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Sundays are for Hangovers

Page 19

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Okay, fine, hiatus, but in the moment of panic, I did quit. I let the fear of my father’s reach control me yet again. He threatened to ruin Will, and I believed him. I knew he could and I damn well knew he would. I had finally caved to the realization that my father had finally won. He held all the cards, and as I folded and went home, there was one last hand I never expected.


  When Daddy handed me over to him as if I were nothing more than a contestant prize, what happened next practically sideswiped me. Lance thanked my father, shut his door, and as he kindly asked me to sit and I not so kindly told him to do a lot of awful things, he went on, while we both stood there, and talked, shocking the shit out of me.

  Lance, in fact, was not there to claim his prize and walk me down the aisle. Little had I known, he was actually in love with someone else, and they were having a baby. It took him until now to realize how awful my father was to me, and he had no intentions of being any part of ruining my happiness. In fact, he wanted to help guarantee it.

  And so the planning began.

  Turns out, Daddy Dearest didn’t have as much control as he thought. Since Lance had been so close with my father, he had learned a few things along the way. One being that my mother, bless her heart, had set up a trust fund for me when I moved out. It was never mentioned to me because, per my mother, I wanted nothing to do with money, but she did tell Lance. She must be a little like me behind her plastic façade because she set up the fund, just in case, knowing my father and I would probably come to blows over everything eventually.

  So despite my father no doubt planning to cut me off if I don’t play by his rules, I have quite the nest egg in my trust fund thanks to Mom.

  One of my biggest concerns was my house. Despite Daddy pulling in a realtor and trying to sell my house right out from under me, it was illegal to do so. He was bluffing and hoping I wouldn’t call him on it. The deed, though, is in my name. Even if it was his money that paid for the damn thing. My attorney, good ol’ comb-over Lance, assured me Daddy didn’t have a bucket to piss in.

  Lance also said he would do what he could about Will’s job. He thought maybe he’d have some sway with Daddy and remind him that what he’s doing is harassment. However, he didn’t know how much power he had regarding the sale of Babs’s duplex. The worst part of the conversation was the station. My father was throwing a lot of money to purchase it. More than it was worth. And there was no way they wouldn’t take the deal. I offered to buy the station myself, but too many hoops had to be jumped through to make that happen. And Lance guaranteed I wouldn’t make it through the first hoop before my father caught wind and shut me down.

  Lance was trying to cheer me up, telling me I could always start a podcast out of my house when Will busted through that door ready to avenge and rescue me. It was the most romantic thing I’ve ever witnessed. After Lance and I explained, Will shook his hand and carried me out of there.

  Once we made it back to Will’s, he made me vow that no matter what or who tries to come between us, it will never be strong enough to tear us apart or break us. He vowed so, after taking me in absolutely every single position in his house. Kamasutra would be jealous.

  Everything was perfect. I was no longer in the clutches of my father and Will and I were finally at peace and happy. The only thing lingering was the sale of the station. I expected my father to pull the plug within hours of me reconciling with Will. But when I came back to work the next day and sat there, as any other day waiting for the lights to go off, they never did.

  I know my father. He doesn’t make a promise he doesn’t keep. So the past three weeks have been a torturous waiting game for me. I know this horrible secret and I am not sure what to do with it. Daryl is gonna lose his job, along with a lot of other hard-working employees. How am I supposed to break it to my best friend that he’s no longer going to be able to feed his taco addiction? And so every day, I come to work with the anticipation that today will be the day.

  “I’m your best friend, girl. Don’t do that disappearing shit to me again,” Daryl says, interrupting me from my thoughts.

  “Whatever. I wanted to see if I went missing if you would send a secret agent to come searching for me. Show how much I mean to you.” I laugh. “Speaking of secret, you ever gonna tell me who the secret guest is today? I’ve guessed every single one of my favorite bands, so I need to know if I should start thinking other genres or possibly actors. I do have a fancy for Gerald Butler, ya know.”

