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Murder at Police Station

Page 18

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  If anyone asked, she would tell them it just comes into her brain. One person who never asked, but nowadays took it for granted, was Connie Wilson, their boss back in D.C. Connie came to expect a quick solve rate with his prize Marshall Foreham and of course, the team fit into that group as well.

  "Let's go eat, after Sharon finds Erica. I'm a little hungry after a hard day's work," Stacy said again with a nice smile. Rory loved that smile. He also loved every inch of her from top to bottom. He quickly was reminded of what she said earlier about having a nice place to live overlooking the ocean. He would, subtly ask a few questions to that end, but ever more than in passing. The last thing he wanted to do was push her. That pushing could leave him standing outside looking in. He shuddered at the thought.

  Sharon said, "Stacy I've got Erica on the phone. She wants to talk to you."

  Walking over to the phone, Stacy talked with her for twenty minutes. She gave her the lawyer's phone number to have traveling money sent. A police officer would pick her up at the North Bend airport when she had her schedule arranged. Later she told everyone that Erica was sad to hear her mother had passed, but realized she was elderly. Stacy also told them that she had twin girls who were handicapped, but could travel just fine.

  Just before they left for dinner, Stacy told them she would catch up with them after a call to Connie back east. Rory led the way with the rest hot on his heals. Even Sam seemed to be enjoying the time spent with the investigative team.

  As always, Connie answered right away. "You've got a doozy you're working on?"

  "You could say that – or I could say – a heck of a job to catch a killer. That is --what I mean is – let's use your word: doozy. All five of the suspects have motive and opportunity that is equal among them. All I've got at the moment is a hunch that came for observation of a body gesture."

  "Your 'hunches' have served you well in the past Stacy. Stay with that thought and do what you do best with your work. I've got to run now, darn it, always a problem when it's time for a national election."

  Stacy walked across the street to join her team. Strangely the wind had died down which was a bit unusual for the coastal area. It felt good for a change. Just as she opened the door, a flash back occurred. It was prom night and a bunch of seniors were gobbling up free milkshakes from the owner. After the nice treat, they all went to the beach for a bonfire outing. In her crowd no drinking was experienced, but some of the more rowdy bunch was heard screaming and yelling way down the beach.

  As fast as the flashback came, so did it drift away and she found her team enjoying dinner. Rory stood up and offered her his chair while he went to get another one. She quickly ordered and joined the small talk. Afterwards, she said, "Tall Man, I'm going for a walk on the beach. When I came in the wind had died down. I think I'd enjoy a nice walk smelling the salty air. I'll call you when I'm ready to come home. I'll walk from Sam's when we drop him off."

  Rory was not particularly thrilled with her walking the beach alone, but she was packing so that really did not matter. She could handle anyone with a gun neatly tucked away and easily fetched for use. He dropped Sam and her off then went to the wood shop to do some sanding on a project of Ray's. Ray and Fran would still be at the restaurant. Rory found sanding led to some good thinking time. Instead of concentrating on the case, he spent his time dwelling on his relationship with Stacy. He thought about marriage, but that really did not seem plausible at all. The reason being, he did not know how to live with someone and neither did her. It would be a disaster. It always went full circle for him. He knew he had to settle for what was available and that was the end of the story.

  Stacy found the ocean at slack tide. That was part of the reason there was very little wind and the smell of sea creatures permeated the air. When she arrived at the beach from Sam's place, she checked behind her for anyone that might be sneaking up on her, and with only a half moon to see by, looked south down the beach. Nobody was out and about. She found a walking stick and meandered down the beach thinking about the case at hand.

  It was an hour later when she found herself at the creek near Devils Kitchen. Devils Kitchen was an enclave where picnickers could hide from the wind coming off the sea. Kids could play in the shallow creek while parents cooked fried chicken. Stacy was surprised she had come so far. She turned and walked briskly back towards the jetty in a stiffening breeze with the incoming tide.

