up a little bit. I'm really not into women who are not much younger than my mother."

  "Ben, what do you think?" asked Stacy.

  "If she knows there might be an offspring, we ought to keep her on our prime list for the time being."

  "I think we need Sharon down here again. I'll call and have her hire a private plane to fly her down here. We could use her phone talents and note taking," said Stacy, as they pulled into the station's parking lot.

  Rory looked at his watch thinking it was about time for his stomach to greet the nourishment necessary for his body. Indeed, he was ready, but the way Stacy was hurrying to the situation room, left him wondering when dinner would be had.

  Stacy went to the white board after calling Sharon. Sharon would be on her way and here before dark. Sharon was way ahead of the game having her ditty bag already sitting beside her desk hoping Stacy would call for her again like the last time. She loved the adventure that came along once in awhile to relieve the boredom of everyday life. The only thing missing was a guy friend. There was, however, another reason for wanting to go to Bandon. That Sergeant James had the looks and personality she was longing for.

  "Okay, we have one down and four to go. I've listed all as our prime suspects and it appears we might have a long ways to go before we can eliminate any of them. I've put on our list the name of the housekeeper as a possible suspect. It's rather doubtful she murdered her employer, but let's not discount anyone on this case who had access to the victim." Stacy looked at her watch and realized it was probably time for something to eat. She said, "Why don't you guys go over the restaurant while I call the attorney. We need to hear about the victim's last will and testament."'Ben and Rory left while Stacy rang up Brad Mason in Coos Bay.

  Brad's secretary, Ellie Stamp answered in a pleasant voice. Stacy told her who she was and what she wanted. Ellie said, "Let me transfer you to Mr. Stamp. He's just getting ready to leave for home."

  "Brad Mason speaking," he said rather gruffly, but not overly so. It was the end of the day and time to go home for an evening cocktail.

  Stacy said, "I'm Marshall Foreham Mr. Mason. I'm investigating the murder of one of your clients. If you are not already aware of her demise, she passed on last night after she went to bed. She was poisoned. What I am asking for is an account of her last will and testament. That would help us in our investigation."

  "Yes Marshall. I'm aware of her death. The will is a little complicated and if you would come see me just after lunch tomorrow that would be convenient for me. I'm due in court in the morning."

  "That would be fine with me. I'll see you around one pm then. Thanks for your time."

  Stacy walked out to join her team across the street. She noticed the Chief's office was dark and empty. She shrugged her shoulders and could not have cared less. She had work to do and time was slipping by.

  Stacy felt a few rain drops as she scurried across the highway. Once inside it felt warm and comfortable, with most of the crowd being locals. Ben and Rory were having the special for the night and that sounded good to Stacy as well. She said, "We've an appointment with the attorney at one pm tomorrow. He did mention that the will and testament was not quite straight forward, but a little complicated. What do you guys think of the housekeeper being a suspect?"

  "I for one, don’t see a motive for her being a suspect. But then who knows what puts someone over the edge to take another person's life?" asked Ben

  "I get on well with older folks, so I'm thinking I should go visit this housekeeper. Maybe she'll add some tidbits of information we can use later. I'll take some fresh donuts to make her happy." said Rory cleaning the last remnants of his mashed potatoes.

  "Sounds good. Ben and I'll go to Coos Bay while you're interrogating the housekeeper," said Stacy forking her salad before the meatloaf came.

  After dinner they received a call from Sharon who was at the local airport. Ben drove out to pick her up. He drove back to his motel and Sharon checked in. Stacy had decided to call it a night and hit it fresh tomorrow. Ben and Rory both thought it a little strange that Stacy ended the first day so early. But, as they had come to know, she had her own mind and schedule to work with. For whatever reason, they retired early. Sharon ordered a pizza and put a call into James to tell him she was in town. He answered right away and said, "Hi, Sharon, and welcome back to Bandon. I just got off duty and was headed home."

  "I just ordered a pizza and if you'd like, come by the motel and join me," said an almost out of breath Sharon.

  "Sounds good. I'll be there in a few minutes. What room number are you in?"

