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The Reluctant Hero: The Tainted Series

Page 11

by T. L. Tate

  “I love you, Jessa.”

  Her eyes widened and just as quickly she looked away. “I didn’t say it so that you would lie to me. I know that you don’t love me. I wish you hadn’t said it. I wish I never told you that I loved you.”

  I grabbed her face and forced her to look at me. “Jessa. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it. It’s as much a shock to me as it is to you but its true. I love you, Jessa. I. Love. You.”

  I think I caused a miniature nuclear explosion to occur in her brain because she looked fried. “B-b-b-b-b-but you…I…you can’t. You can’t love me. You have Jen. You love Jen.”

  “Of course I love Jen. She’s my wife. But I also love you. That’s true too.”

  Her eyes were wet and there was a hint of distrust there. “Are you sure you know what you’re saying? This isn’t something to joke about.”

  “I would never joke about this. It’s true. I love you. Will you accept my love?”

  “Accept? Accept! Of course! Of course! I love you so much. I love you!” She pulled me down to her and this time it was her lips assaulting mine. She crushed her lips against me and I felt like we were melded together.

  When she released me, she lustfully spoke, “Give it to me, baby. Give me all that you’ve got.”

  I grinned, “Game on.”

  When I slowly entered her, her nails went to my back and she screamed, “Holy fuck! How is it so fucking big?”

  Even I could tell that I was harder than I’d ever been. It was like a miniature battering ram. Only mine was made of flesh, was pulsating and felt hot to the touch.

  Only my head was in when she bit down on my shoulder. She bit down so hard that I was surprised when she didn’t break the skin.

  I paused so that she could grow accustomed to feeling me inside of her. When I felt her hands move from my back to my butt, I knew that she was ready for me to move. I moved in small circles as she moaned pleasurable songs in my ears. I nibbled and sucked on her sensitive nipples and she practically melted. I felt her pussy get even wetter when I did. That gave me what I needed to dive deeper. When I did she screamed. “Don’t stop. Don’t you fucking stop!” And I didn’t. I didn’t stop until I couldn’t go any further.

  “How do you feel?” I was slowly pulling in and out of her as she squeezed down on me from all angles.

  “I f-feel good. I feel so good. It’s so good. Give me more. Please, I need it.”

  “As you wish.” I pulled back on final time until just the tip of my cock was still inside of her. She tensed, as she knew what I was going to do. Or at least she thought she did.

  Knowing her response patterns, I went straight to her nipple and bit down hard. She gasped and pressed her breast against my face more. With her attention on her nipple and not on my invading cock, she relaxed. That was when I slammed inside of her.

  “Ah! Holy fuck! Shit!”

  The sound of me fucking her filled the room. Slap! Slap! Slap!

  Her screaming echoed from the walls. “Shit! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  My bed was creaking with the abuse it was taking and the marks on my body increased with every pleasurable tendril that cascaded throughout her body. She was a fine tuned instrument and I was the conductor. She played as fast and as slow as I wanted. When I wanted her to reach a crescendo, all I had to do was take her there. In that moment she was my masterpiece and I was her god.

  “Please cum for me, Lance. Please. I can’t take anymore. Please cum. Oh…oh God! I’m cumming! I’m cumming! Ah!”

  She squeezed down so hard that I thought she would rip my cock off of my body. Her body was twitching as she rode out her orgasm. Her mouth hanged open sloppily as she came. She moaned the sweetest tune and that was when I lost it.

  I slammed into her one final time and delivered a full-blown explosion into her depths.

  “Ahhhh! It’s so hot. I can feel them inside me. It’s so hot inside.” She was speaking to me but at the same time she wasn’t. She was driven temporarily insane by the strength of her orgasm.

  I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders as she pulled me down. She kissed me hungrily. “That felt so amazing.”

  “I agree. I can’t describe it.” I noticed that even after my climax, I wasn’t softening. I started shifting so that I could pull out of her and give her a break and she quickly crossed her legs behind my back.

