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Fragments of Light

Page 58

by Beth Hodgson

  “You have been staring at the same spot for more than twenty minutes,” the boy continued.

  “Yes, my son, all is well,” Auron answered. “I was just heavily in thought.” How he wished that were true.

  The young yellow-gifted priest walked up to him anxiously. His hands jittered while his body moved awkwardly. He glanced down at the floor for a moment, then shyly looked up to Auron. “Might I confess something to you?” he asked while his foot shuffled the floor.

  “You may.” Auron nodded, gesturing for the boy to continue.

  “I have been praying that the God of Light gives me strength for what is about to take place. I fear that I will not have the courage to do so. I know that we are to die, almost without a doubt, but at the same time, I am scared to die. I should feel delighted that we are to do the God of Light’s work by eradicating the darkness, but I can’t help but feel that I wish we didn’t have to be the ones to do so. I feel so guilty by just thinking it.”

  Surprised by the boy’s honesty, Auron gave him a warm smile, then stated, “I must tell you, child, that I, too, am afraid.”

  The boy’s face was awestruck. “You are? But you are the high priest!”

  “Yes, but I also have feelings just like you. I, too, would prefer someone else do what we are called to do. But it is not so. We must follow through on our calling, otherwise our faith is false.”

  Somehow, Auron didn’t believe his own words. All he could hear were the screams in his vision.

  “But what god would ask so many gifted to die for the sins of one person? Surely that is not fair,” the boy stated.

  It wasn’t fair. Auron was still wrapping his head around that fact. Maybe he didn’t have the faith he should have; maybe it had never been strong to begin with. The images of the disintegrating gifted and their cries filled Auron once again, causing him to shudder.

  Why was he suddenly feeling like this?


  The food grew cold as Ayera picked at her plate. She had no hunger, and her nerves were overwhelming her. She hardly ever drank wine but decided to have a glass for tonight’s meal. It was left untouched.

  If her gifted traveled to the past and perished, she would lose her throne, the throne that her family had occupied for centuries. All because she was an unfit ruler in the first place.

  There was a quiet knock on the dining chamber’s door.

  “Come in,” Ayera called out, pushing the plate away.

  Duke Wellington appeared, bowing before her. “Empress, all gifted are on standby, awaiting Lady Vala’s arrival.”

  “Thank you, Duke. She won’t be coming for another two days, but I am glad everyone is ready.”

  The duke nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He pulled out a scroll, offering it to her. “Also, this came for you just a moment ago.”

  “I don’t feel like reading any missives tonight. Can you put it aside in my council chambers for the morning?” Ayera looked at her full glass of wine, still deciding if she should even indulge at a time like this, even if it would help calm her nerves.

  “Empress, forgive me, but I think you should take a look at it,” the Duke pressed. “It’s from High Justice Belinda of the Red.”

  Ayera froze, her face slowly moving to the scroll. Belinda’s red wax seal was pressed upon the document.

  Reaching out her hand, Ayera carefully took the scroll, then broke the seal delicately. Looking up at Duke Wellington, she nodded. “Thank you. Please leave me.”

  “Yes, Empress.”

  He bowed, then exited the chamber, leaving Ayera in silence. For many minutes, the scroll sat in her lap, her hands shaking with nerves. Ayera knew the news wasn’t good, but she didn’t know how bad it would be.

  After taking a deep breath, she gently opened the scroll, reading Belinda’s writing:

  Dearest Empress Ayera of World Sector Six,

  We have received word of the most unsettling news. It has been reported to me that your sister has traveled back in time, and that you have failed to put a stop to your sister’s nuisance. Furthermore, you now plan to port all your gifted to another time era, putting a death sentence on all of the gifted in your sector.

  High Justice Tyllos has already told you that Ikaria will not impact the future Earth, and still you doubt his visions. And it is said your husband is being held in your dungeons as a prisoner. What in your right mind are you thinking? I demand you release the Emperor at once and put a halt to your plans. If you do so, we might consider sparing your life.

