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Shifter Fated Mates: Boxed Set

Page 70

by Mandy M. Roth

  Alejandro stood, his claws still out, watching the darkness. “Are they gone?”

  “Yes.” She dropped to her knees and covered her face with her hands. “Wake up, Deryn. Wake up. You can’t do this to yourself again. You can’t go back to that dark place. Wake up and forget about seeing them again. Just wake up. Get up, find Alejandro and make sure he’s really okay and then pretend this never occurred.”

  “Deryn.” Alejandro moved down next to her and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s all right now. I won’t let them hurt you again.”

  “I want to wake up now. I can’t deal with them if they come back. It took everything I had not to vomit when he said....”

  “Shh,” Alejandro kissed the top of her head, “its okay. I’m here. As luck would have it, I can make this what you need it to be, amorzão. I can make it be just a dream.”

  His power coated her, comforting her. She clung to him as she cried, not wanting to let go but knowing that she had to wake up. Darkness surrounded her and she welcomed it.

  “Sleep, amorzão, sleep.”

  * * * *

  Deryn kicked awake with a start and found herself lying on the cot in the infirmary. For a second, she wasn’t sure what was going on but when she realized that she must have dreamt about waking up before, she let out a soft, shaky laugh.

  The need to be near Alejandro was so great that she didn’t bother laying back down to try to rest. Instead, she gathered her pillow and blanket and tiptoed across the room to where she knew he’d be.

  He was there, on the floor, a foot away from an empty cot and fast asleep. She smiled as relief washed through her. “It was just a dream.”

  Unable to resist the urge to be close to him, Deryn lay down on the empty cot next to him and covered herself with her blanket. She let her arm hang over the edge and her hand skim Alejandro. It was comforting to touch him.

  Closing her eyes, Deryn silently cried herself back to sleep, hoping beyond hopes that the dreams would stay away.

  Chapter Five

  Alejandro leaned against the edge of the temple and watched Deryn as she and Kane worked side by side in the shade. It had been Kane’s idea to set up shop there and Deryn had been resistant. When Alejandro threatened to have her escorted back to base to spend the day in her tent, she stopped arguing and also stopped talking to him not that she’d said much to him all morning.

  He could still feel her in his arms. His cock ached to be allowed to enter her again. Its stay within her heated core had been brief but enough for him to know she was a woman he would go to his grave wishing he’d spent just one night with. He was still impressed with himself for resisting her advances for as long as he did. The fact that she thought what had transpired between them was just a dream only made it harder. He could have and most likely would have had sex with her and then allowed her to believe it had been only a dream.

  The appearance of the enemy that could assume the form of something she feared had been his only saving grace. It was sad evil had to be what kept him from doing something wrong. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have enough guilt from having been there when she was under the influence of Vonni’s spell, listening to her memories. Memories she’d specifically asked Issac to keep from him. Issac had tried to tell her that he was sitting there holding her but Deryn fell asleep before he got it out.

  He now had to carry off the secret of knowing intimate details of her life and that she was what Vonni accused her of being--a slayer. He shouldn’t have been surprised. Alejandro had spent the remainder of the night watching Deryn sleep and trying to wrap his head around the fact she was someone that by rights, he should hate. Somehow, hating her was the furthest thing from his mind. All he wanted to do was storm over to her and finish what they’d started last night.

  “You’re wrong,” Deryn said, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at Kane. It was rare anyone told Kane he was wrong when it came to what he was good at--archeology.

  “Enlighten me then, Deryn. If it doesn’t mean sacrifice then what does it mean?”

  She lifted a piece of tracing paper that Ondrea had done rubbings on from the walls of the temple. The tracing paper had been Fulk’s idea. That alone still shocked Alejandro. It wasn’t as though Fulk was known for ingenious plans. It kept Deryn out of direct sunlight and allowed Alejandro to keep close guard on her. So far, it had been working out well.

  Pointing at the lower section of it, she clucked her tongue. “I didn’t say it didn’t mean sacrifice. I’m saying it doesn’t mean ritual in the way you think. You know, drag the virgin up and split her open on the altar kind of thing.”