  “No! Don’t move. Stay where you are.” She wrapped her arms around my neck, possessively.

  “But isn’t it too much?”

  “N-no. I’m getting used to it. Besides, we’re going to have to go at least two more times today to increase my chances.”

  “We can always take a break and then when you’re ready we can try again.”

  “No. I want you right now. Please. I’m finally able to be myself, plus Jen isn’t here. I want to stay this way for just a little longer.”

  We lied there for a few minutes and we just talked. She told me that her parents were planning a trip to come see her in a few weeks. It was the first I heard of it. Apparently things haven’t fully thawed between them and Jen. I wonder how they would feel if they knew that their eldest also wanted to be with a Black man. I chuckled at the oddities in life.

  I began moving slowly. She relaxed her legs but still held me tightly in her arms. While kissing her neck and lips, we made love without the feelings that were there earlier. I wasn’t driven into a mad rush by the drugs in my system and she wasn’t clawing at me or crawling around because I was fucking her too hard. It was slow and controlled. It was sweet.

  We were chest to chest, even when she climbed on top and rode me. There wasn’t really a time when our lips weren’t close together. When I came again, she pressed her forehead to mine. “It feels so good. Sex with you is the absolute best.”

  I held her closely as we basked in the afterglow. She kissed my lips and smiled. “Okay, I think that’s it for me. I can’t do it again after all.” She kicked her leg over me and reached her hand over her head. She grabbed one of our decorative pillows and I watched in silent glee as she jammed the pillow under her lower back and lifted her legs in the air.

  I smiled as I immediately recognized that yoga-like pose. “Comfortable?”

  She could hear the mirth in my voice and face darkened out of embarrassment. “S-shut up! Jen told me that this increases the odds of conceiving. She did it and it worked.”

  I kissed her cheek. “Yeah, I guess it did.”

  I stood up and stretched. My boner was still there but it was slowly going away. “Want me to wait on you before I shower?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ll join you when I’m done. Besides…this is embarrassing. Just get going.”

  I laughed as I turned and headed into the bathroom. I heard her growl but her legs and ass dangling in the air limited the ferocity of the expression. As promised, she eventually joined me before I got out. I helped her wash her body as I paid special attention to her large breasts and sensitive nipples. I wanted to go again but she still needed some time to recover, so I got my kicks by teasing her sweet body until she was practically humming.

  When we finally did get a chance to have sex again she was horny and impatient. She screamed as I fucked her and while moaning, she collapsed as our combined orgasms brought her to her knees.

  I helped her off the ground and carried her to the couch. Her dress was a mess but it made a lovely picture hiked up her back as her ass was exposed and I rammed into her tight little pussy.

  “So, do you think you’re pregnant?”

  She was still feeling the aftereffects of her orgasm and was moaning quietly as she squirmed around on the couch. “Mmmm! I hope so…well maybe not. If I’m not we can do this again next month.”

  I laughed. “I don’t think Jen and the kids will conveniently leave for a weekend this same time next month. This is a once in a lifetime sort of coincidence. We should make the most out of it.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  I sat b
ehind her. She pushed herself up the couch until her head rested on my thigh. I looked down at her, her hair messy, her dress wrinkled and her make-up washed away. “You’re so beautiful, Jessa.”

  She blushed. “T-thank you.” She sighed as I ran my finger through her hair. “I can’t believe that I finally get to be with you. There were so many times when I thought it would never be. I mean I know we’re not together and that you’re married but I don’t care. I don’t care that you have a family. Does that make me a horrible person? Well, even if it did it doesn’t change the way that I feel. I’ve loved you for so long that it seems like it’s taken over my entire life. I had given up hope when I saw you that day at the rehearsal dinner. But now look at us. I’ve lied. I’ve cheated. I’ve stolen. But in the end it all was worth it because I get to be with the man that I love beyond all others. I get to be with you. But out of all of this the oddest thing is that after everything that I put you through, regardless of my feelings, you love me. Me! It’s so freaking odd.”

