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Ghostly Vibrations

Page 2

by Maya Anders

  “Catwoman!” Roxy stared at the comic-book caricature tattooed on Eris’s smoothly shaven pubic mound.

  Eris pushed her glasses up on her nose in a self-conscious gesture. “I’ve had that a long time. Selina Kyle was a childhood heroine of mine. I’ve grown out of that kid stuff now.”

  “Maybe.” Roxy peered at the tattooed cartoon again. “There’s a speech balloon. I can’t quite make out what she’s saying.”

  “She’s saying ‘Eat my pussy’.” Suiting actions to words, Eris pushed her crotch into Roxy’s face.

  There was nothing Roxy liked better than the feel of a soft, moist pussy on her tongue. She lapped away at Eris’s juicily engorged labia and thickly swollen clitoris. The latter was one of the biggest clits she’d ever encountered—the size and shape of the knuckle of her own thumb, and almost as hard.

  “Oh, God, yes…” Eris groaned. “Your tongue feels so good inside of me. You’re so much more skilful than my previous assistant. That’s it…just a bit deeper!”

  Roxy thrust her tongue to its fullest extent inside Eris’s vagina, then curled the tip round and felt for the tell-tale roughness of her G-spot. She began to press it rhythmically with her tongue as hard as she could.

  Eris’s moans of pleasure got louder and wilder, finally crescendoing into a huge climactic shriek. “Mmmm…hmmm…unghh…aaarghh!” Roxy’s felt her tongue forcibly ejected by a massive vaginal spasm. Reflex action caused Eris to continue grinding her pussy into her face for several more seconds.

  “Did you cum?” Roxy asked, as soon as her mouth was free enough to do so.

  “Of course I did. Didn’t you hear me?”

  “Uh, just a bit.” It was probably the noisiest orgasm Roxy had ever heard. “What I meant to say was; did you pick up any psychic vibrations?”

  “Yes.” Eris stood up and closed the zipper of her cat suit. “I had a clear vision—a stone staircase, somewhere very close to here, leading down…way down into the bowels of the earth.”

  Roxy got to her feet, pulling her dress back into its correct shape as best she could. “You don’t mean those steps we went down to get to the crypt of the chapel?”

  “No—it’s connected to one of these graves.” Eris scanned the burial ground for several seconds, then pointed to the largest and grandest-looking of the tombs. “That one, I think.”

  They went over to the structure in question. It was almost like a small building, with a metal gate closing off the interior. Peering inside, they could see rows of dusty lead coffins on stone shelves.

  “I guess this is the family mausoleum.” Eris straightened her glasses. “The Drake family, I mean. But we can’t get in. There’s a chain on the gate, with a padlock.”

  “Let me see that.” Roxy glanced at the padlock, then held the chain with both hands to test its strength. “You know what they say—a chain’s only as strong as its weakest link.” She held the chain out taut with her left hand, then brought her right hand down in a chopping blow. The chain snapped and the padlock fell to the ground.

  Eris looked at her in amazement. “How did you do that?”

  Roxy shrugged. “It’s just karate. I don’t have any super-powers like you. But if you were as petite and stacked as I am, you’d need a way to fight off male admirers too.”

  “I’ll try to remember that,” Eris said. “In case I wake up one day and I’ve suddenly transformed into a top-heavy midget.”

  Roxy gave Eris’s leather-clad butt a playful kick. “This top-heavy midget has a black belt in karate, don’t forget. Now get inside that tomb and let’s look for your secret staircase.”

  * * * *

  Eris unzipped a pocket of her cat suit and took out a pencil flashlight. Switching it on, she swung the beam around the interior of the mausoleum. There was no obvious sign of a staircase leading down. The floor was solid, made of dusty stone slabs. The two longest walls were occupied by coffin-carrying shelves, four on each side. At the far end, opposite the entrance, was a solid stone wall. At its base stood an altar-like table, covered in decaying red cloth.

  Eris lifted the cloth and shone the light underneath. “Nothing—just a solid stone recess. Hiding a multitude of spider webs, but no secret passage.”

  She raised the beam to the wall above the altar. There were three words carved there, in large uppercase letters, each word on a line of its own. She read them out loud: “Veritas fugit pecuniam.”

