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Fragments of Light

Page 42

by Beth Hodgson

  A servant came by, offering Derek his third glass of wine. The dark liquor made his blood boil instead of calming him down. He glanced over at his polished reflection in the sleek blackness of the marbled walls. He looked the best he had ever looked, dressed in his most expensive royal garb and glittering gems.

  Why hadn’t Emerald arrived yet?

  She had shut herself away from Derek the last few days, only making brief appearances to meet with him. No matter how much he tried to lighten her mood, Emerald seemed distant. Her eyes stared at nothing, not truly focusing on the world around her. Not even the wedding planning seemed to make her happy, which made Derek stir with anguish.

  If Emerald hadn’t left the palace, none of this would have happened. She had been perfectly in love with him, and he her, before she had escaped. But since the princess’s return, Derek could tell her heart was not convinced. And that thought made Derek worry. Immensely.

  Was it that man, Kyle, or was it the freedom she had tasted? Derek had a feeling that it was the man, in which case, only time could make her forget about him. And she would forget him eventually. After all, when Derek’s transport arrived in the wastelands, Kyle Trancer was half dead. The only thing that likely remained of the man was his bones, as the vultures had probably picked away his flesh.

  And if he’d somehow survived his injuries, he probably died of dehydration, starvation, or crawled his way back into the lower levels of Arcadia where he belonged. He didn’t deserve to even be in the presence of the princess. The man was a nobody. Derek had waited his whole life to be with Emerald, and he wasn’t going to let some piece of filth get in the way of his happiness. And when Damaris finally stepped down, Derek would officially be declared king. And Derek would allow Emerald to have her freedom—on the upper levels, of course, like any other royal.

  Just when Derek was about to start his fourth glass of wine, a shocking pain ran through him. His wine glass fell on the floor, shattering into pieces, as his body went numb.

  Why haven’t you gotten the blood for me? We had a deal!

  Another lance of pain twisted Derek on the inside, causing him to slump over in his chair. One of the dinner attendants noticed and came running to him.

  “Your Highness, are you unwell?”

  Derek grimaced, waving him away. “Yes, but it’s just a small headache. I’ll be okay. Leave me be.”

  The dinner attendant stared at him with concern, hesitantly backing away.

  “I said let me be!” Derek yelled as he slammed his hand on the table.

  The dinner attendant blinked at his sharp words. He bowed, then hurriedly scuttled away while Derek’s chest pains continued to rock through him.

  I want my blood. Now! I grow impatient waiting for you.

  I cannot… I just cannot hurt her! She will hardly even see me! Derek snapped at Ikaria’s voice in his head.

  That’s not my problem. Get me her blood before I change my mind and have Damaris take everything back from you.

  Just give me more time! Derek answered. I’ll find a way.

  You had better.

  Right at that moment, Emerald appeared across the dining hall. His heart skipped a beat just seeing her walk gracefully across the hall, her bright image sweeping through the darkness of the marbled floors. She was his, soon to be his queen.

  Emerald approached, bowing slightly. Her green eyes met his, devoid of her once vibrant enthusiasm, replaced with a pitted despair. Her attention turned to the shattered glass on the floor, but she made no remark or expression regarding it.

  “Derek, please forgive me for being late. I was caught up in something and didn’t realize the time.” She took her chair, then accepted a servant’s glass of wine. The servants began bringing out the dinner for the two of them.

  “What kept you?” Derek asked, realizing that the edge in his voice made the question sound harsher than he’d intended.

  “I was painting.”

  “Painting what?”

  Emerald hesitated. Her silence told him more than anything else could have. Sweat began to bead on his forehead, and his body became flush.

  “Emerald, is everything all right?”

  Emerald bit her lip and lowered her eyes. “Yes, Derek, everything is fine. Why do you ask?”

  “It is just… since you have been back at the palace, you seem melancholy,” Derek began, reaching for her hand across the table, gently touching her fingers. “What happened to you out there? Who was that nobody that you were on the run with? You have hardly told me anything, and it has been days since you have been back—”

  “He is not a nobody,” Emerald interrupted.