  When Rory picked her up, she had that look about her that said she had pretty much solved the case. He felt better knowing he would be spending some quality time after the case was solved. However, there was still some work to be done before they could wrap it up.


  While Stacy was walking the beach and Rory was sanding a table, newly appointed President of the Book Worm Club, Nancy Brown, was holding a gathering of her members in her home. It was cramped, to say the least, but the news they would all be going to a writer's convention in Portland this coming fall, space really did not matter.

  Kay Strong was also invited. She felt a little out of place, but someone had brought some delicious looking blue berry muffins with a candle sticking out of each one. Kay was lucky to catch a ride with Sara Horner. The party was a grand success with all committed to the Portland trip; except Kay Strong.

  The last thing they did was eat the muffin and chase it with some coffee. A few minutes later they were out the door and into their cars driving home. Nobody noticed Kay was not walking so well nor having any trouble getting into the car. However by the time Sara had reached down town Coos Bay, she heard and saw Kay being violently sick. She pulled over and stopped. A half hour later, she was pronounced dead. From what Sara remembered about Gloria's death that it was potassium chloride as the poison responsible; she saw the same symptoms as previously described.

  Stacy was preparing for bed when her cell phone went off. It was Dr. Spencer from the coroner's office. He said, "Bad news, Stacy. It appears we've another case of poisoning that reeks of suspicion. Her name is Kay Strong from Bandon. The call came in from Sara Horner. She told the police she and her friend Kay had been to a book club meeting at Nancy Brown's house. I'll perform the autopsy tomorrow morning. It has all the hallmarks of potassium chloride."

  "Thanks, Dr. Spencer. If anything out of the ordinary pops up when you do the post, let me know please."

  Stacy called the Coos Bay Police Station. She received a less than professional greeting from an obviously bored dispatcher. Stacy gave her ID and then voice changed to one of sharpness in attention. Stacy asked her about the homicide that had just occurred and if there were any homicide detectives on the case yet.

  "Yes, Marshall Foreham there're two at the residence of Nancy Brown presently. Let me give you the lead detective's phone number.” Stacy wrote down Detective Harris phone number. Stacy thanked the officer and made the call to Steve Harris.

  "Harris here. A little busy right now. Who's calling please?"

  "This is Marshall Stacy Foreham, presently in Bandon working on a homicide that has the same modus of death with the Book Worm Club."

  "Yes, I read about that Marshall. Apparently the victim was a member or acquaintance of the book club. I'm here at Nancy Brown's home now. She is quite shaken up, but gave us an overview of the night's events. The other members have gone home."

  "How was the death reported Detective Harris?"

  "Just call me Steve. One of the members was transporting the victim home when she became violently sick. A Sara Horner called 911. I've her statement and the resident's statement. I'll fax both to you soon as I file them."

  "Thanks Steve and my name is Stacy. I prefer the given name to the official title while here in my home town."

  "Call me anytime you need some assistance, Stacy," said a smooth talking man.

  Stacy decided to sleep on it for the time being. It really did not make sense to interview the suspects at this hour. Sure it gave the killer time to form an alibi, but that would not be any big issue with her inve
stigation. The motive of fifty thousand going into the surviving members pocket was definitely a good reason for ending a life," she thought sarcastically.

  Stacy was inside her house while Rory slept out in the motor home. It was not that she minded sleeping with him, but while on a case, she slept so lightly any movement or noise woke her up. In her house, in her bedroom, she slept soundly. Once in a great while she would hear her father walking softly about checking the house for any sign of something out of the ordinary.

  Once in bed she gave the case a once over. She was pretty sure who was the murder at this point, but she must confirm with some solid evidence and not speculation. If Kay had been poisoned, then it stood to reason she ate what killed her. Tomorrow after the autopsy, she would know what she ate. She closed her eyes.