  “Sounds like Latin,” Roxy said. “Any idea what it means?”

  Eris frowned, looking at the words again. “I think it means something like ‘truth flies from money.’ Maybe it’s the Drake family motto.”

  “Truth flies from money?” Roxy pondered for a moment. “I guess that means if you’ve got enough money, you don’t have to worry about the truth.”

  “Very appropriate,” Eris agreed. “That’s what I think happened with Veronica Parker. I think Hamilton Drake murdered her, then paid off the local authorities to look the other way.”

  Roxy nodded. “It doesn’t get us any closer to your secret passage, though. Say—is there anything in that box?”

  “Which box?” Eris swept the beam of her flashlight over the coffins.

  “No—not them. That cardboard box on the altar.”

  “Oh.” Eris directed the beam inside the receptacle in question. Then her voice suddenly perked up. “Candles—big ones. Perfect—that’s just what we need right now.”

  Roxy peered over her shoulder. “But there’s nothing to light them with. No matches.”

  “We don’t need to light them.” Eris pulled out one of the candles and held it up. “Christ, will you look at that!”

  The bright red, ornately designed candle was vaguely sacramental-looking…and eye-wateringly huge. It was at least a foot long and two inches in diameter, and it had thick spiral ridges running around it.

  Roxy gasped. “It looks like an enormous dildo.”

  “Like I said,” Eris grinned, “it’s just what we need right now.”

  She unzipped her leather suit all the way, exposing her Catwoman tattoo and her moistly hanging labia. Then she plopped herself on top of the altar and spread her legs. “Okay, assistant, you know what to do.” She directed the beam of her flashlight onto her crotch and handed the candle to Roxy.

  Roxy knelt in front of the psychic detective’s sweet-smelling pussy and eased the huge red candle inside. Despite its size, it slid in with astonishing ease. Eris’s eagerly receptive vagina swallowed up more than half the length of the candle, leaving just a few inches exposed for Roxy to use as a handle.

  “Oh, God,” Eris murmured. “That feels so good. Quickly now, fuck me to orgasm—we’ve got work to do!”

  Roxy began thrusting the gigantic, thick-ribbed candle in and out. Eris’s soft, moist vagina made delicious squelching sounds as she did so.

  “That’s it—ram it in hard!” Eris urged. “But do it faster—deeper and faster!”

  Roxy increased the rhythm to two beats per second, plunging the candle almost to the hilt with each thrust. Adjusting her position so that her face was closer to the action, her eyes bugged out when she saw the size of Eris’s hornily engorged clit. It stood out pink and swollen, almost like the tip of a miniature penis. With her free hand Roxy reached out and began squeezing it in the same rhythm as the thrusting candle.

  Eris squealed in ecstasy. “Oh fuck, that’s good. I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna cum!”

  Remembering the force of Eris’s previous orgasm, it occurred to Roxy that the candle—just a few inches from her face—had the potential to become a lethal weapon. Just in time she pulled it out, a moment before Eris’s vagina convulsed in violent orgasmic contractions. Her final climactic shriek was, if anything, louder than the one outside in the churchyard.

  Roxy dropped the candle and put her hands over her ears. “I’m really going to have to invest in some earplugs, if you want me to become your regular partner.”

  “Assistant, not partner,” Eris corrected
her, zipping her cat suit back up. “I’m the psychically talented one, remember.”

  “Humphh.” Roxy tossed her long mane of blonde hair. “So what vibrations did the psychically talented detective pick up this time?”

  Eris frowned in puzzlement. “It’s very odd, but I had a vision of just a single word, carved in stone in uppercase letters.”

  “What word?”


  “Oh, Christ.” Roxy rolled her eyes. “You’ve got sex on the brain. Looks like your psychic talent dropped the ball this time.”

  “I’m not so sure.” Eris swung the flashlight onto the Latin motto carved on the wall.

  “That says Veritas fugit pecuniam,” Roxy pointed out. “Not vagina.”

  Eris lowered her glasses and peered more closely at the inscription. “Look—the letters are slightly raised from the wall, like buttons. Let’s see what happens if we select the magic word.”

