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Best of Cowboys Bundle

Page 168

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Barbara White Daille, Judy Christenberry, Christine Wenger, Shirley Rogers, Crystal Green, Nina Bruhns, Candance Schuler, Carole Mortimer

  She stirred water into the powdered milk and wondered what demanded his immediate attention this time. There was no telling. After observing the work he put into the daily care and feeding of the cattle and horses, it could be one of a dozen different chores.

  Shrugging, she carried the nippled bucket to Penelope’s stall. She didn’t mind that he was too busy to talk to her while she fed the calf. It gave her time to reflect on her day at the McCray ranch.

  Even though she’d been reluctant to meet Cooper’s family, she’d really enjoyed getting acquainted with them. She’d told herself to keep her distance and not form any attachments—that it would just make things that much harder for her when the time came for her to go back to Illinois. But they’d made it impossible not to care for them. Jenna had been so nice and friendly that Faith felt like they’d been friends for years. And the boys were such adorable little imps, she couldn’t help but fall in love with them.

  Lost in thought, Faith almost dropped the bucket when Penelope butted against it. Looking down, she was amazed to see that the calf had drunk almost all of the formula.

  “Looks like she was pretty hungry,” Cooper said, walking into the stall.

  Faith glanced up. “Did you get your chores done?”

  “I finished those before we left this morning,” he said, smiling.

  She looked down at the bucket. “I’m finished feeding Penelope. Did you need my help with something?”

  He nodded and the sexy grin on his handsome face nearly melted her bones. Taking the bucket from her, he took hold of her hand, led her out of the stall, then secured the door to keep Penelope from getting out. “I need you to come with me.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked, laughing.

  “You’ll see.” They remained silent as they walked through the early evening twilight to the house, but when they reached the back steps, he stopped and set the nursing bucket on the porch. “Close your eyes, darlin’.”


  His grin made her heart skip a beat. “Because I want to surprise you.”

  “What on earth have you got up your sleeve this time?” she asked, breathlessly. The last time he’d made a request like this, she’d ended up learning to dance. Her heart fluttered when she thought of how that evening had ended.

  “Do you trust me, Faith?” he asked. His low voice sent a shiver up her spine and caused her knees to wobble.

  “You know I do,” she said without hesitation. It still amazed her how easily she’d placed her trust in him. Maybe it had been the integrity in his deep blue eyes, or his gentle, caring manner. She wasn’t sure. But she knew beyond a shadow of doubt that Cooper would never do anything to hurt her in any way.

  “Then close yours eyes, darlin’.”

  When she did as he requested, he took her hand and carefully guided her up the steps and into the house. She could tell they were moving beyond the kitchen and down the hall.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he led her through the house.

  He came to a stop. “Right here.”

  “Can I open my eyes?” she asked, laughing.

  “In just a minute.”

  She heard him move away from her, then the sounds of the CD with slow country songs—the one that she’d come to love—floated through the air. “Cooper?”

  “Open your eyes, darlin’,” he said, from beside her.

  The living room was once again illuminated with candles and the packing carton he’d used as a table the night they’d danced had been set for two. A platter of bite-size cheese squares sat in the middle of it and two wine goblets with a rich red wine sat at each place.

  Turning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “You’re the most romantic man I’ve ever known.”

  Looking a little embarrassed, he shook his head. “Nah, I just wanted to do something a little special for you.”

  She didn’t think she could possibly love him any more than she did at that moment. In all of their four-year marriage, Eric had never done anything as thoughtful.

  “How did you bring all this from the Rocking M without my seeing it?” she asked as he seated her at the makeshift table.

  He shrugged and sat down on the crate beside her. “Jenna loaned me a cooler and while you were saying goodbye to everyone, I loaded it into the back of the truck.”

  “I’ll have to thank her the next time I see her,” she said, picking up a piece of cheese. Something was different about him, but she couldn’t put a finger on what it was.

  When she held the cheese to his mouth, his gaze caught and held hers as he took it from her, then nibbled at her fingers with his lips. A tingling warmth filled her and ended all speculation.

  He smiled. “I’m the one who should be thanking you for everything you’ve done around here, darlin’.” He drew her finger into his mouth and gently sucked on it before letting it go.

  “M-me? I haven’t done anything but get…in your way most of the time,” she said, reaching for her wine goblet. Her hand trembled and she hoped taking a sip of her wine would help steady her voice.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Faith.” He held a piece of cheese for her to sample, then traced her lips with his index finger. “You’ve held boards, worked to get the house cleaned up and taken better care of Penelope than her own momma would have done.”

  How was she supposed to concentrate on chewing the cheese he’d given her when his fingertips touching her lips were causing all kinds of delicious sensations to be unleashed deep inside of her?

  “I’ve…enjoyed helping out,” she said, breathlessly.

  He reached for her hand, then kissed the back of it. “And I’ve enjoyed having you here with me.”

  His smooth baritone and sexy grin only added to the warm tingling in the pit of her stomach. But when she gazed into his eyes, her heart skipped several beats and she realized what was different about him. His desire for her was there, as it had been almost from the moment they met. But this time there was also love shining in the dark blue depths.

