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Joker: Death Dealers MC

Page 13

by Kacee Kupser

  “God it’s so fucking hot when you cum baby.”

  He let my legs down and leaned over me, resting his weight on his forearms. He moved my hair out of my face and started placing soft kisses over my face. Once I calmed down I realized that Joker was still hard and hadn’t cum yet.

  “Damn, you ready to go for another round already? Why didn’t you cum?”

  “I already got off once, which means I can go for a long time. I’m just waiting for you to catch your breath and then we’ll be good to go for round two.”

  “Well then you better get going on round two. I’m ready for you.”

  He pulled out of me and turned me over on to my side. Lying behind me he pulled my top leg back over top of his and pushed back into me. He grabbed onto my breasts and started squeezing them while slowly moving in and out. “Harder Joker.”

  “No baby, I took you hard, now I’m going to take you slow.”

  He slowly pushed in and out, just working us both up with a slow burn. He pushed his left hand down my body and started strumming my clit. I opened my legs wider, pushing my top leg farther back giving him better access. Joker started picking up the pace. I could feel his breathing start to pick up, he was getting close.

  “You almost there baby? Tell me what you need for me to get you there.”

  “You just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  He started to fuck into me harder and push down on my clit with each thrust and started pinching and pulling my nipple with his other hand.

  “I’m there baby, get yourself there.”

  “I’m there Joker, just a little bit more.”

  He pushed into me one last time, stopped when he was in as far as he could go and released into me. I followed him over the edge moments later.

  We both lay there catching our breaths. When we had calmed down he pulled out of me and I could feel his sperm leaking out of me.

  Joker turned over onto his back and pulled my head onto his chest. I kissed his pec and just listened to his heart beat start to slow. “I love you Joker.”

  “I love you too baby.”

  Chapter 24 - Joker

  Everly meeting my family went well. I knew they’d love her, I’m just glad that she felt the same way about them. I’d been thinking about making her my old lady, the club’s version of marriage, and seeing her with my family solidified my decision.

  I had church at noon downstairs so I had to leave Everly fast asleep in my bed. We were up all night making love.

  We still hadn’t figured out who is harassing Everly and I’m going to check with Techy after church to see if he’s come up with anything.

  When I arrived in the main room of the clubhouse the brothers were all starting to enter the room for church. Techy is outside the door collecting everyone’s cell phones, there is a strict no cell phone rule when we are in church. We also have a jammer that we turn on every time the doors are closed in order to stop anyone from sending out messages or from listening in.

  Once everyone was settled in Techy locked all of the cell phones in a safe behind the bar and closed us in so the meeting could start. Beast slammed the gavel down calling the meeting to order. Reaper, the club secretary, went over all of this week’s business. Things were going well. All of the club’s businesses were bringing in more than enough money to satisfy everyone and keep the club coffers full.

  Once Reaper was finished Beast called for any new business.

  I cleared my throat and spoke up. “I’m going to make Everly my old lady.”

  When I looked up at Beast he was just smiling. “She’s got you by the balls already brother?”

  “Oh shut the hell up and call for a vote.” In our club all patched in members had to agree before a girlfriend could be brought in as an old lady. If anything ever went down all of the boys needed to trust that she would keep her mouth shut, that the club came first.

  “All right, I call for a vote on Everly Bell to be voted in as Joker’s old lady.” He turned to Reaper to start the voting. I didn’t think that anyone would say nay, but it was nerve wracking all the same. As we went around the table everyone had voted in the positive and it was finally Beast’s turn to vote. He sat there just staring at me, making me sweat.

  “Yeah, I guess I vote yay. I just wanted to see you sweat brother. If there is no other new business I will adjourn this meeting. Let’s all go out into the bar and celebrate our brother getting a ball and chain.”

  Beast hit the gavel on the table again and we were done. All of my brothers came up to congratulate me as they were leaving church. I had the biggest smile on my face. I was happy, anticipating asking Everly once I got her a kutte of her own.

  Finding Techy sitting at the bar with a beer I sat down beside him and Nick, one of the prospects, pushed a beer in front of me without me even having to ask.

  Techy turned to me with a smirk on his face. “So, she’s the one huh?”

  “I really think she is brother. I know we haven’t known each other long, but it didn’t take long to decide she was it.”

  “I couldn’t do it brother. I like having free pussy on tap any time I want it.”

  “Yeah I was like that too, but then I met Everly and no one else turned me on or made me happy.”

  “Well, good for you brother.”

  “Thanks man. I’m just curious, have you made any progress finding out who has been harassing my girl?”

