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From The Shadows (From The Shadows #1)

Page 5

by Line F. Nielsen

  Breathing a sigh of relief I fell down on a chair, running my fingers through my hair. I had totally forgotten that Mr. Leban was still there until he cleared his voice.

  “Nikki I think tu should take the rest of the giorno off..”

  Frowning I looked up at him. “But you needed me to take Sasha’s shift?!”

  “I can take it me stesso!” he said with conviction in his voice so I knew I’d better just listen and go home. He didn’t mean to fire me, but he cared and he could see the tool this was having on me. I was pretty sure he had caught me telling Mike it was over as well.

  I wanted to ask him if he was sure but he just gave me a nod and left the room. So I sat back to breath for a bit longer before I would go find Nathan. I figured by now he had gotten Mike to leave.

  I went to remove my apron and get my stuff and then I headed towards the door. As I was about to open the door Nathan opened it for me. “You got off already?” He asked me.

  “Yea I think Mr. Leban thought I needed to get out of here after what just went down”.

  He just nodded and motioned me towards the truck.

  As we got to the truck, Nathan still behind me, I figured he would open my door, but instead he backed me up against it and with his hands put on my hips he pulled me to him so he could overtake my mouth. My body responded instantly but my brain was still overactive so I tried to pull away.

  Nathan looked confused when he got the message and stopped.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “I.. I.. don’t know.. on top of all that, I just feel.. strange.. I suppose”

  He still had his hands on my hips but this time when he pulled me in it was to hug me. “It will be okay Nik”

  Sighing into his neck I just nodded and hugged him back. I was trying to relax into his embrace, and I did feel safe here in his arms, but I also had a nagging fear that Mike would see us, if not this time then the next time we were in each other’s arms. And though I was not embarrassed to be seen with Nathan, I feared Mike flipping even worse if he saw it.

  “Babe relax he isn’t here anymore. I made sure he was out of this area before I came to see if you were okay” Nathan told me and then added “I am proud of you for standing up to him”

  That made me smile. I had stood up to Mike hadn’t I? That must have been only the second time I had dared to do that. First time being the day I left him.

  Feeling the tension leaving my body I turned my head to look up at Nathan. “Can we go home now?” I asked him and his eyes smiled back at me.

  “Yea babe, we can go home” And then he gave me a soft kiss on the lips before pulling away from me to open up the passenger door.

  Chapter 8

  As we had pulled up at Nathan’s driveway and he was about to turn the keys in the ignition to kill the engine, he turned towards me with a face marred in thoughts. I frowned at him wondering what he was about to say.

  “Are you up for getting out of here instead of just being at home the rest of the day thinking about what happened?” The man knew me too damn well, because yes, if we were just staying at home I would keep running the scene in my mind again and again whether I wanted to or not. He was also showing me he was still the friend I could count on to take my mind off the rest of the world when I needed it. I however also felt I needed to consider him and I knew he had stuff to do.

  “But don’t you have to finish the project?” I asked him.

  “Nah.. that can wait” he said. I wondered if it was a good idea for him to just blow it off and for me to let him. But well, Nathan was not usually the one to blow stuff off, the man had serious drive, so for him to do it this one time probably would not blow the house of cards to shreds.

  “So you want to go somewhere with me?”

  I could see in his eyes that he really did want to take me some place. I was guessing this was a place I had never been to with him before, a place that held some kind of meaning for him, because he had a look in his eyes telling me that this was about more than just getting away for a few hours.

  “Sure, I’d like to get out of here.” I finally admitted.

  He then reached over and took my hand, squeezed it and lifted it to his lips, planting a tender kiss on the back of my hand and then he gave me a sweet smile that melted my heart. For that smile I would agree to just about anything.

  As Nathan backed the truck out of the driveway and began driving down the road, I pondered where we could be going and I was thinking about what I did know about his past and what places could hold great meaning to him.

  Nathan too had had a pretty difficult childhood. I knew he still saw his mom and that she wasn’t as bad as mine. Actually I never heard him talk ill of her at all. She had been an alone mom for almost all his childhood and because she had never gotten an education, the work she could get didn’t earn her much and that led to her not being able to feed Nathan and his siblings. Nathan and his one year younger brother, being the oldest, had therefor been thrown around between foster homes and in between those they had lived at his mom’s for short periods of time. Consequently they had been raised in turmoil but at least they had had a mom who cared for them. A mom who had done the best she could because she loved her children, unlike my mom, though she only had one kid.

  After we had been driving a bit in silence the curiosity finally got the better of me and I had to ask.

  “Where are we going exactly?”

  But Nathan didn’t answer; he just chuckled and shook his head. This was going to be a surprise and there was no way I was going to get it out of him easily. I was however too curious so I began guessing in the hope of getting him to admit it if I got the answer right.

  “Are you taking me to the beach?” Another shook.

  “Are you taking me down town?” And another shook.

  Hmm.. where could we possibly be going…

  I decided to use another tactic.

  “Is it far away?” I then asked and finally I got a few words out of him.