  She carefully pressed the V and A of veritas, the G and I of fugit and the N and A of pecuniam.

  There was a mechanical grinding sound as one of the floor slabs slowly opened up, like a trapdoor. Eris pointed the flashlight into the space below. “A stone staircase leading down into the bowels of the earth…just like I saw in my vision.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Roxy snatched the flashlight from Eris’s fingers and excitedly led the way down the steps.

  * * * *

  After descending for twenty or thirty feet, they came out into a low-ceilinged chamber which appeared to have been carved straight out of the bedrock. Leading off the chamber were two narrow, pipe-like tunnels, no more than three feet in diameter.

  Roxy shone the flashlight along first one tunnel, then the other. “Which way, chief?”

  Eris thought for a moment. “Unless I’ve lost my sense of direction, I think the one on the right goes back toward the chapel, and the one on the left toward the main house.”

  “Then we need the one on the left.”

  “Yep.” Eris got down on her hands and knees and began crawling along the narrow passage.

  Roxy followed a few seconds later, still holding the flashlight.

  For several minutes they proceeded in silence, broken only by occasional grunts and curses as they bumped or snagged themselves against unexpected protrusions in the dusty, crudely carved tunnel.

  Roxy was aware that her tight black party dress and pantyhose were steadily being ripped to shreds. It didn’t help that Eris, dressed more practically in her adventuress-style leather cat suit, was forging ahead at a rapid pace.

  “You know something?” Roxy called ahead.

  “What?” Eris paused and looked back over her shoulder.

  “Seen from this perspective, you really do have a very big ass.”

  Eris grunted and resumed moving forward. “My ass is a perfectly normal size for a five-foot-eight female such as myself. I can’t help it if you’re a five-foot-two midget with buttocks the size of apples.”

  “Very firm, well-rounded apples, though.”

  “I wasn’t complaining, I was just saying.”


  They finally came to the end of the tunnel. For a moment they thought it was a dead end—then Roxy pointed the flashlight upward and they saw a vertical shaft with a rusty metal ladder bolted to it.

  “It doesn’t look any too safe, but now we’ve come this far…” Eris started up the ladder.

  Roxy followed—once again wishing she was dressed a little more practically. About half way up she felt a tug, and heard the sound of ripping fabric.

  A few seconds later, Eris reached the top. Her voice came echoing down the shaft. “Damn—a heavy metal trapdoor. Let’s see if I can get it open.”

  Roxy heard a lot of grunting and swearing, then the loud clang of a metal hatch being flung open. “Good thing it wasn’t locked,” Eris called down.

  A few seconds later, Roxy clambered out through the hatchway. She scanned the flashlight around. “That looks like it might be a light switch over there.”

  Eris crossed to the spot indicated and threw the wall switch. The place was suddenly flooded with a dim, reddish light. She blinked a few times, then stared at Roxy.

  “What happened to your dress?”

  Roxy looked down. She was dressed in torn pantyhose, heavy gothic boots and nothing else. “Um, I think it got caught on something when I was coming up the ladder.”

  “Never mind—the new look suits you. That really is the most stunning pair of tits I’ve ever seen.”

  “Uh-huh.” Roxy wasn’t really listening—she was gazing round the room in amazement. “What is this place, anyway?”

  “I think it must be the basement of Drake mansion.”

  Roxy wasn’t convinced. “It looks more like a medieval dungeon…or a torture chamber.”

  The large, low-ceilinged room did indeed boast a wide array of BDSM equipment: racks, cages, leg irons, and pillories. Various gags, harnesses, and whips hung from the walls, along with an impressive selection of dildoes and vibrators.

  “More like a dominatrix’s recreation room,” Eris observed.

  “You’d know,” Roxy conceded. “You’re the leather freak.”

  Eris didn’t deign to reply. She’d spotted something on the other side of the room. “That looks as if it might be interesting.”

  “What, the gynecological examination table?”

  “No—this.” Eris swept past the gyno table to a large plasma screen on the wall beyond. Standing next to it was a rack of expensive-looking electronic equipment, and a huge selection of DVDs with neatly handwritten labels. She switched the machine on, then ran her finger along the rows of DVDs.