  “No man, I’m sorry, but I keep hitting dead ends. She doesn’t seem to have anyone in her past that dislikes her or would have reason to harass her. Then I looked into our enemies and everything is quiet on that front. We haven’t had any problems with any clubs in the area. We’re too far away from the border for the cartels to be interested in us. I just don’t know who it could be.”

  “Okay brother, I appreciate you looking into it. Keep your ear to the ground. Thankfully nothing’s happened in the last week. Hopefully it has blown over and we don’t have to worry about it. I’m still going to be vigilant though. She’ll still have a prospect with her everywhere she goes for now.”

  “Sounds like a plan brother. You going to stay and have some drinks with us or head up to your woman?”

  “I’ll stay and have some drinks before heading up. I’ve got to talk to Queenie and get her on a kutte for Everly before I leave too. The sooner she has it done the better.”

  Queenie is the old lady of one of our old timers, Big Pappa, one of the original members of the club when it was started in the 80s. She sews on the patches on all of the kuttes, for both the brothers and the old ladies.

  I wandered over to the couches where Queenie was sitting with Big Pappa. She was sitting on his lap and they were talking to a couple of the other brothers, just enjoying themselves.

  “So Joker, I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “Yeah, thanks Queenie I appreciate it. I hope you’ll love her.”

  “I’m sure I will. If she’s who you want to spend the rest of your life with then I’m sure she’s someone special.”

  Queenie was like a mother to most of the guys at the club. She and Big Pappa live at the clubhouse since they never had kids. She makes meals for anyone who is around and runs the place and the club whores. She makes sure that the girls pitch in and that they aren’t causing any drama within the club. She also manages the club’s strip joint, The Black Angel, making sure the girls are clean and that no sex is going on during business hours. We may be in the skin trade, but we don’t allow our girls to sell themselves.

  “Thanks Queenie. Do you think you could start on her Kutte for me? I call her Red, so I’d like that to be on her name patch.”

  “Of course, it won’t take long. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

  With a nod I walked away and left them to continue with their conversation. I stayed downstairs for another couple of hours before making my way up to Everly. When I came through the door she was sitting on the bed watching one of The Avengers movies and eating popcorn.

  “Hey Red, how was your day?”

  “It was relaxing.”

  “I’m glad you had a good day. You want to go out for dinner or do you want to order in?”

  “I really don’t feel like getting dressed so I can make us something to eat.”

  “No, it’s okay baby. Let’s just order in, that way we don’t have to do any work and can just enjoy the rest of the night.”

  We continued watching her movie and spent the rest of the night relaxing before going to sleep.

  Chapter 25 – Everly

  The next few weeks took on a routine with Joker and myself. Since there were no new incidents we moved back into my house. We would go in to work together, go out for dinner every once in a while, we even went to a couple of parties at the clubhouse. It was nice getting to know his brothers and their families.

  Once a week I had a girl’s night out with Brenna. It’s nice to have a night out just the two of us (with a prospect on watch of course).

  We were going to my brother Liam’s house tonight. I hadn’t seen him and his family in a while and I missed them. He was my only family left after our parents were killed when I was 21.

  When we drove up to Liam’s house my niece and nephew came running out the door as soon as we pulled into the driveway. They are a huge part of my life and I’ve been neglecting them lately.

  Zander is five and is going to be starting kindergarten in September and Audrey is about to be three and loves chasing after her brother.

  “Aunty Ev, Aunty Ev!!!” My brother came running out behind them and stopped them before they could come crashing into us before we got off the bike.

  I got off and gave my helmet to Joker. I ran over to them and dropped to my knees to pull them into a hug. “Oh I’ve missed you my babies! How have you been?”

  Audrey pulled back and started jumping up and down in front of me. “Oh Aunty Ev, I’ve missed you. Are you coming to my birthday next weekend? I want a cake with a unicorn, and a rainbow, and glitter, and…”

  “Whoa, whoa, slow down Audrey. I’ve already got your cake all planned out. I promise you’ll love it. And of course I’ll be at your birthday. You’re my best girl!”

  I turned to Zander who was looking over my shoulder at Joker who had come up behind me.

  “You okay Zan?”

  He leaned into me and whispered into my ear “Who is that Aunty Ev? He’s big!”

  I turned around and grabbed Joker’s hand pulling him down to his knees beside me so he was less intimidating. “Zan, Audrey, this is my boyfriend Joker. He’s big, but he’s not scary.”

  Audrey ran up to Joker and threw her arms around his neck. “Hi Joker!”

  Joker smiled and hugged her back. When Audrey backed away Zander was still looking at him cautiously. Joker held his hand out to Zander, treating him like a grown up. “Hi Zander, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Declan, but you can call me Joker if you’d like.”