  “No not exactly, but we will be driving for around half an hour more”

  Okay so what was within half an hour’s reach? I could not for the life of me figure out what it could be, until a kind of unnerving thought hit me.

  “Are you taking me to meet your mom?” I asked with a bit more worry in my voice than I had intended. I was not sure I was ready to meet his mom, and even if I was we had not had THE TALK yet. We had only been more than friendly a few days, so what would he introduce me as if we were going to see her? Friend? Lover? Girlfriend?

  Me always being the open book, I was sure the worry was showing on my face and when Nathan spoke I was sure he saw it. His voice was even filled with a mix of concern and some anger as well. “No Nik, we are not seeing my mom today” He took a deep breath and with a more forced tone he continued. “..But I WANT you to meet her.. SOON”

  What did I say to that? On the one hand I wanted to kiss him all over because he wanted to share everything with me and I loved that he did, but on the other hand I was scared out of my mind. What if she wouldn’t like me? I had no clue how to act around parents, having such sucky ones myself. Oh yes and meeting the parents also meant that you were serious about each other. I wanted to be serious with Nathan, I was already sure of that and that was the thing that scared me the most. Could you fall in love for real in that little time? And could it be love if I had not seen it coming? I mean, I had known him for five years by now. So many thoughts and worries and I was probably just building bad scenarios up in my mind because I was kind of fucked up in my head. I overthought every little thing when I should just be jumping into it and see what happens. Nathan had always been good to me after all. He was always my hero, so maybe real love could happen like this. I wouldn’t know because I had never had real love happen to me before.

  “Babe breath, you are overthinking this” Nathan told me.

  I looked over to him and as my eyes caught his I breathed a sigh of relief, because what I found in h
is eyes was my piece of mind and as we held each other’s stare a determination came over Nathans face. He then broke our stare and pulled the truck into the side of the road, jumping out of the car after checking if any cars were passing before walking around the truck. He came around to my door and opened it.

  “Why did we stop here?” I asked in confusion but Nathan didn’t answer. Instead he took my hand and pulled me to the edge of the seat, determination in his eyes.

  “Come here” He softly ordered before crashing his lips to mine. I could feel his need pulsating from every fiber of his body and I could nothing but respond in sorts. In no time I had put my arms around his neck pulling him even closer to me and I had put my legs around his waist.

  Nathan stepped back taking my weight with him and slammed me up against the truck so hard that I had to break our kiss as the air was pushed from my lungs in a rush. With our lips only a fraction apart, Nathan opened his eyes to look back down into mine. “I really needed this” He spoke between gasps of air. “I need you Nik!”

  I then understood. I wasn’t the only one having something to lose. He had wanted me from a safe distance for so long and seeing me worry about the future and everything happening made him worry too, because if I was too scared to take a leap of faith for us then he could get his heart smashed too.

  “You want me Nikki?” He whispered over my lips in a hoarse voice.

  “Yes I want you” and I did. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted him in body and soul. It was time I threw my fears away and showed him just how much. So I ran my tongue over his bottom lip before teasing it into his mouth where I massaged his tongue, throwing every bit of emotion I had for this amazing man into a deep sensual kiss.

  Nathan groaned into my mouth before pulling back “Babe if you don’t ease up I swear I am going to take you up against my truck and I don’t give a shit who drives by!”

  Wow! Those words added to the fierce look in his eyes and it went right to my nerve system, making me shiver in delight and while answering him I rolled my hips against his growing hardness. “Yes please… Nate, I need you too!”

  I needed for him to fuck the horrible confrontation with Mike out of my system. I needed it so I could think more clearly again and I needed to feel his possession. I knew if he got me screaming out his name in pleasure then we would both feel surer about the future. Maybe even feel surer about the future that was ours together.

  This time it was his turn to role his hips into me teasing me with his hardness, pressing a whimper from my lips. I had become turned on so damn fast. That was a first. Nathan could turn me on like no one else and I had already learned he would be able to bring me home so hard I saw stars.

  Shifting my weight a bit up against the truck so he could pull his zipper down with one hand, to let his beast out of its cage, he moved his other hand farther onto my bum. Then he pushed my skirt up groaning when his fingers went to push my panties to the side. “God babe you are so wet… I can’t wait any longer to be buried balls deep within your warmth” He whispered with his lips at my left ear, before biting down at my earlobe, forcing another whimper from my lips, he added “This is going to be quick and hard.. can you handle that?”

  Could I handle that? Oh yes I could, so I nodded into his neck and lifted myself up enough for him to easily enter my body. And god did it feel amazing when he did.

  “Oh God Nate that feels so gooood!” I moaned as he allowed me a bit of time to get use to the fullness.

  “You ready?”

  “Yes, just take me, take me as hard as you want!” And so he did. First pulling almost out of me and then slamming into me with so much force I couldn’t hold back the scream. He then sat a punishing rhythm pumping into me and I decided that screaming that loud at the side of a highway probably wasn’t the best way to keep people who drove by from noticing us, so instead I bit down on his shoulder and pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck, hoping I wouldn’t pull it out but unable to stop myself.