  It was at this point a sharp pain was felt between her breasts. The night of the reoccurring nightmare made her shudder. The killer had entered this very room after passing silently through her father's bedroom window. The killer sliced the buttons on her pajama top revealing her smooth white skin. He then cut his hand to draw some blood. He plaqced the blood on a finger and lightly drew a circle over her heart with an X on it. He left a note to not investigate further or she would die.

  She fought the thoughts from her brain. Some deep breathing with making her body relax helping her finally fall asleep. Her father stood outside her door with a keen ear listening to his only child falling asleep. It was so vivid a memory that horrible night not so long ago when she discovered she had been violated. He shuddered thinking about her sobbing and trying to scrub away the violation on her chest in the shower. She felt so small and vulnerable at that time. He was oblivious to the shower pouring hot water down on both of them. When Fran came in with a big beach towel, he felt better with some help for his daughter.

  Ray shook his head, listened one more time, heard nothing and went off to bed. Fran was wide awake and asked, "Is everything alright, Ray?"

  "Yes, I think so. I think she still has some trepidation from that incident awhile back. I realize that the older we get our offspring become more important in our lives. Of course they are always important, but I feel like a mother hen with her last chick before it goes out on its own. When she was back east at the university, I worried less than I do now. Anyway, thanks for being there, Fran. Now let's get some sleep," he said as he laid out his arm so she could snuggle against his should and chest.

  Stacy was up as dawn broke, casting a blue grey light through the kitchen window. She could see the dark row of pines at the back of their property that separated two acres of land. After she put some hot water on the stove, she ran out and woke up Rory. He came awake quickly when she told him there had been another murder. Next, she called Ben to have him and Sharon meet at the station house.

  Back in the kitchen, father was fully dressed, ready for whatever came his way for the day. Most days he worked in the wood shop, and helped Fran with the restaurant prep. He gave his daughter a big hug and she said, "Why the big hug dad?"

  "Not sure, but I guess I'm happy to see you back in form. I've a feeling you are close to solving this crime."

  "I thought I was until last night when I found out another member of the book club was murdered in the same way as Gloria Abrams was."

  "Oh my," he said sitting down at the table with a big sigh. Stacy poured a cup of coffee and her tea. Ray crossed his legs at the ankles and said, "You know Stacy, with the finger pointing at each member of the book club, how can one of them be as brazen as to murder within such close quarters?"

  Stacy sat opposite her father at the table and said, while stirring her tea, "If we can determine who laced the snack, we've got our killer. However, this killer is as sharp as nails. I expect a dead end on the 'how did' the killer administer the food with poison."

  Rory came in with wet hair and breathing a little hard. Stacy smiled, thinking he did not need a full water heater for this morning's shower. He said good morning and plopped down with his back to the kitchen window. Opposite him, Fran, or a visitor, always sat in the chair nearest the kitchen work area. It was reserved for Fran; who at that moment, came into the kitchen with a towel wrapped around her head from the shower. Ray jumped up to fetch her cup of coffee. Fran sat down with her good 'mornings' around the table. She saw the glum looks around the table and said, "Well, why so sad looking on this fine morning?"

  Stacy volunteered to inform Fran what had transpired last night. Like most people, who are shocked by any senseless killing, shook her head with the news. Fran accepted the cup of coffee and said, "You'd think we lived in Chicago with all the recent deaths we've had in the last year.

  "You know there're three times as many police officers than residents of Bandon," said Rory looking rather smug with the nugget of trivia he just passed.

  "Let's give Fran a break and eat breakfast out. We can join with Ben and Sharon. We need to begin our recent homicide investigation soon. I fear more are coming if we don't put this person on ice," said Stacy, rising to get dressed for work.

  At the station, Ben and Sharon, along with Sergeant James Fletcher, were talking in low tones. Rory wondered why they were being so quiet. He found out the new dispatcher had a pipe line to the mayor. It was clearly evident, when the afternoon Coos Bay World newspaper had the latest murder splashed across the front page. Needless to say, Stacy was fuming, but decided to hold her cool until she was informed of the exact cause of death.

