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Princess Electra Book 4 School of Medicine

Page 50

by Dory Lee Maske

  Chapter 48

  Village of Helsop

  Electra felt tired but happy as she slid from her horse's saddle in front of the School of Medicine. It was so good to be home. She had left Fernland three days ago without saying goodbye, so no one could talk her out of leaving. She left a message saying she really needed to return and she was sure there was no need to fear an epidemic in Helsop. She promised to send confirmation of that as soon as she visited Helsop's clinic.

  She walked into the school and saw the twins and Ebony under the dining table, much as she had left them several days ago.

  Esme toddled over in her direction, holding out a piece of red ribbon.

  "What a pretty ribbon," Electra said as she picked Esme up and hugged her.

  Shalin held up her hand and the red ribbon flew through the air to land in her tiny palm.

  Electra quickly gathered Shalin into her arms as well and kissed both little girls on their cheeks.

  Isa stopped her work in the kitchen to watch Electra greet the twins. "We are very glad to have you back."

  "Have the twins been too much trouble for you?" Electra asked.

  Isa laughed. "Not at all. Many of the women from the village come to visit hoping to see things fly through the air. They watch the twins out of curiosity and that frees me for other chores. Even Little Dagon thinks it is a wonderful trick, though he has not been able to do it himself."

  "Were is Little Dagon?"

  "He is with his brother, Timor. Timor is showing him how to make an arrow."

  Electra smiled. "And the clinic? Have we any patients?"

  Isa shook her head. "Only old Leif and he only stays there since he has no where else to go. The students fuss over him and pretend to find ailments that need treatment. I believe he likes the attention." Isa paused to pet Ebony and feed her a bit of dried jerky. "How was your trip to Fernland?"

  "There is a visiting prince there who bought all the weapons Dorian took with him when he made the trip to Fernland. Prince Oswald intends to place an order for more. He wanted to come to Helsop to make his own choices but I could not allow it with Dagon gone. I made up an excuse to keep him from coming."

  Isa nodded. A worried expression settled around her eyes as she thought about the six men who had left for Hammer Haven weeks ago, her own husband among them. "We have had no word from the six men as yet."

  "It is too soon," Electra stated. "Perhaps in a few days..." her voice trailed off uncertainly and she quickly changed the subject. "I believe I will gather up all of our students and have a proper lesson."

  Isa clapped her hands, glad to think of something else. "Good. We have all grown lazy in your absence."

  Electra found her students at the clinic, listening to Leif's stories of Hammer Haven.

  "Electra! You are back!" said Laleh. "Did you see my family? How is my father?"

  "I saw only the Caliph and your uncle Rabar," Electra replied. "They are both heading back to Taz to see about building ships for the Great Khan. I believe they have already left Fernland."

  Laleh looked disappointed. "My father, Haddad, hates the Barburians. He will not want any part of the Great Khan's offer."

  "I, too, am worried about Rabar and the Caliph," Electra said. "I do not trust the Great Khan, but I know your uncle and grandfather both miss Taz very much and would take almost any opportunity to return."

  Laleh shrugged. "Papa will miss them. Perhaps I should go and visit."

  Electra suspected it was Laleh who was missing her family. "That is a good idea. But not today. Today we will finally return to our studies. Bring all the plants we have stored and dried in the chartroom. We will lay them out on the table at the school and go over their uses."

  Juanita and Esmeralda broke off their chat with Leif and started for the chart room. Soon all four had their arms full of dried plants as they headed for the school.

  "Are any of these poisonous?" Juanita asked.

  "Yes, a few can be if used to excess," Electra answered. "But the most dangerous ones I have moved to the locked cabinet Dagon made for us in the school's storeroom."

  "Shall we gather up those as well?" Juanita asked.

  Electra looked at Juanita curiously. "You have an interest in poisonous plants?"

  Juanita smiled. "It is always best to know the bad as well as the good."

  Electra nodded her agreement and decided to check the cabinet to make sure all the dangerous herbs were still safely locked away.

  They spread the plants out on the long dining table and Electra began her lesson.

  "Laleh, you were on board the Spirit of Taz when we were faced with an epidemic of scarlet fever. Can you tell the class what some of the tell tale symptoms of the disease are?"

  Laleh looked at her classmates with a serious expression. "It was terrible. Many died. It began with a rash that looked like sunburn but was rough to the touch. It starts on the face and neck and then spreads to the body, arms and legs. The tongue is red and with bumps, then a white coating comes. There is fever and chills and a very sore throat. So swollen it is hard to swallow. Then comes the nausea and the headaches."

  "Very good, Laleh. A very complete description. Your memory will serve you well as a healer."

  Laleh glowed under Electra's praise.

  Electra swept her hand over the table. "Which of these plants might be useful in the treatment of Scarlet Fever, do you suppose?"

  The students sifted through the plants, trying to remember their names and uses.

  Isa picked up a branch of willow bark with a few dried leaves still attached.

  "Willow bark tea will help bring down a fever."

  "Very good. It is what we used on board ship. It saved many lives." Electra posed another question. "What else might one do to help?"

  "Give warm liquids—tea and soup. That is what we did," Laleh stated.

  "Yes. It helped them to swallow again," Electra agreed. "And plenty of water to wash out the disease."

  "Now," Electra continued, "let us consider in the same way the disease we call measles. How is it different from scarlet fever?"

  The class was interrupted by a loud knock at the door.

  Electra was not happy with the interruption. Just when her class was doing so well, she thought. She opened the door to find one of the soldiers who manned the outpost at the edge of Helsop's plateau standing before her.

  "Sorry to disturb you but we had orders from Dorian not to allow anyone to enter Helsop while Dagon is away."

  "And?" Electra asked a bit impatiently.

  "And so we have stopped your mother and father at the outpost," the soldier said with an embarrassed glance at Electra's face.

  "My mother and father are here?" she gasped.

  "Yes, along with a Physician Rothman and a Prince Oswald. They are demanding to see you immediately."

  "Oh, my!" Electra looked back at her class. "Carry on. Share your experiences of measles. I will be back as soon as I am able."

  She turned to the outpost guard. "You have done the right thing in stopping them but I fear we may have to allow them in, now they are here. Let me just find a mount and I will ride back with you."

  "No need. I have brought an extra horse along," said the relieved guard, as he gestured to the soldier behind him to bring up the saddled mare.

  As soon as Electra mounted her horse, the outpost guard took off at a gallop and Electra had little choice but to try to keep pace.


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