  Daryl grabs a cookie from the plate I brought in and shoves it in his mouth. “Can’t ruin the surprise. Plus, I really think this might help with ratings.”


  Ever since word got out about an investor searching out the station, it’s been hard to schedule bands. Agents worry that if the station sells, it won’t stick to the same music genre, which could be bad for their clients. A lot of times in this case, it changes. They question the success and if it’s worth their clients’ time to travel just to do a radio show. Politics. Leon moans anytime he gets the report each day.

  Will also stopped calling into the station. My request. I loved his dedication. Our callers loved his dedication. But I wanted us to be us. I didn’t want to rehash my life every day on the station. It was like living in a “scenes from last week’s episode” part of television shows. Trust me, I already knew what happened. I was there.

  Callers moaned and groaned about it. Polls and emails were sent to get Wonka back on the air. But I had to believe our station would thrive because we were two awesome DJs and not because of my neighbor.

  “Well, then I’m going with Steven Tyler. If anyone can save the station’s ratings, it’s definitely the lead singer of Aerosmith.”

  The commercial ends and Daryl goes into the morning commute stats. This being the time when Will normally calls, it does bring a sadness to me. I won’t lie and say I do kinda miss hearing his voice each day on the radio.

  “All right, listeners, I know I’ve been keeping you all on your toes about our secret guest today, and it’s time for the reveal. Lil, wanna take a last guess on who you think it could be?”

  “Well, D, I gotta say I’m out of ideas. Bring us our guest.”

  “Nah, I say you phone a friend before you give up.”

  I look at him, wondering where he’s going with this. “Hmmm. Not sure who I would call.”

  “Let me help you out. Hello, caller, you’re on the air.”

  “Hey there, Big D.”

  My heart skips at the sound of Will’s voice. I give Daryl the questioning eye. What’s he up to?

  “Sup, Wonka! Long time no talk. Man, our callers missed you.”

  “Thanks, Big D. I missed calling in. I have so much to say and tell everyone.”

  “Wonka,” I warn. “Don’t you think you should just keep your dirty little secrets to yourself from now on? What would your neighbor think if she knew you were exploiting all your special moments on air with a million listeners?”

  “I think she would enjoy getting to hear me talk about how much I love her. How my life hasn’t been the same since she recklessly stormed into it. I think the listeners would love to hear how since finding the love of my life, I haven’t thought of anything else but making her mine.”

  The door to the station opens and Will walks in, his phone still to his ear.

  “Wh-what are you doing here?” I throw my hand over my mic, gaping at him.

  “Listeners, I’d like to welcome Mr. Wonka, our secret guest to the station,” Daryl says.

  I snap my attention to Daryl. “What? What’s going on?”

  Will hangs up his phone and walks over to me. My eyes go wide. Confusion is prominent on my face. Will stops in front of my chair and bends down, pulling the mic to him.

  “You see, listeners, I feel like, since you’ve been with me from the beginning, it’s important I fill you in on one last plan I have up my sleeve before I officially sign off.”

  “Will—I mean W
onka, what are you doing here?” I ask, trying, not sure why, to still conceal his identity.

  “I’m telling the world that I am in love with a girl who brings so much color into my life. And I’m not referring to my pink coffee maker, or the red thongs hanging from my bedpost.”

  I throw my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

  He laughs and dodges me, bringing the mic back to his lips. “Big D, do you think it’s okay if I steal the show for just a moment?”

  Daryl is smiling so wide you’d think he won the endless tacos at Manny’s lottery. “Have at it, Wonka!” He chuckles into his mic.

  I turn to Will. I’m about to roll my eyes at him and his theatrics when he kneels before me.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper softly, my nerves going haywire.

  “I’m telling the entire world how much I love my neighbor.” Will reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small black box. “Lilith Hamilton, my feisty, beautiful, one-of-a-kind, crazy neighbor. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since the day you fell into my life.”

