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Run to Me: A Mountain Man Romance (Clarke Brothers Series Book 3)

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by Lilian Monroe

  He’s gorgeous.

  He could be a model. Even with his hair sticking up all over the place and his mouth hanging open, he still looks like he walked straight out of the pages of the magazine. I glance down his body, watching his muscular chest rise and fall with every breath. His cock is twitching under the sheet, and my thighs start to warm right away. I drop my hand to his chest and trace every muscle with my fingertips. I run my fingers all over him, back and forth, lower and lower until I get to the length between his legs.

  As soon as my hand touches him, he groans and opens his eyes.

  “Good morning to you too,” he grunts with a smile. Ethan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, letting it out with a groan. “I could think of worse ways to wake up.”

  I’m already slick with desire. I fumble for a condom, my hands trembling as I slip it on. I climb up on top of him and slide down onto his shaft. He gasps, opening his eyes wider and gripping my thighs with his strong hands.

  I can’t get enough of him. My body is on fire, and the only thing I can do is give in to my urges. My body is sore and tired from our night together, but it doesn’t matter. We ride and thrust and moan and scream until the room smells like sweat and sex. I collapse on top of him and enjoy the last quivers of my orgasm.

  I lay my head on his chest, listening to the beating of his heart slow down as we lay motionless. His fingers are trailing up and down my spine and he brushes the hair off my forehead, laying a kiss on my skin and grunting.

  “Sweaty,” he says, wiping his lips. I laugh.


  I look up at him and smile. His eyes are gleaming, and he runs his fingers long my temple and through my hair.

  This wasn’t what I was expecting when I went out last night, but somehow, it was exactly what I needed. I’m more calm and relaxed than I’ve been in months. I peel myself away and kiss him gently one more time.

  “I should go,” I whisper. He pulls me closer and kisses me, nuzzling his head into my neck.

  “Don’t go,” he says. “It’s Sunday. Stay until tonight. Surely you don’t have to be anywhere until tomorrow?”

  I smile as my heart squeezes. I wish I could. I think of Audrey, and my mother, and my new job, and I shake my head. I need to get down to Lang Creek to get organized before my first day. Sleeping with a gorgeous man to let off some steam is one thing, but staying here to see him is quite another. I can’t let distractions get in the way of what’s important.

  “I have to go,” I reply. “Can I use your shower?” I peel myself away again and laugh when he pouts.

  “At least let me take your number.”

  I hesitate. I want to give it to him. I want to see him again. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to stay, to give him my number, to spend the day eating and fucking and laughing with him.

  The responsible voice in my head finally wins. I smile at him and run my finger along his temple, giving his scalp a soft massage.

  “I want to,” I start.

  “But…?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “But let’s just leave it where we are,” I reply. “I’ll be gone soon. It’s easier this way.” Too many distractions will make me forget why I’m here. I need to finish training the Parks staff, and I can’t become involved romantically with anyone, even if they don’t live in the same town as me.

  Especially if he lives far away. I can’t waste any time or energy on anything except getting this project going and getting back to my daughter.

  Ethan is hurt, I can tell. He drops his eyes and his body stiffens. He nods.

  “Yeah,” he answers. His voice has an edge that I haven’t heard before. “You’re right. It’s simpler this way.”

  “Think of it this way,” I say as I peel myself away from him and swing my legs off the bed. “I’m your first groupie. There’ll be thousands of girls like me when your band hits it big.” I find my jeans, inside out and flung over the dresser in our haste last night.

  He chuckles. “I don’t know if anyone can top the night we just had, though.”

  My heart squeezes and I glance at him. I know he means it, and it scares me. I purse my lips into a thin line and pull on the rest of my clothes, glancing around the room to make sure I have everything.

  “Thanks for a great night,” I say as I lean into the bed and kiss him again. He reaches up and runs his fingers around the nape of my neck, pulling me in for a deeper kiss. His other hand reaches towards my waist.

  Before I know it, he’s pulling me down beside him and rolling on top of me. I giggle and yelp as he covers my neck in kisses.