  Derek’s chest flared up in a rage, but he managed to keep it down. He put down his fork and slid the plate away, annoyed. “Fine. He is not a nobody. That man… Who is he? How did you end up with him?”

  “He saved me in the lower levels from another man that was harassing me.”

  “Saved you?” Derek repeated the word out loud. “And you willingly went riding with a stranger from the lower levels? Just like that?”

  Derek could have sworn he heard Ikaria’s laugh in the back of his mind at that moment, but with all the pent-up frustration flooding through his mind, he wasn’t quite sure.

  “Derek, can we please talk about something else?”

  Leaning in, Derek whispered sharply, “Emerald, if we are to wed, you must be willing to trust me. That means no secrets between us. Including what all happened to you outside of the palace.”

  “There are no secrets between us.”

  “Really? What about your power? You have not confided in me about that.”

  Emerald gasped, her eyes wide. The servants paused for a second as they filled their wine glasses in disbelief, then immediately filed out of the room in haste.

  “Your expression tells me everything. You did not trust me, did you?” Derek muttered flatly. “Just like how you will not talk to me about what happened outside of these palace walls.”

  “Derek… I… hardly anyone knows about that.”

  “But I bet Kyle knows about it, doesn’t he? You were spotted with him when you used your magic to escape Arcadia.” The last statement slipped out his mouth unintentionally, but he had thought about it constantly.

  Emerald’s eyes began to tear, which then made Derek feel awful. Why was it that everything that came out of his mouth sounded worse than it was? It was that damn witch in the back of his mind. He never was short with anyone, and now she was making all sorts of trouble.

  “What is wrong with you? Why are you being like this?” Emerald whispered, her eyes filled with tears.

  Ikaria’s laugh echoed in Derek mind for certain, causing him to flinch. Leaning over the table, Derek stroked Emerald’s face gently as a tear ran down her cheek. “Emerald, I… I didn’t mean what I said. I just can’t… I can’t bear the thought of someone else invading your thoughts. Please, let us pick up where we left off before you ran away,” Derek whispered in her ear, stroking her hair.

  Another tear ran down her cheek as she rose from her seat. “I need time to think.”

  “About what?”

  “About us.”

  Derek shot up, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to him. Lowering his voice, he stated, “You want to go back to the life you had with your father? Truly? With me, I would give you the world. Your freedom!”

  Emerald flashed her green eyes, piercing him. “At what cost?” Looking at the hand that held her arm, she shoved it away, then took off.

  “Where are you going?” Derek roared.

  Emerald quickly spun around to face him. “Anywhere but here! You are worse than my father!” Her bright-green eyes flashed of bitterness, then she quickly ran out the door. As she did so, several servants came into the room with more wine and food.

  Derek became acutely aware of the servants’ reactions as the princess ran past them. Embarrassment came over him, which fueled his temper even further.

g up from his seat, Derek threw it aside violently, sending it smashing to the floor. He ran after Emerald. Anyone who stood in his way—servants, guards—Derek pushed them aside. And each time he did so, it made him even more angry. It felt good releasing his pent-up rage on those around him.

  As Derek was about to exit the room, a man who was as nearly tall and muscular as him stood in the entrance, blocking his way.

  “Move!” Derek snapped at the man, attempting to push him aside.

  The man didn’t budge from Derek’s force, but instead remained in his position, staring at Derek, flashing his orange eyes.

  Suddenly, Derek became acutely aware that it was the cyborg that was in front of him, masking himself as a noble. His cybernetic eye and the circuitry were gone, and instead the cyborg wore a rich black robe and thick black-framed glasses. The cyborg was far from acting like a lord, as his movements were still completely mechanical.

  The intense orange glow of his eyes flashed one last time, almost as if the machine was threatening him to stay away from Emerald. But Derek would be damned if he was going to let this cyborg stand in the way of him and Emerald. He would not be intimidated.