  She was babbling and I knew that if I didn’t say something then she would continue nonstop. “Yeah. Life is strange. A few months ago, if you‘d told me that I would be in love with you, I would’ve laughed in your face. But here we are.”

  She snuggled against me. “Yeah. Here we are.”

  “Does it bother you?”


  “That I’m in love with you.”

  “No. Why would it bother me? I mean I don’t relish the idea of sharing your love with Jen. But it is what it is. You love me and that’s good enough for me. The only thing I’m concerned with is hiding these feelings from Jen. I don’t want to hurt her or wreck your marriage. I don’t mind being the second woman because I know that you do love me. It’s like a dream come true.”

  I didn’t know what else to say so I just held her closer. I didn’t deserve this type of devotion or love. Nevertheless, here she was, offering it to me.

  “By the way. I hope you’re not expecting me to apologize about forcing you all this time, because if I’m being honest I’m not sorry. The only thing I’m sorry about is not saying something back in high school.”

  “Heh! No. I don’t expect an apology.”


  We stayed that way for a while. When she sighed, and pulled the afghan from the back of the couch and wrapped it around herself, I knew that she was going to go to sleep. Before she did, she looked up at me and smiled sweetly. “I love you, Lance.”

  “I love you too, Jessa.” I rubbed her face with my thumb as her smile deepened. She fell asleep moments later and I stayed next to her while she napped. If you’re wondering if I felt guilty, then of course I did. But not as much as I did before. I knew that I was no longer Jen’s Knight in Shining Armor. I wasn’t a hero. I was a man who had a difficult choice to make and I made it. That doesn’t mean that I love my wife or kids any less it just means that I’m human. And being human…I can live with that.


  It’s been 3 years since that day in my house with Jessa. Standing on the deck in the backyard, I stood before the heat of the grill.

  I bellowed, so that my family could hear, “Okay guys. The food’s almost ready!”

  Jen, my beautiful wife, stood up from her seat next to my mom. She looked even more beautiful today than she did when I first fell for her in college. Although she had let her hair grow out in the past, she recently cut most of it off. She left just enough to be able to gather it up into a small ponytail. With her hair up, I could see her neck and the tattoo that she got a couple of years ago. It read: A.L.L, A.R.L, A.P.L. It stood for Aesop Lance Lancaster, Avi Rose Lancaster, and Alexia Piper Lancaster. She got it shortly after she stopped breastfeeding Alexia.

  Her voice rang in the backyard as she tried to wrangle our eldest children. “Aesop! Avi! Come in and wash your hands!”

  I watched as our twins raced towards the house, nearly knocking into the table as they leapt onto the deck.

  “Whoa! Slow down you two. You’re going to break your necks.” Although my dad sounded stern, I could see the unguarded look of love in his eyes.

  “Sorry Papa!” Avi stopped just long enough to give him a kiss on the cheek. And yes…he did melt the moment that she did. Heh! The big softy.

  Aesop stopped to look into the grill. “I want a burger Daddy.”

  Jen crossed her arms and gave him the same look shared by mothers across the globe. “Manners.”

  Aesop shriveled a little, “Oh. Sorry. Umm, please Daddy.”

  “That’s better young man.”

  He turned to walk away when a stunning woman with long golden hair smiled. Even after all these years the twins never lost their obsession with their aunt. Jessa smiled, “Where’s your little sister?”

  Jen looked over my shoulder. “She’s inside.”

  Jessa stood to get a better look. “You know, I thought I saw them head in there earlier.” She walked towards the house, as she passed me she placed her hand on my shoulder and let it trail across my back and fall as she continued her trek. I turned and watched her slide open the door. Jessa was another person that aged like fine wine. Her figure was even more incredible now than it was in the past. But what was most remarkable about her was that the melancholy that followed her around for years had dissipated. She was happy and at peace.

  I felt Jen’s touch on my shoulder as I turned and looked into her loving brown eyes. She kissed my lips and sighed as she rested her head on my shoulder. “I love you so much. You’re such a good man.”