  “Ethan!” I protest, laughing and loving the way he’s worshipping my body.

  He lifts his head up and his eyes are full of mischief. “One more time,” he growls. “For the road.”

  My smile twitches and I dip my chin down. “One for the road,” I repeat. His grin widens and he crushes his lips against mine before tearing the clothes off my body once more.

  Chapter 6 - Ethan

  By the time Zoe leaves, I’m exhausted. My body feels completely empty, and I don’t know what to think. I let out a sigh and fold my arms behind my head as I lay down in bed. I look at the ceiling of my little log cabin, tracing the grain of the wooden slats above me with my eyes.

  I can’t believe I met a woman like that in a town like this, and I can’t believe I couldn’t get her number. On the one hand, I understand. She’s just passing through, and she wanted to acknowledge last night for what it was: one night of fun.

  ‘Fun’ seems like the wrong word. It was passion. It was the hottest sex I’ve had in my life. She ran her hands over my body as if she was trying to memorize it. She wrapped her legs around me and fucked me like no other woman I’ve been with.

  And then, she left.

  I sigh and close my eyes to remember her kiss. I try to freeze the memory of her in my mind, so that I can remember last night for a long time. I don’t want to forget what it felt like to be with a woman like that, to have her give herself over to me so completely.

  As much as I understand why she doesn’t want to keep seeing me, rejection stings. I get it, but my ego is bruised. Was last night as good for her as it was for me? Did she enjoy it? It felt like an almost out-of-body experience for me. When I came, it was like my whole body was screaming at once, like every nerve in my body was firing together.

  And she came too. I know she did. I could feel it, and I could see it in her face. I know she felt what I felt. I could see the hunger in her eyes this morning. Her body was like a coiled spring, and feeling that energy release was intoxicating. And yet… she still wanted to leave and never see me again?

  I blow the air out of my nostrils and swing my legs over the side of the bed. I shake my head and run my fingers through my hair.

  I’m being ridiculous and insecure. Somehow, in less than twenty-four hours, Zoe got under my skin and shook me off balance. Isn’t it usually the guy that leaves in the morning and never calls back? Shouldn’t it be me who’s the heartbreaker here?

  It’s unusual for me to feel this way. I’m used to having women chase me, not the other way around.

  I stand up and head towards the shower. The thoughts are crashing around in my head, and I step under the stream of water to try to wash my body and mind clean. I scrub myself thoroughly and then just stand under the water with my eyes closed and my mouth open.

  By the time I step back out of the shower, I’m calmer. I got fired up by a sexy woman, but she’s right. It’s better this way. I gather my things and check out of the hotel. I might as well head back to Lang Creek before dark. I have to work in the morning, after all.

  When I get to the front desk, Mickey is sitting down watching an old TV show. He glances up when I walk in and grins.

  “Looks like you had a good night,” he chirps.

  I shrug, ignoring his unsaid question. “It was alright.”

  Mickey barks a laugh and takes the room keys. “Book you in for next month?
” He asks.

  I nod. “Same time, same room. You know it.”

  “See you then, buddy.”

  Mickey nods at me and I walk out of the hotel’s office, heading towards my pickup truck. I load it up with my gear and clothes, and then slide in behind the wheel and make my way onto the freeway. I glance in my rear-view mirror as Long Lake disappears behind me, and I shake my head.

  I don’t want to tell my brothers about her, or anyone in Lang Creek. I want to keep the memory of last night buried deep inside me and hope that somehow, I’ll run into Zoe again.

  By the time I make it to Lang Creek, the sun is getting lower. I slow down as I make my way through the town, heading towards my little cabin on the edge of the forest. It’s a quiet, sleepy place, and for the first time in a long time, I feel restless.

  My thoughts keep drifting back to Zoe and our night together. I think of her laugh and the way her eyes sparkled when I touched her. How could I ever find a woman like that in a tiny town like Lang Creek? It doesn’t help that I spend days on my own in the Park.