  Nathan didn’t seem to mind or maybe he didn’t notice being so swallowed up in pleasure. After driving hard into me a few times he demanded me to look at him. So I did and he overtook my lips swallowing up the screams I no longer could hold back.

  “I’m.. gonna.. come… NATHAAAANNN!!” And as I did, the convulsions of my core tipped him over the edge as well; spilling his hot seed into my womb.

  I was drained and oh so satisfied. My whole body had turned into Jell-O and I was in awe that Nathan could still hold himself and me up.

  When our breathing had finally slowed Nathan leaned his forehead against mine, looking deep into my eyes yet again. “Babe, from now on YOU’RE MINE” He growled. “I am never letting you go again, no matter how much shit we have to go through. So STOP doubting us, it drives me crazy!”

  The idea that I could affect him that much made me sort of happy, and I couldn´t stop a small smile from emerging.

  “Okay Nate, I’m…” I didn’t get to finish what I was about to say because a car was starting to pull up to us while honking, so we nearly jumped and turned our head to see what was up.

  “Oh shit” I wined. We needed to get sorted in a ruff because Nathan was still buried deep within me, my skirt pushed up under my bust and Nathan’s jeans was pushed down under his perfect butt.

  Nathan took a deep breath. Humor showing in his eyes as he carefully pulled out of me and lowered me to the ground. He then managed to push himself back into his jeans and pulled me to him while turning his back to the other driver as he got out of his car. I loved that he was trying to save me the embracement of flashing a strange older man.

  “Let me sort you out babe” he said as he got my skirt back in place and ruffled his fingers through my hair to get the “just fucked” wildness out of it. “Hmm you look good enough to eat” he added. “But I think we should wait till there are no audience around, don’t like people watching me eat” he added on a teasing note and I slapped at his arm feeling horrified. How much had the driver seen and why was he pulling over.

  “Hey son, is everything alright here?” The older man stepping out of his car asked.

  “Yea everything is good”. Nathan answered him. “We just needed to stretch our legs for a bit, that’s all.”

  “Okay then, if you’re sure you are alright?” He said questioningly and looked over Nathans shoulder to me so I just nodded and said

  “Yes we are both fine, thank you”

  “Well, then I wish you both a good day” He said as he went back to his car.

  As the older man began pulling out onto the road again, even I could see how hilarious the situation was and to think that had he arrived just a few minutes earlier we might not even have noticed because we had been in the throes of passion.

  “Are you alright?” Nathan asked me but instead of answering him I began laughing so hard that my stomach had begun aching when I was finally able to stop again. It felt so cathartic to laugh this hard with Nathan again. And after the last hiccups faded out I went into Nathan’s open arms and let his warmth envelop me.

  He hugged me tight into his body and like this morning he placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. Yet again making me feel wanted.

  “We good?” he asked into my hair.

  “Yes we’re good” I told him with a soft smile on my lips as I turned my head up to him for a soft kiss. “And Nate, I AM yours” I added and his answering smile was a smile of pure joy and serenity.

  We stood like that smiling at each other for a few more minutes before he ushered me back into the car, telling me we needed to get going because he wanted to show me THE PLACE before the sun went down.

  Chapter 9

  We had been driving for about 20 minutes when Nathan turned down a dirt road I didn’t know. But we were in the mountains that I knew and well I could see it too. The weather was really lovely today. I was starting to understand that this place was going to be a place of beauty and peace. But exactly how beautiful it would be I had not ant
icipated though.

  Yet again Nathan jumped out of the car and went to open my door for me. He then took my hand and led me down the rest of the dirt road until an amazing view hit me with a bag of bricks. All words were lost to me and I stood with my jaw hanging down to the floor. I had been through the mountains a lot of times but never really studied the view, but standing here now I kind of wanted to kick my own butt for never taking the time to stop and enjoy the beauty that was Mother Nature.

  We were on a pretty big and flat mountain ledge where you could go all the way to the edge and look vertically down. There was a pretty long way down, so I stayed on a safe distance from the edge. And when Nathan went all the way out I sucked in a deep breath because I feared he would lose his balance. Sure there was a wooden bar you could hold on to, but how sturdy could that really be? I should probably say that heights weren’t my favorite thing in the world. Not like I wouldn’t ride roller coasters and stuff, but being this close to the edge and having no real safety did give me a little lump in my throat.

  “Nate, please come back”

  He turned around to look at me. “Why babe, are you scared I will fall down?”

  I tried to smile back at him but my attempt wasn’t great, and all I managed was a weak ass smile. “Yea a bit…” I admitted while frowning.

  Nathan came back to me and took me in his arms. “Okay I will stay where you are then. But isn’t this just a view of beauty?”

  I nodded still a bit overwhelmed by this place. You could see our small town in the distance, and you could see the ocean as well. The ocean looked so much bluer from up here. Actually it was like everything was just much prettier from here. And though we were only a little over half an hour away from town, it felt like we were in an entirely different world. There were no sounds other than the wind softly blowing around us and the birds singing in between the trees. I think they too enjoyed the gorgeous weather and the serenity of the place.


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