  I go to smack him, but he dodges me once again.

  “Since night one, I’ve lain in my bed long after you’ve fallen asleep in my arms and thought how my life will never be the same. You have changed me. You’ve made me whole and happy. My heart belongs to you. We may have started as just neighbors, but I want us to end with you being my wife.”

  Will opens the box to a simple princess cut diamond shining back at me. Everything around me has gone silent. I gaze at the beautiful ring and lift my teary eyes to him.


  “Or Wonka, if you prefer.”

  I laugh through my overflow of tears. I look back at the ring in shock. Oh my God, he just proposed to me!

  “Your silence is killing us listeners, Lil,” Daryl chimes in.

  Shit, right. I lift my hands to cup Will’s face. “You’ve been and will always be my hero. My savior. You saved me. You forever have my heart. My love…” I have to stop to wipe the tears off my face so I can see. “Are you sure you want someone who’s probably gonna break things, leave dishes around, walk over the grass when it’s freshly cut, and possibly never do her own laundry?”

  Will smiles, leaving me breathless. His hands go up and now it’s him cupping my cheeks. “I’d even let you break my coffee machine and shave my pussy again, as long as it meant you’d always be mine.”

  Daryl gasps, and I laugh. “You two better explain that one.”

  “Lil, baby. What’s it going to be? Will you make me the happiest man alive or am I going to have to kidnap you?”

  I stall just a second to mess with him, but then I stick my hand out. “Yes. God, yes. I’ll marry you.” I throw my arms around him and our lips connect in what feels like the most intense kiss yet.

  “I love you, Lilith Hamilton,” he whispers against my mouth, then pulls away, sliding the ring on my finger.

  “And there you have it, folks. A shocking reveal and a proposal. Congrats Will and Lil! Or should I say Mr. Wonka and his naughty neighbor?”

  I thought Leon was never going to let us leave. I also thought Leon was going to steal my ring. I get the whole bromance thing, but God, offering Will a spot on our radio show was going a little too far.

  “I’m not sure why you turned the idea down. I would make a great radio host. Your listeners love me.”

  I smack at Will’s chest as we walk out of the station. “Yeah, well, I don’t want to be out of a job because it went from the Lil and Big D show to the Wonka and Big D show. I swear he was about three seconds away from replacing me with you.”

  “Don’t worry, baby,” Will says playfully. “I much prefer our private Lil and Will show.” He chuckles and throws his arm around me. We walk out the front doors of the station and turn toward my car when I stop in my tracks.

  My body tenses immediately at the sight of my father leaned against his car parked beside mine. “What are you doing here?” I ask him.

  He frowns at my curt tone. “I want to talk to you.”

  “Talk to my attorney,” I spit back.

  “Nonsense. I don’t need Lance to talk to my own daughter.” His voice rises.

  Will takes a step toward him, but I pull him back. “Will, don’t. He’s not worth it. Let’s just go.” I turn my back to my father and we start to walk away.

  “I’m sorry for what I’ve done.”

  His words stop me in my tracks. Specific words I’ve never heard come from Bart Hamilton’s mouth. I turn around. “You’re sorry? For what? Trying to control me? For attempting to ruin and take away everything I love?”

  “I’m sorry for it all,” he states.

  I stare at him in confusion. The man before me is not my father.

  “Please,” he begs. “I would like five minutes of your time.”

  I turn to Will for guidance.

  “I don’t want him upsetting you,” he growls.

  “That is the last thing I want,” my father chimes in.

  Will offers him a glare, but softens when he brings his eyes back to me. “If he says anything to hurt you, walk away. I’m right over here if you need me.” He kisses me on the forehead and walks to his car. I wait until I watch him shut his door and turn back to my father.

  “You have three minutes.”

  He nods, takes a slow step toward me, and stops. “I listened to you, you know. Ever since you started at this place. Every morning.”