  “What are you looking for, chief?” Roxy came over and stood at her shoulder.

  “This!” Eris held up one of the disks in triumph. “See the date? December 31st, 1999.”

  “The day before Veronica Parker’s body was found.”

  “Exactly! Now let’s see what was going on down here that evening…”

  Eris slipped the disk into the machine and started it running. She looked up at the plasma screen, then fast-forwarded until she saw something that caught her interest. She slowed the DVD to normal playback speed.

  The screen showed the very room they were in. A naked woman was chained to the wall, her arms and legs spread-eagled in an X-shape. She was gagged, and bleeding heavily from multiple lacerations. The punishment was being inflicted by a smartly-dressed figure wielding what appeared to be a razor whip. At first the man had his back to the camera, but after a while he changed position and they got a good look at his face.

  “That’s Hamilton Drake,” Roxy gasped. “He was a lot younger in those days, but there’s no doubt it’s him.”

  “And the girl is Veronica Parker,” Eris added. “I recognize her from photographs.”

  “It’s not surprising the poor girl was found dead the next day, after going through that.” Roxy paused for a moment, then added: “But I thought the autopsy was supposed to be inconclusive?”

  “Obviously Hamilton bought off the coroner. Like the family motto says, ‘Veritas fugit pecuniam’—truth flies from money.” Eris stopped the playback and ejected the disk. She carefully slipped it into one of the zippered pockets of her cat suit.

  “Evidence for the police?” Roxy asked.

  “Precisely,” Eris agreed. “It should be more than enough to put that bastard away for life. Now we just need to…”

  “Shhh…what’s that noise?”

  They stopped and listened. There was the faint but unmistakable sound of an approaching crowd. It seemed to be coming from the other side of a heavy wooden door…and it was getting louder. They could hear raucous male laughter and drunken female giggles.

  “They must be coming down from the main house!” Eris whispered. “That must be the door to the stairway.”

  Before they had time to react, the door swung open. Hamilton Drake stood there, wearing the same spotless white suit
they’d seen him in earlier. He appeared to be saying something to the crowd that had followed him down the stairs. As soon as he saw Eris and Roxy he froze in mid-sentence, a horrified look on his face.

  Quickly gathering himself, he turned back to his unseen companions. “Sorry folks, but it seems there’s something of a mess in here that I need to clear up first. Go back upstairs and amuse yourselves until I call you down.”

  Drake turned back to his two uninvited guests, his face hardening. He stepped menacingly into the room, slamming the door behind him and spinning its combination lock.

  Eris stood her ground defiantly. “It’s no use, Drake—the game’s up. We know how you killed Veronica Parker, and carried her body through the tunnel to the churchyard.”

  The playboy millionaire shrugged nonchalantly. “Veronica got a little over-enthusiastic during a sex game, and suffered a tragic heart failure. You can’t blame me for that…just as you can’t blame me for trying to protect the poor girl’s parents from the sordid truth.”

  “The only person you’re trying to protect is yourself. We’ve seen the video recording. We know about the razor whip.”

  “It was an accident, nothing more.” Drake gave them an insincere smile. “You’d be surprised how many accidental deaths occur when people start to experiment with novel sexual techniques. The same fate might even befall the two of you. In fact I strongly suspect it will…and sooner rather than later.”

  The white-suited millionaire darted over to the metal hatch leading to the underground tunnel and kicked it shut. Like the door, it was protected by a combination lock. He knelt down to spin it shut.

  “There, that ought to…unghh!” As Drake looked up, Roxy’s heavily booted foot made very satisfying contact with his chin. The force of the kick lifted the man off the ground and flung him backward against the wall of the cellar. His head slammed into the unyielding stone with a loud crack.

  Roxy went over to the crumpled form and peered down at her would-be attacker. Then she put her fingers to his neck to feel for a pulse.

  “He’s not dead, is he?” Eris didn’t look as though she cared much one way or the other.

  “Unfortunately, no.” Roxy stood up and poked at the inert body with her foot. “But I don’t think he’s going to wake up any time soon. And when he does, he’ll have a hell of a bad headache.”


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