  “Let’s get this straight, robot,” Derek said, getting into the cyborg’s face. “If you ever come between me and her, I will have you dismantled for parts!” He dodged to the side of the cyborg, then briskly ran down the corridor. Derek looked every which way for Emerald, but she was nowhere to be seen.

  There were no signs of the princess, so Derek could only guess that she had retreated to her quarters. Quickly picking up the pace, Derek made his way through the palace halls, then to Emerald’s private elevator lift.

  As the lift ascended to her tower, Derek watched the city, fireworks twinkling all its colors within the nighttime sky. Everyone was celebrating the news of their engagement, but he was far from celebrating. He was chasing after his fiancée like a blasted fool.

  I just need to apologize… Hopefully she will understand. He clenched his jaw, angry that Emerald had said he was worse than Damaris. Did she not understand what he had been going through just to free her?

  Derek came to the double doors of her quarters, knocking loudly.

  “Princess, it’s Derek!”

  There was no answer.

  He knocked again, resting his head on the double doors, sighing. “I’m so sorry, Emerald. Please… let me in.”

  There was a click of the lock, and one of the doors opened. Derek was about to get down on his knees to beg Emerald to forgive his behavior from earlier, but instead Glacia met his glance.

  “Prince Derek? Why aren’t you at dinner?”

  “Please, let me see Emerald.”

  “She’s not here, Your Highness.”

  “I don’t believe it. She has to be here!” Derek snapped. “Let me see her!”

  He pushed Glacia aside, then stormed through Emerald’s chambers. Glacia ran behind him, confused at what was happening.

  “My Prince? I told you, she is not here!”

  Derek ignored her, hastily opening the door leading to Emerald’s bedchambers.

  What met his gaze was not the princess. It was him. Not him physically, but drawings and paintings, plastered all over the wall. There were many pictures, so many that Derek couldn’t even begin to count. His face, everywhere, and they were all staring at him, almost mocking Derek for daring to try to make Emerald happy.

  Glacia slowly approached behind him, a mask of fear on her face at her failure to keep Emerald’s secret. One that was worse than her hiding her magic.

  Emerald was in love. And it wasn’t with him.

  Never had Derek felt so furious in all his life.

  Anger mixed with envy poured through his veins, burning deep within his soul. His hands shook with pure animosity for the man who had captured Emerald’s heart, keeping it out of Derek’s reach. Her love was meant for him, not some trash from the lower levels.

  Furiously, Derek lunged at the wall, tearing and shredding each and every picture. Hatred consumed him, flamed his entire being as he worked fervently to purge the man from Emerald’s life. With each rip, each shred of paper, Derek felt that he was removing a piece of that man from her life permanently. He needed to be gone and out of Emerald’s life once and for all.

  Once the last picture was in a thousand pieces on the floor, Derek turned to Glacia. “No more! You understand? I will not tolerate having my fiancée in love with another man! She is forbidden from drawing him!” He lowered his head to meet her face to face, snarling his words out, “That is an order. I may not be king yet, but I will be soon.”

  Glacia silently nodded, then shied away while Derek stormed past her, slamming the door shut.


  Rage filled him.

  The images of Kyle flashed in his mind, haunting him, all of them burning with Emerald’s red paint. The thought of all those pictures fanned the flames of his wrath, growing by the minute. A feeling of unrequited desire for Emerald clenched him while a feeling of hatred swelled for the man that held her heart hostage.

  Damn that man!

  As soon as Derek entered his bedroom, he tore off his jacket, ripping the top silver clasps from the black silk shirt that was snug against his neck.

  “I need a damn drink!” he barked at his servants, who were in the sitting quarters. Silas appeared almost immediately with a chalice in his hands and offered it to the prince. Derek snatched it, drinking the dark red wine while waving Silas away. He slurped his drink, not minding his manners in the least, then quickly wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. All he wanted was his pain to go away.