  Her breath came out in soft little puffs. “C-Cooper?”

  He took the wineglass from her, set it on the table, then stood up to gather her into his arms. Gazing down at her, he lowered his mouth to hers with such tenderness, her knees failed to support her.

  Sagging against him, she gave herself up to his soul-shattering kiss and forgot all about the reason the look of love in his eyes scared her to death. Or that the time had come for her to leave the Triple Bar Ranch.


  C ooper steadied Faith, then walked over to blow out the candles. Coming back to stand in front of her, he swung her up into his arms and headed for the bedroom.

  He’d intended to ask her to share his future, to stay with him and become his wife. But the moment he’d taken her into his arms, the need to possess her, to once again make her his, had become too great a force to resist. He’d never in his life wanted a woman more than he did Faith at that very moment. There would be plenty of time to ask her to marry him after they made love.

  Entering the bedroom, he placed her on the bed. His hands shook, but he somehow managed to dispense with their clothing, then stretched out beside her and gathered her back into his arms. He couldn’t get enough of touching her, of feeling her body tremble with need for him.

  He wanted to tell Faith how much he loved her, but incapable of words, he lowered his mouth to hers and showed her what was in his heart, what was burning in his soul. She opened for him and the tentative touch of her tongue to his created a flash fire, searing every nerve in his body, branding him as hers.

  The blood raced through his veins and his pulse pounded in his ears as her hands slid over his chest and flanks. It was as if she were trying to learn every nuance of his body, trying to commit him to memory.

  “Easy, darlin’,” he said, gently pushing her back on the mattress. “If we don’t slow down, I’m not going to last much longer.”

  Gazing down into her l
uminous brown eyes, he saw a burning desperation that he’d never seen in them before. He fleetingly wondered why it felt as if this would be their final time together, as if they were saying goodbye. But he threw off the ridiculous feeling and concentrated on bringing her pleasure, showing her with his body what mere words could never express.

  Lowering his head, he kissed his way from her collarbone down the slope of her breast to the taut peak. He took the coral nipple into his mouth, teasing, tasting. When she shivered with passion, he gently chafed her wet skin with the pad of his thumb as he moved to pay homage to the other tight nub.

  “So sweet,” he murmured, when she moaned and clutched at his hair with her hands.

  Pleased that she enjoyed his attention, he trailed kisses down her stomach to the tiny indention at her waist and beyond. His body throbbed with need, but he ignored it. This was all for Faith, all about showing her how much he loved her.

  He smoothed his hands down her hips and legs, then drew them up along her inner thighs to the soft nest of curls hiding her feminine secrets. Nudging her knees apart, he moved to learn all of her, to give her pleasure in the most selfless way a man could possibly give to a woman.


  The sound of his name on her passion-filled voice encouraged him and he cupped her hips with his hands to steady their restless movements. Bending down to kiss her in the most intimate of ways, he continued the sensual assault until she cried out and shuddered with the ecstasy of completion.

  Moving to her side, he held her close and kissed her with every emotion he had coursing through him. But instead of lying passively in his arms as her body cooled, Faith reached out to touch him, to hold him in her hands and stroke him with a tenderness that made him dizzy with wanting.

  Her gentle hands caressing him, testing his strength, was heaven and hell rolled into one. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep inside of her, to claim her as his own. But he sensed her need to express her feelings for him, to show him the same attention that he’d shown her.

  As her lips moved over his chest and belly his pulse pounded in his ears and he had to force himself to breathe. But when she took him into her mouth, time stood still as wave after wave of desire flowed through him. Heat and light danced behind his tightly closed eyes and his world narrowed to one purpose—complete release.

  “Darlin’, I can’t stand any more of this,” he said, lifting her up to his chest.

  Taking deep breaths, he willed his body to slow down, to relax until he’d gained control once again. But the feel of her softness pressed to him, the warmth of her breath on his heated skin, tested him in ways he’d never imagined.

  “Cooper, please make love to me,” she said, her voice wrapping around him like a velvet sheath.

  He might have been able to hang onto what little scrap of sanity he had left had it not been for her softly spoken request. But knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her snapped the last thread of his restraint and he rolled her to her back, then covered her body with his.

  At the first touch of her moist heat to his insistent arousal, he clenched his teeth so hard his jaw felt as if it would break from the pressure. Slowly, carefully he pushed forward until he lost sight of where he ended and she began.

  Her moan of pleasure and the feel of himself buried deep inside of her created a sensual fog of passion that clouded his brain to anything but the act of bringing them the satisfaction they both craved.

  Thrusting deeply, thoroughly, he felt her feminine muscles contract around him, holding him tightly to her, urging him to empty himself deep into her womb. Gratified by the sound of her broken cries, he groaned as the whirlwind of sensation caught him in its grasp and he gave himself to the only woman he’d ever loved.

  Several moments passed before he found the strength to move to her side, then pull her to him. Brushing a strand of hair from her eyes, his heart stalled at the moisture he felt on her smooth cheek.

  If he’d hurt her in any way he’d never be able to forgive himself. “Faith? Darlin’, what’s wrong? Are you all right?”