  When I park my truck in front of my house, I lean back in the driver’s seat and close my eyes for an instant. I have to snap out of it. She’s gone, and I’ll probably never see her again. We had a great night together, and I should appreciate that. That’s all it was: one night.

  I jump when someone knocks on the car window, and then relax when I see my brother.

  “Hey, Dominic,” I say as I open the door.

  “How was the show?” He asks. He’s a couple inches taller than me and built like a football player. His eyes narrow as he watches me grab my bag from the passenger’s seat before getting out of the car. “I came by last night and you weren’t here, forgot it was the second Saturday of the month.”

  “Are you tracking all my movements now?” I ask with a grin. There’s an edge to my voice that even I can hear. Dominic frowns and then shakes his head.

  “Whatever, man. I brought you that table you wanted.” I follow my brother as he leads me to his truck, and I leave the memory of last night behind me. I’m back in Lang Creek, and back to work tomorrow. Things are exactly as they were before this weekend. All I did was meet a woman and sleep with her.

  Still, as Dominic and I bring my new table inside, something feels different. I hand my brother a beer and we sink down on my couch, but we don’t speak to each other. He glances at me a few times and then finally stands up, putting a hand on my shoulder as he walks by.

  “I’m going home,” he grunts. “Take care of yourself.”

  I nod at him. When the door closes behind him, I lean back in the sofa and let out a sigh. Something has changed, and I’m not sure it’s a good thing.

  Chapter 7 - Zoe

  The alarm is blaring, and I smack my arm down over the bedside table to try to turn it off. I miss, and the alarm keeps beeping. It’s an old alarm clock, with bright red numbers and a long snooze bar. I crawl my fingers over the bedside table until I find the alarm clock and turn it off.

  I groan into my pillow before opening one eye and looking at the clock: 5:30am. It’s early, but it’s just enough time to go for an early morning run before work. I sigh and roll out of bed. My eyes are still mostly closed as I head to my stack of workout clothes. Thankfully, I left everything out and ready for the morning. I’m not sure I’d have the energy or the drive to dig through my suitcases for running leggings. I pull them on, still half-asleep.

  It takes me about a mile before I’m truly awake. My headphones are blaring in my ears and I can see the first rays of sunshine coming out over the mountains. I’m at the edge of town, and there’s a thick mist hanging low on the ground. The air is crisp and clean. When I inhale, I remember why I like to get up this early.

  By the time the sun is warming the ground, I’m turning back towards the town of Lang Creek. I wind my way through the trails that I’ve been running on, and head back towards the main road. As I leave the forest behind me, a black pickup truck catches my eye. I slow down, frowning.

  My heart starts beating harder as I get closer to it. It’s parked outside a single-story house. Well, a cabin, really. Most of the houses in this town are log cabins.

  I stare at the truck, reading the license plate and trying to remember the truck parked outside Ethan’s BnB. When I pass it, I shake my head and continue towards the town. I ignore the thumping in my heart, blaming my run for the hammering in my chest.

  It’s probably not his. How many people around here have black pickup trucks? Probably everyone in town, and everyone in the next town, and the next. I shake my head, taking a deep breath and trying to forget the smell of his skin and the touch of his hands on my body. It was one night, and I’m probably never going to see him again.

  And even if the truck was his, who cares? So he lives in Lang Creek! What does that change? We had one night of fun. I thought I’d never see him again, but even if I do see him, it doesn’t mean we have to date.

  Still, my heart is still racing and I know it’s not because I’m running. A deep well of excitement starts to build inside me when I think of seeing him again. What if it was his truck? I might run into him at the grocery store, or at the bar. We could talk, and maybe even grab a drink together. And then… well, whatever happens, happens.

  As I get to my hotel, I climb the steps up to my room and close the door behind me. I lean on it, closing my eyes and sighing. My blood is pumping and my breath is heavy, and all I can think of is Ethan.

  Even if he lives here, seeing him again would be a bad idea. A terrible idea! I’d be the new girl in town, immediately crawling into bed with one of the locals. Bad, bad idea.