  Sharon told him and after hanging up, ran to the bathroom mirror for an inspection of her hair and face. She thought that maybe this could be a night to remember.

  Ben, took the opportunity to first call home, and then put on a sweater and coat for a walk on the beach. The rain that came earlier was just a shower and it passed on to the north. A big moon was over-head providing enough light to negotiate the trail down the bluff to the beach. Ben never tired of the beach and its roaring sound of waves crashing onto the beach.

  While he walked north to the jetty, he thought about the case of the old woman being poisoned. The barrier might be the age and experience with questioning to thwart the investigators. These old women knew how to evade a question. Also they knew how to pass the blame onto someone else. The only new one, besides Sara Horner, was Twila Darwin. Ben was sure they could pick up some outside observations from her about the other members.

  Meanwhile he moseyed on flashing back on his chat with the wife about the kids. As usual they only wanted money and never wanted to have a general conversation about anything. Ben asked his son one day how he could take a shower without holding onto his cell phone. The son did not think it was very funny. Ben thought he landed a good one across his smart mouth son.

  Ben felt good hiking and cleared his mind while thinking about other things like the tide and other beach things that lived there. It felt peaceful and tranquil. However, it was time for a rest as he turned back to the motel on the cliff.


  Stacy and Rory both were happy that the contractor had finally installed a large capacity water heater. Now they could take long showers. Stacy rose before Rory and left to have tea with her father and Fran. She wanted to discuss the case with him. She felt there was more than met the eye when it came to Gloria Abrams. Also, she hoped to glean more information from the lawyer later today.

  Fran said, after Stacy was seated, "How's some scrambled eggs sound?"

  "As the English say, 'wouldn't say no'."

  "I've some left over ham for Rory. You want some?"

  "No thanks, but I'll make some toast. Has dad eaten yet?"

  "No, not yet. He's a little slow this morning. I think he's adjusting to the retirement program very nicely. He'll be out in a minute. The wa
ter is hot in the pot so help yourself."

  Ray walked in looking fresh and ready for a days' work in the shop. He said, "Good morning all." He sat down as Fran hurried to pour his coffee. "Well, daughter of mine, what's up with your case of poison? It sounds like an Agatha Christie murder to me."

  "We interviewed Sara Horner yesterday. She joined the book club to see if Gloria Abrams would be interested in loaning or investing in some property down Port Orford way. It seems her husband is into real estate. Well, Gloria turned her down with a laugh and a few snide remarks."

  "That doesn’t surprise me," he said while pouring some milk and a dab of brown sugar in his coffee. "At one time I was fairly sure I knew what Abram's was doing, but I've lost track over the years. He was – so they say – one hell of a good business man. They also say he was tight fisted and pound foolish. One story is he'd go to Lloyds Café for coffee and leave with the Café's paper, he was so cheap."

  As Rory walked in Stacy said, "I'm going to see her attorney after lunch today. He said the will was a little complicated. There was only the one daughter so it seems to me a little convoluted to find out if the daughter is even alive. Well, we'll see."

  Rory said, good morning after she finished talking. Fran had just scrambled Stacy's eggs and handed her the plate. Rory looked on like a household pet, wagging his tail. Fran said, "Hold on big boy and how many eggs do you want?"

  "I'm cutting back Fran. Just four eggs please," he said with a straight face. Stacy laughed and so did Ray. Fran chuckled and scrambled four fresh from the farm eggs.

  "Know much about Nancy Brown, Dad," asked Stacy.

  "She's from Coos Bay, but it seems that she visits here on a regular basis. Sam always sees her around town or driving up the hill to see Gloria Abrams. She was or is a social person who longs for the higher class of people. She's an author, I'm told. Bill Stevens, our former mayor, told me a story about her a few years back. It seems she knocked on his door one afternoon. Veronica answered the door looking rather strangely at the unknown visitor. He said she invited both of them to a house party at her house up in Coos Bay. Veronica was quick on her feet. She asked what was the date and went to her calendar. She told Nancy they were busy that night, but would take a rain check some other day. The visitor left in a huff, according to Bill."


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