  However, if you continue to disobey, and if any of your gifted perish in the past, then we intend to sign your death warrant. The next move you make is imperative to all the world sectors, and it could be your last. You can expect High Inquisitor Rubius of the Red to be in your sector soon to take care of your sister when she returns, as it seems you lack the capacity to do so yourself.

  As the God of Light reigns supreme,

  High Justice Belinda

  Ayera set down the letter gently on the table. According to the High Court, she had already failed. She’d let Ikaria slip through her sector by traveling back in time. But Ayera knew deep down that there was hope in the past to stop her sister. Even if her gifted died doing so, they could get Ikaria. The High Court didn’t believe her, but she believed. She had to, otherwise there was no other hope for Earth. Despite what High Justice Tyllos said, Ayera believed Auron’s vision.

  Another knock, this one much firmer than the duke’s, sounded from outside her door.

  “Proceed,” Ayera called out, rolling up the scroll and throwing it across the table.

  “Empress, we have rotated the guards and the gifted between the Emperor and the three gifted in confinement,” Lord Nathan said, bowing.

  “Very good,” Ayera nodded, then eyed Belinda’s letter.

  “Any word from the High Court regarding the Emperor?” Lord Nathan asked.

  Do what is right, and not what people want you to do, Ayera told herself.

  Ayera looked away from the scroll, meeting Nathan’s eyes. “There has been no word. Continue to rotate the teams.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.” Lord Nathan bowed, heading toward the door.

  “Send word to High Priest Auron,” Ayera called out to the man leaving. “I am in much need of prayer tonight.”

  “As you wish, Empress.”



  “I’m waiting!” Geeta taunted him, floating in midair above Arcadia.

  “Never thought you’d be so eager to get your ass handed to you!” Kyle chided back.

  Geeta smirked. “Good luck with that.”

  Blood-red whirlwinds whipped through Kyle’s crimson hair. He no longer had white hair; it was completely red, spiked in the same fashion as before. He found it amusing, since when he first met Emerald, she had disguised herself as a redhead. Now he was the redhead. The thought of her sent a fresh surge of determination through him.

  Kyle cast another forceful blow toward Geeta, then took a last drag of his smoke and flung it into the sky.

  Geeta evaded his forceful blow, then watched the cigarette butt fly past her. Quickly, she whipped her head in his direction, looking annoyed at him for dropping his trash on the city.

  “What do you think you are doing?” Geeta narrowed her eyes.

  Kyle snorted in amusement. “Do you think one more piece of trash is going to matter in Arcadia? Have you seen the filth in the lower levels?”

  “You could at least have the decency to disintegrate it,” she snapped back. Her purple mohawk stood stiffly on her head as the winds continued to delicately flow around her, waving her clothing and earrings in a gentle purple current.

  “Whatever. There’s more important shit to worry about than my cigarette butt. Like saving Em.”

  Just saying her name made Kyle miss her hard, and it took every ounce of his energy not to go insane being separated from her. Every spare moment, he thought of Emerald and the time they had spent togethe
r. Time was passing, and he had lived almost a year of his life while Emerald was locked in time. She was tucked away in his every thought, from the moment when he awoke to the moment he passed out. She was there, always with him. In his magic, in his songs, in his mind. She was everywhere.

  Taking the opportune moment, Kyle summoned a red maelstrom of lightning to hurl at Geeta. The ruby storm crackled from different directions, each bolt coming together in his hands. At that moment, he felt Geeta’s mind attack his, trying to pry and force her way in.

  This time, he was determined that she wouldn’t get in.

  Releasing the crimson lightning toward Geeta, he instantly tapped into his violet abilities, gaining complete control of his consciousness. Deflecting his last spell, Geeta sucked all the lightning into her hands, making it shoot up into the skies where it belonged. Returning her focus to Kyle, Geeta narrowed her glowing eyes. Her forceful magic became harder, squeezing Kyle’s mind, trying to take over. Pain erupted within, exploding into thousands of sharp jabs.

  The red wind suddenly faded from around him as Geeta continued to work her way into his mind; she was breaking his concentration, and he was slowly losing control of his magic.