  Derek turned to his vanity, staring at the holographic image of the violet circlet. It teased him, as if Ikaria knew exactly what had happened and was daring him to take it.

  “Are you happy now?” Derek roared at the circlet, kicking the vanity as hard as he could. The circlet responded by glowing a brighter purple, and a faint laugh echoed in his mind. “I will get your damn blood!” Derek kicked it aggressively once more.

  Good. It’s about time.

  “Damn you, witch! This is all your fault,” Derek cursed. “You just had to interfere with everything, didn’t you? And now, she does not want me! I am nothing without her! I have lived every moment for her, and now… I am nothing!” Derek shouted, giving the vanity one last hard kick.

  You will soon have her back. Just give me the blood, and the circlet is yours. She will be back in your good graces again, you’ll see.

  The pain in his chest flared up, nearly suffocating him. Derek weakly grabbed the nearest sofa, flopping himself on it, facedown. The soft velvet material was the most affection that he had gotten in the last few days, as Emerald was seemingly cold and distant with him.

  Derek rolled over on the sofa, trying to catch his breath. The circlet was straight in his line of view, glowing brightly before his eyes. It was like he couldn’t see anything else in the room except the vivid deep-violet crown, its power drowning out all other surroundings.

  The circlet. The idea of its power came into his mind, toying with him. If he chose to use the circlet, Emerald would become his…

  His stomach suddenly felt sick at the mere thought.

  No. That’s not right, Derek told himself.

  He quickly glanced away. Slowly, as if the jewelry was demanding his attention like a powerful magnet, Derek turned his eyes back to the beauty of its magic.

  What about the kingdom of Arcadia? Without the witch’s help, Damaris would have been still ruling, letting his kingdom collapse due to finances, or worse, going to war with York. I have been named heir to Arcadia and can make it right.

  And what of Emerald? He was expected to marry the princess, and the whole kingdom was looking forward to their union. If he didn’t follow through and marry her, Damaris would still rule by law.

  Emerald is too innocent! She just happened to be fascinated by the first man she met outside of the palace, no doubt. She is just not thinking clea
rly. She cannot stay here under Damaris’s rule. That is something she never wanted.

  With each breath he took, Derek began to rationalize the use of the circlet’s power. The more he thought of it, the steadier his breathing became until his pain was fully subsided. After, he stood up and took another drink of his wine, then glanced at the transparent crown once more.

  “Silas!” His servant peeked through the bedroom door, waiting for Derek’s order. “Get me a change of clothes. I am drenched in this wretched outfit. And ready my transport.”

  Silas eyed him, bowing. “Where are you off to this evening?”

  “To one of the clubs in the upper levels. Since my evening is completely shot, I might as well talk politics and drink with the other lords of Arcadia. God knows that I am completely cursed when it comes to courting the princess.”

  “She’ll come around, Your Highness.”

  “I hope so. I don’t know how much more I can take of this, Silas.”

  “Also, Your Highness, might I inform you that the same woman who has been requesting an audience since yesterday has come to see if you are now free.”

  “Again? Who is this person?” Derek asked, quickly ripping off his sweaty shirt and snatching up his earrings and rings. Silas handed him a clean blue satin shirt with black trim and black clasps.

  “The woman says her name is Telly Hearly. She claims that she is from some Lab 34, I think it was. How shall I respond?”

  “Silas, I don’t have time for visitors. I have a lot going on right now, as you can see. I need some time to cool off.”

  “She is insistent.”

  “No. No visitors. Period. Not until after the wedding.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.”

  Silas helped Derek get cleaned up from the evening, then escorted him to the royal transport platform. Derek entered the transport, seating himself in his favorite spot, in the very back. Two other guards entered the transport, seating themselves in the front, then closed the inside divider, allowing the prince privacy.

  Derek stared out the windows as the transport took off, the tops of the skyscrapers becoming distant among the city lights. Higher and higher the transport flew until all Derek saw was a blur of lights in all colors of the spectrum and the blackness of the ocean off in the distance.


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