  “That means blood, Deryn. You know that as well as I do.”

  She nodded. “Again, not arguing the point, boy genius,” she said, her jaw clenched. Her spunk made Alejandro smile as she continued to give Kane a run for his money. “Would you stop thinking for a minute and just listen? I think it means a sacrifice of another sort. A sexual one involving bloodletting. Umm, I guess it would be the equivalent of the way a vampire or shifter would claim their mate.”

  “Deryn,” Kane shook his head, “I don’t see how that can be accurate. Why would they need someone to claim their mate? It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Not just anyone to claim their mate, Kane. The god this temple was built for.”

  Kane covered his face with his hands and groaned. “We can’t decipher this in a timely fashion and if they attack before we understand how to control or destroy--”

  Deryn reached out and smacked Kane in the back of the head, leaving Alejandro doing his best not to laugh. She narrowed her gaze on him. “Did it occur to you either side could be eavesdropping?”

  “Umm,” Kane shrugged as he rubbed the back of his head, “yeah. Okay, no, it didn’t occur to me. I wasn’t thinking. I’ve got a killer headache.”

  “Shift. It will go away then,” she said as if having a man change shapes in her presence was no big deal. Deryn began searching around the table for something. “Hmm, I could have sworn I had my water with me.”

  Alejandro clenched his fist as Kane pulled his tee shirt over his head and handed it to Deryn. She took the shirt without even looking up from the rubbings she was studying.

  Rotating his head, Kane audibly cracked his neck and then started undoing his boots. He kicked them off and then went to work on his pants. “Mine’s under those papers. Help yourself.”

  Alejandro watched her carefully. Would she beg Kane to fuck her since he was the one naked and next to her now? The thought not only sickened him it left the beast within him threatening to surface.

  She nodded and went to grab his canteen. Her eyes widened. “Filhos and filhas de santo? Am I translating this right? It’s not Avatarian.”

  Fighting his own nature, Alejandro almost missed what she’d said. He shook his head and came to his senses. “Are you sure you’re reading it right?”

  She glanced up and locked gazes with him. It was the first time since she’d gotten up that she’d made eye contact with him. Her cheeks reddened and he knew she was thinking about what happened between them, in her ‘dream.’ The urge to go to her, take her to the jungle floor and sink into her silken depths was great. It took everything he had not to do just that very thing.

  Deryn wiped her forehead and looked nervous. “Pretty sure. I’m damn sure it’s not Avatarian. Do you know what it means?”

  “Sons and daughters of the saints.”

  “Oh.” She grinned. “Maybe they have big hopes for the relatives of these Avatars?”

  Kane shifted forms, morphing quickly into a red dragon. In the blink of an eye, he was shifted back into his normal human form. He was also very naked. Being a shifter himself, Alejandro understood how it worked and he didn’t have a problem with it. Seeing how Deryn didn’t either set him on edge. He hated the fact she was Kane’s and not his. More than that, Alejandro hated the fact that he hated it.

  She’s making me crazy.

  Deryn’s brow
s drew together. “How do you figure?”

  Kane pulled his pants up and fastened them. “What?”

  “Not you.” She pointed at Alejandro. “Him.”

  “He didn’t say anything.”

  She wrinkled her nose. The action was so cute that Alejandro wanted to kiss her. He resisted. “I think something is messing with my head here. I could have sworn Alejandro said I was making him crazy.”

  I didn’t say it out loud.

  She drew in a sharp breath and shook her head. “I didn’t do it on purpose. I swear. It sometimes happens with Kane but only rarely. I didn’t mean to....”

  “Deryn?” Kane asked, putting his boots back on. “What are you going on about? What sometimes happens with me?”

  She cast an anxious look at Kane. “You know how every now and then I hear something you’re thinking?”

  “Yes. It’s a side effect of us growing up so close together. You used to hear some of what Ondrea was thinking too but once the two of you went through puberty that stopped and ours grew stronger.” He picked his tee shirt up and pulled it over his head. “Are you going to sit still long enough for me to explain mating among shifters or are you going to sound me out--again?”