  Without warning, the winds dissipated, and Kyle was falling toward the ground. Geeta had successfully gotten a hold on him.

  Frantically, Kyle called upon his magic. It responded, trying to ward off Geeta as she continued to go deeper within his being. The wind raced against his face, burning his cheeks as he dodged various outcroppings on the buildings and frozen air transports, continuing to plummet to Arcadia’s depths.

  He was not going to let Geeta win this time. He’d had enough of her games.

  It’s time to get Emerald, dammit, he told himself.

  Kyle felt Geeta make her way further into his mind, but what was about to happen, she did not expect.

  All at once, Kyle pulled all of his jealousy and rage from within, letting it flow through his soul. With his emotions burning through his blood and tearing through his mind, he felt Geeta’s presence. The violet power from within his life-force surged through her existence, sending her back into her own mind while bringing his own magic and consciousness with her.

  This caught Geeta by surprise, because this time, the doors and windows to her soul were wide open with no protection.

  Surging his magic within her memories, images and scenes from Geeta’s life flooded Kyle’s mind, flowing like the strong tides of the ocean.

  An image of Geeta faded into Kyle’s view. It wasn’t what Geeta looked like now but a younger version of her, dressed in ancient garb. Violet, red, and gold colored her robe and loose head scarf. She was adorned with golden jewelry from head to toe, and henna tattoos decorated her skin. Her purple hair was long, thick, and wavy, down to her waist. The only things that were recognizable other than her face were the purple jewel on her forehead, her nose ring, and her bright purple eyes.

  Geeta wandered through stone halls and corridors, entering a large room with many shrines. A temple to the gods of the Spectrum, if Kyle were to guess.

  There were others there, two men who were bowed in prayer.

  A tall lanky man dressed in a yellow robe with a long golden beard and matching hair turned sharply in Geeta’s direction as she approached. The gold in his eyes was a startling contrast to his deep-brown skin. Another man with green hair, smaller and shorter, looked up at Geeta slowly from where he was praying.

  “Women are not permitted in the temple during their menstruation,” the golden man stated sharply, his eyes narrowing at Geeta. The green-haired man cocked his head slightly backward, glancing at Geeta with longing eyes.

  What an ass, Kyle thought.

  Embarrassed by the golden priest’s statement, Geeta flushed a deep red. Her violet eyes lowered to the floor, clearly flustered.

  “Husband,” Geeta said. “Vihaan, I would never in my heart willingly violate the temple by coming here unclean.”

  Husband? Geeta? Kyle had always pegged her as someone who was very independent of people. She didn’t seem the type who enjoyed anyone’s company.

  “Then you must leave now,” Vihaan said sharply, shooing her away swiftly with a gesture of his hands. Geeta remained standing, and Vihaan returned to his prayers. The green-haired man glanced at Geeta with a concerned look.

  I will be all right, Suresh, Geeta told the green-haired man within his mind.

  Suresh glanced away, pretending to return to his prayers, but in reality, he was watching the situation unfold out of the corner of his eye.

  Geeta didn’t move from her spot. She raised her eyes to look at the back of her husband’s head. “I had a vision, husband. A vision of the destruction of the world,” she said, interrupting the silence once more.

  Vihaan began to laugh. His shoulders jerked wildly as his laughter became more uncontrollable. After an uncomfortable, long laugh, Vihaan snapped out of it, stopping himself. He whipped his body to face Geeta, then rose sharply, his silky robes resting at his sides. His golden eyes flared with anger, clearly annoyed that she was not doing as she had been commanded.

  Geeta shuddered as he glared at her but did not look away.

  “You had a vision? You, being violet? That is impossible.”

  “It’s true, husband. I… felt it in my heart. I think it was a message for a man in the future. I saw him as a ghost man.”

  Vihaan scoffed. “You defiled the temple just to tell me this?”

  Suresh glanced at Geeta, pleading silently. Don’t do this, Geeta, his mind begged her. You know how Vihaan gets.

  Suresh, the future of Earth depends on it. The Ghost Man with the gift of the red needs our help. He needs this message.