  The news shocks me. “Why?”

  “Because you’re my daughter. Because I want to know about you. I want to know how your life is.”

  “Okay, great, you could have just called and asked. Or was that when you called and demanded things from me?”

  I know that comment hurts him.

  “I shouldn’t have tried to control you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t’ve,” I agree, raising my voice. “You want to know about me? You could have asked.”

  “I didn’t know how,” he admits. “I know I’ve done you wrong. I’ve made many mistakes when it’s come to you. But one thing I never want you to question is my love for you.”

  “Don’t try and feed me lies. Nothing you have done shows love for a daughter.”

  He takes another slow step toward me. “You’re right. I’ve been awful. I’ve been controlling. I’ve been wrong.”

  His words. They’re words I’ve been waiting all my life to hear. “Why now?”

  “It may be hard for you to believe after how awful I’ve been, but I’ve only ever wanted you to be this amazing person.” He frowns. “But in my vision, I only saw what I wanted. I never considered what you wanted. I let my power and need to control the situation get in the way of that. I guess I was too blinded by what I wanted to realize.” He stalls for a quick second. “And possibly a good ol’ hair raising lecture from your mother. She may be set in her own ways, but she loves you just as much. It took her reminding me how much greater the loss would be if I didn’t make it right with you. I don’t want you to hate me. But I understand if you do. I just came here to tell you I’m sorry. I’ve pulled back on all accounts. You won’t have any problems with the house. I couldn’t really sell it because it didn’t belong to me. I was just bluffing so you’d come home. I’m sorry, Lilith.”

  I’m blown away at his confession. Never have I seen this side of my father. I look at him and I see sadness. Truth. Remorse.

  “And the station? Will?”

  “The station has been bought,” he says.

  My anger shoots right back up. “See, you—”

  “I bought it to give it to you. It’s yours. I’ll sign the deed over to you and WXOJ will be yours to do what you will. You’re amazing at what you do and with your talent and ideas, I know you can make that place shine.”

  My mouth hangs open. “You bought me the station?”

  Daddy always tries to buy himself out of trouble. This time, it might actually work because I do love that place.

  “I hope you don’t m
ind. The place was hurting financially, and if it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else. They were searching to sell, so unless I made the move, they would have sold eventually. I heard a new country station was in talks of buying this place.” Daddy blanches after saying that and I can’t help but laugh. My father just made a joke.

  “I love you, Lilith. I am truly sorry for my actions. I just want you in my life.”

  My eyes shed tears for a second time. I stare at my father until I find myself running and throwing myself in his arms. “Thank you,” I whisper, hugging him.

  He wraps his large arms around me and hugs me back. His lips press against the top of my head.

  “No, thank you for being my amazing daughter.”

  I pull away, wiping the tears off my cheeks. “Maybe you can come over to the house and continue telling me how amazing this daughter of yours is over a Manhattan and some barbeque. And then I can brag about how my fiancé makes a mean steak.”

  “Speaking of William,” he says, his features growing stormy.

  I wince, waiting for the hate to spew.

  “He was right.”

  Blinking at him, I mutter, “Come again?”

  “He was right about everything. You. Me.” He growls. “Charles Britton.”

  “Who’s Charles Britton?” My brows furrow together in confusion.

  He frowns. “He was the CFO of Hamilton Investments.”


  “William saw it. He saw it from a million miles away. It was right in front of me and I was too blind to see. Too blind worrying about getting you back home. Charles was embezzling from the firm, Lilith. Your fiancé told me so.” He lets out a frustrated breath. “I thought he was just riling me up, but then I actually took a look at the documents he gave me and then did a little investigating on my own. I need to apologize to him because he tried to help. Even when I was being a total monster, Mr. Grant was looking out for our family.”

  My eyes are wide with shock. Will never spoke of it to me. I’m going to tie him up later and spank him with his own belt for keeping this from me. Until then, though… “You tried to get him fired.”


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