  “Mating?” she asked, her eyes trained on Alejandro. “How does me hearing what you’re thinking at random times have anything to do with that? We aren’t mates.”

  Kane uncapped his canteen and took a drink before handing it to Deryn. “I’m painfully aware of that fact. Don’t remind me. My point was that it’s common for a mated pair to be able to communicate telepathically.”

  “Oh, never mind then.” She took a drink and winked. “Thanks.”

  “So, what brought up the questions about hearing what I’m thinking?” Kane asked, sliding up next to her while she mulled over more markings. He ran his hand over hers and laughed. “I can’t believe that left a scar.”

  “It’s tiny but I kind of like it. It reminds me of good times, Kane. I miss things being simple.” She gave his hand a quick squeeze before glancing up at Alejandro.

  Can you hear me? Alejandro pushed his thoughts out at her.

  “No, I can’t,” she said, a little too fast and then sighed. Way to go, Deryn. The very fact you answered proves you can. Pay attention. If his lips aren’t moving, don’t acknowledge he said anything.

  Alejandro stood there, stunned by the fact he’d just picked up on her thoughts, too. She ran her hand through her hair and looked as if she were doing her very best to maintain her composure. When she glanced at him again, he wagged his brows.


  She jerked. He let out a soft laugh.

  “I vote for a nap.” Kane yawned. “I didn’t sleep worth a shit last night.”

  Deryn tipped her head and gave him an ‘oh really’ look. “Funny, you were snoring loud enough to wake the dead. Considering what we’re currently reading about on these markings I’d suggest you tone that down from here on out.”

  Thoughts of following her after she mixed his blood with hers, plagued Alejandro. He’d known the second that Deryn’s eyes had opened that she was awake but he laid perfectly still, allowing her to think he was asleep. When she’d first taken his knife he’d wondered if she’d attack him but when he heard her arguing with herself about not being able to hurt him, he knew better. He also gave in and cut himself to save her the agony of it.

  Following her had been way harder than it should have been. Though, at the time he’d assumed she was just human. Knowing what he knew now, he understood why it was she was faster than a human. The only thing he didn’t understand was how she was that way when she clearly hadn’t even been tapping into her slayer powers while she was leading the evil that had hunted them on a wild goose chase.

  “I do not snore.” Kane grinned mischievously. “Not that loud anyway.”

  “Right, that’s why I went to the opposite side of the room and tried to smother myself with pillows. Drowning you out had nothing to do with it. It was just another manifestation of my suicidal tendencies.”

  Laughing, Kane reached out and hugged Deryn. Every muscle in Alejandro’s body tightened. He wanted to shout out, to tear them apart but he knew better. He’d heard Deryn and Issac talking while she was under the influence of Vonni’s spell. He knew that she’d dreamt of his death repeatedly before coming onboard with the project and he knew she was pregnant in those dreams.

  They’ll make cute babies. He snorted. See, I knew she’d make a good mother.

  Disgusted with his own sick sense of humor, Alejandro cleared his throat. “I’m going to go check the outer perimeter. Keep your guard up.”

  Kane released Deryn and nodded. “Will do, Alex. Thanks.”

  He headed towards the outer edges of their site as quickly as he could. No part of him wanted to think about Deryn and the life she would have with Kane. He knew he should be happy for them. After all, he thought of Kane as a younger brother.

  “Colonel?” Issac emerged from the dense jungle, looking around cautiously. “Are we alone?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “It’s about last night, sir.” Issac glanced over his shoulder. “About what I saw when I was sharing Dr. Murray’s vision.”

  Alejandro wondered how long it would take Issac to approach him. He smiled. “I’m fine. I’m not planning on dying anytime soon so can we move on with this operation and get back to camp?”

  “No, there’s something else. Something you should know about Dr. Murray.”

  Sighing, Alejandro put his hand out. He already knew more than she wanted him to. “I think she’d prefer you call her Deryn.”