  Zander shyly put his hand out and shook with Joker. “How come you want me to call you Joker?”

  “Well, Joker is what all my brothers call me. I liked to joke around with my friends and family when I was younger so they gave me the nickname and it just stuck.”

  “Okay.” Zander smiled shyly.

  Joker stood up and helped me to my feet and then turned to my brother. “You must be Liam. It’s nice to meet you.”

  My brother looked at Joker’s offered hand and then looked at Joker. My brother was no slouch in the size department. He was a member of the local fire department and was always working out so that he could do his job. Finally with a nod, like he decided he liked what he saw, Liam stuck his hand out for a shake. “Nice to meet you Joker. Just so you know, Everly is my little sister and if you hurt her I will bury you in a shallow grave where no one will find you.”

  “Jesus Liam! What is wrong with you?”

  “It’s okay Red, he’s just being protective, something I can appreciate. Liam, I will do everything in my power not to hurt your sister.”

  With a final nod at each other they let go and we start to walk into the house. My sister-in-law Abbie is in the kitchen getting dinner ready. I leave Joker in the living room with Liam and the kids and walk in to say hi and give her a hand.

  “So, did your brother give his whole you hurt my little sister and I’ll hurt you speech?”

  “Oh my God, yes! Did you know that he was going to do that? Why wouldn’t you stop him?”

  “Oh please, you never bring anyone home, let him have this. You know he’s protective of you.”

  “Yeah I know, I’ll just have to think of a way to get him back.”

  “Enough about your brother, I haven’t talked to you in weeks. Give me the details woman. Who is this man you’ve brought home to meet us?” Abbie started to grill me.

  “His name is Joker, he is a part of the Death Dealers Motorcycle Club and he runs the club’s garage Dealers Auto Repair.”

  “Seriously, you’re going to give me his resume? I want details woman! What is it about this man that is so different? It’s like you have dropped off the face of the earth.”

  “I know, I’m sorry, I’ve been a horrible sister and aunty.” I whined. I loved spending time with my brother’s family and I’d been neglecting them lately.

  “No it’s good. I’m happy for you. You deserve this.”

  “Thanks. He’s great. He came on really strong the first time I met him, but he wore me down and I eventually said yes to a date and it’s been full force ever since. He’s at my house every night, he gets along with Brenna, and he makes me happy.”

  “I’m so happy for you Ev.” She looks over my shoulder to make sure we are alone. “Now tell me, how’s the sex?”

  “Oh Abbie you have no idea. It’s the greatest sex I’ve ever had. He’s insatiable and there are days I wake up and I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk.” I gushed. It was nice talking to Abbie about this. She was like a big sister to me.

  “Well shit, I’m thinking you and Joker need to take the kids for a night so that I can have a night alone with your brother. It’s been too long since I’ve been so sore I couldn’t walk.” Abbie’s face was flushed and she waved her hands in front of her face to cool herself down.

  “Oh please you know I’ll take them any time you want, but please stop talking about your sex life with my brother, I really don’t need to think about that. I’ll take them after Audrey’s birthday party if you want. Why don’t you guys rent a hotel room, go out for a nice dinner, and Joker and I can spend the night here.”

  “Are you sure? Will Joker be okay with that?” She said excitedly.

  I turned my head to the living room, “Joker come here please.”

  He walked through the kitchen door and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Hey Red, whatcha need?”

  “How do you feel about spending the night here next Saturday after Audrey’s birthday and watching the kids so Liam and Abbie can go out for the night? We’ll stay here and they’ll come back Sunday.”

  “Works for me baby. That all you needed?”

  “Yup, go on back out with Liam. We’ll get dinner done and let you know when it’s ready.”

  “Do you need help with anything babe?”

  “No we’re good, just go, we need to gossip about you some more.”

  He kisses the top of my head and swats my ass before walking back to the living room.

  “Well damn, we definitely need to go out for the night this weekend. I’ll get Liam to book a hotel when you guys leave tonight.”

  We kept chatting and laughing while we finished making dinner. Abbie is a great cook so I’d been looking forward to this dinner all day.

  “Liam, dinner is ready, get your sexy ass in here and help me take the food out.”

  Shaking my head I carried a dish out to the back deck and sat down. Liam and Joker came out right after me carrying the rest of the food.

  “What did you say to my wife? She’s a lot more frisky th
an normal.” My brother asked with a look of bewilderment on his face.

  “That’s between me and her, just enjoy your night out with your wife this weekend. You’re welcome!”

  Chapter 26 – Joker

  Meeting Everly’s family was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Liam obviously loves her and is protective of her, but once he gave me his warning he relaxed and we actually have quite a lot in common.


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