  I couldn’t speak towards being a good man but I did know that I absolutely loved her too. “I love you, too.”

  Jessa appeared a moment later with packages in tow.

  “Daddy! Mommy! Look! I made a flower.” Alexia was proudly waving a legal sized sheet of paper with a beautifully drawn and colored sunflower in the middle. I smiled as I thought that she’s only 3-years old and already the resident artist. Alexia looked more like Jen than either or our other two children. However, she had the same complexion and curly hair that her older brother and sister had only her hair was lighter than theirs.

  “It looks great honey. You did a very good job!” Her smile got wider at the compliment. She then held up a second sheet of paper. This one had multihued scrawling all over it.

  Jen knelt down as she looked at the paper. She tilted her head to the side and looked into the wide green eyes of my youngest child, Maxwell Lance Lancaster. She smiled so big and bright at him that you could never question her love for him. He was a miniature version of me with green eyes and a button nose.

  “Did you draw this, Maxi?”

  He nodded as he held onto his mother’s leg. She looked down at him with love gleaming in her green eyes. “It’s okay sweetheart. Answer Auntie Jenny.”

  Slowly he nodded up and down. Jen’s smile grew larger. “Oh my goodness! It’s gorgeous! You’re such a great little artist. Can you draw me one?”

  Maxwell melted, all fear forgotten. He smiled so big that the entire world grew brighter. Just as Aesop, Avi and Alexia adored their aunt, Maxwell adored his aunt. When he wasn’t sure of her response he hid for fear that she wouldn’t approve. But he needn’t have worried. Jen loved him like a son just as Jessa loved the other kids like her own.

  Jen picked up Maxwell and carried him to her chair with the drawing in hand. Alexia grabbed Jessa’s hand and dragged her along to her own chair.

  A few moments later, Aesop and Avi reappeared and took their position next to each other and between my mom and dad. I watched as my large family laughed. I saw my parent’s eyes gleaming as they sat with their child (Jen), their adopted child (Jessa) and their grandchildren. I watched Jen and Jessa smile at each other in unbounded love as all of the pain and regret of the past was washed away. They were sisters and that was a bound that no one could tear away from them. I watched all four of my children laugh and play together and I was in Heaven.

  I wished for these days to last forever bu
t I knew that at some point my kids would grow up and want to have lives of their own. But right here and right now we were together. My parents moved closer and took over Jessa’s condo while Jessa and Maxwell moved into our home. Aesop and Avi shared a room while Alexia and Maxwell shared a room. We were all together and things were blissful and amazing.

  Yes, I was initially coerced and ultimately tainted by Jessa. But seeing how it all ended, I have to wonder if being tainted is such a bad thing. I thought back to the words that Jen had said when Jessa announced her pregnancy. She called me a hero. I wasn’t a hero. I was a man. I lied. I betrayed. I loved and I protected. I wasn’t perfect and that was fine. I didn’t have to be perfect to be a good man, a good husband and a good father.

  I carried the tray of burgers, hotdogs and a steak for my dad. “Okay! Who’s ready to eat?”

  There was a resounding cry of hungry voices and a look of deep love from 8 pairs of eyes. I was happier in that moment than I could ever remember. I closed my eyes and knew that I would remember this moment—this feeling for all the rest of my days.

  I looked at my family and unabashedly exclaimed, “I love you all!”

  The End.

  I would like to sincerely thank you for reading this story. I’m grateful to each and every one of you that purchase and download my work. I hope that you enjoyed this leg of the Tainted Series. This is the final story of the “Reluctant” part of the series. So while it is sad to say goodbye to Lance, Jen and Jessa, I’m excited that the “Gentleman’s” part is still going strong. As you know, I’ve committed to making the Tainted Series free so if you haven’t already done so, download the other books and enjoy. If you’d like to reach out to me, visit my website, I would love to hear your reactions and thoughts about my stories. And please, don’t forget to rate and comment on my work. Blessings and love to you all. Thank you!



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