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Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine

Page 28

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 27


  Take the Thief and his acting troupe friends crossed over the drawbridge into Fernland. They headed for the bakery stall, relieved that everything appeared to be as they had left it, many days ago.

  Take worried that his friends would treat him differently now that they knew he was old King Blackwell's son. No one had said much on the subject as they traveled through the forest back to Fernland, avoiding the main road. None of them wanted to be pawns in some royal power struggle. They all feared that either Prince Blackwell would send soldiers to drag them back to the dungeon or the old king would send men to try to convince them to come back and live at the new theatre.

  Here in the marketplace they all felt safe. Everyone sat quietly, letting their thoughts settle. Bear was the first to break the silence. He looked at Take with a sullen expression.

  "Ya might a told us," he grumbled.

  Take gave him a cautious look. "You mean about the old king being my father?"

  Bear's sullen look turned to irritation. "What the stars else da ya think I mean?"

  Take shrugged. "I just did not want to tell you until I knew how I felt about it myself."

  Tom's eyes opened wider. "An' how do ya feel bout it now, Mate?"

  Take shook his head. "I still do not know. I had an idea it might mean trouble and I was surely right about that."

  Tom nodded in agreement. "He wants ta put ya on the throne, yer old pa does." Tom waited anxiously for Take's response.

  Take laughed. "It is more likely he will land me in the dungeon." He paused, smiling at the idea of sitting on a throne. "He's a crazy old fool, no doubt about that. I think he's hoping if he builds a big enough theatre we might all stay. I do not know if it is because he likes us or because he doesn't like having Prince Blackwell in control."

  Tom seemed unsure. "What'd ya do if he could put ya on the throne? Would ya take over Henge?"

  Take seemed surprised that his friend was serious. "It will never happen—do not even think about it. But if it did by some weird accident, the answer is I would not take the throne. I do not even want to live in Henge—let alone rule it. I just went there because he kept asking me to and because I wanted to get us all out of Fernland while Bataar and his Barburee men are visiting."

  All of his friends were relieved to hear this and soon the conversation turned to questions about the marketplace.

  Angie looked around at the few vendors present. "Where's everybody got to? This place should be hoppin' busy this time a day."

  Trixie nodded. "Must a somethin' happened ta keep people away like this."

  Smiles started off towards the vendor turning meat on a skewer. "I'll ask Manny the Butcher."

  They watched as Manny spoke to Smiles with his arms and hands flying around in excitement. Smiles shook his hand and quickly returned.

  The actors bunched together as Smiles relayed Manny the Butcher's gossip.

  "It be a big thing all right. Manny says somebody left the taps on an' all the king's wine spilled out." Smiles lowered his voice and the actors leaned in closer. "An' where it leaked ta was the king's bags a white powder fer his explodin' arrows."

  The actors gasped in horror.

  Take rested his chin on his hand as he thought about this. "Do you suppose it was those Barburee men got wind of King Geoffrey having exploding arrows and decided to destroy his powder supply?"

  Bear shook his head. "They's supposed ta be friends now—Fernland an' Barburee."

  Take looked skeptical. "Barburee's the kind of friend you can not trust. Might as well have a snake for a friend."

  Peaches shrugged. "Could a been some kind a accident, maybe."

  Take was still thinking hard, trying to see any way this could affect the acting troupe. The last thing he wanted was to be ordered back to Barburee to find more white powder.

  One of the King's messengers rode into the marketplace and looked around. He noticed the actors at the bakery stall and kicked his horse to a gallop as he raced toward them. He reined in to a quick halt and shouted down from his horse.

  "The Queen wants to see Take the Thief as soon as possible. In fact, I think you should ride back with me right now."

  "What?" Take gasped. "We just got back. What does she want to see me about?"

  "I do not know. I've been coming here every day for a week trying to find you, so I'm not taking any chances. Hop on the back."

  Take exchanged a frightened glance with his friends and heaved himself up onto the horse.

  "It is the Queen wants to see me—not the King?" Take clarified as they rode.

  "That is correct," the messenger said, "And a lucky thing, that. You do not want to be talking to King Geoffrey today."

  Take did not need to ask the messenger why. He imagined the King was in an all out fit about his white powder.

  Take was ushered into the castle's kitchen to await the Queen's summons. Instead of a summons, the Queen herself appeared in the kitchen to speak to him. She smiled when she saw him.

  "Take, thank goodness. Finding you has been the first bit of good news we have had all day."

  Take began to breathe a little easier. "Your Highness," he said as he bowed.

  "Please, sit." She pointed to a seat at the servants table, then took a seat beside him.

  "We have two very important occasions coming up. One is Prince Avor's sixteenth birthday and the other is a visit from Prince Oswald who is the second son of King Gundar of Sandovia across the north sea. The two occasions may actually fall on the same day. We would be so grateful if your troupe could perform for us." She looked at Take hopefully.

  "It would be our pleasure, your Majesty," Take said with a seated bow.

  "Wonderful." Queen Delphinia clapped her hands together. Then she stared at Take with curiosity.

  "We looked for you at King's Lake, at your shed, at your friend Tom's house. We could not find you or a single one of your fellow actors. Have you been traveling?"

  Take coughed a little, and tried to think fast. "We took a little time to go off into the forest and try to come up with some new magic tricks," he said, twirling his hands in a vague manner.

  "I have come to depend on you so much. I was quite frantic to find you gone. Would it be too much to ask if you were to tell me next time before you go off to the forest?"

  There was just a hint of warning in the Queen's voice.

  Take put his hand over his heart. "We are flattered by your support and appreciation for our acting troupe. In future we will make no plans to be gone until we clear it with you first."

  Queen Delphinia smiled broadly. "I do not know what we would do without you. I will ask the cook to send back some treats for you and your troupe."

  Queen Delphinia rose from her chair and Take rose as well, bowing once more as she left the room.

  As soon as she was gone, Take plopped back into his chair, took a few deep breaths, stretched out his legs and waited for the cook to bring his treats.


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