  I open my eyes again and try to forget about him. There’s no way that was his truck. I’m just riled up because I’ve had sex for the first time in years. I’d probably be infatuated with anyone at this point.

  I peel my sweaty running clothes off and jump in the shower. I stand under the water and try to wash off the thoughts of Ethan swirling in my head. I start a new job today, and I need to focus. I’m all over the place! Even the sight of a generic black pickup truck is sending me reeling.

  I wash myself methodically, enjoying the billowing steam and the hot water of the shower. When I wash between my legs, a tiny thrill passes through me. I pause, and remember the way Ethan was touching me just twenty-four hours ago. My fingers move in slow circles, and I remember the way his breath was heavy in my ear. I remember his groans, and the way he grunted when he came. I remember his lips crushed against mine, and his hands all over my body.

  The water is pouring down over me and I put a hand on the shower wall to steady myself. I’m panting again, and my fingers are moving faster and faster. When I cum, I’m thinking of him. My body is shaking and I can hardly hold myself up, but I manage to turn off the shower and steady myself.

  As I dry myself off with a thick white towel, I sigh. I wrap the towel around me and fall into bed, closing my eyes for a moment and groaning in satisfaction.

  Even if it wasn’t Ethan’s truck parked in Lang Creek, I’m still getting some good mileage out of the thought of him.

  I can’t enjoy the after-effects of my orgasm, because my phone rings. I drag myself out of bed and see my daughter’s face on my phone. I press the green button to answer, and a video call starts between us.

  “Morning, Mom!” Audrey says. She has a huge smile on her face and I gasp.

  “Your tooth!”

  Audrey laughs. “I lost it this morning! Grandma says if I put it under my pillow, the tooth fairy will come and give me a dollar.” She glances behind her and comes closer to the camera. “But I know the tooth fairy doesn’t exist.”

  “How do you know that?” I ask, my heart squeezing as I realize my little girl is growing up.

  “Megan at school told me.”

  “Ah, well don’t listen to everything Megan tells you.”

  “She told me that I look ugly with my missing tooth,” Audrey says, and I see a flash of pain across
her face. My heart squeezes again and I wish I were there to give her a hug.

  “That was very mean of Megan,” I say, frowning. “You know you’re beautiful, Audrey, don’t you?”

  Audrey makes a noise and doesn’t look at me. I frown again. “Is Megan mean to you often, Audrey?”

  My daughter takes a deep breath and won’t look at the camera. I frown and sit up, holding the towel up on my chest.

  Audrey shrugs and shuffles the phone in her hand. She shows me her tooth, turning it around in her hand and laughing. I smile, and my heart grows in my chest. We talk for a few minutes, and then she puts my mother on.

  “Hey, Mom,” I say. “Did Audrey mention this Megan girl to you?”

  My mom’s lips purse and I see her face cloud. She nods. “Doesn’t sound like a very nice girl. I’ve tried talking to Audrey about it but she gets really quiet when I try to press her.”

  “I hope she’s not being bullied.”

  “I’ll try to talk to her. How was your weekend? Did you go out for a drink on Saturday?”

  “Yeah,” I reply. “It was nice.”

  My mom nods, and I hear Audrey in the background. “I’d better let you go,” my mom says. “Love you, Zoe.”

  “Love you too, Mom,” I reply.

  We hang up the phone and I hold it to my chest. Yes, I’ve been lonely since Mark died, and yes, I loved Ethan’s attention. But at the end of the day, I’m here for my daughter. I’m making some money that will pay for her piano and soccer and start a small college fund for her. The next couple months working on this contract are important for me and most importantly, for my daughter.

  I sigh and put my phone aside, rubbing my eyes and combing my fingers through my hair. I get up and finish getting ready. By the time I’m getting in my rental car, I’ve put all thoughts of Ethan aside. I’m going to go to the Ranger’s Station and start Day One of their new training. I’ll do the best possible job I can, and I’ll bring home a great paycheck for my daughter’s future.


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