  Issac snorted. “Yeah, Mrs. Vargas might be more appropriate.”

  Mrs. Vargas?

  “What in the hell are you talking about?”

  Issac took a step towards Alejandro and lowered his voice. “I know you caught the fact that she is pregnant in those dreams and I triple checked her last night when we moved her back to her cot--she’s not pregnant now. She’s right. It’s just in the dreams.”

  “Yes. How is this news earth shattering? If the dreams are prophetic she and Kane will probably conceive soon. If not, then maybe it was her mind’s way of reasoning out what she was witnessing. With every death comes new life? I don’t know and I don’t want to discuss this any further.”

  “Do you like her?” Issac asked, locking gazes with him.

  “Sure, she’s swell. Do you have a point?”

  “Colonel, umm, Alejandro,” Issac paused as he drew in a long breath, “permission to speak frankly.”


  He nodded. “Great, stop being a dickhead and answer my question. Do you like her?”

  Dickhead? Alejandro arched a brow, daring Issac to say it again. He didn’t. Smart man. Giving in for the sake of curiosity, Alejandro shrugged. “Yes, I more than like her but that doesn’t really matter. Does it?”

  “What if I told you that it did matter?”

  Never one for beating around the bush, Alejandro rubbed his chin. “If you have a point, make it.”

  “The baby was yours, sir.”

  Suddenly, it felt as though someone had hit him in the chest with a two by four. He fought for air and to make sense of what he’d just heard. “What?”

  “When I touched Deryn’s abdomen last night, during it all, I not only sensed her being pregnant but I sensed that it was your baby she was carrying.” He swallowed hard. “I also sensed your mark on her, Colonel. In her dreams she’s your wife and the mother of your child. She isn’t aware of that. I know because I shared her thoughts. She has no clue that baby is yours or that she’s your wife. I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I wouldn’t have sensed it with my magik.”

  A sharp gasp caught Alejandro’s attention. He spun around to find Ondrea standing there, her eyes wide and her mouth open. “What in the hell do you mean the baby is his?”

  Issac motioned with his hand for Ondrea to lower her voice. She just glared at him. “I hope the two
of you don’t think that Deryn invented this all--pulled it out of thin air. She’s not a liar. She’s an amazing woman.”

  “No,” Issac said. “I’m positive that she didn’t make it up. I saw and felt what she did. It was real to her. Not imagined and like I said, she has no clue she’s been claimed or that it’s the colonel’s child. She firmly believes it’s her mind’s way of telling her that she might be able to save him, give him life by being here. Trust me when I say that the baby was his and she was his wife.”

  Ondrea shook her head as a sob tore free from her. “Oh gods, if what you’re saying is true then every time Deryn has dreamed of Alejandro dying she’s...” She stopped and blinked back tears.

  Issac nodded. “I couldn’t understand her connection to him in the dream. She is smart enough to know she’s dreaming when it’s going on but she still mourns for the colonel like a wife would mourn her husband.”

  “This doesn’t make any sense. She thought his name was Marido until she got here.” Ondrea gave him a curious look. “How could she make that big of a mistake? Since she was wrong about his name then she might be wrong about him dying, the baby, the being mated to him. All of it.”

  Alejandro exhaled deeply. “Marido is Portuguese for husband.”

  Ondrea’s eyes widened as she wrung her hands. “Shit, this is big. You,” she pointed at Alejandro, “do not even think of dying right now. I want to be an aunt.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh. “It wasn’t on my ‘to do’ list. But getting married and having a family isn’t either so we can disregard the entire thing. Okay?”

  “But, sir,” Issac said, reaching out for him.

  Taking a step back, Alejandro shook his head. “No. You heard me. Disregard it all. It isn’t happening. It was just a dream. Nothing more. She’s just a doctor here to do a job. She means nothing to me.”


  Ondrea snorted. “Right, so you growl and lay claim to all the ladies who show up here? Then you spend a night forsaking sleep to sit and stare at them all too, huh? Yeah, I saw that. I just chose to give you your privacy.”


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