  “You have no power over the magic of prophecy,” said Vihaan. “You are being foolish.”

  Geeta gave him a stern look and continued. “I know this to be true. We must get to this man. He needs our help. The future needs our help. Earth needs our help.”

  “Help?” Vihaan asked incredulously. “You come here, defiling the temple with your impurity, just to tell me of some nonsense dream, and expect me to help? Get out of here and go home!” His golden eyes glared at her venomously.

  “No,” Geeta stated firmly, raising her voice. “I will not. Many lives depend on us!”

  Vihaan shot up quickly and struck her across the face. Geeta flinched but otherwise stood her ground. “You unclean, defiant bitch! Your vision is false! From the gods of the dark side of the spectrum!” Vihaan’s angry twisted face yelled into Geeta’s, not even an inch away from her. “You know how I know this? I, too, had a vision of this very situation. I, the high priest of prophecy! And what I say is true, not some woman with the gift of the violet,” he spat. “If you go chasing your false vision, you are damning the future, not saving it!”

  “I will forgive you, this one time, husband. Next time, I will not,” Geeta said stiffly, her eyes flaring.

  A look of contempt washed over Vihaan’s face. “Do not presume to tell me anything, woman.” He struck her face again. This time, Kyle heard a loud smack of skin, and Geeta placed one of her hands against the stinging red flesh.

  Geeta didn’t budge. Instead she narrowed her eyes.

  “Go!” Vihaan roared, striking her again.

  Suresh stood up, quickly interjecting. “Vihaan, let me take her home.”

  “You stay out of this, Suresh!” Vihaan ordered, keeping his eyes locked on Geeta.

  Kyle watched as Geeta nodded, her hand still resting against her swollen cheek. There was another man entering the temple, with deep-blue hair and eyes. He glanced at Geeta, eyeing her swollen cheek, but remained silent, lighting an incense stick and starting his prayers.

  “I am not going home!” Geeta yelled back, flaring her nostrils, the ring in her nose pronounced.

  Vihaan whirled around to strike her again but was stopped. Vihaan, Suresh, and the blue-haired priest flew in three different directions, crashing into the back of temple walls with t
he force of violet magic. Hatred seethed through Geeta’s eyes, hatred for her husband. She raised her delicate neck, and the men began to glow their respective colors. Before they cast their spells, Geeta’s glowing violet eyes radiated with burning intensity, flashing pale purple. At once, the men’s eyes were vacant of expression, and their beings were no more.

  She was in control of their minds.

  Turning to them, Geeta eyes flared. Consume your flesh! Kyle heard Geeta’s mind silently order.

  Mortified, Kyle watched as the men began gnawing at their flesh, devouring their arms. Glowing blood poured out of their limbs as they tore their skin and muscles away with their teeth. Geeta remained in control, watching in almost sick satisfaction at her husband’s demise.

  After what seemed like forever to Kyle, Geeta finally relented.


  The men stood frozen, waiting for her next command.

  Geeta walked over to Suresh, frowning. “I am sorry that you had to be mixed up in this, my friend,” she whispered to him, bowing her head in shame. She then began to taste the blood on his arms.

  After she had consumed some of his blood, she walked over to the blue-haired man, doing the same.

  “Please forgive me, Raghu,” she whispered to him, patting his arm softly, licking his blood.

  Geeta walked over to Vihaan, pausing in front of him. His pupils remained clouded from her control. Absentmindedly, he breathed in with much trouble, as he was losing blood. “As for you, I am not sorry, husband,” Geeta sneered. She licked the blood off his arms as it pooled out of him.

  Then Geeta collapsed to the cold stone floor, writhing in pain, screaming. The three men fell to the floor and lay prone in their own pools of blood, their eyes glossed over, as no one was in control of their bodies. Geeta’s head turned in the bloodied men’s direction, and she began to vomit repeatedly.

  What have I done? Kyle heard Geeta’s thoughts formulate. I have violated the laws of the gods!

  Frantically writhing in pain, Geeta called out to the green-haired man. “Suresh, heal yourself and the others! Quickly!”


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