  “That was beautiful,” she said, softly.

  He relaxed. She was having one of those emotional female moments that women sometimes had, and that a man couldn’t even begin to understand.

  Smiling, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Faith Broderick.”

  “And I love you, Cooper Adams,” she said passionately. “More than you’ll ever know.”

  His heart soared. She loved him. He felt like he could move a mountain with his bare hands.

  “Marry me, darlin’. Let me love you to sleep every night and wake up with you every morning.” He raised up to look down at her. “I want to be the man who gives you your babies, Faith. And I want to be there by your side when you birth them.”

  Tears streamed from her eyes as she stared up at him, then throwing her arms around his neck, she hugged him tightly to her. “Oh, Cooper.”

  She hadn’t said “yes” exactly, but he took her emotional response and the fact that she was holding him like she’d never let him go as a good sign. Content with the knowledge that she loved him, and confident that they’d be getting married in the very near future, he relaxed and felt the exhaustion from their lovemaking overtake him.

  “Get some rest now, darlin’,” he said, cradling her to his chest. He yawned. “We can start making plans first thing in the morning.”

  Faith’s tears continued long after Cooper’s deep, even breathing signaled that he’d fallen asleep. She’d tried so hard not to love him, tried to keep her distance.

  But as impossible as it had been for her not to fall in love with Cooper, it had become just as impossible for her to stay with him.

  She’d seen him interact with his nephews and heard him talk about how much he loved being around kids. He’d even told her he wanted a large family. And if ever a man deserved being a father, Cooper Adams did.

  But what he didn’t deserve was a wife who couldn’t give him those children. And as desperately as she wanted to be his wife and have his babies, to be part of the family he so desired, she simply couldn’t do it. Her body just wasn’t capable.

  She and Eric had tried for over a year to become pregnant, but with no success. At first she’d thought it might be something with him. But when she confided her fears in her best friend, Charlotte, Faith had learned that it wasn’t Eric’s problem at all. It was hers. Charlotte had fallen in love with Eric and become pregnant with his baby, and Faith had not only been forced to face the betrayal of her husband and best friend, she’d been confronted with the devastating reality that she was infertile. They’d both apologized, but that didn’t alter the fact that they had everything she’d always wanted, but could never have.

  That’s why she had to leave Cooper now. She knew him well enough to know that he’d say it wasn’t important, that they would have each other and that was all that mattered. But as much as she’d like to ignore the facts and stay with him for the rest of her life, Cooper deserved to have his dream, his family.

  And she loved him enough not to take that away from him.

  She bit her lower lip to stifle a sob and held him close for a few moments longer. Then kissing his lean cheek one last time, she slipped from his embrace and got out of bed.

  Gathering her things, she quickly got dressed and carried her luggage out to his truck. For the first time since her arrival on the ranch, she was glad that she hadn’t had a place to put her clothes. Living out of a suitcase had been extremely inconvenient, but it saved precious time that she couldn’t afford to waste now.

  Taking a notepad and a pen from her purse, she turned on the dome light and with tears blurring her vision, she explained on paper what she didn’t have the courage to tell him face-to-face.

  She wasn’t proud of what she was doing, but she knew that for both of their sakes, leaving this way was the only option. Cooper would try to talk her into staying, and loving him as she did, she’
d be powerless to resist.

  Carefully folding the paper, she wrote his name on the outside, then placed it on the bench seat beside her. Wiping the moisture from her face, she took a deep breath and started the truck. Once she reached the airport in Amarillo, she’d call Whiskers and have him see about getting Cooper’s truck back to him.

  His eyes still closed, Cooper rolled over to pull Faith into his arms, to love her awake. But the bed was empty beside him, the sheets cold.

  He opened one eye and groaned. A bright shaft of sunlight was streaming through the window. Damn. He’d overslept again.

  Stretching, he thought about the chores that needed to be done, then shook his head. What he really wanted to do was find Faith, bring her back to bed and make love to her for the rest of the day.

  He briefly wondered why she hadn’t awakened him. They had a lot to do. Not only did they have to take care of the usual chores, they had a wedding to plan.

  Grinning at the thought of making her his wife, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and reaching for his clothes, froze. The corner of the room where he’d stacked her suitcases the day after she’d arrived was empty.

  Where was Faith’s luggage?

  Apprehension gnawed at his gut as he quickly pulled on his clothes and hurried down the hall. “Faith?”

  The ominous silence in the house was deafening.

  When he entered the kitchen, he looked for the CD player, her book, anything that said she was still there.

  He found nothing.

  Throwing open the back door, he stepped out onto the porch just as his truck drove into the yard. But instead of Faith, Whiskers got out of the cab.

  “Where is she?” Cooper demanded. He dreaded the answer, but he had to know.

  For the first time since he’d known the old man, Whiskers seemed at a loss for words. He simply walked up to the porch, handed Cooper a folded piece of paper, then shaking his head, started toward the barn.

  A sinking feeling tightened Cooper’s chest as he noticed his name on the outside. The handwriting was a woman’s. It had to be Faith’s.


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