  Meanwhile, after breakfast they had the morning's work scheduled: Rory would interview the secretary Norma Caldwell, Ben would see Bee Haven the treasurer, and Stacy would go to Coos Bay and interview the VP Nancy Brown. After her visit with Nancy Brown, Stacy would visit the morgue and Dr. Spencer. That left Twila Darwin and Sara Horner for Ben and Rory to schedule at their convenience. Sharon would go with Stacy. James was asked to do the driving for Stacy and after he informed his boss, off they went.

  As usual, Stacy rode in the back, leaving the passenger's side for Sharon. There was not a doubt in Stacy's mind that both Sharon and James had a thing for each other. Stacy smiled and James saw her smiling in the mirror. He turned a slight shade of red knowing nothing got by Stacy Foreham. A slight shrug of the shoulders made him relax and do his job, putting aside, the longing he had for another night of pizza in her hotel room.

  A knock on the door brought forth a woman who looked ten years older than the last time Stacy talked to her. Black circles, accentuated age lines, and a poor attempt at makeup made Nancy Brown apologize for her appearance. Stacy mumbled some platitudes and followed Nancy into the small living room. Sharon took out her notebook, while James looked impressive standing at the front door. It gave the impression of keeping the suspect from running, but in fact he was only there to observe.

  Stacy said, "Let's assume that the muffin was laced with poison. Where did the muffins come from Ms. Brown?"

  "I really don't know for sure," she said squirming in her rocker. "It was around five pm when a knock on the door occurred. A young lady with a yellow hat told me these were for the meeting tonight. She took out a note from her shirt pocket and read: 'Enjoy, only after the meeting, with coffee.' That's all I know Marshall."

  "The delivery girl didn't say where she was from," asked a puzzled looking Stacy.

  "No but the small van she was driving had a name of a delivery service. I can't remember the name though. Sorry about that," said Nancy looking down at her hands that held an unlit cigarette. Her hand was shaking so hard it was doubtful she could have put a match to it. James had to look away it was so pitiful.

  James left to track down a delivery service where their employees wore yellow hats. Ten minutes later he found what he was looking for: 'The Bests Service in CB.' He walked quickly back to the house. He let himself in just as he heard Stacy ask, "Ms. Brown, until we can locate a delivery service and trace its origin to the muffin maker, you are our prime suspect in this homicide."

  Nancy Brown broke down into a fit of tears lea
ving trails of makeup down her lined face. Stacy stood up and said, "You have a good cry Nancy. We'll keep you informed of what develops." Sharon stood and James held the door open for them to pass.

  Stacy was already calling Dr. Spencer as they entered the car. James waited patiently to tell Stacy he had found the 'yellow hat' delivery service. Both James and Sharon herd her tell Dr. Spencer they would be there in a few minutes. James said, "The yellow hat delivery service is 'The Bests Service in CB'. I've got their phone number and here you can use mine to call them. Just tap the screen and away you go Stacy."

  "Good work James. Keep it up and you'll be seeing more of Sharon than maybe you want to," she said with a nice sounding laugh. James and Sharon both turned a few shades of embarrassing red. Both were staring straight out the front window.

  It was only a short ten minute drive to the morgue. Stacy had just connected when James signaled to enter the parking lot. They heard her say, "This is US Marshall Foreham calling to speak to the manager please." James and Sharon hoped that this would lead directly to the murderer. But James realized that this would probably be too easy. The killer was clever and would not leave a trail to his or her door.

  Stacy said, "You made a delivery to a Ms. Brown house about 5 pm yesterday. What I need is the person who ordered the muffins and all the particular details of the transaction. This is in regards to a murder investigation and I'll call you back in two hours for that information. Thanks and good bye."

  James said, "We're here now Stacy. Do you want me to stay with the car?"


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